Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars of Russia Book Recording Series
I discovered the Anastasia books written by Vladimir Megre, in early January of 2008, and their impact on my life has been profound. After reading the books, many people feel compelled to write lovely poetry and get lost in drawing. Well, about 2 years ago, I started writing very insightful poetry. Trees would talk to me, and then I would turn the messages into poems. I had no clue where or why these poems were coming to me.
I usually do not write because I am dyslexic. Every time I would sit down to write, my hands would rebel unless I wrote out this poetry. My soul was demanding that I be honest and so it was. Well anyway, when I started to read the books, I noticed that many of the details that I had written about in my poems had also occurred in the books. One poem that particularly comes to mind is called "The Space of Love." Even my mom noticed it and was blown away. I would have others read the books, and they all said, "She reminds me so much of you, Jess. She even feels and looks like you."
So I guess I have some kind of psychic connection with Anastasia. I very much understand her. Her dream has been my dream for as long as I can remember. Reading her books was more confirmation to me that I was on the right path with my heart math, that I was not alone with my radical thinking or feelings or views on the world and who we are. I now knew where my dreams were coming from, and I felt that Anastasia would help me to find others to unite the dream.
Anastasia's books also brought my family together and helped us better understand where each other was coming from. After reading these books, I noticed that plants would talk to me even more so, and the animals, even wild ones, were drawn to me. A squirrel came up to me very closely with this love light in its eyes, as if he were welcoming me back home, and then birds started landing on me. I felt like a fairy tale princess. This is our birthright.
I know of no other book, not even the Bible, that has ever caused nature to respond to mankind like this. This is pure, pure stuff and very refreshing. Now I want to work with these books as a foundation blueprint, laid out to transform the world. I am eager to try out all the suggestions about the orphans, homeless, and criminals in jail, as well as helping people take their land back in a peaceful way.
I feel that free land is key, and if we all work together in large numbers, we can make this so and wipe out all major world problems. I know we are the answer to our prayers. Now I wish to show others. I want to bring people together to make eco-villages and spaces of love all over the world based on the principles and approaches of these books. I am dedicated in every way imaginable to turn this planet back into a lovely, pristine garden that it is meant to be, so we can move forward, not backward, into our true selves and true being.
I usually do not write because I am dyslexic. Every time I would sit down to write, my hands would rebel unless I wrote out this poetry. My soul was demanding that I be honest and so it was. Well anyway, when I started to read the books, I noticed that many of the details that I had written about in my poems had also occurred in the books. One poem that particularly comes to mind is called "The Space of Love." Even my mom noticed it and was blown away. I would have others read the books, and they all said, "She reminds me so much of you, Jess. She even feels and looks like you."
So I guess I have some kind of psychic connection with Anastasia. I very much understand her. Her dream has been my dream for as long as I can remember. Reading her books was more confirmation to me that I was on the right path with my heart math, that I was not alone with my radical thinking or feelings or views on the world and who we are. I now knew where my dreams were coming from, and I felt that Anastasia would help me to find others to unite the dream.
Anastasia's books also brought my family together and helped us better understand where each other was coming from. After reading these books, I noticed that plants would talk to me even more so, and the animals, even wild ones, were drawn to me. A squirrel came up to me very closely with this love light in its eyes, as if he were welcoming me back home, and then birds started landing on me. I felt like a fairy tale princess. This is our birthright.
I know of no other book, not even the Bible, that has ever caused nature to respond to mankind like this. This is pure, pure stuff and very refreshing. Now I want to work with these books as a foundation blueprint, laid out to transform the world. I am eager to try out all the suggestions about the orphans, homeless, and criminals in jail, as well as helping people take their land back in a peaceful way.
I feel that free land is key, and if we all work together in large numbers, we can make this so and wipe out all major world problems. I know we are the answer to our prayers. Now I wish to show others. I want to bring people together to make eco-villages and spaces of love all over the world based on the principles and approaches of these books. I am dedicated in every way imaginable to turn this planet back into a lovely, pristine garden that it is meant to be, so we can move forward, not backward, into our true selves and true being.
Anastasia Book 1/10
I decided to read this series of books out-load to everyone as a gift to my audience. On my journey to re-connect to my spiritual roots this book has always been a big part of it. In reading these books again, I thought it would be nice to an audio version and I found one but the person who is reading it has a very impersonal and robotic voice. Plus I was pretty sure he was reading the black books and - the watered down versions, and many parts were skipped. I enjoy reading books like this out loud. I read this whole book in just 2 days. Please bare with me that I mis-read a lot of words as I am very dyslexic when I read out loud and often I would lose my voice reading so long without a break. I hope you enjoy this labour of love and some of my side thoughts here and here.
Warm embrace laced in grace,
Read the book here
Warm embrace laced in grace,
Read the book here
The Ringing Cedars of Russia | Book 2/10
Read the book here
The Space of Love (Book 3/10)
Co-Creation (Book 4/10)
Read the book here
Who Are We? (Book 5/10)
Read the book here
The Book of Kin (Book 6/10)
Read the book here
The Energy of Life ( Book 7/10)
Read the book here
The New Civilisation (Book 8/10)
Read the book here
The Rites of Love (Book 9/10)
Read the book here
Anasta & Volodya (Book 10/10)
Read the book here