2012 and Beyond Part 1: Angels, Aliens, and Nature Spirits, Oh My!
I started writing this thinking I could lay it all out in a neat little letter, but as I started to write I went into waterfall mode. This is a very overwhelming state to be in, as it is so hard to keep up on without being swept away. In asking my friends for help with this, they suggested I pace it and break the letter up into sections. This subject is so vast, and I cannot just give point form sentences. Some people will need to have some evidence to back up all that I speak about and how I came to grasp what this is about and how it all works. I hope this all makes sense and is not too complex.
What I understand is that all lives we have ever lived, all dimensions, worlds and times will go from a big bang explosion--a separation, hide-and-seek, peek-a-boo with the divine--to an implosion, meaning that we will merge into one. I write about this in the poem “To Be Infinity.”
With all realities being so and with our having this blind veil, that means everything we have thought to be unreal is actually real, and with the removal of the veil we will see it first hand. People will see nature spirits, angels, extraterrestrials, and then some. I am already meeting with people who can see them: young kids about 5 and under, mystics, monks, people who have had an NDE or OBE, and people who have done things with hallucinogenic properties. Now if people tell you that stuff is not real, just tell them that we only use 30 percent of our eyes, and there is a heck of a lot that we are not seeing.
Not just that, we cannot see what is there if all our lives we have been dishonest with ourselves. The biblical saying "Thou shalt not lie" means do not lie to yourself because lies will be all you see. So you will ask yourself, are you lying to your eyes or are your eyes lying to you? Perhaps they are only showing you what you want to see. In just the same way, so many tell others what they want to hear. Then how can we be surprised when people turn out to be not what we thought? So honesty with self is key to understanding all this, meaning that people will eventually have to empty their cup of being to find out who they are. It is a form of surrender and humility, both necessary for the process.
More people are seeing more than ever before; however, we could also see nature spirits in the early 1800s. There are many people who can see them in other countries, as in Iceland for example. What is going on with these people? My guides said that everyone has had experiences and memories of interactions with the paranormal, but they do not remember because their conscious mind filters out what is and is not reality. To me, the conscious mind seems like the Illuminati in that it decides what I can and cannot know, like our education system and the media. What happens is that every paranormal experience we have gets filed to the bottom of the pile, like the mind saying, “No, we cannot deal with that yet, so we will do it later. We’re not ready, so perhaps we will deal with it in dream time.” The mind will do this for countless lifetimes until what was on the bottom of the pile has risen to the top and now bleeds into our reality.
Each person sees entities that are from their comfort, belief, or reference zones. So many are talking about the star people showing themselves. Will we finally allow ourselves to see them as a cooperative collective? Then there are the nature spirits and angels. They have also spoken to me about being more present in our lives. So what does this mean? Are they all coming together for one big tea party? What is the nature of the relationship between E.T.s and fairies?
What are the parallels between angels, nature spirits, and star people? To interact with all of them brings about missing time. (Better hire a detective because here we go.) Each of them expresses a particular age or worldview, but together they show an extraordinary kinship of mind and spirit. They came from a strange dimension that is both part of and outside the world, and the people they took vanished into this dimension too. They all seemed to have superpowers, and David Wilcock and many others speak about us all having these kinds of powers. Like angels, ghosts, or aliens, fairies were shape-shifters. They could look like tall, beautiful human beings (Pleiadians) or like insubstantial creatures of mist and fire. They exhibited strangely inhuman behavior and came from an undefined dimension. They were “in this world but not of it.” Many mistake fairies for ghosts. What about the gods? Is this also just another word for these beings? Gods are from the stars, etc.
Both aliens and fairies often took up people with them. Reputedly, they needed to mate with women as they could not reproduce themselves. Occasionally, a man could also be taken, and certainly children. I have come across many people who were swapped in the crib. They are known as changelings. Old documents even exist that recount, factually, stories of the abductions of humans by fairies (aliens), stories that were certainly believed by many.
Fairies and aliens were outside normal human concepts of good and bad. Sometimes they rewarded goodness, and sometimes they exhibited extreme maliciousness. They were seen as very much of this world, human beings who “sold their souls,” but they were “mischievous” in the true, strong meaning of the word, which usually means destructive. They were said to have no souls (Greys or Reptilians). Always they followed their own agenda, their own destiny.
The ancestry of fairies is also very old. Like angels, they come from a mixture of ideas and myth. On one side, they could trace their ancestry back to the Fates, the three Greek sisters who wove and controlled life of the past, present, and future. But on another side, they came from the dimension that was the past, but the mythological, imaginable past. Fairies, aliens, ascended masters, and/or angels took people away, and if they ever let them go again, they were often never the same, the glamour still on them, the spell never quite broken, so that they seemed “touched in the head.” It is interesting how each entity has been tailored to the three beliefs that I work to merge. From mysticism they would be the nature spirits; from religion they would be the angels; and from science they would be aliens.
Aliens are certainly being taken seriously, even by the scientific community in its cautious way. Millions of dollars are devoted to finding out if there is anyone “out there.” The extra dimension of the angels and the fairies has become that of unimaginable distances in space/time. Since the Second World War, there have been constant, persistent--even if often pooh-poohed, in an anxious sort of way--reports of UFOs and lately, alien abductions. All sorts of studies, not all of them respectable, but gaining more and more in this narrow virtue, are being written. Everyone seems to agree there is something in it, whatever that “something” may be--actual extraterrestrials, or hallucination, strange effects of the mind, or traumatizing eruptions into dimensions beyond what we stubbornly try to categorize as reality.
There are now interviews with people who speak of being abducted. Their stories seem real, distressing, and terrifying, as real as those people who in the seventeenth century were abducted by fairies, who thousands of years ago were taken up by angels. They cannot be discounted. They are an expression of some metaphysical reality that we cannot fully grasp, something for which myth is the spoken form.
And once again we see the similarities. What is the pre-eminent symbol of aliens and their presence? Why, UFOS, of course--glowing round things that inevitably bring us back to the fiery wheel and the fairy ring, which was often said to glow with a strange phosphorous. Aliens are commonly portrayed by abductees as inhuman, yet close to humans, with humanlike features. But they are shape-shifters (reptilians, shamans, wizards, ascended masters, nature spirits) appearing in all kinds of guises--including, in one story, as a strange spiky ball. Like fairies, they appear to be curious of people, but at the same time without sympathy or real contact. In some stories, they withdraw the eggs from women's bodies to use in their own reproduction, as often they appear unable to reproduce without the help of human beings (the story of Jesus). They are beyond human notions of good and evil. They simply ARE, with no apparent rhyme or reason, no apparent ethical base. They mirror back human characteristics and emotions. They are not any side. They are here to heal our relationship with what was once friendly and now is labelled as the unknown or evil, and thus they become what we say they are. Remember, humanity is its own self-fulfilling prophesy.
To label a race or being “bad” on the basis of what a few rogue beings have done has always seemed rather primitive to me. It’s racist and not fair. I often fought with my dad about reptilians, telling him that they are not all bad. Perhaps only 30 percent are bad, and the rest are lightworkers trying to help.
These beings come from another dimension of space/time, which seems more scientific, more suited to the spirit of the age than heaven or the past is. Like fairies and angels, they affect our notions of time. People talk of losing entire hours on board a spaceship, just as the fairies stole time from those they took, and the angels took humans out of the reach of time. They carry within them the same arbitrary power as do angels and fairies. Sometimes, they also carry messages of judgment for us and what we are doing on this planet. Because all of us are children of our age, we become more anxious about aliens than we do about fairies or angels. (Aliens are the expression of a scientific age, an age that is post-industrial, an age that no longer believes wholeheartedly in progress and is in fact afraid of its relentless, spiralling confusion.) We are not sure any more if we truly believe in the world of rationalism. In short, even the most hardened sceptic has moments of doubt as to that all-embracing theory.
Of course, the field is open to all kinds of charlatans and hoaxers, but some abduction stories are, indeed, troubling. The abductees seem like such common people to whom something inexplicable has happened, and who stick to their stories through thick and thin. They often sound like they wish the whole thing had never happened to them. They speak of it ruining their lives. And there are always the sceptics, as in any age. Imagine the horse-laugh of those who didn't believe Ezekiel, or the sneer behind “away with the fairies.” And in this age, more than any other, we are aware of the tyranny of the sceptic or ungodly.
So what? Are we supposed to believe not only in the existence of aliens, but also fairies and angels? Are we to be eternally credulous, believing everything that comes along? Is this what the New Age is or is it the old age? A world both without religion and science, an abyss haunted with every ancient and modern monster, where the mind knows no barrier and the spirit no guidance? It is, I suppose, Shakespeare’s response: the knowledge that there are, indeed, more things in heaven and earth that are dreamt of in any philosophy, in any single system.
My guides told me that fairytales and myths are the most accurate history we have to date because they have not been tampered with, as the majority no longer believes they are real. My dad also told me that Star Wars is a true story, but it is our past. The knowledge in myths expresses more truly the deepest spiritual truths than any careful exposés, any rationally-argued proofs. The gates between our deepest and highest levels are not always shut. In myth, in religion, in art, they are open, and through them mingle all kinds of things that can seem surprising and even terrifying. And for those who are not used to unlocking those gates, they can sometimes open by themselves, scaring the wits out of the person experiencing it. For if the mind is not invited to feast on things unseen, if it is not allowed to find truth in myth, at all kinds of levels, it will rebel and throw up those images anyway.
Oh, you can run, but you cannot hide. In how many lives have we run from ourselves? (See my poem “Cleaning Out the Closets.”) It’s like characters in the Bugs Bunny cartoons being chased by their foe, and so they disguise themselves with arbitrary things fake mustaches, wigs, and makeup and say, “Huh? He went that a way.” So the game continues as we find ourselves in this life where we have nowhere to go, where we can no longer put off cleaning out our closets. And what is our closet but our psyche?
Faith is a truth of the psyche, of the spirit. It is a thing which we ignore at our peril. Some of us are lucky enough to be legitimately in pursuit of this, whether theologically, or artistically. But for those who can't or won't, where does that leave them? In the days when angels and angels were considered real, that was not such a psychological impasse. But in a time when to translate such realities is seen as “magical realism,” the mind must still, nevertheless, fasten onto something. There is, to my mind, something curiously impoverished about the stories of aliens and alien abductions. There is always surgery, something that appears rational, and always batteries of scientific instruments. That is surely because we are no longer “allowed” to believe in the more ancient manifestations, so that we must tie our myths desperately to a semblance of rationality.
It's “possible” for us to really determine if there are extraterrestrials. Aliens are useful because although their existence appears possible, in reality, it is simply impossible to have total proof they exist. Because we cannot travel at beyond the speed of light, or can we? In the end, you need as much faith to believe in aliens as in angels or fairies or to be fully in touch with what you knew to be true when you were child before all the conditioned programming.
But what do these strange kin have in common? What do they represent? What core do they touch in us? They are all alien, neither good nor evil, removed somehow from us, yet strangely kin to us as well. They are symbolised by circles. They practice abductions. They are not of this world, but neither are they decisively out of it. They appear to be a minor, but powerful symbol of immanence, of the strange-speaking silence of the universe, of the otherworld we feel all around us but only dimly glimpse, only fleetingly grasp. Yet they hold terrors for us. What lies beyond the borders of our human lives, beyond our human, everyday thoughts and feelings (as in the case of David Icke and Arizona Wilder) may also be scary.
If we will be able to see spaceships, aliens, and fairies, will we also be able to see dragons? Will the people see their leaders for what they really are? Will it be like that Homer Simpson Halloween episode with Kang and Kodos running as Dole and Clinton, where it does not matter which one we vote for because we still will be slaves? This is definitely an old paradigm where people are so drugged up and afraid that they will just comply with the reptiles. With the new paradigm, what will people do when they see the reptiles?
No wonder, within peoples’ psyches, when it comes to the other realms, we are not sure whether we truly want to enter with them, to understand, for then we would lose that very quality of humanity, our life of comforting labels. They are shape-shifters. Constantly, they twist and turn and show themselves in all kinds of different lights, so that even as I write, I see them change again, transmuting, never still, like a cloud, like water, like us.
I bet you are wondering how this all works exactly. I was told that crop circles are made by star beings sending a telepathic message to the nature spirits, who would then actually make the pattern and sacred geometry of it, hoping to trigger our memory of who we are and what kind of reality we live in. Nature spirits live in harmony with the planet, so much so that they can bend wheat without breaking it. Is this true, or is it just another stepping stone to grasp a greater truth?
My dad told me one time how a blue fairy from the moon came to visit him and did some healing on him. I wondered, are nature spirits from other planets? Are they alien too? Well, in a sense they are. I then was blasted to the time I retorted to the kids in school that aliens are angels and angels are aliens. Where did that come from? What did I know at that time? Again, only a child really understands this. I highly recommend that you look at pictures of yourself when you were five and under. Look deep into your eyes, and you will tap into your mind at that time. You will bring what you knew then to yourself in this present moment. It will be like a download. You will see firsthand in 2012 why it is says in the Bible that only one who possesses the heart of a child may enter the kingdom of God, or why it says a child will lead the way. Your inner child and your children will indeed lead the way.
When I was 17, I got inspired to write this cartoon script called “The Star Seed Chronicles” or "Memoirs of a Star Seed.” It was all about the story of humanity, and it had aliens and fairies and angels. I do not know of one book that has combined these three entities in one story. It seemed that there is no story that had all of them in one. It was fairies for fantasy stories and aliens for science fiction. I have not further written this story in awhile because everything I wrote would right away happen. It kind of freaked me out. But when I went to Australia and met the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull. It asked me about this story and said I should start writing it again.
OK, so where was I? Ah, there is a reason I refrain from talking about this in depth, because so much comes out of me and now I cannot stop.
It says when in the presence of star beings, fairies, or angels, one is in an altered state like a spell. The interesting thing about that is that all paranormal activity takes place when people are in the theta brain wave state (I wrote a poem about this to called “Theta.”)
Beta brain waves are what most linear, left-brain logical ones exist in a majority of the time. Delta is the brain wave state we experience when we are sleeping, and alpha is where we go when we day dream or meditate. It helps you get into a no-thought state. The monks knew about this in order for them to go into nirvana. It is a scientific fact that we learn more when we are not thinking, which is why as a blond I do not think. I exist in alpha (smiles). Now between alpha and delta is theta. This state is a lot like the twilight zone where no time and space exists or the laws are dispelled. This happens to us in the astral 4th dimension realm as well, which I will get to later. It is in this altered state of mind where hypnosis is so effective and interactions with other worldly beings take place, not to mention the missing time. This concludes Part 1.
In unconditional love to you all.
Thank-you for you being you,
I started writing this thinking I could lay it all out in a neat little letter, but as I started to write I went into waterfall mode. This is a very overwhelming state to be in, as it is so hard to keep up on without being swept away. In asking my friends for help with this, they suggested I pace it and break the letter up into sections. This subject is so vast, and I cannot just give point form sentences. Some people will need to have some evidence to back up all that I speak about and how I came to grasp what this is about and how it all works. I hope this all makes sense and is not too complex.
What I understand is that all lives we have ever lived, all dimensions, worlds and times will go from a big bang explosion--a separation, hide-and-seek, peek-a-boo with the divine--to an implosion, meaning that we will merge into one. I write about this in the poem “To Be Infinity.”
With all realities being so and with our having this blind veil, that means everything we have thought to be unreal is actually real, and with the removal of the veil we will see it first hand. People will see nature spirits, angels, extraterrestrials, and then some. I am already meeting with people who can see them: young kids about 5 and under, mystics, monks, people who have had an NDE or OBE, and people who have done things with hallucinogenic properties. Now if people tell you that stuff is not real, just tell them that we only use 30 percent of our eyes, and there is a heck of a lot that we are not seeing.
Not just that, we cannot see what is there if all our lives we have been dishonest with ourselves. The biblical saying "Thou shalt not lie" means do not lie to yourself because lies will be all you see. So you will ask yourself, are you lying to your eyes or are your eyes lying to you? Perhaps they are only showing you what you want to see. In just the same way, so many tell others what they want to hear. Then how can we be surprised when people turn out to be not what we thought? So honesty with self is key to understanding all this, meaning that people will eventually have to empty their cup of being to find out who they are. It is a form of surrender and humility, both necessary for the process.
More people are seeing more than ever before; however, we could also see nature spirits in the early 1800s. There are many people who can see them in other countries, as in Iceland for example. What is going on with these people? My guides said that everyone has had experiences and memories of interactions with the paranormal, but they do not remember because their conscious mind filters out what is and is not reality. To me, the conscious mind seems like the Illuminati in that it decides what I can and cannot know, like our education system and the media. What happens is that every paranormal experience we have gets filed to the bottom of the pile, like the mind saying, “No, we cannot deal with that yet, so we will do it later. We’re not ready, so perhaps we will deal with it in dream time.” The mind will do this for countless lifetimes until what was on the bottom of the pile has risen to the top and now bleeds into our reality.
Each person sees entities that are from their comfort, belief, or reference zones. So many are talking about the star people showing themselves. Will we finally allow ourselves to see them as a cooperative collective? Then there are the nature spirits and angels. They have also spoken to me about being more present in our lives. So what does this mean? Are they all coming together for one big tea party? What is the nature of the relationship between E.T.s and fairies?
What are the parallels between angels, nature spirits, and star people? To interact with all of them brings about missing time. (Better hire a detective because here we go.) Each of them expresses a particular age or worldview, but together they show an extraordinary kinship of mind and spirit. They came from a strange dimension that is both part of and outside the world, and the people they took vanished into this dimension too. They all seemed to have superpowers, and David Wilcock and many others speak about us all having these kinds of powers. Like angels, ghosts, or aliens, fairies were shape-shifters. They could look like tall, beautiful human beings (Pleiadians) or like insubstantial creatures of mist and fire. They exhibited strangely inhuman behavior and came from an undefined dimension. They were “in this world but not of it.” Many mistake fairies for ghosts. What about the gods? Is this also just another word for these beings? Gods are from the stars, etc.
Both aliens and fairies often took up people with them. Reputedly, they needed to mate with women as they could not reproduce themselves. Occasionally, a man could also be taken, and certainly children. I have come across many people who were swapped in the crib. They are known as changelings. Old documents even exist that recount, factually, stories of the abductions of humans by fairies (aliens), stories that were certainly believed by many.
Fairies and aliens were outside normal human concepts of good and bad. Sometimes they rewarded goodness, and sometimes they exhibited extreme maliciousness. They were seen as very much of this world, human beings who “sold their souls,” but they were “mischievous” in the true, strong meaning of the word, which usually means destructive. They were said to have no souls (Greys or Reptilians). Always they followed their own agenda, their own destiny.
The ancestry of fairies is also very old. Like angels, they come from a mixture of ideas and myth. On one side, they could trace their ancestry back to the Fates, the three Greek sisters who wove and controlled life of the past, present, and future. But on another side, they came from the dimension that was the past, but the mythological, imaginable past. Fairies, aliens, ascended masters, and/or angels took people away, and if they ever let them go again, they were often never the same, the glamour still on them, the spell never quite broken, so that they seemed “touched in the head.” It is interesting how each entity has been tailored to the three beliefs that I work to merge. From mysticism they would be the nature spirits; from religion they would be the angels; and from science they would be aliens.
Aliens are certainly being taken seriously, even by the scientific community in its cautious way. Millions of dollars are devoted to finding out if there is anyone “out there.” The extra dimension of the angels and the fairies has become that of unimaginable distances in space/time. Since the Second World War, there have been constant, persistent--even if often pooh-poohed, in an anxious sort of way--reports of UFOs and lately, alien abductions. All sorts of studies, not all of them respectable, but gaining more and more in this narrow virtue, are being written. Everyone seems to agree there is something in it, whatever that “something” may be--actual extraterrestrials, or hallucination, strange effects of the mind, or traumatizing eruptions into dimensions beyond what we stubbornly try to categorize as reality.
There are now interviews with people who speak of being abducted. Their stories seem real, distressing, and terrifying, as real as those people who in the seventeenth century were abducted by fairies, who thousands of years ago were taken up by angels. They cannot be discounted. They are an expression of some metaphysical reality that we cannot fully grasp, something for which myth is the spoken form.
And once again we see the similarities. What is the pre-eminent symbol of aliens and their presence? Why, UFOS, of course--glowing round things that inevitably bring us back to the fiery wheel and the fairy ring, which was often said to glow with a strange phosphorous. Aliens are commonly portrayed by abductees as inhuman, yet close to humans, with humanlike features. But they are shape-shifters (reptilians, shamans, wizards, ascended masters, nature spirits) appearing in all kinds of guises--including, in one story, as a strange spiky ball. Like fairies, they appear to be curious of people, but at the same time without sympathy or real contact. In some stories, they withdraw the eggs from women's bodies to use in their own reproduction, as often they appear unable to reproduce without the help of human beings (the story of Jesus). They are beyond human notions of good and evil. They simply ARE, with no apparent rhyme or reason, no apparent ethical base. They mirror back human characteristics and emotions. They are not any side. They are here to heal our relationship with what was once friendly and now is labelled as the unknown or evil, and thus they become what we say they are. Remember, humanity is its own self-fulfilling prophesy.
To label a race or being “bad” on the basis of what a few rogue beings have done has always seemed rather primitive to me. It’s racist and not fair. I often fought with my dad about reptilians, telling him that they are not all bad. Perhaps only 30 percent are bad, and the rest are lightworkers trying to help.
These beings come from another dimension of space/time, which seems more scientific, more suited to the spirit of the age than heaven or the past is. Like fairies and angels, they affect our notions of time. People talk of losing entire hours on board a spaceship, just as the fairies stole time from those they took, and the angels took humans out of the reach of time. They carry within them the same arbitrary power as do angels and fairies. Sometimes, they also carry messages of judgment for us and what we are doing on this planet. Because all of us are children of our age, we become more anxious about aliens than we do about fairies or angels. (Aliens are the expression of a scientific age, an age that is post-industrial, an age that no longer believes wholeheartedly in progress and is in fact afraid of its relentless, spiralling confusion.) We are not sure any more if we truly believe in the world of rationalism. In short, even the most hardened sceptic has moments of doubt as to that all-embracing theory.
Of course, the field is open to all kinds of charlatans and hoaxers, but some abduction stories are, indeed, troubling. The abductees seem like such common people to whom something inexplicable has happened, and who stick to their stories through thick and thin. They often sound like they wish the whole thing had never happened to them. They speak of it ruining their lives. And there are always the sceptics, as in any age. Imagine the horse-laugh of those who didn't believe Ezekiel, or the sneer behind “away with the fairies.” And in this age, more than any other, we are aware of the tyranny of the sceptic or ungodly.
So what? Are we supposed to believe not only in the existence of aliens, but also fairies and angels? Are we to be eternally credulous, believing everything that comes along? Is this what the New Age is or is it the old age? A world both without religion and science, an abyss haunted with every ancient and modern monster, where the mind knows no barrier and the spirit no guidance? It is, I suppose, Shakespeare’s response: the knowledge that there are, indeed, more things in heaven and earth that are dreamt of in any philosophy, in any single system.
My guides told me that fairytales and myths are the most accurate history we have to date because they have not been tampered with, as the majority no longer believes they are real. My dad also told me that Star Wars is a true story, but it is our past. The knowledge in myths expresses more truly the deepest spiritual truths than any careful exposés, any rationally-argued proofs. The gates between our deepest and highest levels are not always shut. In myth, in religion, in art, they are open, and through them mingle all kinds of things that can seem surprising and even terrifying. And for those who are not used to unlocking those gates, they can sometimes open by themselves, scaring the wits out of the person experiencing it. For if the mind is not invited to feast on things unseen, if it is not allowed to find truth in myth, at all kinds of levels, it will rebel and throw up those images anyway.
Oh, you can run, but you cannot hide. In how many lives have we run from ourselves? (See my poem “Cleaning Out the Closets.”) It’s like characters in the Bugs Bunny cartoons being chased by their foe, and so they disguise themselves with arbitrary things fake mustaches, wigs, and makeup and say, “Huh? He went that a way.” So the game continues as we find ourselves in this life where we have nowhere to go, where we can no longer put off cleaning out our closets. And what is our closet but our psyche?
Faith is a truth of the psyche, of the spirit. It is a thing which we ignore at our peril. Some of us are lucky enough to be legitimately in pursuit of this, whether theologically, or artistically. But for those who can't or won't, where does that leave them? In the days when angels and angels were considered real, that was not such a psychological impasse. But in a time when to translate such realities is seen as “magical realism,” the mind must still, nevertheless, fasten onto something. There is, to my mind, something curiously impoverished about the stories of aliens and alien abductions. There is always surgery, something that appears rational, and always batteries of scientific instruments. That is surely because we are no longer “allowed” to believe in the more ancient manifestations, so that we must tie our myths desperately to a semblance of rationality.
It's “possible” for us to really determine if there are extraterrestrials. Aliens are useful because although their existence appears possible, in reality, it is simply impossible to have total proof they exist. Because we cannot travel at beyond the speed of light, or can we? In the end, you need as much faith to believe in aliens as in angels or fairies or to be fully in touch with what you knew to be true when you were child before all the conditioned programming.
But what do these strange kin have in common? What do they represent? What core do they touch in us? They are all alien, neither good nor evil, removed somehow from us, yet strangely kin to us as well. They are symbolised by circles. They practice abductions. They are not of this world, but neither are they decisively out of it. They appear to be a minor, but powerful symbol of immanence, of the strange-speaking silence of the universe, of the otherworld we feel all around us but only dimly glimpse, only fleetingly grasp. Yet they hold terrors for us. What lies beyond the borders of our human lives, beyond our human, everyday thoughts and feelings (as in the case of David Icke and Arizona Wilder) may also be scary.
If we will be able to see spaceships, aliens, and fairies, will we also be able to see dragons? Will the people see their leaders for what they really are? Will it be like that Homer Simpson Halloween episode with Kang and Kodos running as Dole and Clinton, where it does not matter which one we vote for because we still will be slaves? This is definitely an old paradigm where people are so drugged up and afraid that they will just comply with the reptiles. With the new paradigm, what will people do when they see the reptiles?
No wonder, within peoples’ psyches, when it comes to the other realms, we are not sure whether we truly want to enter with them, to understand, for then we would lose that very quality of humanity, our life of comforting labels. They are shape-shifters. Constantly, they twist and turn and show themselves in all kinds of different lights, so that even as I write, I see them change again, transmuting, never still, like a cloud, like water, like us.
I bet you are wondering how this all works exactly. I was told that crop circles are made by star beings sending a telepathic message to the nature spirits, who would then actually make the pattern and sacred geometry of it, hoping to trigger our memory of who we are and what kind of reality we live in. Nature spirits live in harmony with the planet, so much so that they can bend wheat without breaking it. Is this true, or is it just another stepping stone to grasp a greater truth?
My dad told me one time how a blue fairy from the moon came to visit him and did some healing on him. I wondered, are nature spirits from other planets? Are they alien too? Well, in a sense they are. I then was blasted to the time I retorted to the kids in school that aliens are angels and angels are aliens. Where did that come from? What did I know at that time? Again, only a child really understands this. I highly recommend that you look at pictures of yourself when you were five and under. Look deep into your eyes, and you will tap into your mind at that time. You will bring what you knew then to yourself in this present moment. It will be like a download. You will see firsthand in 2012 why it is says in the Bible that only one who possesses the heart of a child may enter the kingdom of God, or why it says a child will lead the way. Your inner child and your children will indeed lead the way.
When I was 17, I got inspired to write this cartoon script called “The Star Seed Chronicles” or "Memoirs of a Star Seed.” It was all about the story of humanity, and it had aliens and fairies and angels. I do not know of one book that has combined these three entities in one story. It seemed that there is no story that had all of them in one. It was fairies for fantasy stories and aliens for science fiction. I have not further written this story in awhile because everything I wrote would right away happen. It kind of freaked me out. But when I went to Australia and met the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull. It asked me about this story and said I should start writing it again.
OK, so where was I? Ah, there is a reason I refrain from talking about this in depth, because so much comes out of me and now I cannot stop.
It says when in the presence of star beings, fairies, or angels, one is in an altered state like a spell. The interesting thing about that is that all paranormal activity takes place when people are in the theta brain wave state (I wrote a poem about this to called “Theta.”)
Beta brain waves are what most linear, left-brain logical ones exist in a majority of the time. Delta is the brain wave state we experience when we are sleeping, and alpha is where we go when we day dream or meditate. It helps you get into a no-thought state. The monks knew about this in order for them to go into nirvana. It is a scientific fact that we learn more when we are not thinking, which is why as a blond I do not think. I exist in alpha (smiles). Now between alpha and delta is theta. This state is a lot like the twilight zone where no time and space exists or the laws are dispelled. This happens to us in the astral 4th dimension realm as well, which I will get to later. It is in this altered state of mind where hypnosis is so effective and interactions with other worldly beings take place, not to mention the missing time. This concludes Part 1.
In unconditional love to you all.
Thank-you for you being you,
Without Further Adieu, I Give You 2012 and Beyond Part 2
How is it possible that we will be able to teleport and defy gravity? Well, my dear friends, when matter speeds up, the physical body being something of frozen light matter (crystal), time slows down. This is the theory of relativity by Mr. Einstein. Time can beat at different rates throughout the universe, depending on how fast you move or vibrate.
My guides tell me that the speed of light is not as fast as the speed of thought, and even faster than that is the speed of heart intent. OK, so let's try an easier way to understand this. In order to grasp this, I will have to share with you about dimensions.
How I learned about dimensions came to me one lazy day while I was staring at a fan. When the fan is turned off, you can clearly see the blades. This is like the 3rd dimension, what most of humanity and physical reality resides in. This also represents our chakras not in much activity. If you turn the fan on to the second level, you can still see the blades, but they seem rather transparent. That is like the 4th dimension, the realm of the astral and the aura and the dimension even reptilians work in. Finally, if you turn the fan onto the highest level, you cannot see the blades, but that does not mean they are not there. That is similar to the 5th dimension, and that is where we are heading.
In order to get there, though, we will be making a journey from the 3rd to 4th to 5th dimension. We will be able to see and experience things that have a much higher frequency, like we could before when were babies. This is kind of like the 4th state of matter. Beyond solids, liquids, and gases are plasmas. Plasma consists of freely moving, charged particles, i.e., electrons and ions. Formed at high temperatures when electrons are stripped from neutral atoms, plasmas are common in nature. (Electrons are negatively charged and the protons are positively charged.) For instance, stars are predominantly plasma. Plasma is considered to be a distinct state of matter because of its unique properties. Ionized refers to the presence of one or more free electrons, which are not bound to an atom or molecule. The free electric charge makes the plasma electrically conductive so that it responds strongly to the electromagnetic fields. This means that plasma does not play by our rules or ideas of logic, the norm, and we will be like plasma. Some of us are already like this. I know I am (smiles).
In order to understand better how this will work, we will need to see how light works. Have you ever paid attention to the word that refers to someone very intelligent--brilliant? It is inspired by the holy halo--the golden light--meaning that the person is in touch with their enlightened self. For example, if you look up the word brilliant in a thesaurus, you will see that most of the words have to do with light: brilliant, shining, sparkling, lively, vivid, intelligence, and radiance; also in reference to shining stones and diamonds, or to be merry. All of these are qualities of enlightenment.
My point here is that all brilliant people and ideas come from divine inspiration, so if you open your mind to see the bigger picture, then you actually will be open to see more of the picture. You will be able to observe the world and ourselves from a "different point of view," in a broader, unfettered context. Thus, it is apparent that only a small percentage of our total visual field is clearly focused. Attending only to this region results in what is commonly called tunnel vision, figuratively and literally, as we have come to believe.
People who are thought to be brilliant have a light around them or exude radiance. Light definitely has to do with intelligence, free from a narrow view of the world. They are conscious of the light within. Light makes vision possible for our eyes, but also inspires inner vision. So what are we seeing? What is inside enlightened or brilliant people? They have an enormous amount of light coming out of their eyes and surrounding them with this impressive glow. They have come to this way by dealing with their “shadow self."
Shadows, or fog in our brain or in the sky, makes it hard for us to see. That is how it is possible for us to see and yet not see. It also has to do with focus and an open mind. If we focus on one thing, then that is all we see, and we are blind or oblivious to everything else. A closed mind is someone who is "blind." "It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision” to quote Helen Keller.
Light carries information from the world to our eyes and brain. Or is it that the light carries information to our brain, which is reflected out through our eyes and makes how we see the world? Peripheral vision, or wide angle vision, not only improves our physical function, it also provides some compelling metaphors for successful living as highly visual creatures. The literal and the metaphorical are inextricably linked; when we talk about one, we invariably talk about the other. To a great extent, the way we see is the way we live.
Of all the sensory receptors in the body, 70 percent are in the eyes. A quarter million photoreceptors line the neural retina and from there, a broadband connection of sorts carries information directly to the brain. This optic tract contains over a million nerve fibers, so millions of nerve fibers working together as one make the one vision. Even our body is run by these universal rules. Even a TV with a bunch of tiny little dots makes the big picture.
The more we master taking light in, the lighter our heart becomes. Perhaps this is why the Mayans and Egyptians would weigh the heart to see if it was lighter than a feather. Then you would be an angel, taking yourself lightly and thus having an ability to walk on air. Even when you are in love, it says you are walking in air. Gravity holds us and is as heavy as the collective weight of misplaced energy that stays on the Earth and in us until it is dealt with. This also slows down the chakra activity and keeps us rather dense in energy and mind. The ascension we hear so much about will be that of consciousness.
I am not sure if you guys have seen my pre-Project Camelot videos on YouTube. They are extremely raw. They were the first videos I ever did, and I am sure I felt every emotion under the Sun, which is most evident in my face it seems. When I speak, every facial feature likes to participate. For me, this is most comical, and I can hardly handle watching them, although they seem to be very popular. Some friends say that they see me shapeshift a few times. Interesting!
OK, back to the point. Ah yes, My Message to Humanity YouTube videos. I have a demo in there from a friend I knew in person, Ian Lumgold, may he rest in peace. I helped inspire that part where he shows consciousness as a small circle frozen inside an ice cube, and the fire underneath being the Illuminati or anything that causes discord in our life. This discord turns the solid into a liquid, which allows consciousness to be more fluid and explore the other realms of say, the subconscious or unconscious parts of us that were not so easy to access before.
Just when we are starting to get familiar with these hidden aspects of the self, flames continue to do their thing. And from liquid we find our consciousness in a gas state and rising up to the higher realms. Now does that not sound and look like ascension to you? My guides always got concerned about many New Agers talking about ascension, that how we live in our physical form is like a ball and chain that shackles our spirit, as if being in flesh is hell. A part of our spirit believes this, and hence there is the war on flesh and the constant disembowelling of our poor body. I have spoken to people who have ascended before their time and were sent back and now were trying to get to a state of descension. What am I getting at here? One is not better than the other. The physical and spirit are a team! Spirit is also in love with the body and is working on a way to bring the body with it when it travels to other worlds and dimensions. I write about this in one of my favorite poems that I wrote called A Love Story.
Come 2012, we will have to be in balance with the body and the spirit. Both parts will understand each other as the spirit is here trying to learn about the physical and how to maintain it in a harmonious way. It will no longer be just the spiritual or astral bodies witnessing these other worlds. With body being brought along, that would mean that teleportation will be perfectly normal and natural.
Another thing that will be perfectly normal will be other paranormal abilities. I came across this really cool book from a guy of the National Geographic team. The book is called Supernature: The Unseen Powers of Animals by John Downer, and it talks about how all animals have paranormal abilities, but in the animal world these are perfectly normal. The cover of the book has a Jesus lizard walking or running across water. As I was going through this book, my guides chimed in and said that animals mirror what we can do, that they have not forgotten about their connection to the other realms of consciousness and who they are.
It is not just the animals that are mirroring our abilities but also technology. To me, technology is something like training wheels so that we can do all of it on our own. Everything that technology does so can we. We use cell phones now even though we are telepathic, but we do not believe nor trust in ourselves to do this. Now cell phones are becoming harmful as there is only so much time you will need training wheels for. I myself do not have a cell phone. I might be the only chick who does not have one. These cell phones are becoming so multi-purpose that I am waiting for them to be able to cut or grate cheese before I will even consider getting one.
There is the Internet, which is a very primitive version of the akashic record, internet or neuron netting, the linking up of the many minds. More people I am speaking to all seem to be getting the same thing. So this makes me wonder, do I really need to write a book? Soon everyone in the world will be speaking about these things, not to mention babies born with the insight of the collective intact, free from the amnesia veil. Then there is the C.T. scan machine that all hospitals use. Now there are lots of mystics and shamans, star children, etc., who can see inside the body and know what is going on and what needs to be done. So if this is the case, what about the H.A.A.R.P. Project? It was this machine that was able to create the earthquake that hit China not too long ago because they would not comply with the Illuminati's agenda. If this machine can do that, what does that tell you? (I am not saying that it was the Americans that did that to China, but a select global elite.)
We are very much under the flames to step into our power. If we are the ones creating these natural disasters, then we can also prevent them. My guides say the shift does not have to be as extreme as we think. We do have the ability to take an 8.7 quake to a 2.2. Can you imagine us doing that? In fact, when I was 19, my psychic friends and I were so in tune with the Earth that we picked up that Mt. Shasta was going to erupt. We pinpointed the exact time and date, and we all meditated on it as well as the time and date it was to happen. And when it came, there was this mass electrical storm, and we felt the eruption was averted. Over the last 30 years, nuclear missile sites have been the location for many continual historic UFO sightings, such as at the Malmstrom AFB in the USA and at Rendlesham Forest base in the UK. On each occasion, the nuclear missiles had been shutdown by strong magnetic pulses when UFOs were observed above the missile silos. I think David Wilcock has talked about this.
I am rather confident we will have similar powers with the coming events. You're all the star children. You're here to do just that--to make the shift a smooth one and avert and jump the dark timelines. You all have the power. You are the boss of this, and you decide how this story will go.
My guides told me that they were influencing natural disasters so that we could forget about our petty dramas, our everyday life, and our material things at a time when we are afraid of our neighbors. Suddenly, we are helping each other. It is a sad and incredible thing that it takes some disaster to bring about our superhero abilities and selflessness, where a man will run into a fire to save a complete stranger or a granny is able to pick up a car to save her grandson. But is it necessary to have these bad scenarios to bring these abilities about? Ask yourself, who are you, and what are you capable of? My favorite books of all time are the Anastasia Ringing Cedars series. To me, it feels like a crime not to read and share these books with your kids, which talk about prophesy and how dangerous it is, and how it keeps us imprisoned in a circle reality that we cannot get out of. What we visualize as our reality makes it so. Remember that humans are their own self-fulfilling prophesy.
My, how we have been conned to believe in the end of the world and Revelations! A revelation is the act of revealing or disclosing, a bringing to light of what is not yet known. We have been conned to believe in the destruction and suffering of so many, or conned to believe in a concept of the devil, Wormwood, and evil because we do not have the balls to take responsibility for our own mess. It makes me think of Homer Simpson when he caused a major mishap and said, "This is everyones' fault but mine."
I have found that when one lies to themselves for such a long time, one even starts to believe one's own lies and forget what one really knows. We are indeed in Judgment Day where we judge everybody and everything, even ourselves, as we are the creators after all. We are acting rather immature because we are so fragmented. What is interesting to me, though, is when these prophecies come to be, we say, "See, they are right. We'd better listen and find safe places."
Yeah, they happen because we make it so. This is how a doctor can misdiagnose someone and say they have cancer when they don't and cause the person to believe that the doctors know more about their own body than they do. They believe it and then the body develops cancer. This is also exactly how and why a psychic is always right. It is because we believe they have some power over us, and what they say makes it so. If the person does not believe but the psychics' beliefs are stronger, then it still follows through to "I told you. I am right. Trust me."
To avert these prophesies and visions, we have to create new and lovely ones of happy, healthy people, and a healthy, plush, lush and pristine garden all over Earth. But visualizing is only the first step. What this will do, though, is filter and broadcast out to others throughout the world, who will then start to see the same thing and think it is some synchronicity. The next step is to become the change, become the peace, the love, the inner garden and work on your own garden and your own family, who will be your fruit. The power and insight of certain famous religious figures who became enlightened occurred while they were out in nature. This is how animals connect, so how about us? How about if we establish a relationship with the plants we grow and see around us? What about the animals? How was it possible that so few animals died during the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami?
My friends, listen carefully to all that is around you when you are walking through this beautiful garden of a planet. If we connect back with nature and learn to listen to the folds of silence and humble our inner voices, if we listen to and speak with a ladybug, we would learn that they know when a natural disaster is to hit weeks before it does. Can you imagine that? We would have plenty of time to move all the people out of the city. Can you visualize this happening? Have you already seen it? I have. This is the reality I am steering towards, but first I need to help everyone remember what all of you are here to do. We are lightworkers and starseeds who know how to do this, and we will. When we get together, we will trigger one another into deeper levels of self.
To be continued….Tune in next time, same bat time, same bat channel. In 2012 part 3, I will speak about the hollow Earth and my dance with the dark. I will discuss how I came to understand them so well and the roles we play as well as the cosmic signs and connections.
Sending a cloak of comfort and unconditional love from my world to your world,
We are the answer to our prayers.
How is it possible that we will be able to teleport and defy gravity? Well, my dear friends, when matter speeds up, the physical body being something of frozen light matter (crystal), time slows down. This is the theory of relativity by Mr. Einstein. Time can beat at different rates throughout the universe, depending on how fast you move or vibrate.
My guides tell me that the speed of light is not as fast as the speed of thought, and even faster than that is the speed of heart intent. OK, so let's try an easier way to understand this. In order to grasp this, I will have to share with you about dimensions.
How I learned about dimensions came to me one lazy day while I was staring at a fan. When the fan is turned off, you can clearly see the blades. This is like the 3rd dimension, what most of humanity and physical reality resides in. This also represents our chakras not in much activity. If you turn the fan on to the second level, you can still see the blades, but they seem rather transparent. That is like the 4th dimension, the realm of the astral and the aura and the dimension even reptilians work in. Finally, if you turn the fan onto the highest level, you cannot see the blades, but that does not mean they are not there. That is similar to the 5th dimension, and that is where we are heading.
In order to get there, though, we will be making a journey from the 3rd to 4th to 5th dimension. We will be able to see and experience things that have a much higher frequency, like we could before when were babies. This is kind of like the 4th state of matter. Beyond solids, liquids, and gases are plasmas. Plasma consists of freely moving, charged particles, i.e., electrons and ions. Formed at high temperatures when electrons are stripped from neutral atoms, plasmas are common in nature. (Electrons are negatively charged and the protons are positively charged.) For instance, stars are predominantly plasma. Plasma is considered to be a distinct state of matter because of its unique properties. Ionized refers to the presence of one or more free electrons, which are not bound to an atom or molecule. The free electric charge makes the plasma electrically conductive so that it responds strongly to the electromagnetic fields. This means that plasma does not play by our rules or ideas of logic, the norm, and we will be like plasma. Some of us are already like this. I know I am (smiles).
In order to understand better how this will work, we will need to see how light works. Have you ever paid attention to the word that refers to someone very intelligent--brilliant? It is inspired by the holy halo--the golden light--meaning that the person is in touch with their enlightened self. For example, if you look up the word brilliant in a thesaurus, you will see that most of the words have to do with light: brilliant, shining, sparkling, lively, vivid, intelligence, and radiance; also in reference to shining stones and diamonds, or to be merry. All of these are qualities of enlightenment.
My point here is that all brilliant people and ideas come from divine inspiration, so if you open your mind to see the bigger picture, then you actually will be open to see more of the picture. You will be able to observe the world and ourselves from a "different point of view," in a broader, unfettered context. Thus, it is apparent that only a small percentage of our total visual field is clearly focused. Attending only to this region results in what is commonly called tunnel vision, figuratively and literally, as we have come to believe.
People who are thought to be brilliant have a light around them or exude radiance. Light definitely has to do with intelligence, free from a narrow view of the world. They are conscious of the light within. Light makes vision possible for our eyes, but also inspires inner vision. So what are we seeing? What is inside enlightened or brilliant people? They have an enormous amount of light coming out of their eyes and surrounding them with this impressive glow. They have come to this way by dealing with their “shadow self."
Shadows, or fog in our brain or in the sky, makes it hard for us to see. That is how it is possible for us to see and yet not see. It also has to do with focus and an open mind. If we focus on one thing, then that is all we see, and we are blind or oblivious to everything else. A closed mind is someone who is "blind." "It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision” to quote Helen Keller.
Light carries information from the world to our eyes and brain. Or is it that the light carries information to our brain, which is reflected out through our eyes and makes how we see the world? Peripheral vision, or wide angle vision, not only improves our physical function, it also provides some compelling metaphors for successful living as highly visual creatures. The literal and the metaphorical are inextricably linked; when we talk about one, we invariably talk about the other. To a great extent, the way we see is the way we live.
Of all the sensory receptors in the body, 70 percent are in the eyes. A quarter million photoreceptors line the neural retina and from there, a broadband connection of sorts carries information directly to the brain. This optic tract contains over a million nerve fibers, so millions of nerve fibers working together as one make the one vision. Even our body is run by these universal rules. Even a TV with a bunch of tiny little dots makes the big picture.
The more we master taking light in, the lighter our heart becomes. Perhaps this is why the Mayans and Egyptians would weigh the heart to see if it was lighter than a feather. Then you would be an angel, taking yourself lightly and thus having an ability to walk on air. Even when you are in love, it says you are walking in air. Gravity holds us and is as heavy as the collective weight of misplaced energy that stays on the Earth and in us until it is dealt with. This also slows down the chakra activity and keeps us rather dense in energy and mind. The ascension we hear so much about will be that of consciousness.
I am not sure if you guys have seen my pre-Project Camelot videos on YouTube. They are extremely raw. They were the first videos I ever did, and I am sure I felt every emotion under the Sun, which is most evident in my face it seems. When I speak, every facial feature likes to participate. For me, this is most comical, and I can hardly handle watching them, although they seem to be very popular. Some friends say that they see me shapeshift a few times. Interesting!
OK, back to the point. Ah yes, My Message to Humanity YouTube videos. I have a demo in there from a friend I knew in person, Ian Lumgold, may he rest in peace. I helped inspire that part where he shows consciousness as a small circle frozen inside an ice cube, and the fire underneath being the Illuminati or anything that causes discord in our life. This discord turns the solid into a liquid, which allows consciousness to be more fluid and explore the other realms of say, the subconscious or unconscious parts of us that were not so easy to access before.
Just when we are starting to get familiar with these hidden aspects of the self, flames continue to do their thing. And from liquid we find our consciousness in a gas state and rising up to the higher realms. Now does that not sound and look like ascension to you? My guides always got concerned about many New Agers talking about ascension, that how we live in our physical form is like a ball and chain that shackles our spirit, as if being in flesh is hell. A part of our spirit believes this, and hence there is the war on flesh and the constant disembowelling of our poor body. I have spoken to people who have ascended before their time and were sent back and now were trying to get to a state of descension. What am I getting at here? One is not better than the other. The physical and spirit are a team! Spirit is also in love with the body and is working on a way to bring the body with it when it travels to other worlds and dimensions. I write about this in one of my favorite poems that I wrote called A Love Story.
Come 2012, we will have to be in balance with the body and the spirit. Both parts will understand each other as the spirit is here trying to learn about the physical and how to maintain it in a harmonious way. It will no longer be just the spiritual or astral bodies witnessing these other worlds. With body being brought along, that would mean that teleportation will be perfectly normal and natural.
Another thing that will be perfectly normal will be other paranormal abilities. I came across this really cool book from a guy of the National Geographic team. The book is called Supernature: The Unseen Powers of Animals by John Downer, and it talks about how all animals have paranormal abilities, but in the animal world these are perfectly normal. The cover of the book has a Jesus lizard walking or running across water. As I was going through this book, my guides chimed in and said that animals mirror what we can do, that they have not forgotten about their connection to the other realms of consciousness and who they are.
It is not just the animals that are mirroring our abilities but also technology. To me, technology is something like training wheels so that we can do all of it on our own. Everything that technology does so can we. We use cell phones now even though we are telepathic, but we do not believe nor trust in ourselves to do this. Now cell phones are becoming harmful as there is only so much time you will need training wheels for. I myself do not have a cell phone. I might be the only chick who does not have one. These cell phones are becoming so multi-purpose that I am waiting for them to be able to cut or grate cheese before I will even consider getting one.
There is the Internet, which is a very primitive version of the akashic record, internet or neuron netting, the linking up of the many minds. More people I am speaking to all seem to be getting the same thing. So this makes me wonder, do I really need to write a book? Soon everyone in the world will be speaking about these things, not to mention babies born with the insight of the collective intact, free from the amnesia veil. Then there is the C.T. scan machine that all hospitals use. Now there are lots of mystics and shamans, star children, etc., who can see inside the body and know what is going on and what needs to be done. So if this is the case, what about the H.A.A.R.P. Project? It was this machine that was able to create the earthquake that hit China not too long ago because they would not comply with the Illuminati's agenda. If this machine can do that, what does that tell you? (I am not saying that it was the Americans that did that to China, but a select global elite.)
We are very much under the flames to step into our power. If we are the ones creating these natural disasters, then we can also prevent them. My guides say the shift does not have to be as extreme as we think. We do have the ability to take an 8.7 quake to a 2.2. Can you imagine us doing that? In fact, when I was 19, my psychic friends and I were so in tune with the Earth that we picked up that Mt. Shasta was going to erupt. We pinpointed the exact time and date, and we all meditated on it as well as the time and date it was to happen. And when it came, there was this mass electrical storm, and we felt the eruption was averted. Over the last 30 years, nuclear missile sites have been the location for many continual historic UFO sightings, such as at the Malmstrom AFB in the USA and at Rendlesham Forest base in the UK. On each occasion, the nuclear missiles had been shutdown by strong magnetic pulses when UFOs were observed above the missile silos. I think David Wilcock has talked about this.
I am rather confident we will have similar powers with the coming events. You're all the star children. You're here to do just that--to make the shift a smooth one and avert and jump the dark timelines. You all have the power. You are the boss of this, and you decide how this story will go.
My guides told me that they were influencing natural disasters so that we could forget about our petty dramas, our everyday life, and our material things at a time when we are afraid of our neighbors. Suddenly, we are helping each other. It is a sad and incredible thing that it takes some disaster to bring about our superhero abilities and selflessness, where a man will run into a fire to save a complete stranger or a granny is able to pick up a car to save her grandson. But is it necessary to have these bad scenarios to bring these abilities about? Ask yourself, who are you, and what are you capable of? My favorite books of all time are the Anastasia Ringing Cedars series. To me, it feels like a crime not to read and share these books with your kids, which talk about prophesy and how dangerous it is, and how it keeps us imprisoned in a circle reality that we cannot get out of. What we visualize as our reality makes it so. Remember that humans are their own self-fulfilling prophesy.
My, how we have been conned to believe in the end of the world and Revelations! A revelation is the act of revealing or disclosing, a bringing to light of what is not yet known. We have been conned to believe in the destruction and suffering of so many, or conned to believe in a concept of the devil, Wormwood, and evil because we do not have the balls to take responsibility for our own mess. It makes me think of Homer Simpson when he caused a major mishap and said, "This is everyones' fault but mine."
I have found that when one lies to themselves for such a long time, one even starts to believe one's own lies and forget what one really knows. We are indeed in Judgment Day where we judge everybody and everything, even ourselves, as we are the creators after all. We are acting rather immature because we are so fragmented. What is interesting to me, though, is when these prophecies come to be, we say, "See, they are right. We'd better listen and find safe places."
Yeah, they happen because we make it so. This is how a doctor can misdiagnose someone and say they have cancer when they don't and cause the person to believe that the doctors know more about their own body than they do. They believe it and then the body develops cancer. This is also exactly how and why a psychic is always right. It is because we believe they have some power over us, and what they say makes it so. If the person does not believe but the psychics' beliefs are stronger, then it still follows through to "I told you. I am right. Trust me."
To avert these prophesies and visions, we have to create new and lovely ones of happy, healthy people, and a healthy, plush, lush and pristine garden all over Earth. But visualizing is only the first step. What this will do, though, is filter and broadcast out to others throughout the world, who will then start to see the same thing and think it is some synchronicity. The next step is to become the change, become the peace, the love, the inner garden and work on your own garden and your own family, who will be your fruit. The power and insight of certain famous religious figures who became enlightened occurred while they were out in nature. This is how animals connect, so how about us? How about if we establish a relationship with the plants we grow and see around us? What about the animals? How was it possible that so few animals died during the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami?
My friends, listen carefully to all that is around you when you are walking through this beautiful garden of a planet. If we connect back with nature and learn to listen to the folds of silence and humble our inner voices, if we listen to and speak with a ladybug, we would learn that they know when a natural disaster is to hit weeks before it does. Can you imagine that? We would have plenty of time to move all the people out of the city. Can you visualize this happening? Have you already seen it? I have. This is the reality I am steering towards, but first I need to help everyone remember what all of you are here to do. We are lightworkers and starseeds who know how to do this, and we will. When we get together, we will trigger one another into deeper levels of self.
To be continued….Tune in next time, same bat time, same bat channel. In 2012 part 3, I will speak about the hollow Earth and my dance with the dark. I will discuss how I came to understand them so well and the roles we play as well as the cosmic signs and connections.
Sending a cloak of comfort and unconditional love from my world to your world,
We are the answer to our prayers.
2012 and Beyond Part 3: How to be Free from the Illuminati
Hello My Dear Ones,
Welcome to 2012 Part 3. I decided to read to you guys because it’s a little long and also because there is so much I want to say, and I have to say it in a certain way and a certain sequence. I thought this would be a fun different way, so here we go.
This I feel is the most important thing to understand about 2012, and the only way for me to help you understand is to share my own personal experience. At first, some of you may ask “Why is she sharing this? What does this have to do with 2012?” My response to this is: it has everything to do with 2012 in that the journey I underwent with the dark will be something that all you will have to take and understand in your own life, in which the dark stepped in and took you as its dance partner and there was no way to avoid it, as it always found its way into your own personal private life. To understand the dark is to be free from the dark.
I start this blog off as a series of clues. Our lives are mystery novels full of suspense and intrigue.
Clue 1: As a young girl, I remember thinking how strange this world is. It seems that it is fixed so everyone is going through so much pain whether it is mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, or astral. I wondered “why is this?” Later on, I learned about all the things that had happened to my family. They felt as if they were cursed. There were many close calls with my father growing up. It seemed like some hidden being was trying to kill him and through his whole life keep him down--keep the whole family down it seemed. My father was very frustrated by this, and it was like being in the games of snakes and ladders, getting ahead and then hitting the snake head and having to slide back down, only to have to start all over again. Sounds like reincarnation, eh? Play again and again until you get it right. Is it luck of the dice throw or is it an unseen hand that decides what number it shall be?
Clue 2: When I was about 10, I almost had a friend (because when I was younger, I did not have any friends, and it almost worked). But it all changed when one day I was speaking on the phone with her while she had some other friends over, and they decided to play Ouija board. When she mentioned this to me, I told her that game is evil. The board started to freak out when it heard my voice on the other line and started to talk about me. It said that I would be shot in the head in two days. The girl told me, “Jess, this is for real. When the board says something it happens. I heard how one time there was this girl, and the Ouija board said that she would be hit by a bus in three days and she was.” I hung up the phone and ran away crying to my dad. I told him all that had transpired, and he said, “Jess, it will be OK. Everything will be OK. All you have to do is don't believe it; don't give it any power; don’t feed it.” I listened to my dad’s advice and, well, here I am to this day. But from that day forward I was terrified of Ouija boards.
My father always was somewhat of a foreshadower, hinting at and planting seeds within that would flower later. At that time who knows about the mysterious seeds in the ground and what they will turn out to be? How successful will those little delicate seeds be? Will they get all they would need to withstand the storm? Is there an etheric energy that tends to and challenges the crops?
Later on in life when I was about 23, my girlfriend had me over because she had this Ouija board, and it was not working. She felt very strongly that I could get it to work. At first I was upset by this idea. My mind instantly reminded me of my past experience and how scared I was, but it was a belief, and I am more in my power today than before. I did not have to be the victim of a repetitious past experiences if I were in a new head space. This time it would be different. I would not be in fear and earnest judgment. Maybe this really was a tool to bridge the human and spirit world. When I put my hand on the pointer, it started to move. We asked it what it wanted, and it said, “I want to speak to Jessica.”
“What do you want Jessica to do?” we asked it.
“Help me go home!”
We learned she was an old woman who died in her early eighties and was trapped. She wanted to cross over but did not know how. She would have to wait until someone who had a certain kind of vibe that would signify to the spirit that they could help send them home. So I sent her home. I was so proud of myself. I was free from my childhood fear pocket, and my beliefs were strong enough to have my time with the Ouija board be a pleasant one.
Clue 3: My father told me how one day he was in town and there was this big hoopla. There were swarms of people everywhere. He could hardly move, the streets were so packed. “What was going on that so many people gathered?” he wondered. He made his way to the front of the crowd only to see the queen walking by. “Odd thing was,” said my dad, “Of all the people who were there, for some reason the queen’s eyes immediately went to my eyes, as if she sensed my presence.” Her eyes locked on his and would not leave them even as she walked past him. Her head would crank looking back. She had this look on her face, one of shock, recognition, dumbfoundedness, and concern. “How could it be?” wondered my father out loud. “How did she know me? Why did she look at me like that? Perhaps she knows of the seeds I am here to bring forth.”
Clue 4: The first dream came to see me that night. In the dream, my family and I were in this palace, and we were with the English royal family. I was to marry Prince William. I saw behind his back some white strings. I followed them and found a shadow character that had strings to its back as well, and their strings led to some reptilian being, and even that being had white strings on its back like this never ending marionette hierarchy, or so I thought. When I followed the strings connected to all the people who have ever lived in the world, I found that the strings led even to my own back. Even I was being pulled and played. What did this dream mean? I did not even have a crush on Prince William. I was instead into the boy band Hansen at that time. I know you guys will bug me for this, but we all have our embarrassing crushes. As I got older, my crushes matured in that I started to be interested in cartoon characters.
How old I was at the time I cannot recall, but I know it was close to the time of the passing of Princess Diana.
Clue 5: I had this bully who tormented me at school. I always ran or tried to fight them. I could never win, though in answer to my silent question came a dream. I was in a Wal-Mart, and there was this old red-haired woman standing next to me. She looked at me and started to say hurtful things at me. So I said hurtful things back, and she responded with a smile and spouted even uglier things at me. Then she started to physically attack me, hitting, punching, and kicking me, so I fought back, only she got stronger and I got smaller and weaker. Then the dream became rather loony tunes in that weapons were involved. We went from guns to giant boulders to swords to tanks to missiles. She used a weapon and I used a bigger weapon. Then she used an even bigger weapon and, well, you get the idea. By this time, this old lady was larger than life and super strong, and I was small, frail, and oh-so weak. I was going to give up. I was beaten. What could I do? She was always one step ahead of me and creative in making pain into an art.
Then came my dream guides and said, “Well, you tried fighting her, Jess. A lot of good that did you. Look at you now.”
“There is nothing I can do,” I said.
To which they replied, “Yes, we see that you have tried all pain tactics, and you’re all out of ideas. What kind of artist are you? I guess we had you mistaken. Your soul boasted how you are an artist of life and of love, but your actions say otherwise. You fell into the amnesia sea and now you forgot. You forgot your other options. To understand the dark is to be free from the dark.”
OK, OK, to understand this beast that is now trashing the town and terrorizing people, I need to talk to her? So I did. I talked to her, and when I talked to her, I learned her story. I learned about her strife, and I started to understand her. When I started to understand her, I started to like her. I could relate, and in a way I could see myself in her. I then started to love her. How could I not? How could I not love something that was so loved starved? How could I not love a piece of myself? “The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry,” to quote Alex Collier. I watched as she started to shrink, and I grew until we were back to our normal size, only she disappeared. I awoke only to find the bully at school no longer feeling compelled to single me out and harm the unseen in me.
The poem I wrote about this on my web site is called The Nightmare Gift. It poses a question: could it be that the dream, the astral realm, is given to us to deal with and learn about the unconscious things that bind us? If we run or fight, which we have been conditioned to do, would it follow us into the physical waking life so we now have to deal with it here? So then would not the nightmare be a gift that we flipped on its head and interpreted all backwards?
If I dealt with the scary beings in my dreams in a responsible aware way, would it not go away in the waking world as well? If we are co-collective co-creators, and if we all ran and fought in our dreams, then we would manifest a living nightmare for the whole world. Is that all we have to do is face our fears or living nightmares? I had another chance to test this out in another nightmare, but this time I would then explore it with a whole new angle. If we are asleep in our waking life, and if I were aware of this, could I lucid live? I wrote a poem about this experience with it a true story called How I Came To Be Cruising the Sea, which I will share with you now.
It all started with a nightmare of a scary monster chasing me. And I went up to that monster and said, “Hi. By the way, you’re not real.” And poof he disappeared. And I looked at the dank dismal place I was in and thought, “Hmm…tropical paradise,” and there I was standing in a tropical paradise.
I woke up the next day and thought to myself, “This is really interesting” because the night before I was reading a book about dolphins. And it was saying how dolphins use 100 percent of their brain and only 50 percent when they are sleeping. Humans use 10 percent of their brain. (Well, I know a lot of people will argue and say that’s not necessarily true, but we’re only actually conscious of 10 percent. We do use 100 percent, but that’s when we are sleeping.) So that being the case, do dolphins consider humans to be asleep?
And then I was also thinking, “Now what if we were to be aware of this waking life we were dreaming, and if we were to be lucid, could we control it like we did in the dream?” I know this was a crazy idea, but I just had to test it out. So I went to my calendar and wrote down April 14th. Somehow I would be in a tropical paradise, and it would be all paid for and everything would be taken care of. Not only that, but I would meet two of the dolphins.
So the next day I went to set (because I was working in the film industry at the time), and one of my friends said, “Jess, you would be really good working on a cruise ship.”
And I said, “Well, I thought about that, and I know it’s not possible because you need to have a secondary education to work on the cruise ship, and I don’t even have high school, so I really don’t stand a chance.” And then it popped into by head (by my guides), “Jess, you are dreaming. You can do whatever the heck you want.” And I was like, “Oh yeah, that’s right.”
So I went for the interview, and there was an incredibly intimidating woman from Harvard University. But I had researched the company three different ways: guest aspect, crew aspect, and business aspect, so I knew more about her ship than she did. An interview really is just twenty different ways to say why you want to work for the company. So rather than saying I’m a people person, hard worker, fast learner, etc., I just looked her square in the eye and said, “Ya, I’m more action than talk. Put me on that ship, and I’ll show you what I can do.”
And shortly after, I was flown from Vancouver to Seattle, Seattle to Texas, Texas to Miami, Miami to San Juan, and San Juan to St. Kitts, where I caught my ship exactly April 14th. My job was master of ceremonies to host, coordinate, and arrange all the activities and events, and also to be paid to explore the Mayan ruins and swim with dolphins. (I swam with two in particular.) So it worked! And I share that with you so you guys can try that out as well and see for yourself.
Clue 6: Another dream. I wrote this one into a poem as well called Two Worlds Become One. I did not go into the detail of this poem though because this dream was so bizarre. It started with me seeing this white rabbit. When I went to pick it up, it turned into a purple porcupine and then a crab with giraffe heads for legs. It just kept getting even more bizarre.
When my dreams get bizarre, I see that as a cue that I am dreaming and become lucid and take control to go and do what I like in my dream. But in this dream I could not become lucid, so when I awoke I asked my guides about it. They said, “Oh, it's getting to the point, Jess, that your waking life is just as bizarre as your dream life to the point that your soul can no longer tell the difference between the two. They are merging into one again. No longer shall they be separated. They are like lovers longing to be together again.”
Clue 7: The last dream. Really, this was my last dream. I haven’t been able to dream since. How did that happen you ask? Well, I will tell you, though I did write a poem about it on my web site called Beyond the Dream Veil. I was in this dream when I saw a ripple. I was like, what is that? So I went to investigate and found the ripple was from a veil that my dream was projected on. Everything was a hologram projection on a screen. I was lost to it as if it were real. Now what could be beyond the veil? Curiosity took me, and I found I was in this dark room, but there was some white light coming from a door open slightly ajar. I went out the door and found I could hear a conversation. (I just realized how this almost sounds like a near death experience being in the darkness and then the white light.) I found I was in a house, and this conversation and the white light was downstairs, so I poked my head between the railings. The voices were speaking about me, about my life as Jessica, and where I was at and my future. I poked my head out closer. I felt like I hit the mother lode, and I wanted to hear more. But at that moment, they felt my presence and said, “What is she doing past the veil hologram? She is not grounded. We need to ground her.” And they pointed their finger at me and I awoke. Ah, I was so frustrated! Just when it was getting good! I felt like a little kid who was plopped down to watch a movie to be distracted while the grownups had a talk about my future and made plans that I would not find out about until later.
When they mentioned grounding me, I knew full well what they meant by that. What a clever play on words, like a child doing something they should not and they get grounded. But I, lost to the realm of fascination of the spiritual world, was floating up, up, up with no anchor. I was so not grounded. From that day forward I was grounded from dreaming. If I dreamed, I would just go beyond the veil again, and they knew that. My sleep time would now be used for me to be a dream guide to visit and work with others. This is another reason why so many seem to recognize me. My dreams now took place in the waking life. I was now a full-time daydream lucid life-liver. I was stepping into starting to discover my power—well, all of our power. Tactics found in The Secret and What the Bleep are used not for self-gain and wealth like most of us were taught to use them. Instead, I directed it to the whole of humanity. The fairy godmother helped others out of a nightmare into a fairytale happy existence. I am certain that is our birthright.
Clue 8: I just came home from working on the cruise ship to find my mom had moved to this new house, and she had a roommate whom she somehow managed to rub the wrong way, and man was he upset. It did not help to find out that our roommate was an ex-con. What a thing to come home to.
My mom was so scared. She turned to me and told me the situation. I said, “No problem, Mom. I will take care of it.” I went to my room and closed my eyes and called this roommate ex-con’s face to my inner mind’s eye. Then I jumped into his eyes and went to his soul and said, “This is not who you really are. You’re lost to your role.” Then I downloaded unto his soul unconditional love and light. The next day, my mom said to me, “Jessica, what did you do?”
“What do you mean, Mom?”
“Well,” she said, “I do not know what you did, but he is acting like a pussy cat. He seems to be very happy and seems to not care anymore about being upset with us and staying true to his threats.”
I was really taken aback by this news. I was only playing around when I said, “No problem, Mom. I will take care of it.” I did not know how I knew or what I would do until the moment came. It just came to me that if we are all souls who knew about who we were before coming to Earth, and pre-planned everything, then life was scripted and we were actors and most of us forgot that. We became lost to our roles, like they were in a spell. All you have to do is wake them up, remind them, and they should snap out of it.
Did not Shakespeare say, “All the world’s a stage and we are all actors”? How right he was. They even knew at that time. They were always telling us. I think that will be their case when we one day confront them and say, “Why didn't you tell us?” They will say, “We did tell you. In fact, it was right under your nose the whole time.”
So with this discovery, I was feeling like a scientist who tested her hypothesis on herself. It worked for me, so would it work for others? If it does, then crimes would cease, and it is not interfering with free will either, as when you remind them, they can still choose to do what they want. But when they are in their right frame of mind, they do not go through with their threats as they know that is not who they really are.
I told one of my friends about what I had been able to do, and he just laughed at me and said, “Jess, you’re crazy. You cannot just jump into someone’s eyes, speak to their soul, and send someone love and light who holds you at gun point and expect for them to suddenly have a change of heart!”
“I know it sounds crazy,” I replied. So many things sound crazy at first until one tries it and witnesses it first hand for themselves. Then they will see just how much there are no limits, just beliefs, and just how much truth is stranger than fiction.”
A few months later, my friend called me up and said, “Jess, guess what? When I was in Texas, I had this man very angry with me because I was not using the copy machine fast enough to his liking. He told me to hurry, and I told him that I was almost finished, but that was not the right answer because he pulled out a gun on me. I did not freak out, Jess. Instead, your words rang out in my mind, and I looked at his eyes and jumped in them. I went to his soul and said that he is playing a role and that is not who he really is. Then I sent him all the love and light I could. Do you know what happened next, Jess? He shook his head as if he was under some spell, and when he saw the gun in his hand, he freaked out and immediately threw the gun away. And then he left, all puzzled as to what had gotten into him. It worked, Jess. It actually worked! You did it.”
In one of Jewel’s songs called I'm sensitive from the Pieces Of You CD she says, “I have this theory that if we are told we are bad, then that’s the only idea we ever have.” Indeed that was true. The ex-con roommate and this gunman that my friend encountered were both told those things until they believed it and became it. But like what I learned about myself when I was growing up and being told I am stupid, someone’s opinion of me does not have to be my reality. So if this is the case for humans, could this also be so for spirits?
Clue 9: Careful what you think, Jess. It will come to be. Shortly after in my room came a howling demon. Oh, he was scary in form and sound. But now I saw them as little children on Halloween who have rather scary gruesome costumes, but underneath all that was a sweet little child immersed in their character, doing what kids do best: playing pretend like we do in the movies, and the more real the better. No wonder when they wandered to someone’s place who did not understand and said, “Demon, be gone!” And that only cast a spell on them and locked them to their role with years and years of constant validation of what they were but not are. Our words are so powerful. We are constantly casting spells on one another totally unaware. I am that I am. (Or Popeye says, “I am what I am,” and Eminem also says, “I am whatever you say I am. If I wasn’t, then why would you say I am?”) If we think the worst of punk kids, don't they deliver? So knowing this, I pulled off the demon’s mask, and sure enough there was this lovely bright light.
This had me wonder about the Illuminati and beyond polarity. My guides explained this to me in a very simple way. “Jess, do you think someone who plays a villain in a movie is bad in real life?”
“No,” I said.
“OK,” they said. “So then why would you think the Illuminati who is playing the villain in life as bad for real? You have read how hard it is for actors to play villains, the damage it does to their psyche, and how much therapy they need to get over that role. Nothing is what it seems. You are all lost to your roles—the white hats and the dark hats—even you, Jess. You were lost to your role at one time. You know how when the cameras are not rolling the actors, directors, writers and extras all chill together. You all know each other. (Well, it’s not like that anymore. There is politics and they separate them, but we still know!) But when the camera is rolling, the people on the street are strangers, but many look at each other and say, ‘Why are they so familiar?’ We want you to ask yourself, ‘Who are you beyond your roles?’
“Jess, do you remember when you were a kid and you would play with all your toys? You would play the role of each character: the good guy, the bad guy, and the victim. All kids do this. What is this telling you? The best way to understand what is going on and how it is about oneness is to think back to when you were a child playing with all your toys. You would get so lost in this. Sometimes you would forget you were playing, but all your characters were you. They all came from you. Are you not responsible for the games and scripts you make for becoming conscious, caring caretakers creators? Oh, how many play writes have you redone (Movie remakes: “Let’s make it again, only this time this happens, perhaps an alternate ending!”) in hopes for your soul to awaken the part of self that is lost to the role? Oh, the tactics you use. Is this not why Buddha was not afraid of the serial killer who came to him wearing a necklace of severed fingers from his victims? Oh, the shock from that serial killer when he saw Buddha had no fear of him. In fact, in that moment the serial killer’s spell was broken, and he spent the rest of his life studying under the Buddha.”
That was all they said. I was left to ponder and grasp that. “How could I judge anyone or anything now?” I wondered. This deep love was starting to surge through me. This game is so clever. What a great way, a divine ploy to find our oneness, to feel self-love, to fall in love with all the reflections of self, the many facets of self. Then the story of the Greek god Narcissus was not about vanity at all but-self love. A mirror reflects our dark and light side, but is the mirror that reflects this to us evil?
Shortly after, I went to work on set. Little did I know that working on this show would be the breaking point of me working on set from then on. My guides always told me I needed to leave, and I knew they were right, only I could not see what was beyond the bend. I still doubted myself. I felt my destiny but could not see it; therefore, I allowed myself to be frozen. Trust you must. The name of the show I worked on was called Caprica. It was about this girl who died, but before she did, she created this virtual reality program where she could live forever and be free to do whatever she wanted. Like most of us, we are drawn to the taboo and reverse psychology. In a dream or video game we do things we would never do in real life. I was hired to be one of the 20 fantasy girls to parade around, as in the video game or virtual reality program. You could design your character to look like whatever you want and act out whatever fantasy. So we needed to look the part. This is very similar to my brother’s video games that he and I played called Soulcalibur. I loved making new characters with purple skin or whatever danced into my imagination.
As I was getting ready in the hair department, I could have sworn they used a whole can of hair spray, so that if any bug flew into my hair by accident, they would be stuck screaming “Help us! Help us!” While I was lost in this thought, the director walks in and says he wants to see the fantasy girls. He points to me and one other girl, pulls us aside, and says, “In this scene, we are going to do this evil cult dance, and then the executioner will be ushered in holding a big knife. There will be a drum roll as he points his knife across the whole crowd until it stops and lands on a girl who will be sacrificed. You two girls will be right by the chosen sacrifice so that when she is chosen, she will scream and resist, but you will each grab her arms and drag her to the stage, where she will be thrown at the feet of the executioner. The crowd will cheer hungrily to witness a sacrifice. Then when it is done, you guys will go into a flurry of excitement.”
“They want me to do what?” my head said. “Crap, I cannot do this. I am a light worker. I cannot contribute to this. It is a job. I have to if I want to eat. After all, I could get a credit for this and an increase in pay. I could get special skills for this.” I was torn inside. How could I get out of this Illuminati show? This was not pretend. This stuff is real and definitely goes on. I hear about it, and I am in utter shock and disgust, and now here I am now acting it all out. I have never done anything like this before. I can’t do this, and another part of me said, “You need the money.” So as we were shooting this scene, I got lost in my role, pulling this struggling girl to the stage. There was fake blood, and it splattered all over our bodies. We were even encouraged to take our fingers and scoop some blood to eat, to act like we loved the taste of sweet corn syrup. I was surprised at myself in acting like I was enjoying the bloodshed. I actually did. I got lost to my role. I got lost to everyone’s contagious excitement, and then we had to be quiet for the hero actors who were watching the whole event from the balcony to say their lines.
Their lines were, “How can they do this? They must be sick. This is not right. It has to stop. This is not what the program was meant for.” Another actor says, “It is not their fault. They do not know what they do.” Those words echoed in me to such a deep level I almost passed out. Again and again, the actors said those lines, and I felt like I was hit with a lightning bolt. Those words, didn't Jesus say the same thing? “Forgive them, Father, for they do not know what they do.” What did it mean? Yes, we were lost to our role, but there was more. When we all participate with such things as a collective, then we create ramifications and make the conditioned programming even stronger. Nope, it’s deeper than that. They are sick, and by harming others they are harming themselves, robbing themselves of the beautiful things they could be doing in a virtual reality hologram. They did not know they were all one. I wished I could have got my hands on this script to find out what they meant by those words in that show. Was there a virus that was corrupting the program? Maybe it is that saying misery loves company. Were they sad and in pain and wanting everyone else to be in the same state? Isn't that a oneness thing as well?
As I wrestled with this in my head, a producer came up to me and told me that he would like for me to work on this project. He wanted me to be in his horror movie. I was perfect for the role they had in mind. Plus, I did such a good job earlier. In their movie, I would be this disfigured evil living life-size sexy doll kind of thing. I said, “Send me the script, and I will think about it,” hoping maybe it will not be as bad as they were saying. Maybe there is some enlightenment in it. Is this not my big break? I would be stupid just turning it down without at least looking at it. The script was so disturbing. I wrote the producer and said, “Thank-you for considering me for your role, but I just cannot do it as it is way too disturbing for me. But to you, I am sure this is a compliment because you wrote this script, and the purpose of a horror flick is to be disturbing.” I could not even read the whole thing. I never liked horror movies. They were like mind rape that robbed my lovely thoughts and left me visuals I could not shake, always creeping into my subconscious. I could not and would not be a part of that not ever again. I am trying to make the world a better place.
This was not a good start. I guess I could tell you I never really wanted to be an actress. I only pursued it because my father became so hopeful about the future. “Maybe, just maybe, Jessica would make it, and we would not live in poverty.” My father would boast to everyone, “This is my daughter. She is an aspiring model and actress,” he would say ever so proudly. How could I disappoint them? And tell them the truth: I was a lousy actress. Like in school, I could not get myself to care enough for the schoolwork nor could I care about these BS scripts, though I would not let myself share this with myself, how I really felt about being an actress and model. I convinced myself that I loved it, and this is what I came here to do. You know how when you tell a lie and try to verify it that you eventually buy your lie and forget your own truth? This is what happened. I cried, but I did not know why. I hated God for not giving me a break and giving me a role. I needed to be reminded again of the role I was already playing. I just did not hear the subconscious yell like the director saying, “We are rolling and action!”
Now that I had my big break, I did not want it. It was not my dream. I did not want to work in this industry or contribute to such a show again. Instead, I would share the inner workings of my world and all my discoveries. Curiosity trumped my fear. “What if,” I pondered excitedly, “the world knew what I knew? It could help so many. Well, Jess, there is only one way to find out. Speak now or forever hold your peas.” (I was standing in the grocery store frozen food section at the time when this thought came to me. I was holding frozen peas... close enough, I thought). All my life I struggled. I had no talent at all in anything. All I had was two things everyone told me: potential and passion. Little did I know that was all I needed. My passion gushed forth into everything I touched and poured so much heart into my poems and messages. The heat unthawed my frozen tongue from the land of silence.
My realizations made me braver as well. I could walk down not the best parts of town and not be jumped. This one guy was dumbfounded by it as he always got jumped every time he walked down that street. I told him, “I do not fear them; it is almost like bees and dogs. They can sense that. I look at them with respect. I do not see them as horrible people, just people living in horrible situations. I have understanding and compassion for them, and I see myself in them. They mirror this back at me.” Sometimes I get creative and sing really loudly off key or rant to myself. I figure if I could be weirder than the weird, then they would either do two things: either come up to me and say “What are you on?” or “Can I have some?” To which I would say, “I am sorry. I am all out.” Or they would walk on the other side of the street to avoid me. If they even tried to advance on me and only see me as a body to use and abuse, I would casually say, “Hey, you wanna hear something really cool? I know this place on the chest that if you hit it hard enough and in just the right spot, you can make a man impotent for two months. Do you want me to show you how it works?” They never want to find out if it is true or not for some strange reason. I have only had to use this tactic a few times. Now with my understanding of the roles we play, I never have to use it. I only share it here so that if need be some of you can use it. I have seen it help so many girls. Creativity rules!
So what do all the clues mean? Well, the interesting thing about clues is that they tend to be layered and have roots. I really need to look at them with boggle game eyes and understand their depth. Even now these clues hold me. My intent is to understand so all of humanity can be free of the illusionists’ mystery. You have to wonder, is there a part of us that does not want to know so that we can more enjoy the magic show? There is a part of us that wants to always wander and explore, that lives for the mystery. Is there an inner mourning taking place at the end of this little game? It’s understandable how this can be scary. We have played this game for so long. What will we do next? What else is there? I think this is where our imagination comes in. How many millennia have we been given to explore imagination and manifestation? Now what kind of world will we create? What chance do we have if we do not look after one another in that other’s suffering is ours and vice versa, so it is not about sin or karma at all.
Honestly, I do not believe in either. First off, they seem to be the same thing in different packages and cast of characters. It seems both are saying because of something you did in your past life that you cannot even recall or something you have yet to do, you deserve to suffer now to pay some debt.
No one abuses us more than we abuse ourselves. A woman stays in an abusive relationship because deep down she feels she deserves her beating. This is what one woman confessed to me. She said, “I did wrong in my life. I need to be punished.” (This sounds like a child’s conditioned programming to me.) Or another example would be, “You were cruel to an African person; therefore, you will be that color in your next life. It is your karma.” To me, I see us as a creator who wants to explore every conceivable experience, to play as many roles as possible, like an actor who becomes much better in their craft when they play many diverse roles as opposed to the same character over and over. It brings about a deeper understanding of humanity. You start to see the patterns and feel the oneness.
If there are people who believe in karma and do not agree with me, then think about the Illuminati. With all the awful things they have done to us, where is their karma? We are told that you must do good things to others if you want good things for yourself. It can be seen as bit of a fear tactic rather than to just be good because you can and that is what you in fact are. And to just be good for the sake of being good as when others smile so do you. How come the Illuminati have such nice houses, living the life of a king with all the money and power of the world? By the laws of karma, this would not be allowed.
What this tells me is that the reason they have no karma is that they are really us, a subconscious projection, so whatever they do seems to reflect on us. We get the brunt of it all. The more we throw our anger and hate at them, the stronger they get and the weaker we get. We are feeding them. This is just like my dream of the old lady. She was a microcosm representation of the Illuminati. How I transcended her is the same way I feel we now need to do with the challenges we are facing. Does that make sense to you?
How is it that we can find it so easy to love someone else but hold ourselves hostage in the mirror? (That’s also a Jewel song.) So many ask me, “What can we do, Jess?” To this I say, the more we are aware of our own inner relationship and patterns and change them in our lives by the law of the mirror, they too will have to change. Here is an example. There was this guy who saw my Project Camelot interview and learned about the reptilians for the first time. Then he went off to do more research. He was very upset with the reptilians, saying they are such bullies, being so controlling and possessive with us. What gives them the right to do that? I found these comments really interesting as his wife was just telling me how controlling he was and how oh-so possessive, as if he was afraid to lose everyone. So he would work hard to not allow this to happen. But by doing that, the insecurities came out and the desperation which then repelled her from him.
What does this tell us? Do you see the pattern? What he was doing with his life was very similar to the reptilians. His actions were allowing them to do what they are doing to us. But it was not just him. Everyone in the world who is lost to this same pattern on a collective level makes it even more powerful. So the more you learn how the Illuminati works and how you’re doing the same in your own private world, the more I am confident we can steer the Titanic from the iceberg. It demonstrates that we have grown up. We are more aware and conscious in the moment and have now taken responsibility for our collective manifestations.
Here are more examples of how we unconsciously fuel the Illuminati.
• I was asked about my thoughts on chemtrails. I told them about a story that came to me of a little boy and his father working in the garden. The father starts to spray chemicals onto their plants. The little boy asks his father, “Why do you spray?” The father says, “Because there are bugs who might eat our crops.” The boy thought about this and said, “Well, that does not seem fair to the little bugs. Suppose, Dad, that you were a little bug, and you worked hard to assist with the growth of crops, and when you went to collect your share for you and your family, some giant comes along and sprays you! How would you like it, Dad, to have all your food and home environment poisoned?” At that moment, the father looked in the sky and saw planes making chemtrails.
• We now have sprays that are organic in that they do not harm our crops and humans but still kills the bugs. Is this any better? We now have a black president, yet still we are racist and there is still discrimination. To kill the bugs is to kill us. How can you be surprised in what is done to them is done to you? We are taught at a young age if humans do not like insects, then it is OK to kill them. On a subconscious level we learn it is OK to kill what we do not like. By the age of ten the information will be embedded in a child’s mind. As an adult we will grow up and probably not know why we hate them. I know this happened to me, and I had to do some self-taught NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) to be free from this pattern.
• So who is your enemy really? Is there even an enemy? Or are we just unable to admit to ourselves there is no enemy, that our brain and our imagination got carried away? Did we just think it easier to create our enemy just to say, “See, I told you. I was right. There was an enemy.” So is being right worth it?
• If you want to know what you can do about the forces that bring discord, and we know their addiction is fear and misery, then why should we make such excuses to allow ourselves to stay in those states? Are we not empowering them with this? Then happiness and understanding, patience and unconditional love are the cures to help anyone or anything kick the addiction.
• Our ability to perceive something follows our expectation. What we hear and remember also depends on psychological factors and facts that tend to bend themselves around our beliefs. Inner circuits built on the myth of our separation, intermingled with the notions of the enemy as robotic and malevolent, control what we let in, what we recall, and what conclusions we draw.
• We have polluted our soil, water, air, every household and institution. Are we not mimicking the so-seeming enemy, having become the deadly ones who infest places and operate by automatic reflex?
We should be aware that it isn't easy to see any creatures or even the human race without having preconceived ideas about it. When we do, however, we open ourselves to the most vital and significant facts arising out of the moments. It's known as "beginners mind," a state of dynamic receptiveness that meditators seek. Zen masters teach that this state of mind is the space or attitude from which all wisdom arises, and it takes practice to achieve. Since we are most praised for having answers, we usually have ideas and beliefs about everything. It is a way to ward off the unknown.
But we lose a deep feeling connection to the other creatures and beings when we trade the mystery of their existence or aliveness for a neat bundle of classifications and summaries of explanations. We also lose our ability to see accurately and respond appropriately when we attribute dark motives to another and create enemies. How sad. So unless we develop an inner ecology to stop us from acting out our dark fantasies, we will become increasingly isolated and continue to infect, pollute, and poison the world in an attempt to eradicate what we perceive as evil. How can we be surprised if the same is done to us?
To me, the Illuminati seem to be the tough love parent who, when they find out that their child is smoking, they say, “Fine, you want to smoke? Have ten packs straight. Let’s see if you still want to smoke.” Or in our case, “Fine, you want war? I will give you so much war and chaos you will be sick of it.” After a while, we get bored with our video game, playing it over and over makes us eventually desire a new game. To me, our star family flies by our world and sees the game we are playing. “Oh duality--boring and so old school. Let me know when you’re more mature and ready to play another game.”
I was thinking about Britney Spears. The poor girl has been used so much by the Illuminati and she is sad. I can see it in her eyes. Then I thought about Arizona Wilder from David Icke’s interviews. What a sad nightmare her existence here must have been—beyond what we can even fathom. Mrs. Icke told me how they recruited her again, the poor thing. What chance did she have? How does one get past all the conditioned brainwashings and the trauma? What about all the people in war-torn poverty-stricken places? Or the many people they have tested on in the concentration camps? How can this be allowed to go on? Not to mention the poor people held prisoner in underground bases being used as guinea pigs for mind control and God only knows what else. I feel that people who hear this information and do not believe it in a sense allow it go on rather than saying, “This could be true, and if it is, what can we do?” Instead, they just ignore it.
I have had star children come to me telling me they have been taken or teleported (yes, the ones in the underground bases know how to teleport) to underground bases right from their own bedroom, finding themselves in a lab being tested and poked and prodded. They told me because they knew I would not think of them as crazy, that I could find a way or find someone to help them. If we do not believe them, then we sentence these children to suffer alone. No one should feel alone. When is it OK to speak and know you will be heard without being judged? Their pain is my pain, and it is our pain.
This may help you to understand why humanity is so depressed and angry and does not even know why. A subconscious reflection is crying out, “Help me! Help us!” What happens to one happens to and affects all of us. So many of you may think of me as brave, but I simply can no longer be silent now that I understand, nor can I no longer distract myself from everyone’s hearts crying out. There is no way we can hide from all the pain in the world. It will find a way to seek us out.
It is important to not be mad at ourselves for allowing this and to not direct our anger at humanity as any kind of anger is fuel. If your family is not open to this information, it is OK. Just because we are like this today does not mean we will be like this tomorrow. We all have our triggers of awakening. Take me for example. I made fun of my father for talking about these things, and now I have totally become him. Just let others come into this in a way that feels natural for them. To force this on them is to repel them. It is important to be loving, gentle, and forgiving with yourself and others. We are responsible for the games we play in becoming human. Forgive them, for they do not know what they do. It seems we are living the fable of Beauty and the Beast in which we are learning to love and forgive our inner beast. Once that is done, the spell is broken (for everyone in the castle, signifying everyone in the world).
If I am responsible for the world being where it is at now, then I would rather bite the bullet and just be honest with myself so we can finally move forward and finally see pain and repetition go into remission. So many of you are concerned with the reptilians, but I am more concerned with people. We are the ones who have sold each other out time and time again.
I do not think the details of the game are as important as understanding the mechanics and foundation of the game. I feel it would be of much greater value if we played the game of pretend, and pretended we were the Illuminati, the reptilians, the Greys, etc. What is it like? What does it feel like? What is life like in their shoes? What happened to make them like this? How did we assist in manifesting their entrance into our life? How much sense does it make to say we come in peace, but our actions speak louder than our words?
The creation of a shadow is a universal phenomenon in people, a pattern formed as a child's ego or center of awareness is formed. This developmental process always entails a clash between the individuality of the child and the opinions of the culture and parents. Each child learns its culture's acceptable qualities. Those contrary to the cultural and family views of what is seen as good and appropriate are relegated to the child’s unconscious shadow. But repressing qualities does not eliminate them. They continue to function unsupervised and unchecked, projected out into the world onto others. Why? Because they are a part of you. They act like pain as a messenger trying and hoping to be addressed to the right address so you can finally be free and able to heal this part of you, whether it is represented as a personal or collective shadow. (So the pain will not only come just to you but it will come to others as well, any possible way for the message to be free, which is very similar also to how spirits work and why they are coming to me.)
Both the personal and collective shadow helps us avoid looking at our own hostilities because they are always projected out onto someone or something else. Propaganda is an integral component of preserving the shadow projections toward a particular target. It simplifies the issue and glosses over contrary evidence. The collective shadow's influence compels us to find public enemies, replacing one nation with another, one leader with another, and one species with another, as power shifts and economic and political alliances change. The fact that we project our rejected qualities onto one another doesn't automatically mean that the other is innocent of these projections, but the intensity of our fear, repulsion, or dislike is a barometer of the strength of the repressed energies within us—not a response to the traits as they actually exist in another. In fact, we can’t really know how much is in the other until we suspend our beliefs and study the source of our projections. When we have done our personal work and understood our complexities, we will have defused the hot buttons that caused us to react with self-righteousness and militancy. We will also have freed ourselves to see another accurately and choose an appropriate response.
We are driven to fabricate an enemy, a scapegoat to carry our enmity. First we create a target or public enemy from the hostility that resides in our subconscious shadow. The wars that follow as compulsive rituals in which we continually attempt to kill those parts of ourselves we despise or deny having. The faces of human enemies, the psychological realities apply to any situation in which we deny our hostility, and project it out into the world on other races, aliens, or even insects. These are an easy hook for our projections because of their strangeness to us in appearance and habits.
Once we learn what is acceptable and what is not, other psychological mechanisms called selective perceptions and selective recall impeccably uphold our projections into adulthood. They filter what we let in through our senses. When the subjects are so-seeming enemies, we remember only those facts and behaviors of them that support the image we have already endorsed.
To add further complexity to the picture, the contents of our personal shadows have joined with the economic incentives of the big business agriculture. It is like a fanatic zeal on the part of many specialists and most control agencies. It is likely, however, that this zeal was not so much a conscious and collective rallying of forces as it was an unconscious gathering of images and beliefs from many projections. This even includes decision makers invested in the status quo and employed by powerful industries and government regulation agencies. With the implicit consent of unaware or disinformed public, they make policies and garner support for the eradication of a so-seeming enemy that always seems to reflect ramifications onto us using whatever method is deemed necessary.
So to see others clearly, we must have feelings for the organism comprised of empathy, appreciation, and enough knowledge to respond appropriately when we meet them. Neither loving nor knowledgeable about other beings, we have accepted the common view that some beings are worthless. It is part of the story we tell ourselves, part of the myth of our separation from the natural world that ranks life in a hierarchy of perceived value that places us on the top and other life-forms on the bottom or even us on the bottom.
Our sense of self and community is also intertwined with other life-forms. The more people become aware of the infinity between their consciousness and the consciousness of the many forms around them, the more they feel their own sense of self enlarged and their lives enriched by a sense of belonging to a great mystery. We are diminished as individuals and as a society when we exclude species from our circle—whether they are alien, insect, or etheric—from communicating with us because of fears that are magnified by our collective assumptions. Perhaps we have not included these other life forms in our circle of community because we are reluctant to accord them as having consciousness. We have only begun to recognize our own consciousness and its influence on our lives. That some kind of universal consciousness is at work at every level of reality, informing and directing it, is a radical idea. It promises to change every area of our lives, including our interactions with other species.
We might dare to ask: how do we hold and heal these misunderstood, mistreated, and hated aspects of ourselves? Within us is a longing for wholeness—a longing for our true nature and an impulse to move toward it. Psychologists tell us we can only inhabit that nature more fully through knowledge, love, and reclamation of the missing parts. How many then are we in conflict with? How many parts of ourselves have we condemned to hell, and at what point do we see their appearance not as something unpleasant to deal with, but as a remarkable opportunity to stop our inner war and make peace? Every single creature is full of God and is a book about God. Viewing every life-form as a divine textbook and part of our human curriculum provides us with a lifelong course of study and contemplation leading towards health and wholeness. Simply by paying attention to those who command our attention and applying their strategies for living to circumstances, we begin the learning, inner knowing, and freedom process.
While I was writing this article, someone e-mailed me the following letter in response to my talks about the Illuminati that I feel most appropriate to share with you. The quote, found in an article called “Illuminati Reveal Crazy Apocalytic Agenda” on Henry Makow’s web site, is from a person claiming to be in the Illuminati and calling himself the "Hidden Hand." He originally posted this on the "Abovetopsecret" site. It has a section called “EVIL IS ‘FOR YOUR OWN GOOD’ (i.e., EVIL IS GOOD).” I do not think it is good, I think we create and amplify so it takes on a life of its own that we are not aware of, and it becomes our self-destructive nature.
"Hidden Hand" says the Illuminati create "War, Hatred, Greed, Control, Enslavement, Genocide, Torture, Moral Degradation, Prostitution, Drugs, all these things and more" for our own good.
“In all these Negative things, we are providing you with tools. But you do not see it. It is not what we do, but how you react to it, that is important.” (With my own personal experience I have found this to be true. These things do shape me if I do not allow myself to get jaded by it).
“We give you the tools. You have the Free Will choice how you will use them. You have to take responsibility. There is only One of Us here. Understand that, and you will understand the Game” (Bingo! Confirmation.)
"Understand that we HAVE to be Negative. That's what we were sent here to be. It is our contract in the script that we are the villain, and it has always been to help you, by providing the "Catalyst" I spoke of earlier. Being Negative is very hard for us, not on a physical level (the characters we play enjoy our roles as we're programmed that way), but on a Spiritual level, it is hard. We surpassed the lowly negative vibrations eons ago. We are Light, and we are Love. It is a very hard thing for us to do Spiritually, to create all this Negativity, but we do it because we love you, and it is for your highest good, ultimately. You could say that it is our Sacrifice that we have made in order to be of Service to the One Infinite Creator, and to you, our Brothers and Sisters in the One."
That’s all they wrote. One other interesting thing to bring up is that we are focusing on understanding the enemy of the dark hats, but what about them also wearing the white hats and using love and light words to bend for their own agenda? This may come from our “savior complex” in which we are waiting for some being to come and save us from ourselves. Will this not remove us from our responsibility? How would we learn? What kind of parent would we be if we always cleaned up our kids’ mess rather than saying, “You got yourself into this. You can get yourself out of this. I have more faith in you than you have in yourself.” You were brought to Earth to heal it. You were seeded from the stars, and you may want to come home, but instead you are here to become home. Bring home or heaven to Earth. It is within us all along. We hear this frequently, but how many of us actually do the soul archaeology to discover this first hand? Must it always be some disaster that we stumble across our X-men superpower abilities? Or is it our natural birthright abilities?
Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot asked me: “I do not get it, Jess. If we are from the future, why did we wait so long to get in touch with us? It feels so last minute and rushed.”
This is what came to me for a response. I said, “When you are making bread, don't you need the right ingredients, the exact amount, the right temperature, and a certain amount of time? If any of these things are off and we pull the bread out too early, then it is not ready. And if you wait too long, then it will be burned. But if you pull it out on the intended time, then the bread has risen to the occasion and is just right. It has gone through its transformation process.”
She also advised me to be more scientific when I present my message. So many have gone this route and I choose not to. I feel that science tends to complicate something very simple. I want my message to be understood by people who may not know science but they know their heart. I want to have the freedom to express in my own way.
To quote one of my poems called How Many Times Have You Killed Me? (from watching my brother playing video games):
Did you think my veil of amnesia would forever stay?
You kill me and I keep coming back
I have many lives in this video game we call life.
I have more numbers than you can count
And the player behind my controls is determined to beat this game.
No matter how challenging it is with the frustrations, brain teasers, labyrinths, and tricky bosses at the end of every level.
You want to play, let's play.
With every death I have learned what not to do
That is a step closer to me understanding the nature of this game and how it works
And how to resurrect the dead of all my brethren of lives they have led.
Those are my lives I have lost to this game but oh not in vain.
So here I am again
Ready to face you
I have got the message that you are my relative
You are the part of me that is self-destructive
With this realization I can feel love for you
Forgiveness is about to ensue
That is all I need to do
Now we have won
It is a tie game
We are one in the same.
That’s it. Thank-you everyone for listening to and applying my message. We are cosmic midwives assisting the birth of a new Earth. We are healing a battered and bruised past and all potential battered and bruised future probabilities. To quote Jim Law: “We are living in the time where we are dissolving illusion.” Coming soon: 2012 Part 4.
Much love to you all,
We are the answer to our prayers.
Hello My Dear Ones,
Welcome to 2012 Part 3. I decided to read to you guys because it’s a little long and also because there is so much I want to say, and I have to say it in a certain way and a certain sequence. I thought this would be a fun different way, so here we go.
This I feel is the most important thing to understand about 2012, and the only way for me to help you understand is to share my own personal experience. At first, some of you may ask “Why is she sharing this? What does this have to do with 2012?” My response to this is: it has everything to do with 2012 in that the journey I underwent with the dark will be something that all you will have to take and understand in your own life, in which the dark stepped in and took you as its dance partner and there was no way to avoid it, as it always found its way into your own personal private life. To understand the dark is to be free from the dark.
I start this blog off as a series of clues. Our lives are mystery novels full of suspense and intrigue.
Clue 1: As a young girl, I remember thinking how strange this world is. It seems that it is fixed so everyone is going through so much pain whether it is mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, or astral. I wondered “why is this?” Later on, I learned about all the things that had happened to my family. They felt as if they were cursed. There were many close calls with my father growing up. It seemed like some hidden being was trying to kill him and through his whole life keep him down--keep the whole family down it seemed. My father was very frustrated by this, and it was like being in the games of snakes and ladders, getting ahead and then hitting the snake head and having to slide back down, only to have to start all over again. Sounds like reincarnation, eh? Play again and again until you get it right. Is it luck of the dice throw or is it an unseen hand that decides what number it shall be?
Clue 2: When I was about 10, I almost had a friend (because when I was younger, I did not have any friends, and it almost worked). But it all changed when one day I was speaking on the phone with her while she had some other friends over, and they decided to play Ouija board. When she mentioned this to me, I told her that game is evil. The board started to freak out when it heard my voice on the other line and started to talk about me. It said that I would be shot in the head in two days. The girl told me, “Jess, this is for real. When the board says something it happens. I heard how one time there was this girl, and the Ouija board said that she would be hit by a bus in three days and she was.” I hung up the phone and ran away crying to my dad. I told him all that had transpired, and he said, “Jess, it will be OK. Everything will be OK. All you have to do is don't believe it; don't give it any power; don’t feed it.” I listened to my dad’s advice and, well, here I am to this day. But from that day forward I was terrified of Ouija boards.
My father always was somewhat of a foreshadower, hinting at and planting seeds within that would flower later. At that time who knows about the mysterious seeds in the ground and what they will turn out to be? How successful will those little delicate seeds be? Will they get all they would need to withstand the storm? Is there an etheric energy that tends to and challenges the crops?
Later on in life when I was about 23, my girlfriend had me over because she had this Ouija board, and it was not working. She felt very strongly that I could get it to work. At first I was upset by this idea. My mind instantly reminded me of my past experience and how scared I was, but it was a belief, and I am more in my power today than before. I did not have to be the victim of a repetitious past experiences if I were in a new head space. This time it would be different. I would not be in fear and earnest judgment. Maybe this really was a tool to bridge the human and spirit world. When I put my hand on the pointer, it started to move. We asked it what it wanted, and it said, “I want to speak to Jessica.”
“What do you want Jessica to do?” we asked it.
“Help me go home!”
We learned she was an old woman who died in her early eighties and was trapped. She wanted to cross over but did not know how. She would have to wait until someone who had a certain kind of vibe that would signify to the spirit that they could help send them home. So I sent her home. I was so proud of myself. I was free from my childhood fear pocket, and my beliefs were strong enough to have my time with the Ouija board be a pleasant one.
Clue 3: My father told me how one day he was in town and there was this big hoopla. There were swarms of people everywhere. He could hardly move, the streets were so packed. “What was going on that so many people gathered?” he wondered. He made his way to the front of the crowd only to see the queen walking by. “Odd thing was,” said my dad, “Of all the people who were there, for some reason the queen’s eyes immediately went to my eyes, as if she sensed my presence.” Her eyes locked on his and would not leave them even as she walked past him. Her head would crank looking back. She had this look on her face, one of shock, recognition, dumbfoundedness, and concern. “How could it be?” wondered my father out loud. “How did she know me? Why did she look at me like that? Perhaps she knows of the seeds I am here to bring forth.”
Clue 4: The first dream came to see me that night. In the dream, my family and I were in this palace, and we were with the English royal family. I was to marry Prince William. I saw behind his back some white strings. I followed them and found a shadow character that had strings to its back as well, and their strings led to some reptilian being, and even that being had white strings on its back like this never ending marionette hierarchy, or so I thought. When I followed the strings connected to all the people who have ever lived in the world, I found that the strings led even to my own back. Even I was being pulled and played. What did this dream mean? I did not even have a crush on Prince William. I was instead into the boy band Hansen at that time. I know you guys will bug me for this, but we all have our embarrassing crushes. As I got older, my crushes matured in that I started to be interested in cartoon characters.
How old I was at the time I cannot recall, but I know it was close to the time of the passing of Princess Diana.
Clue 5: I had this bully who tormented me at school. I always ran or tried to fight them. I could never win, though in answer to my silent question came a dream. I was in a Wal-Mart, and there was this old red-haired woman standing next to me. She looked at me and started to say hurtful things at me. So I said hurtful things back, and she responded with a smile and spouted even uglier things at me. Then she started to physically attack me, hitting, punching, and kicking me, so I fought back, only she got stronger and I got smaller and weaker. Then the dream became rather loony tunes in that weapons were involved. We went from guns to giant boulders to swords to tanks to missiles. She used a weapon and I used a bigger weapon. Then she used an even bigger weapon and, well, you get the idea. By this time, this old lady was larger than life and super strong, and I was small, frail, and oh-so weak. I was going to give up. I was beaten. What could I do? She was always one step ahead of me and creative in making pain into an art.
Then came my dream guides and said, “Well, you tried fighting her, Jess. A lot of good that did you. Look at you now.”
“There is nothing I can do,” I said.
To which they replied, “Yes, we see that you have tried all pain tactics, and you’re all out of ideas. What kind of artist are you? I guess we had you mistaken. Your soul boasted how you are an artist of life and of love, but your actions say otherwise. You fell into the amnesia sea and now you forgot. You forgot your other options. To understand the dark is to be free from the dark.”
OK, OK, to understand this beast that is now trashing the town and terrorizing people, I need to talk to her? So I did. I talked to her, and when I talked to her, I learned her story. I learned about her strife, and I started to understand her. When I started to understand her, I started to like her. I could relate, and in a way I could see myself in her. I then started to love her. How could I not? How could I not love something that was so loved starved? How could I not love a piece of myself? “The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry,” to quote Alex Collier. I watched as she started to shrink, and I grew until we were back to our normal size, only she disappeared. I awoke only to find the bully at school no longer feeling compelled to single me out and harm the unseen in me.
The poem I wrote about this on my web site is called The Nightmare Gift. It poses a question: could it be that the dream, the astral realm, is given to us to deal with and learn about the unconscious things that bind us? If we run or fight, which we have been conditioned to do, would it follow us into the physical waking life so we now have to deal with it here? So then would not the nightmare be a gift that we flipped on its head and interpreted all backwards?
If I dealt with the scary beings in my dreams in a responsible aware way, would it not go away in the waking world as well? If we are co-collective co-creators, and if we all ran and fought in our dreams, then we would manifest a living nightmare for the whole world. Is that all we have to do is face our fears or living nightmares? I had another chance to test this out in another nightmare, but this time I would then explore it with a whole new angle. If we are asleep in our waking life, and if I were aware of this, could I lucid live? I wrote a poem about this experience with it a true story called How I Came To Be Cruising the Sea, which I will share with you now.
It all started with a nightmare of a scary monster chasing me. And I went up to that monster and said, “Hi. By the way, you’re not real.” And poof he disappeared. And I looked at the dank dismal place I was in and thought, “Hmm…tropical paradise,” and there I was standing in a tropical paradise.
I woke up the next day and thought to myself, “This is really interesting” because the night before I was reading a book about dolphins. And it was saying how dolphins use 100 percent of their brain and only 50 percent when they are sleeping. Humans use 10 percent of their brain. (Well, I know a lot of people will argue and say that’s not necessarily true, but we’re only actually conscious of 10 percent. We do use 100 percent, but that’s when we are sleeping.) So that being the case, do dolphins consider humans to be asleep?
And then I was also thinking, “Now what if we were to be aware of this waking life we were dreaming, and if we were to be lucid, could we control it like we did in the dream?” I know this was a crazy idea, but I just had to test it out. So I went to my calendar and wrote down April 14th. Somehow I would be in a tropical paradise, and it would be all paid for and everything would be taken care of. Not only that, but I would meet two of the dolphins.
So the next day I went to set (because I was working in the film industry at the time), and one of my friends said, “Jess, you would be really good working on a cruise ship.”
And I said, “Well, I thought about that, and I know it’s not possible because you need to have a secondary education to work on the cruise ship, and I don’t even have high school, so I really don’t stand a chance.” And then it popped into by head (by my guides), “Jess, you are dreaming. You can do whatever the heck you want.” And I was like, “Oh yeah, that’s right.”
So I went for the interview, and there was an incredibly intimidating woman from Harvard University. But I had researched the company three different ways: guest aspect, crew aspect, and business aspect, so I knew more about her ship than she did. An interview really is just twenty different ways to say why you want to work for the company. So rather than saying I’m a people person, hard worker, fast learner, etc., I just looked her square in the eye and said, “Ya, I’m more action than talk. Put me on that ship, and I’ll show you what I can do.”
And shortly after, I was flown from Vancouver to Seattle, Seattle to Texas, Texas to Miami, Miami to San Juan, and San Juan to St. Kitts, where I caught my ship exactly April 14th. My job was master of ceremonies to host, coordinate, and arrange all the activities and events, and also to be paid to explore the Mayan ruins and swim with dolphins. (I swam with two in particular.) So it worked! And I share that with you so you guys can try that out as well and see for yourself.
Clue 6: Another dream. I wrote this one into a poem as well called Two Worlds Become One. I did not go into the detail of this poem though because this dream was so bizarre. It started with me seeing this white rabbit. When I went to pick it up, it turned into a purple porcupine and then a crab with giraffe heads for legs. It just kept getting even more bizarre.
When my dreams get bizarre, I see that as a cue that I am dreaming and become lucid and take control to go and do what I like in my dream. But in this dream I could not become lucid, so when I awoke I asked my guides about it. They said, “Oh, it's getting to the point, Jess, that your waking life is just as bizarre as your dream life to the point that your soul can no longer tell the difference between the two. They are merging into one again. No longer shall they be separated. They are like lovers longing to be together again.”
Clue 7: The last dream. Really, this was my last dream. I haven’t been able to dream since. How did that happen you ask? Well, I will tell you, though I did write a poem about it on my web site called Beyond the Dream Veil. I was in this dream when I saw a ripple. I was like, what is that? So I went to investigate and found the ripple was from a veil that my dream was projected on. Everything was a hologram projection on a screen. I was lost to it as if it were real. Now what could be beyond the veil? Curiosity took me, and I found I was in this dark room, but there was some white light coming from a door open slightly ajar. I went out the door and found I could hear a conversation. (I just realized how this almost sounds like a near death experience being in the darkness and then the white light.) I found I was in a house, and this conversation and the white light was downstairs, so I poked my head between the railings. The voices were speaking about me, about my life as Jessica, and where I was at and my future. I poked my head out closer. I felt like I hit the mother lode, and I wanted to hear more. But at that moment, they felt my presence and said, “What is she doing past the veil hologram? She is not grounded. We need to ground her.” And they pointed their finger at me and I awoke. Ah, I was so frustrated! Just when it was getting good! I felt like a little kid who was plopped down to watch a movie to be distracted while the grownups had a talk about my future and made plans that I would not find out about until later.
When they mentioned grounding me, I knew full well what they meant by that. What a clever play on words, like a child doing something they should not and they get grounded. But I, lost to the realm of fascination of the spiritual world, was floating up, up, up with no anchor. I was so not grounded. From that day forward I was grounded from dreaming. If I dreamed, I would just go beyond the veil again, and they knew that. My sleep time would now be used for me to be a dream guide to visit and work with others. This is another reason why so many seem to recognize me. My dreams now took place in the waking life. I was now a full-time daydream lucid life-liver. I was stepping into starting to discover my power—well, all of our power. Tactics found in The Secret and What the Bleep are used not for self-gain and wealth like most of us were taught to use them. Instead, I directed it to the whole of humanity. The fairy godmother helped others out of a nightmare into a fairytale happy existence. I am certain that is our birthright.
Clue 8: I just came home from working on the cruise ship to find my mom had moved to this new house, and she had a roommate whom she somehow managed to rub the wrong way, and man was he upset. It did not help to find out that our roommate was an ex-con. What a thing to come home to.
My mom was so scared. She turned to me and told me the situation. I said, “No problem, Mom. I will take care of it.” I went to my room and closed my eyes and called this roommate ex-con’s face to my inner mind’s eye. Then I jumped into his eyes and went to his soul and said, “This is not who you really are. You’re lost to your role.” Then I downloaded unto his soul unconditional love and light. The next day, my mom said to me, “Jessica, what did you do?”
“What do you mean, Mom?”
“Well,” she said, “I do not know what you did, but he is acting like a pussy cat. He seems to be very happy and seems to not care anymore about being upset with us and staying true to his threats.”
I was really taken aback by this news. I was only playing around when I said, “No problem, Mom. I will take care of it.” I did not know how I knew or what I would do until the moment came. It just came to me that if we are all souls who knew about who we were before coming to Earth, and pre-planned everything, then life was scripted and we were actors and most of us forgot that. We became lost to our roles, like they were in a spell. All you have to do is wake them up, remind them, and they should snap out of it.
Did not Shakespeare say, “All the world’s a stage and we are all actors”? How right he was. They even knew at that time. They were always telling us. I think that will be their case when we one day confront them and say, “Why didn't you tell us?” They will say, “We did tell you. In fact, it was right under your nose the whole time.”
So with this discovery, I was feeling like a scientist who tested her hypothesis on herself. It worked for me, so would it work for others? If it does, then crimes would cease, and it is not interfering with free will either, as when you remind them, they can still choose to do what they want. But when they are in their right frame of mind, they do not go through with their threats as they know that is not who they really are.
I told one of my friends about what I had been able to do, and he just laughed at me and said, “Jess, you’re crazy. You cannot just jump into someone’s eyes, speak to their soul, and send someone love and light who holds you at gun point and expect for them to suddenly have a change of heart!”
“I know it sounds crazy,” I replied. So many things sound crazy at first until one tries it and witnesses it first hand for themselves. Then they will see just how much there are no limits, just beliefs, and just how much truth is stranger than fiction.”
A few months later, my friend called me up and said, “Jess, guess what? When I was in Texas, I had this man very angry with me because I was not using the copy machine fast enough to his liking. He told me to hurry, and I told him that I was almost finished, but that was not the right answer because he pulled out a gun on me. I did not freak out, Jess. Instead, your words rang out in my mind, and I looked at his eyes and jumped in them. I went to his soul and said that he is playing a role and that is not who he really is. Then I sent him all the love and light I could. Do you know what happened next, Jess? He shook his head as if he was under some spell, and when he saw the gun in his hand, he freaked out and immediately threw the gun away. And then he left, all puzzled as to what had gotten into him. It worked, Jess. It actually worked! You did it.”
In one of Jewel’s songs called I'm sensitive from the Pieces Of You CD she says, “I have this theory that if we are told we are bad, then that’s the only idea we ever have.” Indeed that was true. The ex-con roommate and this gunman that my friend encountered were both told those things until they believed it and became it. But like what I learned about myself when I was growing up and being told I am stupid, someone’s opinion of me does not have to be my reality. So if this is the case for humans, could this also be so for spirits?
Clue 9: Careful what you think, Jess. It will come to be. Shortly after in my room came a howling demon. Oh, he was scary in form and sound. But now I saw them as little children on Halloween who have rather scary gruesome costumes, but underneath all that was a sweet little child immersed in their character, doing what kids do best: playing pretend like we do in the movies, and the more real the better. No wonder when they wandered to someone’s place who did not understand and said, “Demon, be gone!” And that only cast a spell on them and locked them to their role with years and years of constant validation of what they were but not are. Our words are so powerful. We are constantly casting spells on one another totally unaware. I am that I am. (Or Popeye says, “I am what I am,” and Eminem also says, “I am whatever you say I am. If I wasn’t, then why would you say I am?”) If we think the worst of punk kids, don't they deliver? So knowing this, I pulled off the demon’s mask, and sure enough there was this lovely bright light.
This had me wonder about the Illuminati and beyond polarity. My guides explained this to me in a very simple way. “Jess, do you think someone who plays a villain in a movie is bad in real life?”
“No,” I said.
“OK,” they said. “So then why would you think the Illuminati who is playing the villain in life as bad for real? You have read how hard it is for actors to play villains, the damage it does to their psyche, and how much therapy they need to get over that role. Nothing is what it seems. You are all lost to your roles—the white hats and the dark hats—even you, Jess. You were lost to your role at one time. You know how when the cameras are not rolling the actors, directors, writers and extras all chill together. You all know each other. (Well, it’s not like that anymore. There is politics and they separate them, but we still know!) But when the camera is rolling, the people on the street are strangers, but many look at each other and say, ‘Why are they so familiar?’ We want you to ask yourself, ‘Who are you beyond your roles?’
“Jess, do you remember when you were a kid and you would play with all your toys? You would play the role of each character: the good guy, the bad guy, and the victim. All kids do this. What is this telling you? The best way to understand what is going on and how it is about oneness is to think back to when you were a child playing with all your toys. You would get so lost in this. Sometimes you would forget you were playing, but all your characters were you. They all came from you. Are you not responsible for the games and scripts you make for becoming conscious, caring caretakers creators? Oh, how many play writes have you redone (Movie remakes: “Let’s make it again, only this time this happens, perhaps an alternate ending!”) in hopes for your soul to awaken the part of self that is lost to the role? Oh, the tactics you use. Is this not why Buddha was not afraid of the serial killer who came to him wearing a necklace of severed fingers from his victims? Oh, the shock from that serial killer when he saw Buddha had no fear of him. In fact, in that moment the serial killer’s spell was broken, and he spent the rest of his life studying under the Buddha.”
That was all they said. I was left to ponder and grasp that. “How could I judge anyone or anything now?” I wondered. This deep love was starting to surge through me. This game is so clever. What a great way, a divine ploy to find our oneness, to feel self-love, to fall in love with all the reflections of self, the many facets of self. Then the story of the Greek god Narcissus was not about vanity at all but-self love. A mirror reflects our dark and light side, but is the mirror that reflects this to us evil?
Shortly after, I went to work on set. Little did I know that working on this show would be the breaking point of me working on set from then on. My guides always told me I needed to leave, and I knew they were right, only I could not see what was beyond the bend. I still doubted myself. I felt my destiny but could not see it; therefore, I allowed myself to be frozen. Trust you must. The name of the show I worked on was called Caprica. It was about this girl who died, but before she did, she created this virtual reality program where she could live forever and be free to do whatever she wanted. Like most of us, we are drawn to the taboo and reverse psychology. In a dream or video game we do things we would never do in real life. I was hired to be one of the 20 fantasy girls to parade around, as in the video game or virtual reality program. You could design your character to look like whatever you want and act out whatever fantasy. So we needed to look the part. This is very similar to my brother’s video games that he and I played called Soulcalibur. I loved making new characters with purple skin or whatever danced into my imagination.
As I was getting ready in the hair department, I could have sworn they used a whole can of hair spray, so that if any bug flew into my hair by accident, they would be stuck screaming “Help us! Help us!” While I was lost in this thought, the director walks in and says he wants to see the fantasy girls. He points to me and one other girl, pulls us aside, and says, “In this scene, we are going to do this evil cult dance, and then the executioner will be ushered in holding a big knife. There will be a drum roll as he points his knife across the whole crowd until it stops and lands on a girl who will be sacrificed. You two girls will be right by the chosen sacrifice so that when she is chosen, she will scream and resist, but you will each grab her arms and drag her to the stage, where she will be thrown at the feet of the executioner. The crowd will cheer hungrily to witness a sacrifice. Then when it is done, you guys will go into a flurry of excitement.”
“They want me to do what?” my head said. “Crap, I cannot do this. I am a light worker. I cannot contribute to this. It is a job. I have to if I want to eat. After all, I could get a credit for this and an increase in pay. I could get special skills for this.” I was torn inside. How could I get out of this Illuminati show? This was not pretend. This stuff is real and definitely goes on. I hear about it, and I am in utter shock and disgust, and now here I am now acting it all out. I have never done anything like this before. I can’t do this, and another part of me said, “You need the money.” So as we were shooting this scene, I got lost in my role, pulling this struggling girl to the stage. There was fake blood, and it splattered all over our bodies. We were even encouraged to take our fingers and scoop some blood to eat, to act like we loved the taste of sweet corn syrup. I was surprised at myself in acting like I was enjoying the bloodshed. I actually did. I got lost to my role. I got lost to everyone’s contagious excitement, and then we had to be quiet for the hero actors who were watching the whole event from the balcony to say their lines.
Their lines were, “How can they do this? They must be sick. This is not right. It has to stop. This is not what the program was meant for.” Another actor says, “It is not their fault. They do not know what they do.” Those words echoed in me to such a deep level I almost passed out. Again and again, the actors said those lines, and I felt like I was hit with a lightning bolt. Those words, didn't Jesus say the same thing? “Forgive them, Father, for they do not know what they do.” What did it mean? Yes, we were lost to our role, but there was more. When we all participate with such things as a collective, then we create ramifications and make the conditioned programming even stronger. Nope, it’s deeper than that. They are sick, and by harming others they are harming themselves, robbing themselves of the beautiful things they could be doing in a virtual reality hologram. They did not know they were all one. I wished I could have got my hands on this script to find out what they meant by those words in that show. Was there a virus that was corrupting the program? Maybe it is that saying misery loves company. Were they sad and in pain and wanting everyone else to be in the same state? Isn't that a oneness thing as well?
As I wrestled with this in my head, a producer came up to me and told me that he would like for me to work on this project. He wanted me to be in his horror movie. I was perfect for the role they had in mind. Plus, I did such a good job earlier. In their movie, I would be this disfigured evil living life-size sexy doll kind of thing. I said, “Send me the script, and I will think about it,” hoping maybe it will not be as bad as they were saying. Maybe there is some enlightenment in it. Is this not my big break? I would be stupid just turning it down without at least looking at it. The script was so disturbing. I wrote the producer and said, “Thank-you for considering me for your role, but I just cannot do it as it is way too disturbing for me. But to you, I am sure this is a compliment because you wrote this script, and the purpose of a horror flick is to be disturbing.” I could not even read the whole thing. I never liked horror movies. They were like mind rape that robbed my lovely thoughts and left me visuals I could not shake, always creeping into my subconscious. I could not and would not be a part of that not ever again. I am trying to make the world a better place.
This was not a good start. I guess I could tell you I never really wanted to be an actress. I only pursued it because my father became so hopeful about the future. “Maybe, just maybe, Jessica would make it, and we would not live in poverty.” My father would boast to everyone, “This is my daughter. She is an aspiring model and actress,” he would say ever so proudly. How could I disappoint them? And tell them the truth: I was a lousy actress. Like in school, I could not get myself to care enough for the schoolwork nor could I care about these BS scripts, though I would not let myself share this with myself, how I really felt about being an actress and model. I convinced myself that I loved it, and this is what I came here to do. You know how when you tell a lie and try to verify it that you eventually buy your lie and forget your own truth? This is what happened. I cried, but I did not know why. I hated God for not giving me a break and giving me a role. I needed to be reminded again of the role I was already playing. I just did not hear the subconscious yell like the director saying, “We are rolling and action!”
Now that I had my big break, I did not want it. It was not my dream. I did not want to work in this industry or contribute to such a show again. Instead, I would share the inner workings of my world and all my discoveries. Curiosity trumped my fear. “What if,” I pondered excitedly, “the world knew what I knew? It could help so many. Well, Jess, there is only one way to find out. Speak now or forever hold your peas.” (I was standing in the grocery store frozen food section at the time when this thought came to me. I was holding frozen peas... close enough, I thought). All my life I struggled. I had no talent at all in anything. All I had was two things everyone told me: potential and passion. Little did I know that was all I needed. My passion gushed forth into everything I touched and poured so much heart into my poems and messages. The heat unthawed my frozen tongue from the land of silence.
My realizations made me braver as well. I could walk down not the best parts of town and not be jumped. This one guy was dumbfounded by it as he always got jumped every time he walked down that street. I told him, “I do not fear them; it is almost like bees and dogs. They can sense that. I look at them with respect. I do not see them as horrible people, just people living in horrible situations. I have understanding and compassion for them, and I see myself in them. They mirror this back at me.” Sometimes I get creative and sing really loudly off key or rant to myself. I figure if I could be weirder than the weird, then they would either do two things: either come up to me and say “What are you on?” or “Can I have some?” To which I would say, “I am sorry. I am all out.” Or they would walk on the other side of the street to avoid me. If they even tried to advance on me and only see me as a body to use and abuse, I would casually say, “Hey, you wanna hear something really cool? I know this place on the chest that if you hit it hard enough and in just the right spot, you can make a man impotent for two months. Do you want me to show you how it works?” They never want to find out if it is true or not for some strange reason. I have only had to use this tactic a few times. Now with my understanding of the roles we play, I never have to use it. I only share it here so that if need be some of you can use it. I have seen it help so many girls. Creativity rules!
So what do all the clues mean? Well, the interesting thing about clues is that they tend to be layered and have roots. I really need to look at them with boggle game eyes and understand their depth. Even now these clues hold me. My intent is to understand so all of humanity can be free of the illusionists’ mystery. You have to wonder, is there a part of us that does not want to know so that we can more enjoy the magic show? There is a part of us that wants to always wander and explore, that lives for the mystery. Is there an inner mourning taking place at the end of this little game? It’s understandable how this can be scary. We have played this game for so long. What will we do next? What else is there? I think this is where our imagination comes in. How many millennia have we been given to explore imagination and manifestation? Now what kind of world will we create? What chance do we have if we do not look after one another in that other’s suffering is ours and vice versa, so it is not about sin or karma at all.
Honestly, I do not believe in either. First off, they seem to be the same thing in different packages and cast of characters. It seems both are saying because of something you did in your past life that you cannot even recall or something you have yet to do, you deserve to suffer now to pay some debt.
No one abuses us more than we abuse ourselves. A woman stays in an abusive relationship because deep down she feels she deserves her beating. This is what one woman confessed to me. She said, “I did wrong in my life. I need to be punished.” (This sounds like a child’s conditioned programming to me.) Or another example would be, “You were cruel to an African person; therefore, you will be that color in your next life. It is your karma.” To me, I see us as a creator who wants to explore every conceivable experience, to play as many roles as possible, like an actor who becomes much better in their craft when they play many diverse roles as opposed to the same character over and over. It brings about a deeper understanding of humanity. You start to see the patterns and feel the oneness.
If there are people who believe in karma and do not agree with me, then think about the Illuminati. With all the awful things they have done to us, where is their karma? We are told that you must do good things to others if you want good things for yourself. It can be seen as bit of a fear tactic rather than to just be good because you can and that is what you in fact are. And to just be good for the sake of being good as when others smile so do you. How come the Illuminati have such nice houses, living the life of a king with all the money and power of the world? By the laws of karma, this would not be allowed.
What this tells me is that the reason they have no karma is that they are really us, a subconscious projection, so whatever they do seems to reflect on us. We get the brunt of it all. The more we throw our anger and hate at them, the stronger they get and the weaker we get. We are feeding them. This is just like my dream of the old lady. She was a microcosm representation of the Illuminati. How I transcended her is the same way I feel we now need to do with the challenges we are facing. Does that make sense to you?
How is it that we can find it so easy to love someone else but hold ourselves hostage in the mirror? (That’s also a Jewel song.) So many ask me, “What can we do, Jess?” To this I say, the more we are aware of our own inner relationship and patterns and change them in our lives by the law of the mirror, they too will have to change. Here is an example. There was this guy who saw my Project Camelot interview and learned about the reptilians for the first time. Then he went off to do more research. He was very upset with the reptilians, saying they are such bullies, being so controlling and possessive with us. What gives them the right to do that? I found these comments really interesting as his wife was just telling me how controlling he was and how oh-so possessive, as if he was afraid to lose everyone. So he would work hard to not allow this to happen. But by doing that, the insecurities came out and the desperation which then repelled her from him.
What does this tell us? Do you see the pattern? What he was doing with his life was very similar to the reptilians. His actions were allowing them to do what they are doing to us. But it was not just him. Everyone in the world who is lost to this same pattern on a collective level makes it even more powerful. So the more you learn how the Illuminati works and how you’re doing the same in your own private world, the more I am confident we can steer the Titanic from the iceberg. It demonstrates that we have grown up. We are more aware and conscious in the moment and have now taken responsibility for our collective manifestations.
Here are more examples of how we unconsciously fuel the Illuminati.
• I was asked about my thoughts on chemtrails. I told them about a story that came to me of a little boy and his father working in the garden. The father starts to spray chemicals onto their plants. The little boy asks his father, “Why do you spray?” The father says, “Because there are bugs who might eat our crops.” The boy thought about this and said, “Well, that does not seem fair to the little bugs. Suppose, Dad, that you were a little bug, and you worked hard to assist with the growth of crops, and when you went to collect your share for you and your family, some giant comes along and sprays you! How would you like it, Dad, to have all your food and home environment poisoned?” At that moment, the father looked in the sky and saw planes making chemtrails.
• We now have sprays that are organic in that they do not harm our crops and humans but still kills the bugs. Is this any better? We now have a black president, yet still we are racist and there is still discrimination. To kill the bugs is to kill us. How can you be surprised in what is done to them is done to you? We are taught at a young age if humans do not like insects, then it is OK to kill them. On a subconscious level we learn it is OK to kill what we do not like. By the age of ten the information will be embedded in a child’s mind. As an adult we will grow up and probably not know why we hate them. I know this happened to me, and I had to do some self-taught NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) to be free from this pattern.
• So who is your enemy really? Is there even an enemy? Or are we just unable to admit to ourselves there is no enemy, that our brain and our imagination got carried away? Did we just think it easier to create our enemy just to say, “See, I told you. I was right. There was an enemy.” So is being right worth it?
• If you want to know what you can do about the forces that bring discord, and we know their addiction is fear and misery, then why should we make such excuses to allow ourselves to stay in those states? Are we not empowering them with this? Then happiness and understanding, patience and unconditional love are the cures to help anyone or anything kick the addiction.
• Our ability to perceive something follows our expectation. What we hear and remember also depends on psychological factors and facts that tend to bend themselves around our beliefs. Inner circuits built on the myth of our separation, intermingled with the notions of the enemy as robotic and malevolent, control what we let in, what we recall, and what conclusions we draw.
• We have polluted our soil, water, air, every household and institution. Are we not mimicking the so-seeming enemy, having become the deadly ones who infest places and operate by automatic reflex?
We should be aware that it isn't easy to see any creatures or even the human race without having preconceived ideas about it. When we do, however, we open ourselves to the most vital and significant facts arising out of the moments. It's known as "beginners mind," a state of dynamic receptiveness that meditators seek. Zen masters teach that this state of mind is the space or attitude from which all wisdom arises, and it takes practice to achieve. Since we are most praised for having answers, we usually have ideas and beliefs about everything. It is a way to ward off the unknown.
But we lose a deep feeling connection to the other creatures and beings when we trade the mystery of their existence or aliveness for a neat bundle of classifications and summaries of explanations. We also lose our ability to see accurately and respond appropriately when we attribute dark motives to another and create enemies. How sad. So unless we develop an inner ecology to stop us from acting out our dark fantasies, we will become increasingly isolated and continue to infect, pollute, and poison the world in an attempt to eradicate what we perceive as evil. How can we be surprised if the same is done to us?
To me, the Illuminati seem to be the tough love parent who, when they find out that their child is smoking, they say, “Fine, you want to smoke? Have ten packs straight. Let’s see if you still want to smoke.” Or in our case, “Fine, you want war? I will give you so much war and chaos you will be sick of it.” After a while, we get bored with our video game, playing it over and over makes us eventually desire a new game. To me, our star family flies by our world and sees the game we are playing. “Oh duality--boring and so old school. Let me know when you’re more mature and ready to play another game.”
I was thinking about Britney Spears. The poor girl has been used so much by the Illuminati and she is sad. I can see it in her eyes. Then I thought about Arizona Wilder from David Icke’s interviews. What a sad nightmare her existence here must have been—beyond what we can even fathom. Mrs. Icke told me how they recruited her again, the poor thing. What chance did she have? How does one get past all the conditioned brainwashings and the trauma? What about all the people in war-torn poverty-stricken places? Or the many people they have tested on in the concentration camps? How can this be allowed to go on? Not to mention the poor people held prisoner in underground bases being used as guinea pigs for mind control and God only knows what else. I feel that people who hear this information and do not believe it in a sense allow it go on rather than saying, “This could be true, and if it is, what can we do?” Instead, they just ignore it.
I have had star children come to me telling me they have been taken or teleported (yes, the ones in the underground bases know how to teleport) to underground bases right from their own bedroom, finding themselves in a lab being tested and poked and prodded. They told me because they knew I would not think of them as crazy, that I could find a way or find someone to help them. If we do not believe them, then we sentence these children to suffer alone. No one should feel alone. When is it OK to speak and know you will be heard without being judged? Their pain is my pain, and it is our pain.
This may help you to understand why humanity is so depressed and angry and does not even know why. A subconscious reflection is crying out, “Help me! Help us!” What happens to one happens to and affects all of us. So many of you may think of me as brave, but I simply can no longer be silent now that I understand, nor can I no longer distract myself from everyone’s hearts crying out. There is no way we can hide from all the pain in the world. It will find a way to seek us out.
It is important to not be mad at ourselves for allowing this and to not direct our anger at humanity as any kind of anger is fuel. If your family is not open to this information, it is OK. Just because we are like this today does not mean we will be like this tomorrow. We all have our triggers of awakening. Take me for example. I made fun of my father for talking about these things, and now I have totally become him. Just let others come into this in a way that feels natural for them. To force this on them is to repel them. It is important to be loving, gentle, and forgiving with yourself and others. We are responsible for the games we play in becoming human. Forgive them, for they do not know what they do. It seems we are living the fable of Beauty and the Beast in which we are learning to love and forgive our inner beast. Once that is done, the spell is broken (for everyone in the castle, signifying everyone in the world).
If I am responsible for the world being where it is at now, then I would rather bite the bullet and just be honest with myself so we can finally move forward and finally see pain and repetition go into remission. So many of you are concerned with the reptilians, but I am more concerned with people. We are the ones who have sold each other out time and time again.
I do not think the details of the game are as important as understanding the mechanics and foundation of the game. I feel it would be of much greater value if we played the game of pretend, and pretended we were the Illuminati, the reptilians, the Greys, etc. What is it like? What does it feel like? What is life like in their shoes? What happened to make them like this? How did we assist in manifesting their entrance into our life? How much sense does it make to say we come in peace, but our actions speak louder than our words?
The creation of a shadow is a universal phenomenon in people, a pattern formed as a child's ego or center of awareness is formed. This developmental process always entails a clash between the individuality of the child and the opinions of the culture and parents. Each child learns its culture's acceptable qualities. Those contrary to the cultural and family views of what is seen as good and appropriate are relegated to the child’s unconscious shadow. But repressing qualities does not eliminate them. They continue to function unsupervised and unchecked, projected out into the world onto others. Why? Because they are a part of you. They act like pain as a messenger trying and hoping to be addressed to the right address so you can finally be free and able to heal this part of you, whether it is represented as a personal or collective shadow. (So the pain will not only come just to you but it will come to others as well, any possible way for the message to be free, which is very similar also to how spirits work and why they are coming to me.)
Both the personal and collective shadow helps us avoid looking at our own hostilities because they are always projected out onto someone or something else. Propaganda is an integral component of preserving the shadow projections toward a particular target. It simplifies the issue and glosses over contrary evidence. The collective shadow's influence compels us to find public enemies, replacing one nation with another, one leader with another, and one species with another, as power shifts and economic and political alliances change. The fact that we project our rejected qualities onto one another doesn't automatically mean that the other is innocent of these projections, but the intensity of our fear, repulsion, or dislike is a barometer of the strength of the repressed energies within us—not a response to the traits as they actually exist in another. In fact, we can’t really know how much is in the other until we suspend our beliefs and study the source of our projections. When we have done our personal work and understood our complexities, we will have defused the hot buttons that caused us to react with self-righteousness and militancy. We will also have freed ourselves to see another accurately and choose an appropriate response.
We are driven to fabricate an enemy, a scapegoat to carry our enmity. First we create a target or public enemy from the hostility that resides in our subconscious shadow. The wars that follow as compulsive rituals in which we continually attempt to kill those parts of ourselves we despise or deny having. The faces of human enemies, the psychological realities apply to any situation in which we deny our hostility, and project it out into the world on other races, aliens, or even insects. These are an easy hook for our projections because of their strangeness to us in appearance and habits.
Once we learn what is acceptable and what is not, other psychological mechanisms called selective perceptions and selective recall impeccably uphold our projections into adulthood. They filter what we let in through our senses. When the subjects are so-seeming enemies, we remember only those facts and behaviors of them that support the image we have already endorsed.
To add further complexity to the picture, the contents of our personal shadows have joined with the economic incentives of the big business agriculture. It is like a fanatic zeal on the part of many specialists and most control agencies. It is likely, however, that this zeal was not so much a conscious and collective rallying of forces as it was an unconscious gathering of images and beliefs from many projections. This even includes decision makers invested in the status quo and employed by powerful industries and government regulation agencies. With the implicit consent of unaware or disinformed public, they make policies and garner support for the eradication of a so-seeming enemy that always seems to reflect ramifications onto us using whatever method is deemed necessary.
So to see others clearly, we must have feelings for the organism comprised of empathy, appreciation, and enough knowledge to respond appropriately when we meet them. Neither loving nor knowledgeable about other beings, we have accepted the common view that some beings are worthless. It is part of the story we tell ourselves, part of the myth of our separation from the natural world that ranks life in a hierarchy of perceived value that places us on the top and other life-forms on the bottom or even us on the bottom.
Our sense of self and community is also intertwined with other life-forms. The more people become aware of the infinity between their consciousness and the consciousness of the many forms around them, the more they feel their own sense of self enlarged and their lives enriched by a sense of belonging to a great mystery. We are diminished as individuals and as a society when we exclude species from our circle—whether they are alien, insect, or etheric—from communicating with us because of fears that are magnified by our collective assumptions. Perhaps we have not included these other life forms in our circle of community because we are reluctant to accord them as having consciousness. We have only begun to recognize our own consciousness and its influence on our lives. That some kind of universal consciousness is at work at every level of reality, informing and directing it, is a radical idea. It promises to change every area of our lives, including our interactions with other species.
We might dare to ask: how do we hold and heal these misunderstood, mistreated, and hated aspects of ourselves? Within us is a longing for wholeness—a longing for our true nature and an impulse to move toward it. Psychologists tell us we can only inhabit that nature more fully through knowledge, love, and reclamation of the missing parts. How many then are we in conflict with? How many parts of ourselves have we condemned to hell, and at what point do we see their appearance not as something unpleasant to deal with, but as a remarkable opportunity to stop our inner war and make peace? Every single creature is full of God and is a book about God. Viewing every life-form as a divine textbook and part of our human curriculum provides us with a lifelong course of study and contemplation leading towards health and wholeness. Simply by paying attention to those who command our attention and applying their strategies for living to circumstances, we begin the learning, inner knowing, and freedom process.
While I was writing this article, someone e-mailed me the following letter in response to my talks about the Illuminati that I feel most appropriate to share with you. The quote, found in an article called “Illuminati Reveal Crazy Apocalytic Agenda” on Henry Makow’s web site, is from a person claiming to be in the Illuminati and calling himself the "Hidden Hand." He originally posted this on the "Abovetopsecret" site. It has a section called “EVIL IS ‘FOR YOUR OWN GOOD’ (i.e., EVIL IS GOOD).” I do not think it is good, I think we create and amplify so it takes on a life of its own that we are not aware of, and it becomes our self-destructive nature.
"Hidden Hand" says the Illuminati create "War, Hatred, Greed, Control, Enslavement, Genocide, Torture, Moral Degradation, Prostitution, Drugs, all these things and more" for our own good.
“In all these Negative things, we are providing you with tools. But you do not see it. It is not what we do, but how you react to it, that is important.” (With my own personal experience I have found this to be true. These things do shape me if I do not allow myself to get jaded by it).
“We give you the tools. You have the Free Will choice how you will use them. You have to take responsibility. There is only One of Us here. Understand that, and you will understand the Game” (Bingo! Confirmation.)
"Understand that we HAVE to be Negative. That's what we were sent here to be. It is our contract in the script that we are the villain, and it has always been to help you, by providing the "Catalyst" I spoke of earlier. Being Negative is very hard for us, not on a physical level (the characters we play enjoy our roles as we're programmed that way), but on a Spiritual level, it is hard. We surpassed the lowly negative vibrations eons ago. We are Light, and we are Love. It is a very hard thing for us to do Spiritually, to create all this Negativity, but we do it because we love you, and it is for your highest good, ultimately. You could say that it is our Sacrifice that we have made in order to be of Service to the One Infinite Creator, and to you, our Brothers and Sisters in the One."
That’s all they wrote. One other interesting thing to bring up is that we are focusing on understanding the enemy of the dark hats, but what about them also wearing the white hats and using love and light words to bend for their own agenda? This may come from our “savior complex” in which we are waiting for some being to come and save us from ourselves. Will this not remove us from our responsibility? How would we learn? What kind of parent would we be if we always cleaned up our kids’ mess rather than saying, “You got yourself into this. You can get yourself out of this. I have more faith in you than you have in yourself.” You were brought to Earth to heal it. You were seeded from the stars, and you may want to come home, but instead you are here to become home. Bring home or heaven to Earth. It is within us all along. We hear this frequently, but how many of us actually do the soul archaeology to discover this first hand? Must it always be some disaster that we stumble across our X-men superpower abilities? Or is it our natural birthright abilities?
Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot asked me: “I do not get it, Jess. If we are from the future, why did we wait so long to get in touch with us? It feels so last minute and rushed.”
This is what came to me for a response. I said, “When you are making bread, don't you need the right ingredients, the exact amount, the right temperature, and a certain amount of time? If any of these things are off and we pull the bread out too early, then it is not ready. And if you wait too long, then it will be burned. But if you pull it out on the intended time, then the bread has risen to the occasion and is just right. It has gone through its transformation process.”
She also advised me to be more scientific when I present my message. So many have gone this route and I choose not to. I feel that science tends to complicate something very simple. I want my message to be understood by people who may not know science but they know their heart. I want to have the freedom to express in my own way.
To quote one of my poems called How Many Times Have You Killed Me? (from watching my brother playing video games):
Did you think my veil of amnesia would forever stay?
You kill me and I keep coming back
I have many lives in this video game we call life.
I have more numbers than you can count
And the player behind my controls is determined to beat this game.
No matter how challenging it is with the frustrations, brain teasers, labyrinths, and tricky bosses at the end of every level.
You want to play, let's play.
With every death I have learned what not to do
That is a step closer to me understanding the nature of this game and how it works
And how to resurrect the dead of all my brethren of lives they have led.
Those are my lives I have lost to this game but oh not in vain.
So here I am again
Ready to face you
I have got the message that you are my relative
You are the part of me that is self-destructive
With this realization I can feel love for you
Forgiveness is about to ensue
That is all I need to do
Now we have won
It is a tie game
We are one in the same.
That’s it. Thank-you everyone for listening to and applying my message. We are cosmic midwives assisting the birth of a new Earth. We are healing a battered and bruised past and all potential battered and bruised future probabilities. To quote Jim Law: “We are living in the time where we are dissolving illusion.” Coming soon: 2012 Part 4.
Much love to you all,
We are the answer to our prayers.
First Half of 2012 and Beyond Part 4: The Illuminati’s Plan for the Star Seeds
This is the First Half of 2012 Part 4: The Illuminati’s Plan for the Star Seeds. I was originally going to call it The Hollow Earth and Its Core, and I still intend to do that; however, it occurred to me that I was missing a major component that I needed to share first in order for the latter to be fully understood.
So I was thinking that maybe as we begin our journey to the hollow Earth that it represents layers of things that we must unearth. For so long we have looked outside of us, and this is where we now find ourselves. There is something pressing me about the star seeds and the Illuminati’s plans to use them for their agenda. I am not sure how I’m going to find the right words for this. It is not a simple thing to share, but here I go.
I came across some information on my second trip to Sedona that has rocked me a bit. I came across some kind of encyclopedia from a secret base on all things paranormal. This was from the “secret service of classifications of the bizarre” and how they interpret it. They have a better understanding because they horde the information. It explained what each project meant, i.e., Blue Book, Montauk, Monarch, and so forth. I did not really look at those, though, as it was not so much important to me. It was interesting to see that they knew of all the star beings making contact with people. What was more interesting was their definition of how they saw them, how they could manipulate the contact to work for their advantage, how they could intercept and eavesdrop on the contact and channelled insight, how they could keep tabs, and how they could duplicate the vibe and pose as them. They were most interested in whether the beings in contact with humans were in service to self or service to others.
I did not realize it at the time, but it was a major clue, and it kept being highlighted in my brain of all the things I saw. Then I came across who is behind all this: the puppet masters pulling all the strings on the so-seeming dark side. They had revealed their plan. This book was only meant for certain people to see, that is for sure. Now what if this book is not true? I thought about it, but it does not matter. I have to talk about it because if it is, then it must be known. It mentions how they understand time travel and how they have created a window of time that will allow them to pull off this plan. The term window of time is interesting because in the Anastasia books she mentions about having to carry humanity across the “dark window of time.”
This is going to be very hard for me to write, so just bear with me and see if you can pick up the clues or even why this was put into this particular video message.
They spoke about how they can manipulate time and history to pull us all into this dark window and maintain their ideal probable future reality, to loop us yet again to past patterns that had us self-destruct in the past. Think of this as a tricky question on your final exam that tries to throw you off just to see if you are paying attention.
They really intend to put all the pieces together for people but for their own agenda. For example, have you noticed how similar the New World Order is to what light workers speak about the future—also known as the New World? There is one religion, no currency, no jobs. But if you examine it very closely, you will see slight differences, which I will get to later. Now as slight as these differences are, they make a huge difference to our fate and quality of life.
OK, back to their plan. I feel if I share their plan, then we can understand the pattern and the slight differences that are crucial to pay attention to. Now I am not sharing this to bring fear. I am not about that. I am about sharing so others can pick up the patterns and be aware of them. When you understand them, then you can see things coming a mile away. People call this psychic, but once you know how it works, then you see it is not psychic at all. Is a GPS psychic because it knows the road so well and where everything is? It’s like navigation exposing the way they are seeking to enslave us, so we can see the game and therefore not play it.
Rather than explaining this to you, I have decided to do much more than that. I want to help you see what I see. I want to teach you how to see and how to interpret. I want to help teach you how to think rather than what to think.
In the book, they talk about how they are reptilians who are high up. They talk about how their plan is to get people throughout history and this time used to the vision of them, so they keep it in stories, songs, movies, and statues all over the place. They are doing this to prepare the people of the planet for when they will not be able to hold their form or hide. They will explain how the dinosaurs never left, that they just went underground and changed form. They will talk about how they were aware of 2012 as an important date for them too. That is another clue. They want the world to be in a certain state by this time. That is, the Earth should be raped and plundered as much as possible so there must be a messed-up environment. The world must be seen as a scary place--wars, outbreaks of crime, chemical warfare, forced vaccinations, fluoride in water, chemtrails, and mindless media. This is all very important to them. OK, but why?
Oh, and that is not all. They want to encourage the anticipation and curiosity of the star people, especially the star children. Why? Why are they microchipping people? Is it really about control of the world? But wait a second. How exactly does one control a totally destroyed world? Are they not running out of time? They will be removed from Earth. They will have to leave or transcend in peace within us. Those are their options. Could it be that they plan to take as many as they can with them? Could that be why they have spent many years from the very beginning leading us on a path of planetary destruction and chaos? If they make the Earth a scary place, with wars, chemical warfare, diseases, encouraging and nurturing the criminals, and getting us to create not-so-natural disasters with our thoughts and media and the HAARP project; if they have people dependent on the system to make them invalids and helpless without it; and if the economy crashes and all this happens at the same time, why people will be begging to leave this place! All they have to do is create hell on Earth, a living nightmare.
They know that people are waiting on Christ and other gods and are now linking that to things like Ashtar and twisted understandings of ascension. It is interesting that we make hell while we wait for heaven. Jewel said in one of her songs how “They say that abortion will send you straight to a fiery hell, that is, if the fanatics don’t beat Satan to the kill.”
Another example of making hell while we wait, not living in the now, and really thinking about what is really going on and what we are doing would be Y2K. Everyone waited on this date for the poo to hit the fan, and in the meantime people freaked, bought up as much as they could, and found themselves in a frenzy of survival of the fittest, everyman for himself.
So you see how the waiting for the dates and what we do before the dates can make all the difference, and it is here that we are played, not the so-seeming date at all. But well, it is a damn good distraction. It is like the movie “Catch Me If You Can,” how Leo’s character got by the heavy security because they were too busy looking at the bevy of beautiful woman to be aware of who was slipping by right under their noses, or like the Twilight Zone episode, The Monsters are Due on Maple Street, where the people were too busy blaming each other to be aware of the unseen hand playing them.
They also know of the star children or all the people waking up to who they are and how homesick they feel on Earth. They knew this was going to happen. They will cry to the skies, “Take me away from here” as the star children feel so abandoned here. If people are led to believe the end of times is coming near, and they are waiting on a savior or Revelations, then the saviors can come, and we understand how holograms work. The Illuminati feel they can take people with them without interfering with their free will. They will actually be expecting all this to happen with our thoughts and visions and through media. After all, with them posing as the good guys for such a long time as politicians, royalty, and entertainers, the people are starting to lose faith in them, so they will hold out and hide the secret of ETs. They will wait until the people demand that the government admit it. I am referring to The Disclosure Project here. If the people know there are really ETs and they know that the government has lied about it for such a long time, then why the heck would they still go to the government demanding that they reveal the truth? I think that they will just use this as an opportunity to play us on the very thing that they have been working on since the beginning. They are like savvy drug addicts that con and swindle in order to get others to willingly do what they want us to do in order to feed their addiction and pain affliction.
In my last video, I spoke about how in order to be free from the dark, one must understand them and even put oneself in their shoes to think like them. Hmm, if I were the Illuminati and this was my agenda and addiction, how would I go about it?
This is a scary thought, but as all detectives will tell you, you have to do this in order to fully understand. So few dare to do this. After all, how does one make sense out of crazy? Yet in this world, we know that one can make loads of dollars and cents off of the senseless and the innocence of others.
So where is all this leading? War marshals know that all they need to do to take out their enemy is plant certain ideas of doubt and confusion, create lack of trust by giving more to one and less to another, and then all they do is sit back and watch their targets destroy themselves. Just watch the old Twilight Zone episode called The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street to further grasp how this works. It might even be on YouTube.
As you see, they have got the people to do all the work. The same thing is being done to us now, like how we jump on or kill each other if someone tries to share what is really going on and challenge the zombie-moron sandwich program. We have learned to do this early on in school, picking on anyone who was different. What I have learned about the Illuminati is that they focus more on people and beings who are more into “service to others” rather than “service to self,” as the service to others has more potential and ability to influence and manipulate many others. Actually, this is what Hitler was. He was convinced that he was the good guy, and he was helping rid the world of evil, and he got others to believe it too. Many think Hitler was evil, but I feel that he was a puppet. What about the people who funded and encouraged Hitler? How come they are never mentioned?
So mankind is losing faith in its leaders. They are aware of the puppet masters but still cannot recognize them. Have we ever asked where our marionette strings are coming from, and who is pulling them? What are they subtly influencing us to do that we are not aware of?
As man waits to be saved, like slaves, we have been taught to put our faith in leaders, educated people, and beings in the sky outside of us. “Are they good or evil people?” we ask.
The lightworkers work hard to have others not fear the star beings. Do you not think that the Illuminati are very aware of this and are planning to use this as well? They are very aware of the starlight children. They know they will start coming out of the closet.
From my own personal experiences of working with people being abducted, it seems to be people who are having contact with star beings, whether they are aware of it or not. The Illuminati are able to track this, then abduct them and disguise themselves in alien form as they do all kinds of experiments to them in their underground bases. Sometimes people manage to see past the veil and see them in human form, humans doing this in disguise as ETs. They do this hoping to override the positive contact to one of fear, but also to learn more about the star children. Why? Why? Why? It is very much like the child that says, “Why? But why” and keeps asking until they either piss off the person they are asking or stumble upon the core issue, and then the answer gets glazed over with some excuse: “That’s just how it is.”
Tangent—OK, back to the why of the star children. They are the ones who are the pioneers who will stop them, yet they also hold the energy that is their ideal Illuminati crop, the exact same thing that very little children have, which is why they are heavily targeted in their twisted rituals of mass ugly. It is 12:12 right now, and I am seeing that way more now than 11:11. I think 12:12 is the next step up. I hope this is all making sense. This is incredibly difficult to write.
In a way, the Illuminati know we would feel alone, needing to share and struggle to make all this public and bring other like minds together. We are helping them bring out everyone as technology is where everyone and everything is monitored. This way they do not need to round us up at all. When this hit me in Sedona, I felt like I was kicked in the gut and had the wind knocked out of me. No, it cannot be. Is this why they are not going after certain people because we are too scattered, so instead they have us bring ourselves together for them? If that is so, then what do I do now? So many of us think we are helping but can end up doing just the opposite. How does one know for sure? It was such a scary place to be in, guys. I wanted to just stop doing everything and just disappear from others’ lives. But this is fear. Should I not do something because of fear? Is that not terrorism? If I do something, then that could help them too. OK, what a great Catch-22.
But if I run away without explaining the whole plan, then that is not helping anything either. What if I just continued sharing, even this? If people, my beloved light/ crystal/star children knew this, then could we avert even this? Can I help steer the ship from the iceberg? Can I teach others about the hidden part of the iceberg below the surface, which is the most dangerous? I cannot stop now. Is it not true that so many give up right when they are at the finish line? Can we win the chess game with this insight and by paying close attention? Yes, we sure can as we avert a major trap, perhaps the final one. Is this not why so many of us come from the future to learn their plan, their dark window of time and then go back to this time to let people know at the right time when it was supposed to happen? I am sorry, guys. I know I ask lots of questions, but this is how my brain works. It is like a photograph dictation for everyone to see. Maybe others think like this way as well.
So I feel that everyone who has visions of the future of doom, gloom, and sonic boom are people who are actually from the future probable reality where that did happen, and they had been sent back to avert it. They would be reminded of what they need to correct by the visions of future probable memories to get them to act at just the right time, like a major motivation button. In videos to come, I will explain more about time travel and timelines and how it works.
My dad would always say we and the many star being humans we are in contact with—like the Pleiadians, for example—are here to right a terrible wrong. We have stepped down from the 11th dimension to the 3rd dimension as we could not progress forward until this was made right. I think this might have to do with the times in the past like Atlantis where we wiped ourselves out by breaking certain rules, but I will get into that later. Bear with me, guys. I will share everything, and I will not hold back anything from you. If I did, then it would be a great disservice and disrespectful to you. If I say, “I love you,” well, that is fine as anyone can say those words, but not everyone can hold the actions to back it up.
Now getting back here, the majority of the masses have been taught that heaven, paradise, is outside of them, that heaven is up and hell is down in the ground. I find this interesting. So God will one day come and take us to heaven, eh? With their holograms, Project Blue Book, Illuminati toys, can they stage something like that? They sure can. This is the master plan that they have been working on thousands of years in the making. The agenda is not about just microchipping people. Why, that is just another smoke and mirrors distraction to have people think that is the goal, but in fact it’s not. There is so much behind that. As you see, once again they hide their big picture.
Is there a reason why the return of God is kept so vague? It was a question my dad said one day to me, and then he left the room. Is it kept vague and are certain ideas given to us to think about it occurring all as part of the plan to present the Antichrist?
Are the star seeds in a sense helping with this by getting Christians to think of Christ as a star being with a spaceship? Just imagine, “Yes, my children, I am your Christ. Now come with me. I will take you from this horrid place.” Wait a second. Isn’t Earth our playground, our room, our womb? We messed it up or helped with the mess, so are we really going to get out of it scot-free for that? Are we really going to get away from our responsibility?
Now what kind of parent would we be if we bailed our children out of every mess? Don’t our parents say, “Well dear, I love you, but you have got yourself into this mess; you must get yourself out of it; you must claim responsibility and clean it up”? If someone or something comes and saves us, whether it is a deity or alien or even the politicians, how do we learn? Is that not a great disservice and taking everything we have ever gone through here on Earth all in vain, a total waste? That is like cheating on our final exam, having our parent sit in and do it for us. I truly feel that God does not answer our prayers the way we would like because he sent us; we are our answers and his answers. He gave us everything we would need: two hands, one brain, and one heart. It is up to us what we choose to do with it. God has more faith in us than we do in him, it seems. God knows we can do it, so why can’t we see that? Homer Simpson says that alcohol is the cause and solution to all of life’s problems. I have my own spin on that: we are the cause and solution to all our problems.
In the document I found in Sedona, the Illumnati say that their plan must be well underway by 2012. Why? Because 2012 is when they have to leave or heal.
Could 2012 be the date that these ill-intent beings are scheduled to leave? Will they try to take as many as they can with them? Do we feel like we are running out of time because in truth it is not us running out of time but them, and they have integrated their desires with ours? That we are taught to care about their agenda and that their end should also be our end too? So many are conditioned to fight and defend the system, to take down anyone who threatens it. This is like the prisoner who snitches on the other prisoners who are planning on making a break for it and come back later to free the others. This is only because the snitch is comfortable in prison and believes there is no hope, so why bother to try, or even that there is no prison, that that is freedom.
OK, but some do not see that, and they go on the trip. They leave their Geppetto to go with the circus cronies who play on their ideals and expectations only to find it is a trap, and they turn into jackasses who will be sold for slavery and made into various things. I am just trying to think of the con beings that will come, how tantalizing their tales and promises will be, and what neat tricks called miracles will be done to get people to come with the aliens posing as the so-seeming saviors. It reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode called To Serve Humans where the people are completely trapped on this other world and become clone drones’ appetizers, kept in fear to feed their addiction. Could this be the birth of the Greys and how it started with them? This could be also referring to people being taken to this other so-called Earth. How many of you have heard about that? Now just think about that for a minute. It is saying that some will make it and others will not. But are we not all one, and what happens to one of us happens to all of us? Here is a case in point: what is occurring on Earth. If this happens, then it fragments us again. I think this is another trap, and a rather clever and subtle trap at that. To quote Lilo and Stitch: “Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind.” In how many future probabilities have we done this, that we are having to deal with all these various beings who are fragmented versions of us, mirroring very important things to us so we do not repeat the same thing again, that we fragment ourselves yet again?
Here is something very important I have learned and why I have changed my tune to just being about the star/crystal/light children. I have come across some very advanced “sleeping people.” They are totally not conscious of who they are and what they are doing on the etheric. They live a boring sheeple life, but their eyes speak otherwise. Yet they are highly active working with the divine in the etheric and dream realms. It knocked me flat on my butt and threw me for a major loop. Do all people need to be awakened, or are there masters who do not need to be and can do their work while they sleep, like Edgar Cayce for example? I started to develop huge amounts of respect and understanding for the sleeping folk. The sleeping people are just as important as the star/crystal/light children. After all, there can be no playing favorites, like that poem I wrote with a similar title, Playing Favorites. Also, I used to be sleeping. Thank goodness I was because otherwise how would I ever understand what it was like for them? This creates just more compassion, patience, and unconditional love. Do not give into this subtle card of separation being sold to the New Age racket.
Alright, so we have been put on the planet, now what? It seems not very exciting compared to space for us to explore, an adventure for us who long to go out there and discover new things. After all, we know all about Earth, but do we? As a piece of fruit that has fallen from its branch, so we long to go back on that branch held up high. It must have been like heaven, and to fall to the ground and not to be able to go home, to get back on that branch, is very sad for us. We cannot go home. We can only become home. That piece of fruit learns that inside itself are the seeds of memories of home, and it will become home. It will become that lovely tree, but first it must allow itself to be buried in complete darkness in silence, all alone. All of humanity is here right now, and oh how we hate it. It is just such a scary and uncertain place to be. What is so incredible about this, though, is that it is in this place that the seed develops its inner roots, and its inner roots give birth to its outer roots, and it reaches up and down at the same time.
Hmm, this is like Jacob’s ladder, which brings me to my point: have we really explored this entire planet? Have we been underground to any subterranean layers and cities? Have we been to the bottom of the sea? Have we explored the other dimensions or beings who are living simultaneously to us, right in front of our face? No silly. You cannot go inside the Earth. It has a big fiery core. It is where hell is, but is it really? Heaven is up. Hell is down. And that is what we have been taught, right? We are not taught that heaven is inside of us. Nope, we are told that heaven is outside of us somewhere in the clouds and hell is inside the planet—the center, which is the macrocosm version of our body. So there is a subtle and clever way to scare us from ever looking within to our core. Oh no, that is where hell is! How backwards indeed. After all, so many of us are subtly conditioned to be very afraid of self and to be left alone with our thoughts and soul archaeology, so quick to find a distraction of any sorts will do as long as we do not have to be left alone with ourselves.
I was always aware of this, so I decided to teach myself to be OK with being alone with myself and my thoughts. Then they became harsh and said things to me like I did not deserve to eat, and I bought into it for a bit. And then I decided to make a return on this crappy purchase. “Excuse me, I do not want this. It broke my heart, and I demand that I speak to the manager of this thought and tell them to fix it.” I challenged the manager and went to the factory of thought to learn where the problem started and demanded that they no longer sell these lousy thoughts to other unaware minds. Hey, that was fun standing up for myself. I wanted to explore my other thoughts as well. Hmm, there are lots of nasty beliefs here that are not even mine. I don’t even know them. I do not even need them. I wonder when I purchased these. It was like looking back at ourselves and our pictures of the 80s and being perplexed. When did we start to think that outfit was cool in the first place? Now they could call this manager evil, but a con artist can only get away with such things if one is not paying attention or is blindsided by petty lies. This is what NLP (neurolinguistic programming) is. I taught myself this, and then I learned it was an actual field of study. I highly recommend that others try it for themselves as the more of this I did, the more my head became a much kinder, pleasant home.
It worked for me rather than against me. I learned to work with it rather than it working me over. We tend to think that because of all the junk we have gone through and been told that we have somehow lost our value. If you think that is true about you, then suppose I took a hundred dollar bill and spat on it, stepped on it, and told it that it was the worst one hundred dollar bill ever. And so many believe what they are told, but we know the truth regardless of what was done and said about the hundred dollar bill. We know that the value is still one hundred dollars regardless. We have not lost our value.
It only made sense that as I was exploring the many levels and layers of self that my father suddenly started talking about the Earth being hollow and what was in the core. Hmm. What is the core of my being anyway? Why have we been kept in such fear of our core and the Earth’s core for that matter? Inside our body are only flesh, blood, and bones. That is all that has the physical proof, but there is also this whole other world in us that we cannot see that baffles scientists. And that is our spirit, our piece of heaven, our understanding of how the body works on a collective, co-creational way in order to keep the body going. This concludes the first half, and now we move onto the second half called 2012 Part 4: The Hollow Earth and Its Core. Thank-you.
We are the answer to our prayers.
This is the First Half of 2012 Part 4: The Illuminati’s Plan for the Star Seeds. I was originally going to call it The Hollow Earth and Its Core, and I still intend to do that; however, it occurred to me that I was missing a major component that I needed to share first in order for the latter to be fully understood.
So I was thinking that maybe as we begin our journey to the hollow Earth that it represents layers of things that we must unearth. For so long we have looked outside of us, and this is where we now find ourselves. There is something pressing me about the star seeds and the Illuminati’s plans to use them for their agenda. I am not sure how I’m going to find the right words for this. It is not a simple thing to share, but here I go.
I came across some information on my second trip to Sedona that has rocked me a bit. I came across some kind of encyclopedia from a secret base on all things paranormal. This was from the “secret service of classifications of the bizarre” and how they interpret it. They have a better understanding because they horde the information. It explained what each project meant, i.e., Blue Book, Montauk, Monarch, and so forth. I did not really look at those, though, as it was not so much important to me. It was interesting to see that they knew of all the star beings making contact with people. What was more interesting was their definition of how they saw them, how they could manipulate the contact to work for their advantage, how they could intercept and eavesdrop on the contact and channelled insight, how they could keep tabs, and how they could duplicate the vibe and pose as them. They were most interested in whether the beings in contact with humans were in service to self or service to others.
I did not realize it at the time, but it was a major clue, and it kept being highlighted in my brain of all the things I saw. Then I came across who is behind all this: the puppet masters pulling all the strings on the so-seeming dark side. They had revealed their plan. This book was only meant for certain people to see, that is for sure. Now what if this book is not true? I thought about it, but it does not matter. I have to talk about it because if it is, then it must be known. It mentions how they understand time travel and how they have created a window of time that will allow them to pull off this plan. The term window of time is interesting because in the Anastasia books she mentions about having to carry humanity across the “dark window of time.”
This is going to be very hard for me to write, so just bear with me and see if you can pick up the clues or even why this was put into this particular video message.
They spoke about how they can manipulate time and history to pull us all into this dark window and maintain their ideal probable future reality, to loop us yet again to past patterns that had us self-destruct in the past. Think of this as a tricky question on your final exam that tries to throw you off just to see if you are paying attention.
They really intend to put all the pieces together for people but for their own agenda. For example, have you noticed how similar the New World Order is to what light workers speak about the future—also known as the New World? There is one religion, no currency, no jobs. But if you examine it very closely, you will see slight differences, which I will get to later. Now as slight as these differences are, they make a huge difference to our fate and quality of life.
OK, back to their plan. I feel if I share their plan, then we can understand the pattern and the slight differences that are crucial to pay attention to. Now I am not sharing this to bring fear. I am not about that. I am about sharing so others can pick up the patterns and be aware of them. When you understand them, then you can see things coming a mile away. People call this psychic, but once you know how it works, then you see it is not psychic at all. Is a GPS psychic because it knows the road so well and where everything is? It’s like navigation exposing the way they are seeking to enslave us, so we can see the game and therefore not play it.
Rather than explaining this to you, I have decided to do much more than that. I want to help you see what I see. I want to teach you how to see and how to interpret. I want to help teach you how to think rather than what to think.
In the book, they talk about how they are reptilians who are high up. They talk about how their plan is to get people throughout history and this time used to the vision of them, so they keep it in stories, songs, movies, and statues all over the place. They are doing this to prepare the people of the planet for when they will not be able to hold their form or hide. They will explain how the dinosaurs never left, that they just went underground and changed form. They will talk about how they were aware of 2012 as an important date for them too. That is another clue. They want the world to be in a certain state by this time. That is, the Earth should be raped and plundered as much as possible so there must be a messed-up environment. The world must be seen as a scary place--wars, outbreaks of crime, chemical warfare, forced vaccinations, fluoride in water, chemtrails, and mindless media. This is all very important to them. OK, but why?
Oh, and that is not all. They want to encourage the anticipation and curiosity of the star people, especially the star children. Why? Why are they microchipping people? Is it really about control of the world? But wait a second. How exactly does one control a totally destroyed world? Are they not running out of time? They will be removed from Earth. They will have to leave or transcend in peace within us. Those are their options. Could it be that they plan to take as many as they can with them? Could that be why they have spent many years from the very beginning leading us on a path of planetary destruction and chaos? If they make the Earth a scary place, with wars, chemical warfare, diseases, encouraging and nurturing the criminals, and getting us to create not-so-natural disasters with our thoughts and media and the HAARP project; if they have people dependent on the system to make them invalids and helpless without it; and if the economy crashes and all this happens at the same time, why people will be begging to leave this place! All they have to do is create hell on Earth, a living nightmare.
They know that people are waiting on Christ and other gods and are now linking that to things like Ashtar and twisted understandings of ascension. It is interesting that we make hell while we wait for heaven. Jewel said in one of her songs how “They say that abortion will send you straight to a fiery hell, that is, if the fanatics don’t beat Satan to the kill.”
Another example of making hell while we wait, not living in the now, and really thinking about what is really going on and what we are doing would be Y2K. Everyone waited on this date for the poo to hit the fan, and in the meantime people freaked, bought up as much as they could, and found themselves in a frenzy of survival of the fittest, everyman for himself.
So you see how the waiting for the dates and what we do before the dates can make all the difference, and it is here that we are played, not the so-seeming date at all. But well, it is a damn good distraction. It is like the movie “Catch Me If You Can,” how Leo’s character got by the heavy security because they were too busy looking at the bevy of beautiful woman to be aware of who was slipping by right under their noses, or like the Twilight Zone episode, The Monsters are Due on Maple Street, where the people were too busy blaming each other to be aware of the unseen hand playing them.
They also know of the star children or all the people waking up to who they are and how homesick they feel on Earth. They knew this was going to happen. They will cry to the skies, “Take me away from here” as the star children feel so abandoned here. If people are led to believe the end of times is coming near, and they are waiting on a savior or Revelations, then the saviors can come, and we understand how holograms work. The Illuminati feel they can take people with them without interfering with their free will. They will actually be expecting all this to happen with our thoughts and visions and through media. After all, with them posing as the good guys for such a long time as politicians, royalty, and entertainers, the people are starting to lose faith in them, so they will hold out and hide the secret of ETs. They will wait until the people demand that the government admit it. I am referring to The Disclosure Project here. If the people know there are really ETs and they know that the government has lied about it for such a long time, then why the heck would they still go to the government demanding that they reveal the truth? I think that they will just use this as an opportunity to play us on the very thing that they have been working on since the beginning. They are like savvy drug addicts that con and swindle in order to get others to willingly do what they want us to do in order to feed their addiction and pain affliction.
In my last video, I spoke about how in order to be free from the dark, one must understand them and even put oneself in their shoes to think like them. Hmm, if I were the Illuminati and this was my agenda and addiction, how would I go about it?
This is a scary thought, but as all detectives will tell you, you have to do this in order to fully understand. So few dare to do this. After all, how does one make sense out of crazy? Yet in this world, we know that one can make loads of dollars and cents off of the senseless and the innocence of others.
So where is all this leading? War marshals know that all they need to do to take out their enemy is plant certain ideas of doubt and confusion, create lack of trust by giving more to one and less to another, and then all they do is sit back and watch their targets destroy themselves. Just watch the old Twilight Zone episode called The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street to further grasp how this works. It might even be on YouTube.
As you see, they have got the people to do all the work. The same thing is being done to us now, like how we jump on or kill each other if someone tries to share what is really going on and challenge the zombie-moron sandwich program. We have learned to do this early on in school, picking on anyone who was different. What I have learned about the Illuminati is that they focus more on people and beings who are more into “service to others” rather than “service to self,” as the service to others has more potential and ability to influence and manipulate many others. Actually, this is what Hitler was. He was convinced that he was the good guy, and he was helping rid the world of evil, and he got others to believe it too. Many think Hitler was evil, but I feel that he was a puppet. What about the people who funded and encouraged Hitler? How come they are never mentioned?
So mankind is losing faith in its leaders. They are aware of the puppet masters but still cannot recognize them. Have we ever asked where our marionette strings are coming from, and who is pulling them? What are they subtly influencing us to do that we are not aware of?
As man waits to be saved, like slaves, we have been taught to put our faith in leaders, educated people, and beings in the sky outside of us. “Are they good or evil people?” we ask.
The lightworkers work hard to have others not fear the star beings. Do you not think that the Illuminati are very aware of this and are planning to use this as well? They are very aware of the starlight children. They know they will start coming out of the closet.
From my own personal experiences of working with people being abducted, it seems to be people who are having contact with star beings, whether they are aware of it or not. The Illuminati are able to track this, then abduct them and disguise themselves in alien form as they do all kinds of experiments to them in their underground bases. Sometimes people manage to see past the veil and see them in human form, humans doing this in disguise as ETs. They do this hoping to override the positive contact to one of fear, but also to learn more about the star children. Why? Why? Why? It is very much like the child that says, “Why? But why” and keeps asking until they either piss off the person they are asking or stumble upon the core issue, and then the answer gets glazed over with some excuse: “That’s just how it is.”
Tangent—OK, back to the why of the star children. They are the ones who are the pioneers who will stop them, yet they also hold the energy that is their ideal Illuminati crop, the exact same thing that very little children have, which is why they are heavily targeted in their twisted rituals of mass ugly. It is 12:12 right now, and I am seeing that way more now than 11:11. I think 12:12 is the next step up. I hope this is all making sense. This is incredibly difficult to write.
In a way, the Illuminati know we would feel alone, needing to share and struggle to make all this public and bring other like minds together. We are helping them bring out everyone as technology is where everyone and everything is monitored. This way they do not need to round us up at all. When this hit me in Sedona, I felt like I was kicked in the gut and had the wind knocked out of me. No, it cannot be. Is this why they are not going after certain people because we are too scattered, so instead they have us bring ourselves together for them? If that is so, then what do I do now? So many of us think we are helping but can end up doing just the opposite. How does one know for sure? It was such a scary place to be in, guys. I wanted to just stop doing everything and just disappear from others’ lives. But this is fear. Should I not do something because of fear? Is that not terrorism? If I do something, then that could help them too. OK, what a great Catch-22.
But if I run away without explaining the whole plan, then that is not helping anything either. What if I just continued sharing, even this? If people, my beloved light/ crystal/star children knew this, then could we avert even this? Can I help steer the ship from the iceberg? Can I teach others about the hidden part of the iceberg below the surface, which is the most dangerous? I cannot stop now. Is it not true that so many give up right when they are at the finish line? Can we win the chess game with this insight and by paying close attention? Yes, we sure can as we avert a major trap, perhaps the final one. Is this not why so many of us come from the future to learn their plan, their dark window of time and then go back to this time to let people know at the right time when it was supposed to happen? I am sorry, guys. I know I ask lots of questions, but this is how my brain works. It is like a photograph dictation for everyone to see. Maybe others think like this way as well.
So I feel that everyone who has visions of the future of doom, gloom, and sonic boom are people who are actually from the future probable reality where that did happen, and they had been sent back to avert it. They would be reminded of what they need to correct by the visions of future probable memories to get them to act at just the right time, like a major motivation button. In videos to come, I will explain more about time travel and timelines and how it works.
My dad would always say we and the many star being humans we are in contact with—like the Pleiadians, for example—are here to right a terrible wrong. We have stepped down from the 11th dimension to the 3rd dimension as we could not progress forward until this was made right. I think this might have to do with the times in the past like Atlantis where we wiped ourselves out by breaking certain rules, but I will get into that later. Bear with me, guys. I will share everything, and I will not hold back anything from you. If I did, then it would be a great disservice and disrespectful to you. If I say, “I love you,” well, that is fine as anyone can say those words, but not everyone can hold the actions to back it up.
Now getting back here, the majority of the masses have been taught that heaven, paradise, is outside of them, that heaven is up and hell is down in the ground. I find this interesting. So God will one day come and take us to heaven, eh? With their holograms, Project Blue Book, Illuminati toys, can they stage something like that? They sure can. This is the master plan that they have been working on thousands of years in the making. The agenda is not about just microchipping people. Why, that is just another smoke and mirrors distraction to have people think that is the goal, but in fact it’s not. There is so much behind that. As you see, once again they hide their big picture.
Is there a reason why the return of God is kept so vague? It was a question my dad said one day to me, and then he left the room. Is it kept vague and are certain ideas given to us to think about it occurring all as part of the plan to present the Antichrist?
Are the star seeds in a sense helping with this by getting Christians to think of Christ as a star being with a spaceship? Just imagine, “Yes, my children, I am your Christ. Now come with me. I will take you from this horrid place.” Wait a second. Isn’t Earth our playground, our room, our womb? We messed it up or helped with the mess, so are we really going to get out of it scot-free for that? Are we really going to get away from our responsibility?
Now what kind of parent would we be if we bailed our children out of every mess? Don’t our parents say, “Well dear, I love you, but you have got yourself into this mess; you must get yourself out of it; you must claim responsibility and clean it up”? If someone or something comes and saves us, whether it is a deity or alien or even the politicians, how do we learn? Is that not a great disservice and taking everything we have ever gone through here on Earth all in vain, a total waste? That is like cheating on our final exam, having our parent sit in and do it for us. I truly feel that God does not answer our prayers the way we would like because he sent us; we are our answers and his answers. He gave us everything we would need: two hands, one brain, and one heart. It is up to us what we choose to do with it. God has more faith in us than we do in him, it seems. God knows we can do it, so why can’t we see that? Homer Simpson says that alcohol is the cause and solution to all of life’s problems. I have my own spin on that: we are the cause and solution to all our problems.
In the document I found in Sedona, the Illumnati say that their plan must be well underway by 2012. Why? Because 2012 is when they have to leave or heal.
Could 2012 be the date that these ill-intent beings are scheduled to leave? Will they try to take as many as they can with them? Do we feel like we are running out of time because in truth it is not us running out of time but them, and they have integrated their desires with ours? That we are taught to care about their agenda and that their end should also be our end too? So many are conditioned to fight and defend the system, to take down anyone who threatens it. This is like the prisoner who snitches on the other prisoners who are planning on making a break for it and come back later to free the others. This is only because the snitch is comfortable in prison and believes there is no hope, so why bother to try, or even that there is no prison, that that is freedom.
OK, but some do not see that, and they go on the trip. They leave their Geppetto to go with the circus cronies who play on their ideals and expectations only to find it is a trap, and they turn into jackasses who will be sold for slavery and made into various things. I am just trying to think of the con beings that will come, how tantalizing their tales and promises will be, and what neat tricks called miracles will be done to get people to come with the aliens posing as the so-seeming saviors. It reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode called To Serve Humans where the people are completely trapped on this other world and become clone drones’ appetizers, kept in fear to feed their addiction. Could this be the birth of the Greys and how it started with them? This could be also referring to people being taken to this other so-called Earth. How many of you have heard about that? Now just think about that for a minute. It is saying that some will make it and others will not. But are we not all one, and what happens to one of us happens to all of us? Here is a case in point: what is occurring on Earth. If this happens, then it fragments us again. I think this is another trap, and a rather clever and subtle trap at that. To quote Lilo and Stitch: “Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind.” In how many future probabilities have we done this, that we are having to deal with all these various beings who are fragmented versions of us, mirroring very important things to us so we do not repeat the same thing again, that we fragment ourselves yet again?
Here is something very important I have learned and why I have changed my tune to just being about the star/crystal/light children. I have come across some very advanced “sleeping people.” They are totally not conscious of who they are and what they are doing on the etheric. They live a boring sheeple life, but their eyes speak otherwise. Yet they are highly active working with the divine in the etheric and dream realms. It knocked me flat on my butt and threw me for a major loop. Do all people need to be awakened, or are there masters who do not need to be and can do their work while they sleep, like Edgar Cayce for example? I started to develop huge amounts of respect and understanding for the sleeping folk. The sleeping people are just as important as the star/crystal/light children. After all, there can be no playing favorites, like that poem I wrote with a similar title, Playing Favorites. Also, I used to be sleeping. Thank goodness I was because otherwise how would I ever understand what it was like for them? This creates just more compassion, patience, and unconditional love. Do not give into this subtle card of separation being sold to the New Age racket.
Alright, so we have been put on the planet, now what? It seems not very exciting compared to space for us to explore, an adventure for us who long to go out there and discover new things. After all, we know all about Earth, but do we? As a piece of fruit that has fallen from its branch, so we long to go back on that branch held up high. It must have been like heaven, and to fall to the ground and not to be able to go home, to get back on that branch, is very sad for us. We cannot go home. We can only become home. That piece of fruit learns that inside itself are the seeds of memories of home, and it will become home. It will become that lovely tree, but first it must allow itself to be buried in complete darkness in silence, all alone. All of humanity is here right now, and oh how we hate it. It is just such a scary and uncertain place to be. What is so incredible about this, though, is that it is in this place that the seed develops its inner roots, and its inner roots give birth to its outer roots, and it reaches up and down at the same time.
Hmm, this is like Jacob’s ladder, which brings me to my point: have we really explored this entire planet? Have we been underground to any subterranean layers and cities? Have we been to the bottom of the sea? Have we explored the other dimensions or beings who are living simultaneously to us, right in front of our face? No silly. You cannot go inside the Earth. It has a big fiery core. It is where hell is, but is it really? Heaven is up. Hell is down. And that is what we have been taught, right? We are not taught that heaven is inside of us. Nope, we are told that heaven is outside of us somewhere in the clouds and hell is inside the planet—the center, which is the macrocosm version of our body. So there is a subtle and clever way to scare us from ever looking within to our core. Oh no, that is where hell is! How backwards indeed. After all, so many of us are subtly conditioned to be very afraid of self and to be left alone with our thoughts and soul archaeology, so quick to find a distraction of any sorts will do as long as we do not have to be left alone with ourselves.
I was always aware of this, so I decided to teach myself to be OK with being alone with myself and my thoughts. Then they became harsh and said things to me like I did not deserve to eat, and I bought into it for a bit. And then I decided to make a return on this crappy purchase. “Excuse me, I do not want this. It broke my heart, and I demand that I speak to the manager of this thought and tell them to fix it.” I challenged the manager and went to the factory of thought to learn where the problem started and demanded that they no longer sell these lousy thoughts to other unaware minds. Hey, that was fun standing up for myself. I wanted to explore my other thoughts as well. Hmm, there are lots of nasty beliefs here that are not even mine. I don’t even know them. I do not even need them. I wonder when I purchased these. It was like looking back at ourselves and our pictures of the 80s and being perplexed. When did we start to think that outfit was cool in the first place? Now they could call this manager evil, but a con artist can only get away with such things if one is not paying attention or is blindsided by petty lies. This is what NLP (neurolinguistic programming) is. I taught myself this, and then I learned it was an actual field of study. I highly recommend that others try it for themselves as the more of this I did, the more my head became a much kinder, pleasant home.
It worked for me rather than against me. I learned to work with it rather than it working me over. We tend to think that because of all the junk we have gone through and been told that we have somehow lost our value. If you think that is true about you, then suppose I took a hundred dollar bill and spat on it, stepped on it, and told it that it was the worst one hundred dollar bill ever. And so many believe what they are told, but we know the truth regardless of what was done and said about the hundred dollar bill. We know that the value is still one hundred dollars regardless. We have not lost our value.
It only made sense that as I was exploring the many levels and layers of self that my father suddenly started talking about the Earth being hollow and what was in the core. Hmm. What is the core of my being anyway? Why have we been kept in such fear of our core and the Earth’s core for that matter? Inside our body are only flesh, blood, and bones. That is all that has the physical proof, but there is also this whole other world in us that we cannot see that baffles scientists. And that is our spirit, our piece of heaven, our understanding of how the body works on a collective, co-creational way in order to keep the body going. This concludes the first half, and now we move onto the second half called 2012 Part 4: The Hollow Earth and Its Core. Thank-you.
We are the answer to our prayers.
Second Half of 2012 and Beyond Part 4: The Hollow Earth and its Core
Written by Jessica Schab | 14 June 2010
So the more I went within myself for answers, learning the way of soul archaeology, I began really exploring that old cliché saying it is all within, and the body is a microcosm version of the planet. If I find paradise within, is it possible we could find paradise within the planet as well? While I was thinking about this, in comes my dad saying, “Jessica, I am being told that the Earth is hollow. It is the land of giant people (not to be confused with the Anunnaki from Planet X or Wormwood). There are UFOs there too,” he said. “And the people are very advanced. Did you know there is a blue sun for their inner light? It is like a crystal that is at the core, kind of like the alchemy of coal, eh Jess?”
“OK, yeah. Whatever, Dad, sure.”
A few days later, I am talking with this friend about my dad’s latest weirdness talks. “So guess what my dad told me this time? Man, he’s really lost it. Oh my, it is a doozy!” I told her everything, and she ended up telling her family at the dinner table. Well, while she was sharing it with her father, he stood up in a state of shock and asked, “Where did you hear that from?” It linked back to my dad, of course, and this man demanded that he call my dad. This was apparently huge for this man as he rarely ever spoke since his return from his last job. He explained to my dad on the phone that he was working as a geologist up at the poles. He said the further north you go to the North Pole, the warmer it gets. It is the same with the South Pole. The further south you go, the warmer it gets until it becomes almost tropical. He was so shocked by this, and even more so by just how heavily guarded the poles were by the military.
There were really incredible discoveries made like a mastodon that was found nearby. (For those of you who do not know what a mastodon is, it’s a prehistoric elephant.) What was interesting about this is that it had died recently, and how they knew that was because the food in its stomach was fresh. Even more interesting, while I was writing this, I got a new copy of National Geographic, and on the cover was a baby mastodon found at the North Pole. I read the whole article, curious what they would say, but of course, they said absolutely nothing about the real truth behind that baby, or maybe it was not the same one.
But still, why didn’t this story from this geologist get out? These were the kinds of things he was told to never speak about. I think they scared him with something fierce, for he practically gave up speaking altogether. I think he later really doubted himself and told himself he was crazy and none of it was real, which is a classic tactic with the Illuminati in keeping their secrets. It has been done to so many of us that sooner or later we have to address this great fear festering in us.
I was taken aback that someone actually called my dad out of the blue and just spoke to him about such things. I think they healed and confirmed things to each other that day. I started to think maybe my dad was not so crazy after all. Even Mom went looking for more information on this, and we came across Admiral Byrd’s story, how he flew into the poles and went to this incredible world that was so beautiful that he had always wanted to go back. The Legend of Atlantis videos I was given (that I have links to on my website’s for-OM and on my YouTube channel “Favorites” section) talks lots about Hitler and his obsession with the hollow Earth.
I wanted to share this with you guys in my Project Camelot interview, but I didn’t have very much time to share the whole story without also getting a chance to share my message as well.
I must say, of all the radical things my dad spoke about, nothing was more fascinating to him than the hollow Earth, so much so that he told Mom, “Did you know that when you think of a place before you die, you go there? It’s the same as when you’re about to go to sleep. The last thing you think about tends to influence the dream realm you find yourself in.” How many times have we been told our entire life about the kind of life we lead is where we will go? Then, can one program the brain to experience a certain kind of afterlife such as hell or heaven? Is it catered to what our idea is or a visual of what these worlds will be like? Is this yet again another self-fulfilling prophesy? What if we wiped all ideas where we think we are going to just ask for home, back to the source or core of our being? Where would we end up? What would it look like?
If it is all a dream, where will we wake up? To not be influenced by our thoughts as we make the transition, have no thought. Hmm, perhaps another reason so many cultures are gung-ho about meditation going past the mind.
To go deeply into ourselves to the core of our origin, what will we find? Nothing is born evil. Evil is made and nurtured to be what it is when we are not truthful with ourself (and look outside rather than inside for answers). Granted, this will show up when we explore the layers of our being, to backtrack. We are bound to find some things we are not proud of, even a whole lot of ugly. Hence, time being nonlinear and a loop, we will eventually face our ugly that we ran and hid from.
The planet is a circle and loop, and so are you. So what will we do? Stop there and refuse to go further because it is showing us things we do not want to see or would rather forget, buried in time but forever to be haunted? Here we are as humans all going in circles doing the same thing over and over. It’s kind of like a karma loop. While we go in our cycles right by everyone else, we overlap one another. My, that sure looks like a flower of life or even a spiral, the galaxy starting on the outer, going into the center and vice versa simultaneously. Ah, now we know why at the end of Alice in Wonderland when she was begging for herself to wake up, she was in a spiral with everyone she ever met in the Wonderland following her. Now we can understand why hypnosis uses the spiral to hypnotize you into getting sleepy. You are going into Wonderland.
So what do we think it might be like to be inside the core of our own soul or our heart? What does that look like? Is the core of the planet the soul or heart of the Earth? That does make sense. As we are coming to this understanding, the shift is reflecting out in the universe with the photon belt, which I always called “God’s aura.” As the great central sun comes closer to us, does this not look like a micro of a macro to you? Keeping in the mind that the human body is God’s temple, what does that make the center of the Earth?
Now we are starting to understand why it is so crucial to make peace within each of us. Iranian, Indian, Chinese, Scandinavian, and Aztec literature also refer to this ambiguous location at the center of the Earth. Perhaps now we can understand that the hollow Earth has to do with these shifty times, the golden era, and the new world of understanding.
We can understand that the concept of the hollow Earth is a tough one to grasp for many. I can understand that. It is for many at first, but let’s just explore a few things here. We have heard of terms such as “underworld” from Greek mythology, “middle Earth,” “Tartarus,” “Davy Jone’s locker,” “the promised land,” “the land of youth,” “the land of summer,” “the land under the waves,” “the land of the fairies,” and “the kingdom of God is within.” In most of the stories, it was viewed as a pleasant land located somewhere beneath the sea, but in others it was to be found beneath the hills or entered via ancient burial mounds. Plato says that the holy habitation of Zeus is situated at the center of the world. Apollo, the traditional interpreter of religious matters, delivers his interpretation from his seat of the Earth center sacred land--Shambhala, Agartha, the Northern Paradise, Inner Kingdom. It has also been called “navel land.” But I like to call it the “womb land.” And all those underground cavities and pathways are like the umbilical cord that is a path leading from Mother Earth and symbolizing the path of man as he emerges from the previous underworld.
Or you can look at it like the center is the real us and the outer surface is the reflection projection of our dream reality probabilities, like an artist who is looking at a blank canvas, dreaming of all the things that they could paint on it before they take up the brush. So we look at the human and then we see the aura, this huge color field around the artist’s palette, painted dream potential being played out. There are so many layers to the aura as well as each idea sparks another dream possibility and probability, stretching out to an infinity spiral.
It is regarded by most esoteric traditions as the true center of the planet, as the world’s spiritual powerhouse and the heartland of brotherhood from every race and country that has been influential in every major religion, every science advance, and every social movement in history. One text says that the kingdom of Shambhala is round, but it is usually depicted as an eight petal lotus blossom, a symbol of the heart chakra. Indeed, an old Tibetan story states that the kingdom of Shambhala is in your own heart. As Edwin Bernbaum points out in The Way to Shambhala, the guidebooks to Shambhala, whose puzzling directions are a mixture of realism and fantasy, can be read on one level as “instructions for taking an inner journey from the familiar world of the surface consciousness through the wilds of the subconscious to the hidden sanctuary of the superconscious.” (This is very much mentioned in a book called Women Who Run With the Wolves, which I absolutely love.)
In Hindu mythology, Meru is the mystical mountain at the center of the world, where Indra, king of the gods, has his jeweled palace. Victoria LePage points out that Mount Meru is conceived as the Earth’s navel as well, as its central staff, its source of life and power spreading out from the central region to the eight outer zones and from there to the world.
The symbolism here is derived from embryology. Just as the embryo grows from the navel outward, so does the Earth grow from its core. Meru actually has several different meanings, including a mountain in Asia (mountains to me look like a pregnant womb), the North geographical pole, the North celestial pole, the Earth’s spin axis, the world’s axis connecting Earth to higher realms, and the cerebral-spinal axis of the human body. And just as the human body contains a series of chakras or subtle energy centers linked by the central channel in the spinal cord, so there may be corresponding energy centers on and in the body of the Earth.
Shambhala is sometimes described as the main power center with auxilliary centers scattered about the globe. Occult teachings corroborate the popular tradition that asserts there exists a fountain of life/youth in the bowels of the Earth and in the North Pole. It is the blood of the Earth, the electromagnetic current that circulates through all the arteries and that is said to be found stored in the navel of the Earth. This inner reservoir of physical and psychospiritual life force corresponds in one sense to the root chakra in the human body, situated at the base of the spine. From this viewpoint, the root chakra represents the central duct or path of terrestrial kundalini, or Shakti, running through the Earth.
The Japanese paradise is situated on the top of the globe and at the same time at the center of the Earth. It is called the “Island of the Congealed Drop.” Its first roof pillar is the Earth’s axis, and over it is a pivot of the vault of heaven.
Similarly, the Chinese terrestrial paradise is described as not only at the center of the Earth but also as directly under Shang-ti’s heavenly palace, which is declared to be in the pole star and is sometimes called the “palace of the center.”
The Egyptians located their land of the gods in the extreme north. Today there is an echo of these ancient traditions in the fact that children send notes to Santa Claus or Father Christmas in his wonderland at the North Pole, asking for gifts.
The Eskimos have legends that they came from the fertile land of perpetual sunshine in the North. They believe that after death the soul descends beneath the Earth first to an abode rather like purgatory, but good souls then descend further to a place of perfect bliss where the sun never sets.
In Psalms 48:2 of the Bible, Mount Zion is said to be in the far north, and in Ezekiel 28:13-14, Eden, the garden of God, is placed in the holy mountain of God. In Hebrew tradition, the primieval Eden is sometimes said to be at the center of the Earth.
According to the Hindu Kurma Purana, an island called the White Island lay in the northern sea, the paradisical homeland of great yogis possessing supreme wisdom and learning. Helena Blavatsky writes according to Tibetan tradition the White Island is the only locality that escapes the general fate of others and can be destroyed by neither fire nor water, for it is the eternal land.
The cradle land of the Aryan Iranians is not located in any of the Earth’s seven climates but at the center of the central zone, the eighth climate. It is there that Yima, the first man, received the command to construct an enclosure where the most highly developed humans, animals, and plants would gather in order to save them from the deadly winter unleashed by the demonic powers so they might one day refurbish a transfigured world. This paradise had a gate and luminescent windows that secreted an inner light within. Its various meanings include a subterranean sanctuary, an ark, and the human body. It is also to be said that in the time of the great flood the people went inside the planet.
The Hopis believed there has been a succession of four worlds. The first world was destroyed by fire, the second by a pole shift, and the third by flooding. Some chosen people were saved from the disaster that destroyed the first two worlds by taking refuge underground.
Legends of ancestral origins in subterranean lands are also found in Africa and Australia. (I want to include the whole world here.) Australian aborigines believed that ancestors came up out of the ground, traveled about the country, created new tribes, and ultimately journeyed away beyond the confines of their territory or went down into the ground again.
According to the native traditions of the Caroline Islands near Papua New Guinea in Malaysia, a subterranean race of giants went underground in ancient times. Once inhabitants of the lost continent of Shamat, they will one day emerge and remake the world.
Natives of the Trobriand Islands believe that their ancestors emerged from a subterranean existence through a special hole. Tribes along the Bay of Bengal in Burma also believed their ancestors emerged from a subterranean world.
It is said that the Bermuda Triangle was a special way to get into the center of the Earth.
I feel like a lawyer here making my case!
Here is an interesing Bible quote: “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the Earth” (Matthew 12:40). And Jesus refers to this place as Eden or Paradise. What is the difference between that and heaven?
Some hollow Earthers have read into the following quotation a reference to the alleged polar hole in the Arctic: “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the Earth upon nothing” (Job 26:7). Well, that is interesting. Atoms are empty as well. Is that saying it is all a hologram?
It is very curious that Cosmas Indicopleustes, who lived in the 6th century AD, should have always maintained that man was born and dwelled at first in a country beyond the oceans, a proof of which had been given to him in India by a learned scholar. He says the lands we live in are surrounded by the oceans, but beyond that ocean there is another land that touches the walls of the sky. And it is in this land that man was created and lived in paradise. During the deluge, Noah was carried in his ark into the land his posterity now inhabits. The Christian Topography of Cosmas and its merits are well known, but here the good father repeats a universal tradition now corroborated by facts.
Every Arctic traveller suspects a continent or a dry island beyond the lines of the eternal ice, yet no such land or continent in the far north has been discovered on the Earth’s outer surface. But that is not true. There are many accounts of people who have found it. If you look it up, there is an abundance of literature on it, actually, though there seems to be a pattern with who can get to this place, which I will get to later, but the key is the pure heart.
As there is a human cell with a nucleus in the center, so there is another world beneath our feet. I find this fascinating. This world we call Earth is a cell, one of zillions of planets which makes star systems, which makes up galaxies, which makes up the multiverse, which makes up the omniverse.
So we can think that only life can exist on the body like germs, for example, and all kinds of healthful bacteria, but are we discounting all the life activity and worlds that go on inside our own bodies? Are we to deny the intelligence of our own inner workings that we have yet to fathom? Could it be that the Earth, the Moon, the planets, their moons, the Sun, and the stars are probably all hollow spheres with inner suns most likely at their centers? Are they all blue, or do their inner suns’ colors vary? Could polar openings likely exist on all these globes? Could the conditions for life be naturally contained within each sphere on the inner surface with the inner sun shining and not on the outer surface with an outer sun shining?
This is similar to how we build houses, to be inhabited on the inside, with people living within the walls of the house, not outside of those walls exposed to the elements. In like manner, all these worlds including ours are made of habitations for God’s children and his other creations. Nephi in the Book of Mormon said, “Behold that the Lord hath created the Earth that it should be inhabited; and he hath created his children that they should possess it” (1 Nephi 17:36).
So when I look out at those other worlds—Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, etc.—which mainstream science tells me are too harsh to contain life, as the outer surface is unfit and there is no inner surface. So the scientists tell me they are all solid or liquid or balls of gas. I think of the above scriptures as telling me that worlds are created to be inhabited and that there are inhabitants on the worlds that are present tense. This is a major contradiction to the mainstream science I’m receiving, but then comes along the hollow Earth model, which corrects the errors, and suddenly the scriptures make sense.
There are inhabitants on these worlds living on the inner surface of these spheres, bathing in the light of inner suns. What, did you think Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon were shown nonlocal, extrasolar system worlds that were inhabited, and that the Lord skipped over the uninhabited local planets? Surely not. Prophets are only shown what pertains to them and their sphere of existence. They are shown what pertains to their locality. They are shown the worlds that exist in this solar system and refer to the inhabitants of these worlds. So men living in the Moon or people living in the Sun may not just be crazy 19th century Mormon ideas after all.
Speaking of our immediate locality, the Earth, I believe that the Lord has plenty of space to hide people, plants, animals, and things. He can place them on the Earth, in the Earth, and under the Earth. And the Lord said, “And behold, all things have their likeness, and all things are created and made to bear record of me, both things which are temporal, and things which are spiritual; things which are in the heavens above, and things which are on the earth, and things which are in the earth, and things which are under the earth, both above and beneath: all things bear record of me.” (Moses 6:63).
If the solid Earth theory were true, it would reveal or bear record of the waste of space of the Lord. Think about it. What an incredible waste of space! What an incredible waste of material to have such a large inhabited sphere completely filled with matter, so that Man walks on and uses only a minute fraction of it. The thought of God accumulating all that matter into a solid ball just so there is enough gravity for Man to walk and run on, less than 0.0001 percent or so, is just plain crazy.
If we take into account the supposed uninhabited worlds just floating around for no purpose whatsoever, it becomes an even greater waste and an even crazier concept. God has got to be smarter than that. I believe that God is smarter than that and that he has created hollow spheres or shells that can be inhabited by men on the outside surface, inside surface, and even within the crust of those shells. The overreliance by mainstream scientists on the relatively weak energy of gravity as a sole cause of all that is seen requires lots of mass to accomplish everything, whether we are talking about huge balls of matter called planets or huge balls of matter called black holes as they discount the role of plasma discharge, electricity, in creation. Everything takes billions and billions of years and requires lots of mass to accomplish anything. With the disconnection in the role of the much more powerful energy of electricity, scientists can’t or won’t accept the hollow Earth theory, despite the fact that the evidence in favor of it is overwhelming.
In truth, there is very little propping up the solid Earth theory. We dig a hole in the Earth and find lava and assume that whole planet is full of it. Is there just blood to the body and that is it? The hollow Earth and plasma models confirm, correct, and complement each other. When looking at plasma cosmology or plasma geology through a hollow Earth theory lens, you see the hollow shell, inner suns, and polar openings that most likely are there. When looking at plasma mythology, you recognize archetypes that obviously refer to inner Earth regions. When plasma cosmologists talk of galaxies giving birth to new galaxies by ejecting quasars from their poles, or planet stars giving birth to new planets by polar ejection, the polar holes of these objects confirm the view of the hollow Earth.
When looking at the hollow Earth model through a plasma lens, you see that the inner sun is not the standard mainstream model, but an arc lamp suspended at the center of a vacuum that exists within the shell of all these worlds. When the hollow Earthers talk of how planet stars were created in rotation, you get a deeper understanding of the whirling vortex of electricity discharging plasma, throwing the matter out to the sides, leaving matter stuck in the very center to become the inner sun and creating polar markings—poles—just like a concretion.
Mormon theology also confirms, corrects, and complements both the hollow Earth and plasma models. When either model is viewed through the lens of Mormon theology, suddenly the hand of God stands out like a sore thumb, and all things start to bear witness that the Creator made me. In other words, it appears that everything is a construct and not a coincidence.
With these views, we suddenly are able to see that concessions no longer need to be made to mainstream scientists and that LDS can now accept their scriptures exactly as they are. Suddenly, creation can happen quickly. Planets can be hollow. Electrogravity can be a possibility. Legendary and mythical stories can contain actual truth. The Lord can literally hide the ten tribes of Israel on planet Earth. Worlds can be inhabited. Dinosaurs can still exist, and the location of the division of the spirit world can now be known.
So where do we go from here? Again, I look to the children. I was once babysitting this young girl, and I asked her to draw a picture of her and her unborn sister several years in the future. I found her drawing really cute and loved the imagination of her choice to color the skin blue. “No, no! Not imagination!” the four-year-old said. “In this time, we will have blue skin.” She said this with such assurance. I do not know where she got this. Her parents were not at all aware or open to such an understanding. A few years later, I asked this little girl about us having blue skin in the future, and she did not understand why she had said that or where it came from.
It was like that with Boriska, the Mars child. The older he got, the less he remembered about his life on Mars. As we get older, we lose our understanding and connection with other worlds and how time and space really work. But what is up with the young girl telling me such a thing out of the blue? (Excuse the pun.) Are these children seed plantings, hints of a cosmic understanding? The inside of the planet is said to be lit by a blue star that makes their skin have a blue tinge.
The Hopis speak of a blue star that is currently behind Mars’ satellite moon Phobos that will act like a second sun for the Earth and will give our skin a bluish tinge. The Indian god Krishna is blue and so are the Andromedans. I do not know about you, but I find this interesting.
How is it that my friend’s son said to his father one day at nine years of age, “Dad, I have to tell you something. I have come from the land inside this planet to prepare the people who live on the surface for our reunion with them. I am one of the nine who are on the planet at this time and with this particular task, and there will be more coming, Dad. The surface people are ready to know about us.” Then the little boy went off to play, just like that, leaving his dad boggled until he remembered me talking to him about the hollow Earth one time. Now he understood what I was saying about the kids and about the planet. When he told me this, we both knew that I needed to talk with his son, that perhaps he had managed to hold onto his memories, and I could interview him.
I even shared this on the Brooks Agnew radio show. For those of you who are not familiar with him, he is a physicist who speaks a good deal about the hollow Earth. He is also the one who is planning to put together a voyage to sail inside the planet, going via past Greenland. He will be taking 100 people, and 70 of them will be scientists. Brooks intends to get physical proof, and I believe he will be successful with this. It is time, and they are not the military. The military has been trying to get in for a very long time and has not had much success. They could only get to some layers, like the lower chakra realms, but not the center. They are not allowed there unless they have done their inner work and have the understanding of love, which they still lack.
There are some places that one cannot get through to with the mind’s comprehension. The heart is the key. So if you do not have that key, it does not matter how smart you may be. “Access denied. Sorry!”
If you think this is just flakey New Age jargon, consider Admiral Byrd saying that the reason he was granted access inside the Earth was because he had a pure heart. The same can be said about the story about the father and son who sailed to the land inside the planet and lived with the giants peacefully for two years, or why children who have pure hearts can see things we cannot.
Brooks is taking this pure heart thing very seriously, and the other 30 percent will be the ones who possess this feature.
Now with the idea that the planet is hollow, we can now understand why in the past people thought that the Earth was flat and why they thought if you go too far you would fall off the planet. It’s like the Pirates of the Caribbean 3, At World’s End. Could it be that they fell into the inner Earth and flipped upside down, like how they ended up coming back as well? I will decode the rest of this very interesting, highly symbolic movie another time. I wonder why others do not see what I see? It is something else when I watch movies.
Up is down and down is up in the part where it seemed that Captain Jack Sparrow was mad as he ran back and forth, trying to rock the boat so that they could flip up on the other side. It seems like the surface of the Earth is doing this right now. We have been doing this in our mind: right brain, left brain, right brain, left brain, ying, yang, yes, no, ah contradiction! So many are rocking the planet with their extremes of one way, then the other way, and back and forth we go. Are we symbolically flipping ourselves to the inside of the planet?
Don’t you think it is interesting how in Alice in Wonderland when she falls down the rabbit hole, she falls past the mirror and there is a reflection showing her falling up? What do you think this tells you? Up is down. It’s the same thing with the royalty on our playing cards. This can also tell us why the Earth has a tilted axis to symbolize a crooked world. After the shift, the planetary poles will flip back and the Earth will straighten its spine and no longer take dung from anyone.
Sinbad’s stories were not so far off after all, either, or Disney’s Atlantis movie. It’s called Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Have you seen that movie? Atlantis is inside the planet and has a giant blue crystal that keeps them alive. There will be more on Atlantis in future videos to come.
And David Icke says that the biggest secret is that reptilians rule the world. Then the second biggest secret and coverup of all time is the fact that there is a very advanced civilization of people living in the center of the Earth where most of the UFOs are made—terrestrial, not extraterrestrial. This civilization is known as Agartha.
To begin with, Buddhist theology affirms its existence. It is believed there is a race of supermen and superwomen there who occasionally come to the surface to oversee the development of the human race. It is also believed that this subterranean world has millions of inhabitants and many cities, its capital being Shambhala. The king of this world is believed to have given orders to the Dali Lama of Tibet, who is his terrestrial representative. His messages are transmitted through certain secret tunnels connecting the inner world of Agartha with Tibet. The entrance to this tunnel is guarded by lamas who have been sworn to secrecy. A similar tunnel is believed to connect the secret chambers at the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza with Agartha. The astral key to the inner Earth for Tibet is the Vril, also known as Dorji, and the real reason why Tibet has been held down.
Here is a little more on Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd. The first public scientific evidence of Agartha’s existence occurred in 1937 when Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew to the North Pole. And instead of going over the poles, he actually entered the inner Earth. In his diary, he tells of entering the hollow interior of the Earth along with others and traveling 1,700 miles over mountains, lakes, rivers, streams, vegetation, and animal life. He tells of seeing monstrous animals resembling the mammoths of antiquity moving through the brush. He eventually found cities and a thriving civilization.
His plane was finally greeted by flying machines of a type he had never seen before. They escorted him to a safe landing place, and he was graciously greeted by emissaries from Agartha. After resting, he and his crew were taken to meet the king and the queen of Agartha. They told him that he been allowed to enter Agartha because of his high moral and ethical character--pure heart, a good person. They went on to say that ever since the United States had dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they had been very concerned about their own safety and survival. They had decided that it was time to make greater contact with the outside world to make sure that humanity did not destroy the planet and their civilization within it. Hmm, that reminds me of the movie The Abyss.
Byrd had been allowed in so they could make contact with someone whom they trusted. To make a long story short, when their visit was finished, Admiral Byrd and his crew were guided in their planes back to the outer world, their lives having been changed forever.
In January of 1956, Admiral Byrd led an expedition to the South Pole. On that expedition, he and his crew penetrated 2,300 miles into the center of the Earth. Admiral Byrd states that the North and South Poles were only two of many openings into the center of the Earth. Admiral Byrd also states that the inner Earth has its own sun. Byrd’s theory is that the poles of the Earth are concave rather than convex, and ships and planes can actually sail or fly right in.
The American press announced Admiral Byrd’s discovery, but it was immediately suppressed by our good friends, the secret government. Ray Palmer, the editor of the magazine Flyer Saucer, published a detailed story about Admiral Byrd’s discovery. The United States government bought, stole, or destroyed almost every copy and then destroyed the plates at the printing office. I have been told that exactly the same thing happened to an article about Admiral Byrd’s discovery published by National Geographic.
The magazine was released, and the U.S. government gobbled up almost every issue. If the story were not true, why would the government be so nervous? It is interesting to note that the United States government does not allow planes to fly over the poles. All flights are directed to go around the poles, and any airline pilot flying in those areas will confirm this.
OK, I have to show you something. Here is an e-mail that someone sent to me that I wanted to share.
When I recently became aware of NASA’s World Wind, I immediately went looking for what they would show of both poles. Would it again be a “cover-up”?
Here is the North Pole via World Wind. I do screen captures and paste them into Photoshop so that I can save and evaluate the images. From this view, one can see clouds and weather across the continents and the Arctic Ocean area, snow or ice on northern Canada, Alaska, and Russia. Greenland is a continent of ice, but what is that being blurred out at and around the North Pole area?
This is zooming in. Greenland is still in photo. But what are we seeing of the Arctic Ocean?
Here is what you get when you move over the Arctic, zooming in to a lower level (a different layer in World Wind). It switches to images with no Arctic ice to “represent” the alleged ocean floor.
My only conclusion is that NASA won’t show us true aerial or satellite photography of the approximately 2,000 square mile area of the north Arctic Ocean area. What images are shown has the appearance of being blurred or smudged. What could be there that they don’t want us to see?
Here is the World Wind South Pole image.
And when you begin to zoom in using World Wind, there’s lots of white with less detail than you can see with Google Earth.
When I used Photoshop Adjustment Curves tool to darken tones it can identify, I get this. Notice the appearance of brush marks. The shading strokes don’t go in straight lines. They look feathered. Even across the ocean in the upper left, the shading looks feathered. All the interesting geometrical patterns across the continents on the right and lower parts cannot be a natural occurrence in nature.
I demonstrate the effect of changing tone ranges in the image so that you can see the detail that the eye normally glances over. Go back to the first South Pole image and see if you would have noticed the feathered curves over what appears to be brush strokes to blur and smudge the real image.
My questions still remain. What is being blurred out by NASA so that we cannot see the real Antarctica and South Pole, and the real North Pole and Arctic ice from an aerial perspective? Is there something significant there which must be kept hidden from the world?
Does it concern me? Yes, I am concerned. This is the planet we live on.
Or if you have Google Earth, you can try and get the North Pole, but you can’t. You can get the South Pole, and it does show a hole (as Jack Sparrow would say, “Hmm, curious!”). Another interesting point is that icebergs are composed of fresh water, not salt water. It is also curious that it is warmer nearer to the poles than it is 600 to 1,000 miles away from them. The opening at the poles might also explain why there are so many UFO sightings in those areas.
Gravity continually lessens as we go deeper into the Earth until we reach a point some 700 miles down from the outer surface to an area of zero gravity. This is the Earth’s central gravity sphere, which is less than a mile thick and round, which the planet shell has accumulated. This is the soul or spirit of the Earth where there is perfect peace and harmony. You are weightless and breathless here. Your mind dictates your body and there is no physical decomposition, meaning that you can practically live forever. Hmm, the fountain of youth or the land of eternal youth, Peter Pan’s Neverland. Did Michael Jackson know something about this? His death is rather symbolic to us, getting close to contact with inside the Earth. How curious….
The other amazing thing about this zone is that, yes, as you head towards the remaining 100 miles leading to the Earth’s interior surface, gravity reverses. (Hmm. Backwards? Just like the mirror image? Right in the mirror and backwards?) This means that everyone or everything on the interior side of the gravity line are walking or standing upside down from us. Again, Alice in Wonderland’s mirror reflections show her falling up. It’s interesting how she grows into a giant too in that show.
Earth’s central gravity sphere is the actual dividing line between outer and inner Earth. The nucleus of an atom is a heaven, as in the center of our galaxy. In fact, there are twelve major levels of heaven from the subatomic to the center of our creation. Earth’s inner sun or heaven is where we came from at birth and where we go to at death. It is a great central station of incoming and outgoing souls and that light at the end of the tunnel. Here we decide whether to reincarnate or to go to other worlds. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 talks about ferrying the dead to the next world, as well as Greek mythology, Disney, Hercules, and so forth.
All the planetary suns of our solar system are directly linked to one another and to the main sun, which is in turn linked to other solar system suns and so on down to the center of creation. In this way, everything is linked and accessible. Earth’s inner sun is also hollow and contains an island city called the New Jerusalem. This is a type of a greater New Jerusalem found inside the center of our solar system’s sun. (See Phoebe Marie Holmes’ book My Visit to the Sun.) In the city is the home of our planetary god who oversees all of humanity from his central location.
I feel that there will soon be a reunion with the exterior and interior, when the ones with ill-intent will be neutralized and no longer able to do what they are doing now. (Or maybe like Monster’s Inc. where we find we get more power not through our fear and pain but through our laughter.)
We will find ourselves free, and like a plant in a pot we will be planted in a garden with tons of space for our roots to explore, though many plants before they are planted in the garden need to have their roots separated. (This is what I’ve been learning with my mom working in the garden…that the roots can be pot-bound. They need to be separated; otherwise, when they are planted in the ground, they will not know that they are free, and they will strangle themselves. They will just wrap their roots around and round. This is really odd, but very symbolic.) I find this to be a metaphor for humanity as when we are set free, how we will be. A lot of people who are set free from prison, they still have a prison mentality, which is what I found working with Canada’s ex-most wanted…to be planted suddenly in a huge garden and not knowing that and just being used to your old routine and doing the same things.
How will we be with our infiltration and manipulation? Will we consider our old self-destructive patterns, or will we find a new way of being where we can finally live and work with the ones who dwell inside the planet, who dwell inside our hearts? This is the place where we will learn about the UFOs, as most are built inside the planet. They are terrestrial. They are built in your heart, in your imagination creation station. I don’t need to see a UFO to know that they are real because I’ve made contact in my heart. That’s not cheesy or cliché anymore.
These changes can really change how we think of alien contact occurring. When we have grown up and taken responsibility for our world, turning everything around, then our big brothers will come in and give us a hand and help us integrate what we have learned and apply it. Think of the movie The Dark Crystal where the Skeksis and mystics merge back into one again. We feel homesick. A piece of us is missing, and that is our center that helps us feel centered. Making peace inside of us by developing our character and integrity and ethics will be the key that opens us to this inner world. This is the reason why Admiral Byrd was given access to the land beyond the poles, and we all know the old saying that is simple and cliché, but we tend to overlook it. It is all within. (Or even how the inner child will lead the way—or one who possesses the heart of a child will lead the way.)
I have lived this saying and am the result of self-taught soul archaeology understanding. It is not what is outside but what is inside that counts. It is all within, and it sure is. Now it is time to witness this first hand. This concludes 2012, Part 4: The Hollow Earth and its Core. Stay tuned for 2012, Part 5.
And warm embraced laced in grace. Thank-you, everybody, for being you. And we are the answer to our prayers. We are everyday angels. I love you guys. Thank-you. Bye. (Oh, and if you want, you can look up more information on my web site: www.jessicamystic.com Thanks! Bye.)
We are the answer to our prayers.
Written by Jessica Schab | 14 June 2010
So the more I went within myself for answers, learning the way of soul archaeology, I began really exploring that old cliché saying it is all within, and the body is a microcosm version of the planet. If I find paradise within, is it possible we could find paradise within the planet as well? While I was thinking about this, in comes my dad saying, “Jessica, I am being told that the Earth is hollow. It is the land of giant people (not to be confused with the Anunnaki from Planet X or Wormwood). There are UFOs there too,” he said. “And the people are very advanced. Did you know there is a blue sun for their inner light? It is like a crystal that is at the core, kind of like the alchemy of coal, eh Jess?”
“OK, yeah. Whatever, Dad, sure.”
A few days later, I am talking with this friend about my dad’s latest weirdness talks. “So guess what my dad told me this time? Man, he’s really lost it. Oh my, it is a doozy!” I told her everything, and she ended up telling her family at the dinner table. Well, while she was sharing it with her father, he stood up in a state of shock and asked, “Where did you hear that from?” It linked back to my dad, of course, and this man demanded that he call my dad. This was apparently huge for this man as he rarely ever spoke since his return from his last job. He explained to my dad on the phone that he was working as a geologist up at the poles. He said the further north you go to the North Pole, the warmer it gets. It is the same with the South Pole. The further south you go, the warmer it gets until it becomes almost tropical. He was so shocked by this, and even more so by just how heavily guarded the poles were by the military.
There were really incredible discoveries made like a mastodon that was found nearby. (For those of you who do not know what a mastodon is, it’s a prehistoric elephant.) What was interesting about this is that it had died recently, and how they knew that was because the food in its stomach was fresh. Even more interesting, while I was writing this, I got a new copy of National Geographic, and on the cover was a baby mastodon found at the North Pole. I read the whole article, curious what they would say, but of course, they said absolutely nothing about the real truth behind that baby, or maybe it was not the same one.
But still, why didn’t this story from this geologist get out? These were the kinds of things he was told to never speak about. I think they scared him with something fierce, for he practically gave up speaking altogether. I think he later really doubted himself and told himself he was crazy and none of it was real, which is a classic tactic with the Illuminati in keeping their secrets. It has been done to so many of us that sooner or later we have to address this great fear festering in us.
I was taken aback that someone actually called my dad out of the blue and just spoke to him about such things. I think they healed and confirmed things to each other that day. I started to think maybe my dad was not so crazy after all. Even Mom went looking for more information on this, and we came across Admiral Byrd’s story, how he flew into the poles and went to this incredible world that was so beautiful that he had always wanted to go back. The Legend of Atlantis videos I was given (that I have links to on my website’s for-OM and on my YouTube channel “Favorites” section) talks lots about Hitler and his obsession with the hollow Earth.
I wanted to share this with you guys in my Project Camelot interview, but I didn’t have very much time to share the whole story without also getting a chance to share my message as well.
I must say, of all the radical things my dad spoke about, nothing was more fascinating to him than the hollow Earth, so much so that he told Mom, “Did you know that when you think of a place before you die, you go there? It’s the same as when you’re about to go to sleep. The last thing you think about tends to influence the dream realm you find yourself in.” How many times have we been told our entire life about the kind of life we lead is where we will go? Then, can one program the brain to experience a certain kind of afterlife such as hell or heaven? Is it catered to what our idea is or a visual of what these worlds will be like? Is this yet again another self-fulfilling prophesy? What if we wiped all ideas where we think we are going to just ask for home, back to the source or core of our being? Where would we end up? What would it look like?
If it is all a dream, where will we wake up? To not be influenced by our thoughts as we make the transition, have no thought. Hmm, perhaps another reason so many cultures are gung-ho about meditation going past the mind.
To go deeply into ourselves to the core of our origin, what will we find? Nothing is born evil. Evil is made and nurtured to be what it is when we are not truthful with ourself (and look outside rather than inside for answers). Granted, this will show up when we explore the layers of our being, to backtrack. We are bound to find some things we are not proud of, even a whole lot of ugly. Hence, time being nonlinear and a loop, we will eventually face our ugly that we ran and hid from.
The planet is a circle and loop, and so are you. So what will we do? Stop there and refuse to go further because it is showing us things we do not want to see or would rather forget, buried in time but forever to be haunted? Here we are as humans all going in circles doing the same thing over and over. It’s kind of like a karma loop. While we go in our cycles right by everyone else, we overlap one another. My, that sure looks like a flower of life or even a spiral, the galaxy starting on the outer, going into the center and vice versa simultaneously. Ah, now we know why at the end of Alice in Wonderland when she was begging for herself to wake up, she was in a spiral with everyone she ever met in the Wonderland following her. Now we can understand why hypnosis uses the spiral to hypnotize you into getting sleepy. You are going into Wonderland.
So what do we think it might be like to be inside the core of our own soul or our heart? What does that look like? Is the core of the planet the soul or heart of the Earth? That does make sense. As we are coming to this understanding, the shift is reflecting out in the universe with the photon belt, which I always called “God’s aura.” As the great central sun comes closer to us, does this not look like a micro of a macro to you? Keeping in the mind that the human body is God’s temple, what does that make the center of the Earth?
Now we are starting to understand why it is so crucial to make peace within each of us. Iranian, Indian, Chinese, Scandinavian, and Aztec literature also refer to this ambiguous location at the center of the Earth. Perhaps now we can understand that the hollow Earth has to do with these shifty times, the golden era, and the new world of understanding.
We can understand that the concept of the hollow Earth is a tough one to grasp for many. I can understand that. It is for many at first, but let’s just explore a few things here. We have heard of terms such as “underworld” from Greek mythology, “middle Earth,” “Tartarus,” “Davy Jone’s locker,” “the promised land,” “the land of youth,” “the land of summer,” “the land under the waves,” “the land of the fairies,” and “the kingdom of God is within.” In most of the stories, it was viewed as a pleasant land located somewhere beneath the sea, but in others it was to be found beneath the hills or entered via ancient burial mounds. Plato says that the holy habitation of Zeus is situated at the center of the world. Apollo, the traditional interpreter of religious matters, delivers his interpretation from his seat of the Earth center sacred land--Shambhala, Agartha, the Northern Paradise, Inner Kingdom. It has also been called “navel land.” But I like to call it the “womb land.” And all those underground cavities and pathways are like the umbilical cord that is a path leading from Mother Earth and symbolizing the path of man as he emerges from the previous underworld.
Or you can look at it like the center is the real us and the outer surface is the reflection projection of our dream reality probabilities, like an artist who is looking at a blank canvas, dreaming of all the things that they could paint on it before they take up the brush. So we look at the human and then we see the aura, this huge color field around the artist’s palette, painted dream potential being played out. There are so many layers to the aura as well as each idea sparks another dream possibility and probability, stretching out to an infinity spiral.
It is regarded by most esoteric traditions as the true center of the planet, as the world’s spiritual powerhouse and the heartland of brotherhood from every race and country that has been influential in every major religion, every science advance, and every social movement in history. One text says that the kingdom of Shambhala is round, but it is usually depicted as an eight petal lotus blossom, a symbol of the heart chakra. Indeed, an old Tibetan story states that the kingdom of Shambhala is in your own heart. As Edwin Bernbaum points out in The Way to Shambhala, the guidebooks to Shambhala, whose puzzling directions are a mixture of realism and fantasy, can be read on one level as “instructions for taking an inner journey from the familiar world of the surface consciousness through the wilds of the subconscious to the hidden sanctuary of the superconscious.” (This is very much mentioned in a book called Women Who Run With the Wolves, which I absolutely love.)
In Hindu mythology, Meru is the mystical mountain at the center of the world, where Indra, king of the gods, has his jeweled palace. Victoria LePage points out that Mount Meru is conceived as the Earth’s navel as well, as its central staff, its source of life and power spreading out from the central region to the eight outer zones and from there to the world.
The symbolism here is derived from embryology. Just as the embryo grows from the navel outward, so does the Earth grow from its core. Meru actually has several different meanings, including a mountain in Asia (mountains to me look like a pregnant womb), the North geographical pole, the North celestial pole, the Earth’s spin axis, the world’s axis connecting Earth to higher realms, and the cerebral-spinal axis of the human body. And just as the human body contains a series of chakras or subtle energy centers linked by the central channel in the spinal cord, so there may be corresponding energy centers on and in the body of the Earth.
Shambhala is sometimes described as the main power center with auxilliary centers scattered about the globe. Occult teachings corroborate the popular tradition that asserts there exists a fountain of life/youth in the bowels of the Earth and in the North Pole. It is the blood of the Earth, the electromagnetic current that circulates through all the arteries and that is said to be found stored in the navel of the Earth. This inner reservoir of physical and psychospiritual life force corresponds in one sense to the root chakra in the human body, situated at the base of the spine. From this viewpoint, the root chakra represents the central duct or path of terrestrial kundalini, or Shakti, running through the Earth.
The Japanese paradise is situated on the top of the globe and at the same time at the center of the Earth. It is called the “Island of the Congealed Drop.” Its first roof pillar is the Earth’s axis, and over it is a pivot of the vault of heaven.
Similarly, the Chinese terrestrial paradise is described as not only at the center of the Earth but also as directly under Shang-ti’s heavenly palace, which is declared to be in the pole star and is sometimes called the “palace of the center.”
The Egyptians located their land of the gods in the extreme north. Today there is an echo of these ancient traditions in the fact that children send notes to Santa Claus or Father Christmas in his wonderland at the North Pole, asking for gifts.
The Eskimos have legends that they came from the fertile land of perpetual sunshine in the North. They believe that after death the soul descends beneath the Earth first to an abode rather like purgatory, but good souls then descend further to a place of perfect bliss where the sun never sets.
In Psalms 48:2 of the Bible, Mount Zion is said to be in the far north, and in Ezekiel 28:13-14, Eden, the garden of God, is placed in the holy mountain of God. In Hebrew tradition, the primieval Eden is sometimes said to be at the center of the Earth.
According to the Hindu Kurma Purana, an island called the White Island lay in the northern sea, the paradisical homeland of great yogis possessing supreme wisdom and learning. Helena Blavatsky writes according to Tibetan tradition the White Island is the only locality that escapes the general fate of others and can be destroyed by neither fire nor water, for it is the eternal land.
The cradle land of the Aryan Iranians is not located in any of the Earth’s seven climates but at the center of the central zone, the eighth climate. It is there that Yima, the first man, received the command to construct an enclosure where the most highly developed humans, animals, and plants would gather in order to save them from the deadly winter unleashed by the demonic powers so they might one day refurbish a transfigured world. This paradise had a gate and luminescent windows that secreted an inner light within. Its various meanings include a subterranean sanctuary, an ark, and the human body. It is also to be said that in the time of the great flood the people went inside the planet.
The Hopis believed there has been a succession of four worlds. The first world was destroyed by fire, the second by a pole shift, and the third by flooding. Some chosen people were saved from the disaster that destroyed the first two worlds by taking refuge underground.
Legends of ancestral origins in subterranean lands are also found in Africa and Australia. (I want to include the whole world here.) Australian aborigines believed that ancestors came up out of the ground, traveled about the country, created new tribes, and ultimately journeyed away beyond the confines of their territory or went down into the ground again.
According to the native traditions of the Caroline Islands near Papua New Guinea in Malaysia, a subterranean race of giants went underground in ancient times. Once inhabitants of the lost continent of Shamat, they will one day emerge and remake the world.
Natives of the Trobriand Islands believe that their ancestors emerged from a subterranean existence through a special hole. Tribes along the Bay of Bengal in Burma also believed their ancestors emerged from a subterranean world.
It is said that the Bermuda Triangle was a special way to get into the center of the Earth.
I feel like a lawyer here making my case!
Here is an interesing Bible quote: “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the Earth” (Matthew 12:40). And Jesus refers to this place as Eden or Paradise. What is the difference between that and heaven?
Some hollow Earthers have read into the following quotation a reference to the alleged polar hole in the Arctic: “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the Earth upon nothing” (Job 26:7). Well, that is interesting. Atoms are empty as well. Is that saying it is all a hologram?
It is very curious that Cosmas Indicopleustes, who lived in the 6th century AD, should have always maintained that man was born and dwelled at first in a country beyond the oceans, a proof of which had been given to him in India by a learned scholar. He says the lands we live in are surrounded by the oceans, but beyond that ocean there is another land that touches the walls of the sky. And it is in this land that man was created and lived in paradise. During the deluge, Noah was carried in his ark into the land his posterity now inhabits. The Christian Topography of Cosmas and its merits are well known, but here the good father repeats a universal tradition now corroborated by facts.
Every Arctic traveller suspects a continent or a dry island beyond the lines of the eternal ice, yet no such land or continent in the far north has been discovered on the Earth’s outer surface. But that is not true. There are many accounts of people who have found it. If you look it up, there is an abundance of literature on it, actually, though there seems to be a pattern with who can get to this place, which I will get to later, but the key is the pure heart.
As there is a human cell with a nucleus in the center, so there is another world beneath our feet. I find this fascinating. This world we call Earth is a cell, one of zillions of planets which makes star systems, which makes up galaxies, which makes up the multiverse, which makes up the omniverse.
So we can think that only life can exist on the body like germs, for example, and all kinds of healthful bacteria, but are we discounting all the life activity and worlds that go on inside our own bodies? Are we to deny the intelligence of our own inner workings that we have yet to fathom? Could it be that the Earth, the Moon, the planets, their moons, the Sun, and the stars are probably all hollow spheres with inner suns most likely at their centers? Are they all blue, or do their inner suns’ colors vary? Could polar openings likely exist on all these globes? Could the conditions for life be naturally contained within each sphere on the inner surface with the inner sun shining and not on the outer surface with an outer sun shining?
This is similar to how we build houses, to be inhabited on the inside, with people living within the walls of the house, not outside of those walls exposed to the elements. In like manner, all these worlds including ours are made of habitations for God’s children and his other creations. Nephi in the Book of Mormon said, “Behold that the Lord hath created the Earth that it should be inhabited; and he hath created his children that they should possess it” (1 Nephi 17:36).
So when I look out at those other worlds—Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, etc.—which mainstream science tells me are too harsh to contain life, as the outer surface is unfit and there is no inner surface. So the scientists tell me they are all solid or liquid or balls of gas. I think of the above scriptures as telling me that worlds are created to be inhabited and that there are inhabitants on the worlds that are present tense. This is a major contradiction to the mainstream science I’m receiving, but then comes along the hollow Earth model, which corrects the errors, and suddenly the scriptures make sense.
There are inhabitants on these worlds living on the inner surface of these spheres, bathing in the light of inner suns. What, did you think Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon were shown nonlocal, extrasolar system worlds that were inhabited, and that the Lord skipped over the uninhabited local planets? Surely not. Prophets are only shown what pertains to them and their sphere of existence. They are shown what pertains to their locality. They are shown the worlds that exist in this solar system and refer to the inhabitants of these worlds. So men living in the Moon or people living in the Sun may not just be crazy 19th century Mormon ideas after all.
Speaking of our immediate locality, the Earth, I believe that the Lord has plenty of space to hide people, plants, animals, and things. He can place them on the Earth, in the Earth, and under the Earth. And the Lord said, “And behold, all things have their likeness, and all things are created and made to bear record of me, both things which are temporal, and things which are spiritual; things which are in the heavens above, and things which are on the earth, and things which are in the earth, and things which are under the earth, both above and beneath: all things bear record of me.” (Moses 6:63).
If the solid Earth theory were true, it would reveal or bear record of the waste of space of the Lord. Think about it. What an incredible waste of space! What an incredible waste of material to have such a large inhabited sphere completely filled with matter, so that Man walks on and uses only a minute fraction of it. The thought of God accumulating all that matter into a solid ball just so there is enough gravity for Man to walk and run on, less than 0.0001 percent or so, is just plain crazy.
If we take into account the supposed uninhabited worlds just floating around for no purpose whatsoever, it becomes an even greater waste and an even crazier concept. God has got to be smarter than that. I believe that God is smarter than that and that he has created hollow spheres or shells that can be inhabited by men on the outside surface, inside surface, and even within the crust of those shells. The overreliance by mainstream scientists on the relatively weak energy of gravity as a sole cause of all that is seen requires lots of mass to accomplish everything, whether we are talking about huge balls of matter called planets or huge balls of matter called black holes as they discount the role of plasma discharge, electricity, in creation. Everything takes billions and billions of years and requires lots of mass to accomplish anything. With the disconnection in the role of the much more powerful energy of electricity, scientists can’t or won’t accept the hollow Earth theory, despite the fact that the evidence in favor of it is overwhelming.
In truth, there is very little propping up the solid Earth theory. We dig a hole in the Earth and find lava and assume that whole planet is full of it. Is there just blood to the body and that is it? The hollow Earth and plasma models confirm, correct, and complement each other. When looking at plasma cosmology or plasma geology through a hollow Earth theory lens, you see the hollow shell, inner suns, and polar openings that most likely are there. When looking at plasma mythology, you recognize archetypes that obviously refer to inner Earth regions. When plasma cosmologists talk of galaxies giving birth to new galaxies by ejecting quasars from their poles, or planet stars giving birth to new planets by polar ejection, the polar holes of these objects confirm the view of the hollow Earth.
When looking at the hollow Earth model through a plasma lens, you see that the inner sun is not the standard mainstream model, but an arc lamp suspended at the center of a vacuum that exists within the shell of all these worlds. When the hollow Earthers talk of how planet stars were created in rotation, you get a deeper understanding of the whirling vortex of electricity discharging plasma, throwing the matter out to the sides, leaving matter stuck in the very center to become the inner sun and creating polar markings—poles—just like a concretion.
Mormon theology also confirms, corrects, and complements both the hollow Earth and plasma models. When either model is viewed through the lens of Mormon theology, suddenly the hand of God stands out like a sore thumb, and all things start to bear witness that the Creator made me. In other words, it appears that everything is a construct and not a coincidence.
With these views, we suddenly are able to see that concessions no longer need to be made to mainstream scientists and that LDS can now accept their scriptures exactly as they are. Suddenly, creation can happen quickly. Planets can be hollow. Electrogravity can be a possibility. Legendary and mythical stories can contain actual truth. The Lord can literally hide the ten tribes of Israel on planet Earth. Worlds can be inhabited. Dinosaurs can still exist, and the location of the division of the spirit world can now be known.
So where do we go from here? Again, I look to the children. I was once babysitting this young girl, and I asked her to draw a picture of her and her unborn sister several years in the future. I found her drawing really cute and loved the imagination of her choice to color the skin blue. “No, no! Not imagination!” the four-year-old said. “In this time, we will have blue skin.” She said this with such assurance. I do not know where she got this. Her parents were not at all aware or open to such an understanding. A few years later, I asked this little girl about us having blue skin in the future, and she did not understand why she had said that or where it came from.
It was like that with Boriska, the Mars child. The older he got, the less he remembered about his life on Mars. As we get older, we lose our understanding and connection with other worlds and how time and space really work. But what is up with the young girl telling me such a thing out of the blue? (Excuse the pun.) Are these children seed plantings, hints of a cosmic understanding? The inside of the planet is said to be lit by a blue star that makes their skin have a blue tinge.
The Hopis speak of a blue star that is currently behind Mars’ satellite moon Phobos that will act like a second sun for the Earth and will give our skin a bluish tinge. The Indian god Krishna is blue and so are the Andromedans. I do not know about you, but I find this interesting.
How is it that my friend’s son said to his father one day at nine years of age, “Dad, I have to tell you something. I have come from the land inside this planet to prepare the people who live on the surface for our reunion with them. I am one of the nine who are on the planet at this time and with this particular task, and there will be more coming, Dad. The surface people are ready to know about us.” Then the little boy went off to play, just like that, leaving his dad boggled until he remembered me talking to him about the hollow Earth one time. Now he understood what I was saying about the kids and about the planet. When he told me this, we both knew that I needed to talk with his son, that perhaps he had managed to hold onto his memories, and I could interview him.
I even shared this on the Brooks Agnew radio show. For those of you who are not familiar with him, he is a physicist who speaks a good deal about the hollow Earth. He is also the one who is planning to put together a voyage to sail inside the planet, going via past Greenland. He will be taking 100 people, and 70 of them will be scientists. Brooks intends to get physical proof, and I believe he will be successful with this. It is time, and they are not the military. The military has been trying to get in for a very long time and has not had much success. They could only get to some layers, like the lower chakra realms, but not the center. They are not allowed there unless they have done their inner work and have the understanding of love, which they still lack.
There are some places that one cannot get through to with the mind’s comprehension. The heart is the key. So if you do not have that key, it does not matter how smart you may be. “Access denied. Sorry!”
If you think this is just flakey New Age jargon, consider Admiral Byrd saying that the reason he was granted access inside the Earth was because he had a pure heart. The same can be said about the story about the father and son who sailed to the land inside the planet and lived with the giants peacefully for two years, or why children who have pure hearts can see things we cannot.
Brooks is taking this pure heart thing very seriously, and the other 30 percent will be the ones who possess this feature.
Now with the idea that the planet is hollow, we can now understand why in the past people thought that the Earth was flat and why they thought if you go too far you would fall off the planet. It’s like the Pirates of the Caribbean 3, At World’s End. Could it be that they fell into the inner Earth and flipped upside down, like how they ended up coming back as well? I will decode the rest of this very interesting, highly symbolic movie another time. I wonder why others do not see what I see? It is something else when I watch movies.
Up is down and down is up in the part where it seemed that Captain Jack Sparrow was mad as he ran back and forth, trying to rock the boat so that they could flip up on the other side. It seems like the surface of the Earth is doing this right now. We have been doing this in our mind: right brain, left brain, right brain, left brain, ying, yang, yes, no, ah contradiction! So many are rocking the planet with their extremes of one way, then the other way, and back and forth we go. Are we symbolically flipping ourselves to the inside of the planet?
Don’t you think it is interesting how in Alice in Wonderland when she falls down the rabbit hole, she falls past the mirror and there is a reflection showing her falling up? What do you think this tells you? Up is down. It’s the same thing with the royalty on our playing cards. This can also tell us why the Earth has a tilted axis to symbolize a crooked world. After the shift, the planetary poles will flip back and the Earth will straighten its spine and no longer take dung from anyone.
Sinbad’s stories were not so far off after all, either, or Disney’s Atlantis movie. It’s called Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Have you seen that movie? Atlantis is inside the planet and has a giant blue crystal that keeps them alive. There will be more on Atlantis in future videos to come.
And David Icke says that the biggest secret is that reptilians rule the world. Then the second biggest secret and coverup of all time is the fact that there is a very advanced civilization of people living in the center of the Earth where most of the UFOs are made—terrestrial, not extraterrestrial. This civilization is known as Agartha.
To begin with, Buddhist theology affirms its existence. It is believed there is a race of supermen and superwomen there who occasionally come to the surface to oversee the development of the human race. It is also believed that this subterranean world has millions of inhabitants and many cities, its capital being Shambhala. The king of this world is believed to have given orders to the Dali Lama of Tibet, who is his terrestrial representative. His messages are transmitted through certain secret tunnels connecting the inner world of Agartha with Tibet. The entrance to this tunnel is guarded by lamas who have been sworn to secrecy. A similar tunnel is believed to connect the secret chambers at the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza with Agartha. The astral key to the inner Earth for Tibet is the Vril, also known as Dorji, and the real reason why Tibet has been held down.
Here is a little more on Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd. The first public scientific evidence of Agartha’s existence occurred in 1937 when Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew to the North Pole. And instead of going over the poles, he actually entered the inner Earth. In his diary, he tells of entering the hollow interior of the Earth along with others and traveling 1,700 miles over mountains, lakes, rivers, streams, vegetation, and animal life. He tells of seeing monstrous animals resembling the mammoths of antiquity moving through the brush. He eventually found cities and a thriving civilization.
His plane was finally greeted by flying machines of a type he had never seen before. They escorted him to a safe landing place, and he was graciously greeted by emissaries from Agartha. After resting, he and his crew were taken to meet the king and the queen of Agartha. They told him that he been allowed to enter Agartha because of his high moral and ethical character--pure heart, a good person. They went on to say that ever since the United States had dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they had been very concerned about their own safety and survival. They had decided that it was time to make greater contact with the outside world to make sure that humanity did not destroy the planet and their civilization within it. Hmm, that reminds me of the movie The Abyss.
Byrd had been allowed in so they could make contact with someone whom they trusted. To make a long story short, when their visit was finished, Admiral Byrd and his crew were guided in their planes back to the outer world, their lives having been changed forever.
In January of 1956, Admiral Byrd led an expedition to the South Pole. On that expedition, he and his crew penetrated 2,300 miles into the center of the Earth. Admiral Byrd states that the North and South Poles were only two of many openings into the center of the Earth. Admiral Byrd also states that the inner Earth has its own sun. Byrd’s theory is that the poles of the Earth are concave rather than convex, and ships and planes can actually sail or fly right in.
The American press announced Admiral Byrd’s discovery, but it was immediately suppressed by our good friends, the secret government. Ray Palmer, the editor of the magazine Flyer Saucer, published a detailed story about Admiral Byrd’s discovery. The United States government bought, stole, or destroyed almost every copy and then destroyed the plates at the printing office. I have been told that exactly the same thing happened to an article about Admiral Byrd’s discovery published by National Geographic.
The magazine was released, and the U.S. government gobbled up almost every issue. If the story were not true, why would the government be so nervous? It is interesting to note that the United States government does not allow planes to fly over the poles. All flights are directed to go around the poles, and any airline pilot flying in those areas will confirm this.
OK, I have to show you something. Here is an e-mail that someone sent to me that I wanted to share.
When I recently became aware of NASA’s World Wind, I immediately went looking for what they would show of both poles. Would it again be a “cover-up”?
Here is the North Pole via World Wind. I do screen captures and paste them into Photoshop so that I can save and evaluate the images. From this view, one can see clouds and weather across the continents and the Arctic Ocean area, snow or ice on northern Canada, Alaska, and Russia. Greenland is a continent of ice, but what is that being blurred out at and around the North Pole area?
This is zooming in. Greenland is still in photo. But what are we seeing of the Arctic Ocean?
Here is what you get when you move over the Arctic, zooming in to a lower level (a different layer in World Wind). It switches to images with no Arctic ice to “represent” the alleged ocean floor.
My only conclusion is that NASA won’t show us true aerial or satellite photography of the approximately 2,000 square mile area of the north Arctic Ocean area. What images are shown has the appearance of being blurred or smudged. What could be there that they don’t want us to see?
Here is the World Wind South Pole image.
And when you begin to zoom in using World Wind, there’s lots of white with less detail than you can see with Google Earth.
When I used Photoshop Adjustment Curves tool to darken tones it can identify, I get this. Notice the appearance of brush marks. The shading strokes don’t go in straight lines. They look feathered. Even across the ocean in the upper left, the shading looks feathered. All the interesting geometrical patterns across the continents on the right and lower parts cannot be a natural occurrence in nature.
I demonstrate the effect of changing tone ranges in the image so that you can see the detail that the eye normally glances over. Go back to the first South Pole image and see if you would have noticed the feathered curves over what appears to be brush strokes to blur and smudge the real image.
My questions still remain. What is being blurred out by NASA so that we cannot see the real Antarctica and South Pole, and the real North Pole and Arctic ice from an aerial perspective? Is there something significant there which must be kept hidden from the world?
Does it concern me? Yes, I am concerned. This is the planet we live on.
Or if you have Google Earth, you can try and get the North Pole, but you can’t. You can get the South Pole, and it does show a hole (as Jack Sparrow would say, “Hmm, curious!”). Another interesting point is that icebergs are composed of fresh water, not salt water. It is also curious that it is warmer nearer to the poles than it is 600 to 1,000 miles away from them. The opening at the poles might also explain why there are so many UFO sightings in those areas.
Gravity continually lessens as we go deeper into the Earth until we reach a point some 700 miles down from the outer surface to an area of zero gravity. This is the Earth’s central gravity sphere, which is less than a mile thick and round, which the planet shell has accumulated. This is the soul or spirit of the Earth where there is perfect peace and harmony. You are weightless and breathless here. Your mind dictates your body and there is no physical decomposition, meaning that you can practically live forever. Hmm, the fountain of youth or the land of eternal youth, Peter Pan’s Neverland. Did Michael Jackson know something about this? His death is rather symbolic to us, getting close to contact with inside the Earth. How curious….
The other amazing thing about this zone is that, yes, as you head towards the remaining 100 miles leading to the Earth’s interior surface, gravity reverses. (Hmm. Backwards? Just like the mirror image? Right in the mirror and backwards?) This means that everyone or everything on the interior side of the gravity line are walking or standing upside down from us. Again, Alice in Wonderland’s mirror reflections show her falling up. It’s interesting how she grows into a giant too in that show.
Earth’s central gravity sphere is the actual dividing line between outer and inner Earth. The nucleus of an atom is a heaven, as in the center of our galaxy. In fact, there are twelve major levels of heaven from the subatomic to the center of our creation. Earth’s inner sun or heaven is where we came from at birth and where we go to at death. It is a great central station of incoming and outgoing souls and that light at the end of the tunnel. Here we decide whether to reincarnate or to go to other worlds. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 talks about ferrying the dead to the next world, as well as Greek mythology, Disney, Hercules, and so forth.
All the planetary suns of our solar system are directly linked to one another and to the main sun, which is in turn linked to other solar system suns and so on down to the center of creation. In this way, everything is linked and accessible. Earth’s inner sun is also hollow and contains an island city called the New Jerusalem. This is a type of a greater New Jerusalem found inside the center of our solar system’s sun. (See Phoebe Marie Holmes’ book My Visit to the Sun.) In the city is the home of our planetary god who oversees all of humanity from his central location.
I feel that there will soon be a reunion with the exterior and interior, when the ones with ill-intent will be neutralized and no longer able to do what they are doing now. (Or maybe like Monster’s Inc. where we find we get more power not through our fear and pain but through our laughter.)
We will find ourselves free, and like a plant in a pot we will be planted in a garden with tons of space for our roots to explore, though many plants before they are planted in the garden need to have their roots separated. (This is what I’ve been learning with my mom working in the garden…that the roots can be pot-bound. They need to be separated; otherwise, when they are planted in the ground, they will not know that they are free, and they will strangle themselves. They will just wrap their roots around and round. This is really odd, but very symbolic.) I find this to be a metaphor for humanity as when we are set free, how we will be. A lot of people who are set free from prison, they still have a prison mentality, which is what I found working with Canada’s ex-most wanted…to be planted suddenly in a huge garden and not knowing that and just being used to your old routine and doing the same things.
How will we be with our infiltration and manipulation? Will we consider our old self-destructive patterns, or will we find a new way of being where we can finally live and work with the ones who dwell inside the planet, who dwell inside our hearts? This is the place where we will learn about the UFOs, as most are built inside the planet. They are terrestrial. They are built in your heart, in your imagination creation station. I don’t need to see a UFO to know that they are real because I’ve made contact in my heart. That’s not cheesy or cliché anymore.
These changes can really change how we think of alien contact occurring. When we have grown up and taken responsibility for our world, turning everything around, then our big brothers will come in and give us a hand and help us integrate what we have learned and apply it. Think of the movie The Dark Crystal where the Skeksis and mystics merge back into one again. We feel homesick. A piece of us is missing, and that is our center that helps us feel centered. Making peace inside of us by developing our character and integrity and ethics will be the key that opens us to this inner world. This is the reason why Admiral Byrd was given access to the land beyond the poles, and we all know the old saying that is simple and cliché, but we tend to overlook it. It is all within. (Or even how the inner child will lead the way—or one who possesses the heart of a child will lead the way.)
I have lived this saying and am the result of self-taught soul archaeology understanding. It is not what is outside but what is inside that counts. It is all within, and it sure is. Now it is time to witness this first hand. This concludes 2012, Part 4: The Hollow Earth and its Core. Stay tuned for 2012, Part 5.
And warm embraced laced in grace. Thank-you, everybody, for being you. And we are the answer to our prayers. We are everyday angels. I love you guys. Thank-you. Bye. (Oh, and if you want, you can look up more information on my web site: www.jessicamystic.com Thanks! Bye.)
We are the answer to our prayers.
2012 Part 5: Beyond the Hologram Dimensional Jive
Written by Jessica Schab | 14 June 2010
I consider this piece to be the mother lode in my work. Whenever I speak about these matters, I am often asked to do a recording. I always planned to talk about these things. The problem was that when I did, it was hard for others to understand such things without fully grasping or understanding “boggle” or kaleidoscopic eyes. It was easy for me but not so easy for others, and this was frustrating. So my previous videos, blogs, interviews, and poems have been specifically created to help teach people not what to see but how to see. My work is like a coded puzzle to show how everything fits and what it means to take something very complex and make it simple. I feel that by sharing this information, people’s growth and sight will accelerate, and they will be able to see beyond 2012 and beyond the hologram. This is a memory jogger.
Now we come to 2012 Part 5. I’m sorry that it has taken me so long. As some of you know who have been reading my blogs, I have had an interesting series of adventures after returning from Europe. I had to go on sabbatical and was not allowed to work or focus on my normal projects. So now I have a window of time before I head back out to Europe, and I want to get as many videos out to you as I can. You have asked me about and waited patiently for more videos. Now I have many wonderful video treats for you that I will release all at once.
It is important to finish up my 2012 series because at the rate I am going I will still be putting them out by 2014. That sounds really funny! Can you imagine? How many more videos are there for my 2012 series? I would say maybe three, but I am not sure yet. I write so much. I have so much to share, and I just have to get it all out of me.
Now I know that many of you prefer my Project Camelot interview format over me reading my stuff simply because it is more organic. For quite some time this has been a quandary for me, but here is how I now see the issue. I read because I do not want to waste your time with my trying to recall everything I want to say in the right order. I am dyslexic and can be all over the place, so I was trying to spare you that. You also know that this is my writing because I share all my articles and poems on my web site. Perhaps I will just leave my camera on when I am having a conversation and capture myself in the way I really want you to see. I cannot do it when it is just me talking, nor can I do it in an interview. It always comes when I am in a casual conversation and I am not aware that I am on the spot.
I like doing these videos more than interviews because I have no time limit, and I can actually finish what I want to say. I did the same thing with Andrew Basiago’s video interview, though I am very blond in that interview because he is not an easy one to follow. When it came time to ask questions, I forgot my questions! At least you guys had the advantage of listening to it more than once. I did not. But that’s OK. Blondness happens, especially in very important interviews.
Also, I can share more when I am able to do it in my own way. I am looking for more natural ways where I am not so much on the spot, where I can fully be in my videos and not be so shy. Perhaps I will record a conversation from a friend or something. I do not know. I will play and tinker around with this a bit more. All I do know is that I feel like the Warner Brothers singing frog when it comes to videos and interviews, but this is because I know myself, and I know how much I can bring out of myself. I am just not sure yet how to do that.
These videos were always meant as a build up for others to understand the way I think so that when I started to talk about some really out-there and complex stuff, people could see how it makes sense.
This particular video is no exception. It is really out-there, the most out-of-the-box one yet. It is written in a way not to lock down anything I say as solid truths but as tools or stepping-stones to a greater truth. Please keep that in mind as you listen to this video. I feel that if people can learn how to think and do the soul archaeology of the universe in their minds and hearts without borders, then they will come to clarity. I am not here to give you my own answers because I want you all to find your own answers. Your answers are your truth. Your experiences have not been in vain, and your truth is just as valid as Deepak Chopra’s or Eckhart Tolle’s truth. Just because they make money and receive acclaim, we tend to think their truth is more valid than ours, and so we adopt their truth. It is not all on one person to change the world or for one person to have all the answers to make it better as we wait for them. The world needs everyone, and each of you has a piece of the puzzle. We have to do this together. No books, no dogmas, no cults—just people coming together through kindness, passion, and unconditional or mystical love. Love indeed is very mystical.
Before I start this one, I just want to say that I shared this information with native elders who gave me more confirmation in what I am about to share. I have been so excited about sharing this one with you since my Project Camelot video. I was sad that I did not get to share this information in that interview, but it is done now. Here we are, and here it is.
Chapter 1. Hologram World: How Do We Know What the Universe Really Looks Like?
There is a theory that the Universe is a giant hologram projecting what we call reality from the stream of Universal Consciousness, which contains all the encoded information. This leaves us wondering how physical reality comes into being. The idea that reality as we perceive it to be is an illusion of the mind, has brought some branches of modern science closer to the view of ancient eastern philosophies.
If you've ever watched Star Trek, you may remember seeing the crew of the Starship Enterprise live out their fantasies in a room called the holodeck. The holodeck was a giant, holographic projection room that allowed the crew to touch and interact with projections as if they were in a big video game. Scientists today are developing a new communications technology that will allow you and your friends to interact inside a simulated environment even if you are thousands of miles apart. Most of the basic components for this network are already in place to allow the development of tele-immersion. Tele-immersion is the scientific community's answer to the holodeck. What is so neat about this is that our technology is starting to merge and understand the loop of science and the spirituality of creation. Let’s say someone was born in a virtual reality program and that is all they know. How would you explain to them about the world outside the program? Though you might say you cannot see us or hear us (because all you can do is see and hear is the hologram), you could feel us near you watching your adventure. We are here, and some of us have already played this game while others helped create it and have what gamers know as cheats. This also reminds me of the Truman Show existing in this place where everything is fake and set up with everyone watching. When Truman starts to suspect this, he desires to escape his artificial illusion world and greatly desires to know of the real world, the world beyond everything he has ever known.
So if this place is a hologram, then do we really know what the universe looks like? Do we really know what Earth looks like? This can be seen as a kind of a matrix thing where Neo gets shown the real world, which is pretty dank and depressing, where sentinels threaten their lives, so they rush in the matrix before it is too late. I do not jive with this future vision of the world. I see it as just the opposite. But if that is true, why are we experiencing the world this way, in a so-seeming bleak and dire existence? Yet we are learning that this hologram we exist in, this world we live in, is not what it seems. Our senses are being manipulated to think and experience the world a certain way, which perhaps is just the opposite of how it might actually be.
Let me give you an example. In one of my blogs I wrote about going to Sedona and doing an exercise called seeing through the hologram. If you look at a person in dim light and defocus your eyes like what people do in order to see auras, then they will see a black or a white wall appear over the person’s face. They will then see every form that person has ever been—human and nonhuman—very much like kaleidoscopic vision of the people you think you know. There is another neat thing you can do as well. It is the same exercise, only this time you are looking at the night sky, not at the stars but in-between the stars to the edge of the universe. As you defocus your eyes, you will find that the stars will drop down lower and lower until they fall onto your roof or even to the ground. After I did this, I went to sleep on a bed of stars, which was pretty incredible.
This experience made me think that I was seeing beyond the hologram. I began to realize that perhaps the outer light has been tampered with and perhaps the stars are not as high up in the sky or as far away as we think. I began to think about people who have had mind-bending experiences—young children, people with near death experiences, meditators, and people who have had hallucinogenic drug experiences—and they are all claiming to see the same things beyond the hologram. All this has me wondering: what do our world and universe really look like? Are we viewing the world through an artificial simulator or virtual reality?
Beyond the holograms, sight is always there. It is just out of our focus because we have been taught not how to see but what to see. But now that is changing too. If we now believe that beyond the hologram lies a multidimensional world, how do you think we will be able to exist or even function in such a world? How would we understand it? Now bear all this in mind as I take you through this video.
We will better understand it by what we are experiencing here. Every life we have ever lived has prepared us for this one, and we are living all the lifetimes in this one, the many and the one, the one in the many. It seems right now we are living so much in a short amount of time. Could this have to do with the photon belt?
A photon band (or belt) was discovered in outer space in 1961 by means of satellite-borne instruments. Earth is now gradually moving into the Pleiades—the Seven Sisters—an estimated 440 light-years from here. This grouping of stars is the basis of mythology in many countries.
There is a theory that the Universe is a giant hologram projecting what we call reality from the stream of Universal Consciousness, which contains all the encoded information. This leaves us wondering how physical reality comes into being. The idea that reality as we perceive it to be is an illusion of the mind, has brought some branches of modern science closer to the view of ancient eastern philosophies.
If you've ever watched Star Trek, you may remember seeing the crew of the Starship Enterprise live out their fantasies in a room called the holodeck. The holodeck was a giant, holographic projection room that allowed the crew to touch and interact with projections as if they were in a big video game. Scientists today are developing a new communications technology that will allow you and your friends to interact inside a simulated environment even if you are thousands of miles apart. Most of the basic components for this network are already in place to allow the development of tele-immersion. Tele-immersion is the scientific community's answer to the holodeck. What is so neat about this is that our technology is starting to merge and understand the loop of science and the spirituality of creation. Let’s say someone was born in a virtual reality program and that is all they know. How would you explain to them about the world outside the program? Though you might say you cannot see us or hear us (because all you can do is see and hear is the hologram), you could feel us near you watching your adventure. We are here, and some of us have already played this game while others helped create it and have what gamers know as cheats. This also reminds me of the Truman Show existing in this place where everything is fake and set up with everyone watching. When Truman starts to suspect this, he desires to escape his artificial illusion world and greatly desires to know of the real world, the world beyond everything he has ever known.
So if this place is a hologram, then do we really know what the universe looks like? Do we really know what Earth looks like? This can be seen as a kind of a matrix thing where Neo gets shown the real world, which is pretty dank and depressing, where sentinels threaten their lives, so they rush in the matrix before it is too late. I do not jive with this future vision of the world. I see it as just the opposite. But if that is true, why are we experiencing the world this way, in a so-seeming bleak and dire existence? Yet we are learning that this hologram we exist in, this world we live in, is not what it seems. Our senses are being manipulated to think and experience the world a certain way, which perhaps is just the opposite of how it might actually be.
Let me give you an example. In one of my blogs I wrote about going to Sedona and doing an exercise called seeing through the hologram. If you look at a person in dim light and defocus your eyes like what people do in order to see auras, then they will see a black or a white wall appear over the person’s face. They will then see every form that person has ever been—human and nonhuman—very much like kaleidoscopic vision of the people you think you know. There is another neat thing you can do as well. It is the same exercise, only this time you are looking at the night sky, not at the stars but in-between the stars to the edge of the universe. As you defocus your eyes, you will find that the stars will drop down lower and lower until they fall onto your roof or even to the ground. After I did this, I went to sleep on a bed of stars, which was pretty incredible.
This experience made me think that I was seeing beyond the hologram. I began to realize that perhaps the outer light has been tampered with and perhaps the stars are not as high up in the sky or as far away as we think. I began to think about people who have had mind-bending experiences—young children, people with near death experiences, meditators, and people who have had hallucinogenic drug experiences—and they are all claiming to see the same things beyond the hologram. All this has me wondering: what do our world and universe really look like? Are we viewing the world through an artificial simulator or virtual reality?
Beyond the holograms, sight is always there. It is just out of our focus because we have been taught not how to see but what to see. But now that is changing too. If we now believe that beyond the hologram lies a multidimensional world, how do you think we will be able to exist or even function in such a world? How would we understand it? Now bear all this in mind as I take you through this video.
We will better understand it by what we are experiencing here. Every life we have ever lived has prepared us for this one, and we are living all the lifetimes in this one, the many and the one, the one in the many. It seems right now we are living so much in a short amount of time. Could this have to do with the photon belt?
A photon band (or belt) was discovered in outer space in 1961 by means of satellite-borne instruments. Earth is now gradually moving into the Pleiades—the Seven Sisters—an estimated 440 light-years from here. This grouping of stars is the basis of mythology in many countries.
What is this golden electromagnetic cloud, sometimes referred to as the “Radiant Nebula” or “Golden Nebula” by our star family? Its more universal designation is the "photon belt," consisting of many bands, and our star family recognizes any encounter with this belt as having great spiritual significance.
Yes, we are moving into a zone in space that is a band of photon energy (hence the term photon “belt”). A photon is a particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation. A photon carries energy proportional to the radiation frequency but has zero resting mass. Our star moves into that band for about 2,000 years, and this event happens about every 11,000 years. This last happened during Atlantean times. The 11,000th year out of the photon belt is often referred to as the “Galactic Night.” Our star system is the 8th star in the Pleiadian star group. Our star circles the star Alcyone, as do the other Pleiadian stars. Alcyone is in the photon belt all the time. Others are in and out for varying periods of time depending on their orbit. The experience we have on Earth at this time is extremely valuable for the range of moving between dimensions that happens as we move into and out of the photon belt. Billions of souls are trying to get into a body for this ride.
We are moving into the photon belt now and will be entirely in it by 2012. In the photon belt, the walls between the different dimensions will become increasingly thin or even nonexistent.
My father spoke about this event all the time. Think about this: We are now poised to enter the photon belt between now and the end of this century. We have completed the full circle and are back at the beginning. It is described in detail in the Bible, by books on mythology, by Nostradamus, and by modern day scientists. If the Earth enters first into the photon belt, the sky will appear to be on fire, but be assured that this is cold light, so there will be no heat. If the sun enters first, there will be immediate darkness, which, computed by our speed through space, will last 110 hours. The interaction between the solar radiation and the photon belt will make the sky look as if it is full of falling stars, and people will be seeing beyond the hologram. As the Earth enters this radiation belt, all molecules will become excited, all atoms will change, and things will become luminescent. There will be constant light. There can be no darkness, not within the deepest cave, not within the human body.
Notice what the Bible says. In Mark 13:25 it says: "And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.” In Isaiah 34:4 it says: “And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll.” So the sky will be no more, or is it that the hologram will be no more?
It is expected that the rotation of the Earth may diminish a little. Because of the reduced solar radiation, the temperature is expected to become cooler, and the ice caps are expected to extend to about latitude 40 in both hemispheres. Your history books will tell you that at least five ice ages have been recorded, and they seem to last about 2,000 years. Here is an interesting note: the world communication centers, fixed satellites, U.S.-bases and experimental sites are within the “safe zone.” Is this by design or by accident? The photon belt to me feels like God’s aura, the great central sun light at the center of all the universes. It is interesting to me that the great central sun/son has 12 lights by it, which could be interpreted as stars or planets, or they can be seen as the 12 apostles.
In my Project Camelot video, I shared about us being lights in dark places mirroring the night’s sky—as above, so below. When we shine our light as brightly as we can, it emanates off of us like ripples acupuncturing the Earth. With our light we send a message to our friends in the hollow Earth and a message to our heart’s core while we also project our light out into the universe. People start to be drawn to us because of our light. They are soul family who are also beaming their like-light language code. When all these lights get together, we will look like one giant light like a sun, like the return of the God’s sun/son mirrored right back at us in the night’s sky. See my poem Shine Bright Lights Unite. Could this be the photon belt light of the great central sun/son? My, what timing!
It is interesting how the Bible states numerous times that the stars are falling from the sky. It is basically referring to the lifting of the veils and seeing beyond the hologram. There are beings one might call “aliens” who live between the folds and cracks of other realms. This is a rudimentary way for us to explain to ourselves something that is so very vast and deep about ourselves.
When my father would speak about the photon belt (and I am not sure if I have this right, but I will take a crack at it), he would say that the sun is not really as hot as we are told. It actually gets cooler when you get closer to it if you are operating beyond the hologram. There are something like cooling pockets in the sun that actually hold the hologram in place and provide the necessary light. When the sun is enveloped in the photon belt, this will shift the hologram and how we view it. Perhaps we will even gain a new perspective on the world and universe. There are certain people who have incarnated at this time to prepare others and help them understand so they can ease through the shock of the world changing into something else. We will find ourselves like Dorothy saying, “There is no place like home” or Alice begging herself to wake up only to find herself already at home, her real home in bed as a creator dreaming about separation and duality? Will we say we had the strangest dream or will we understand this dream and purpose behind it?
Chapter 2. If Our Thoughts Create Reality, Why Are We Still Thinking That It Needs to Get Bad Before It Gets Better?
So many who are awakened know their thoughts create reality but still they say, “Oh, it will get worse before it gets better” and they visualize just that. We have said it helps wake people up, yes, but I think it does not need to be like this. I find a better motivation will be inspirational people who are living a much better way and in harmony or perhaps even the new children. Or the inspiration could come from people just doing good deeds without wanting anything in return. I will give my energy and focus to seeing that the worst is over. There are some who say that about 90% of the people feel that nothing will happen on 2012. The motivation for most of the people in this world is fear, and whether they are aware of this information or not, they still are aware of media or are living in very harsh environments. So this is not such helpful thinking either, but who can blame them?
People tend to think that there are not enough awakened people to make a difference, and this is despite the fact that there are more awakening everyday all over the world. Heck, someone even wrote to me from the Arctic! So despite this, it is not enough for people to believe. Maybe this is because the people around them every day are not so awakened. But I can tell you that our small numbers are having a growing effect. If we only look to see what the awakened people are doing, it is mighty inspiring. Sooner or later, every flower bud will bloom. Some just need to have the right environment, and that is where we come in.
Chapter 3. 2012 Time or No Time
I have come across many statements regarding the Vatican changing the calendar for different reasons at different times. One reason I came across was that they may have changed it by either 2, 4, or 7 years to throw off Nostradamus's prediction of the fall of the Vatican. Another one was the conversion of the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar where people lost half a month's pay yet had to pay their usual monthly fees and taxes.
If this is true, then I feel that when 2012 comes and passes and we suffer yet another "great disappointment," our guard will be let down for the true cycle beginning. Will the real Y2K please stand up? But with all the various different calendars and ways of measuring time, we may well be thrown off track and be unable to know what the real year is.
Many people are feeling like they are running out of time (“Oh my God! 2012 is almost here!”) even as they struggle to understand what is going on. People are feeling the pressure and motivation to change, but they are still thinking that their lives and other people’s lives will soon be over. I do not understand how people can think that about a time because we already know that the past, present, and future are all existing at the same time. So technically, 2012 is happening right now! Our future is determined by what we do now. Also, it is very important that we take into account that we are basing our marker on 2012 from the Gregorian calendar, even though we know that it has been changed and tampered with. Now if we look at the Mayan calendar, it could be 2011 or even 2012. What if this is another test of awareness and our responsibility of what we do with our now? Or perhaps it is like this Mayan cartoon about the “big misunderstanding.” A guy goes up to a Mayan calendar maker and says, “Hey, how come your calendar only goes up 2012?” The Mayan replies, “Oh, I ran out of space.” I am sharing my views about the 2012 time just because it is something I feel I need to do or is a gift I can give to the world.
You might be familiar with one of my signature quotes: “We are the answer to our prayers.” What do I mean by that? I am not saying that there is no God or anything like that. I am saying that God does not always answer our prayers in the way we would like because God has more faith in us than we have in ourselves. Our very existence is the answer to most of our prayers as we are the cause and solution to all of life’s problems. I got this thought from a Homer Simpson saying, “Let’s make a toast to alcohol, the cause and the solution to all of life’s problems.” Then I thought, “Actually it is us.” We are given one brain, one heart, and two hands. It is up to us what we do with these gifts. We can choose to create beauty or pain, and thus we can become the answer to our prayers or the problem that motivated us to pray in the first place. The beauty we desire to create must not be something we try to do because as Homer Simpson says, “You tried hard and failed miserably. The lesson is to never try.” He is right. Doing something with the intent to try is a recipe for failure because the word try is laced with doubt. As Mr. Yoda will tell you, “There is no try. There is only do or do not do.”
We do not need to feel that we are running out of time. A better motivation is to let go of the mundane not serving you and grasp hold of what you want to do and are passionate about. Start doing those things that will result in the most good for the world. This is a time to take back your life and live in your truth. When you are doing something you love with someone you love, there is no time. It speeds by and you ask, “Where did the time go?” If we are doing something we do not like, time moves so slowly. Einstein says to compare how fast the clock goes when you’re with your sweetie, and then turn on the stove, sit on it, and see how slowly time goes by. So this can help you understand how we have been locked in a time trap by being manipulated into doing things we do not like to do, thinking we have to do it. Then more and more, we are held down and the denser our weight becomes. We even become denser in the head, especially if we really miserable. The concept of time was sold to us in a way that fractured and birthed separation of our dimensional selves, but that is all changing now.
When a professional remote viewer shared that he could not see beyond the year 2011, it created confusion and even fear that the Earth's destiny is also coming to its end, coinciding with the predicted ending date of August 12th, 2012, of the Mayan Calendar. I wonder if this was guy a happy person. Was he doing what he loved when he did this viewing or did he see it as a chore? I joyfully tell you, it isn’t so! I will tell you what is coming to end a life of fear and pain. Yes, a shift in consciousness is about to take place, a shift and joy that no longer separates. We are heading for one big implosion, not an explosion. Everything will merge back together in grace like a warm embrace.
May I refer you back to the Bible? In Revelations 1:20 it speaks of the seven candlesticks of the churches. The seven candlesticks are the seven chakra energy wheels aligned with your own endocrine gland system, the wheels-within-the-wheels that regenerate the energies that service specific organisms with your physical embodiment’s life-light forces. There are also seven seals and seven lampshades in The Keys of Enoch. The seven lampshades are also the seven sisters the Pleiades.
Each candle emits its own spectral identity. These are the arcs of light covenanted within your physical temple. Each arc is a containment vessel for the quotient of energies spaced and timed to its alignment with the messaging intent of continuum for its co-creation. Does this not remind you of an identifiable radio-wave frequency?
As above, so below. When pyramids join together, these become the crystalline diamonds that align your chakras’ spectral frequency generators to the messaging intent of the alternating currents of energies being transmitted to and from the Universal Consciousness. You are the physical body for that crystal radio's broadcasting terminal receiver. Each one of these arcs has an angle aligned to the space-sizing required of its resonant spectral harmony. Each dimension has its own bandwidth of spectrally coded arc-angles (Archangels) to re-harmonize the verse it is orchestrated to for the continuum of the co-creations. These are the primary rungs for Jacob's third dimensional ladder.
Are you beginning to visualize the greater messaging intent of the pyramids that are the sound stages upon the Giza Plateau? Are you not aware that other pyramids are placed upon each of the acupuncture meridians within the body of Mother Earth?
When you see the attached calendar of light, note that every 999.99 years the Universal clock shifts its spectral arc by 15 degrees counterclockwise. The years 2011 and 2012 A.D. will bring forth its new calendar with its space-timed upgrading colorful designs for the Greater Light's continuum with its co-creations. The old thought-controlling issues would be forced to give way to each individual’s own receptive reality perception to bring forth the creative remembrance of origin. This shifting of consciousness will take place with a new chakra alignment within the organisms servicing the cellular and molecular levels. The five over self-bodies of the higher chakra energy wheels will merge into their alignment for the 5th dimensional body. It has already begun!
This allowed the merger of the 8th, 9th, and 10th dimensional higher energies to begin their harmonic and preparatory modulations to awaken our dormant DNA blueprint. The 11th and 12th chakras are silver and gold.
Where is this "new thought" coming from? It is coming from our Sun. Our universe's computerized relaying brain center is the Sun. The magnetic carpet of the Sun displays a minimum of 144,000 north and south pole electromagnetic looping ley lines extending outwards to its unified field, displaying the Sun’s auric emissions to its solar corona.
The north and south pole loops provide the alternating currents of electromagnetic energies to the antennas arrayed for the re-transmissions of its programming message via the 72,000 pulsations of ethereal radio-waves. This is the broadcasting methodology connecting the looping ley lines to the meridians aligned to all universal planetary satellite stations.
These ethereal ley lines re-connect to the non-mechanical computer chips implanted in all biological and non-biological software designed upon the DNA for all of the universal thought co-creations. The electromagnetic radiations of the co-creative spectral energies transmit their frequency modulations via radio waves, x-rays, and gamma rays.
Chapter 4. Are There Bad ETs?
I wanted to talk a bit about there not being any bad ETs even as others are saying yes there are. It depends where one is operating at. In my previous 2012 Part 3 video, I mentioned how everything was a reflection of us and how in that sense it does not exist. We make it into existence with the hologram, but nonetheless it is still an illusion. So if you’re looking at it that way and beyond duality where even the dark plays a divine role, like what a villain does in a movie to the main character, then in the end the hero comes out wiser and better because of the experience.
The Illuminati are often disguising themselves as ETs to get away with their sick addictions of molestation, stealing innocence, tainting fairytales, tainting God’s name, creating fear, etc. They also try to intervene in our connection with soul family and replace it with pain and humiliation. Some people think that if you are more evolved, then you have a more positive ET experience. This is not true. There is no “more evolved than” or “better than.” This is just another separation tactic that is perhaps even racist. They masquerade as all-powerful aliens playing with time and space in a way that will not work. They are desperately trying to keep their illusion maintained, but soon they are done here. They take beautiful things and demonize them.
However, the people who have gone through their horrible torture are starting to even wake up and be free from the programming. They are speaking up and realizing that what they were taught to believe about God and the aliens is not so. The Illuminati’s reign of perversion is being usurped. Even with all the things they have done to people’s bodies, minds, and even souls, their plans still have not worked. This is because they have no real power over us, and they know it is so, even though they make us think otherwise.
Once the victims realize this fact they are free. Souls have incarnated into these life experiences to teach others this truth. So try as they might, the Illuminati can never take our light and our power. They are jealous and scared of us. This is the core of their messages for anyone who really researches this stuff. The Illuminati’s fear and jealousy is an illusion and a lie they bought and sold to themselves and dammed themselves because of it. It is like when we lie to ourselves. We tell it so many times to ourselves that we make it true. Despite all the ugly things they do, there is still so much more beauty in this world. It trumps it all. Nature is so beautiful, so loving, and so interesting. Do not ever think this world deserves to be destroyed or is an ugly place. What are really ugly are our lies and insecurities about a grand being that enables us to hide from ourselves and avoid responsibility. We are not afraid of our failures or darkness but of our light and what we are capable of. What can this world and this life actually be? We are reaching the apex of everything right now, so how will you do when you face and heal the nightmare to make it all right again?
What we claim to be ETs seem to very much understand the hologram and take on any form they wish, so how do you really know what you’re looking at? In another YouTube video I did called 2012 Part 1: Angels, Aliens, and Nature Spirits, Oh My, I share the similarities of these beings. I’m not saying they are the same but that they all understand the hologram and do their specific tasks through this as some are operating in the rules of duality and beyond.
There are lots of starry beings that people experience who are not painful, scary, or humiliating at all. Some say, “Oh, that is a trick. Give the people a nice experience, and they will not suspect. And then they will be used for the ET agenda.” What agenda? To tell people it is OK and that life will be changing for the better? I tell you this: it is only using the person if they are told that the aliens are coming here to save them and make everything better. But the starry beings are actually telling you to be the best person you can be, act with integrity, know who they really are, and take care of your planet. This will give you a better idea of their agenda.
If a person is a living example and not a hypocrite—like our politicians saying, “Oh yes, we will help the environment” and then going and doing the opposite—then they truly know right from wrong. Let people’s actions speak louder than their words and you will know the truth. If you tell the truth, then you will not need to have such a perfect memory. As Walter Scott once said, “Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.” Liars always get exposed.
Someone who exists in duality will only say, “Yes, there are good and bad ETs.” It is not that one is wrong or right. People are just at different levels of perspective based of belief experiences and reference points. Such things happen all the time and arguments ensue.
Chapter 5. My Life as a Guide
In my Project Camelot interview I was asked about past lives, and I spoke about the short life I lived in France and also Atlantis. Now when we hear things like this, it tends to sound so cliché, almost like “Well, who has not had a past life in Atlantis?” There was so much more I wanted to add in this interview, but I knew I only had so much time, and I had to pick and say the things that were most important. I was also so very nervous in that interview, so much so that if you watch that video on max volume, you will hear my little heart beating intensely. Maybe it is beating some special message in Morris code. I was surprised to hear everyone say that I seemed so calm. I was sure everyone could see how nervous I was as I recall thinking, “OK, here I go. I am about to bear my soul to the world.”
Anyway, getting back to the subject, here is another tangent that adds a new dimension to my eventual point. Do you ever wonder how it can be that more than one person can claim to be the same person, say for example Cleopatra in a past life? How is that possible? Are these people delusional, or are they experiencing being her from perhaps her cells—the many and the one—maybe even her hair as that, too, has consciousness. Like I said in that interview with Project Camelot, I mentioned how motion itself can be an illusion, just as a video is just a bunch of still frames sped up to make it look like it is moving. So with that understanding, yes, it is possible to jump into different time stills like a DVD. We can jump to any part of the DVD, the beginning, middle, end, or even behind the scenes. When we watch movies, we can identify with certain characters so much so as we lose ourselves to the character for a time. We are them experiencing what they are experiencing. Now as each person watches this movie, they see it differently, or we can say it is a different parallel of them from another dimension. What I am trying to say here is that with past lives it is a very basic stepping stone understanding to grasp something much more complex in that it is not just thousands of lifetimes, but we are everyone and everything. I am you and you are me. We are the animals and the plants. We can even be a fridge. I bring that up because I have a memory of being a fridge in the 70s. Needless to say, it was a pretty boring and buzzy existence, but it did teach me to keep my cool, especially when everyone else’s temperatures are rising.
When I get letters from people, they often share how similar our lives are. They will say, “I cannot believe how similar our stories are. The experiences you have had I have also had. It seems like I know you somehow or that we are just parallels of each other.” This also ties into an understanding of oneness, of recognizing ourselves in each other. I am them and they are me. It’s like that quote from the Silver Bird book I read on YouTube: “I once dreamed I was a butterfly. To all intents and purposes I was a butterfly and was unconscious of my individuality as a man. Now as I lay awake in my bed, I do not know if I was a man dreaming I was a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming I was a man.”
This quote struck to the core because I know that in the sleep, daydream, and even meditation states time is very different. We can easily tap into our consciousness in other forms in different time and space, but I wonder if the butterfly pays attention to such things?
There are accounts of people being aware that their soul has more than one body they are occupying Earth at this time. They can have a memory of being another living person in this lifetime. It is like a flash, and then they go back to being themselves. Now this is one way to explain it, but some could say, “Oh, these are just mind-controlled split personalities.” To counter that thought, I will state that these people are also able to contact and locate these people whose consciousness they had tapped into, like looking out of one telescope and then another. Was this something of a glitch in the matrix hologram that we were able to catch and then keep some memory of it? This is a little step towards being ready for grasping multidimensional existence. Now the more we go through the shift, the more I feel we will recall such things, but our concepts of time will start to all just blur and fuse together. This will happen until we cannot recall which experience we had first and where one starts and another ends, but we will be able to keep track of them at the same time as we are activating more and more consciousness RAM.
What about lives in between lives? The lives I spoke about in the Project Camelot interview were not actual lives that I recall living in the physical. I do not remember being in a body but in another dimension as a being, watcher, and guide to other human beings. I was experiencing life through them and can now recall the life and the life of the watcher, knowing both sides, which is pretty neat. It sure helps me see with boggle eyes.
Some souls who come to Earth are not used to being in a physical 3D form with its extreme duality. They have a very hard time being on this planet. We find that these souls go into shock, so most are brought to mountains where the energy is not so intense, but it still gives them a better idea of what they will be in for. It is like testing the water by dipping your toe before immersing yourself.
This might explain why ancient documents told of the Gods and even ETs favoring living on mountains. It helps them get used to the frequency here. After that they try out being a guide or watcher, very much like the movie Avatar where they experience life as a Navi and what it means to be in that form in their world and learning their customs. Even when they sleep and wake up back in their other form, they can report all the things they learned in that life, that form, that world. The reptilians do this as well in order for them to be in human form, or they will use hologram sight manipulation.
People who have had a UFO sighting do not know that a majority of the time that they have been on the ship. Everyone on Earth has had contact with ETs and just cannot remember. These memories either come about later on or people find this out through hypnotherapists. I recommend you just sitting back and remembering the experience on your own. The memories will come back if you let them and really want to recall them. Often a couple will see a craft and then a light in the sky. Then they come to and wonder what happened. Shortly after, the woman finds she is pregnant and—surprise, surprise—it is a star child. This act is not done through force or cold lab tables or anything like that.
The Illuminati have a crude knockoff twisted version of this done to confuse and demonize real experiences. Real star children can attest to this as some of them have very developed astral travel abilities. They can travel to their secret bases like Area 51 and so forth, and they go there to usurp the Illuminati’s plans. They can read documents and let other people know on the other side of the world or inspire people to leave certain areas. They are one of the reasons that programs and chips the Illuminati give people are not working. These kids will also take jobs in the military and hide their abilities on the tests and use their telepathy to get information on certain officials. It is like a game of psychic chess. The star kids are winning and the Illuminati know it. They know the kids are their downfall, and so they take it out on them while they can, all the while hoping to find a loophole. They know that fear is their ace card because if people are in fear, then they can be controlled. People who have mastered their fear cannot be controlled. I am not referring to military people who have been messed with so badly that they “have no emotion.” They have plenty of fear. They just blocked it out in order to cope.
Tesla once said, “They can have the past. They can have the present. But the future is mine.” What does this mean? First off, this man was able to get information from the future. He was something of a psychic time traveler with some serious connections to other worlds. He knew the corruption he was dealing with, and so he knew that in the future they would have no merit.
Getting back to the beamships, the person’s soul recognizes the ship even if the person’s personality does not, and they go onto the ship as a guest friend or even a commander. There is no force or invasion of privacy. There is a part on the ship where there is a nursery with babies of women who were pregnant but sometimes ended up having a “miscarriage,” or so it would seem. This is not done by the star family as cruelty by any means, just that the womb has set up within it a special connection. It has a portal. The human baby chooses to stay on the ship and work with people, particularly with the new star baby that is now in the womb. These two babies are like siblings, and they help each other maintain memory and access their abilities. A strong connection to their ship is most important to their mission. This is just one of the ways these beings work.
A star child usually has at least one parent who has mystical abilities as well in that they have this connection. Some parents will admit it freely and some will deny it and pretend they do not know what you’re talking about. This connection will run far back in the family with a history of grandparents who had a connection. I know some starseeds feel alone with being who they are and no one in their family understands. Some parents hide it very well as they are in denial or have successfully managed to convince themselves it never happened. There is the odd rare one who really has parents with no connection to these beings, and so the kid really feels like they have been dropped off and abandoned on Earth.
One case I had come across was this woman who told me she remembers being dropped off from a ship on the doorstep of an orphanage as a baby. By the age of six she was so very angry but did not know why. Well, one day she wandered around the corner of her orphanage and there sitting in a ball against the building was an old woman. This old woman told the young girl all about her life and all the good things and hardships she would endure. When the little girl heard all this, she had more of the hardships in her memory and she said, “But I do not want to go through all those things.” The old woman said it was very important for her mission. It would equip her with her ability to help many people when the time came. “Who are you,” asked the young girl, “that you would know such things?”
“I am you,” said the old woman at age 60.
This young girl is now 47, and she is starting to see how things are coming full circle and why she went through things as she did. She also sees how she is starting to look just like that 60 year old woman she saw long ago. The memory is tattooed to her brain.
What we can do with information like this is to send our comfort and insight to ourselves when we were younger. We can project ourselves with wings or whatever form we wish to send this love and warmth when you were going through a hard time. This way, you will not feel so alone during that time. This will substantially decrease the anger. If you can talk to your parents about yourself, what you were like as a kid, and if they recall you having an imaginary friend or speaking about angel friends, that can help with present and past stagnation. When you ask your parents or anyone who knew you as a kid, you might be very surprised with the answer. I saw that a movie that addressed this in a very clear way, Disney’s The Kid.
This was one of the reasons why I was just tickled by the idea of recording a conversation with Andrew Basiago, who was just a waterfall on the subject of time travel and teleportation. I was sure that the secret government was playing around with this technology without any public awareness, and I thought that the interview would be a good idea to help people have better awareness of and understanding about this quantum hologram existence we find ourselves in. Also, I thought it would help others not feel so alone. I know this lady felt alone with this experience as did Andrew.
To me, it did not matter if Andrew’s story had all the right information because I knew that such experiments have been and are being done. Even if it were brainwashing or whatever people say, which I don’t buy, still time travel and teleportation exist. Later on in this video, I will share more on what Project Pegasus was trying to accomplish and why it will not work. What impressed me the most about Andrew was his ethics, his integrity, and his willingness to talk to anyone who would listen. Up to that point, no one would interview him. (Since my interview, Coast to Coast AM, Red Ice Creations, and perhaps others have interviewed him.) There will be more on Andrew Basiago in another video to come.
Anyways, UFOs—let’s call them beamships—help us go beyond the dream veil to speak with the race we are working with, not always as family but as alliances. We tell them about our experience of being a human, what we have learned, and what would be good for them to experience as well. So we have the free will destiny and co-creation with guides and personality that must learn how to bridge to the soul and anchor to something solid on Earth. This will help the collective with the shift. This is the goal.
When I was in physical form as a watcher in Atlantis, I recall that I was not a man of high standings. He was just a good, trustworthy man. I recall that the water looked like liquefied crystal. He was selected to help take knowledge articles and documents to the four corners of the world to the truth preservers, who are the natives. The truth was not lost but rather scattered. It will only to be fully understood when the natives all come together with the major pieces of the puzzle. When I met them and shared with them my memories of these other lives in other dimensions, they confirmed this. They preserved the knowledge through songs and tales. I recall people having access to UFOs at that time as well.
Another thing I recall about being a guide was the trouble guides were having in helping people understand universal truths. See, we were also learning to guide people through trial-and-error. Well, this one time in the early 60s another guide and I gave this person too much information too quickly, and the person could not handle it and was committed to a mental institution. His acceleration of thought and feelings was so great he made no sense to others and could not function on the 3D plane. People need to understand that the guides were learning how to best help people to their awakening. It was a partnership with one part on Earth like an astronaut connected to mission control. Mission control had to know its stuff, but it was a learning process for them too. So it was decided to give a little at a time stretched out through long periods of time. But 3D time is not our time. Since they chose to perceive time this way, we had to learn and get used to it. But still to this day, if you ask a being to do something or ask if something will happen at a certain time, it rarely is able to pinpoint this.
The problem with this was how the person would respond to such insights. They would create things like cults or filter it through their ego and shape it into something it was not intended to be. So with this result, we had to figure out how find a way to share such insight without it getting to people’s heads or creating more separation. We wanted to help people understand their oneness. A guide is like a GPS unit. It looks for the best route for a person to go and also has to be ready to navigate if the person wants to take an alternative route. They need to help people avoid road blocks or help them find their way if they choose to go left rather than right. They have a satellite view of the various life paths you can take to get to your destination. There is more to share about guides, but I decided to do a video just on that topic due to high volume of e-mails I receive asking about guides.
After these experiences, I brought up the proposal of allowing me memory of my life as a guide and the behind scenes when I got into physical form. This would help me to share with people, but also I could help the guides by being an “inside man,” someone who really understands what guides are going through and what it is like on their side. I am not the only one, though. There are others who came to Earth for this purpose, but most of us come with more than one purpose and can add on more if we so choose. There will be more on this in another video.
Chapter 6. Our Life in Between Lives and the Process of Getting to Earth
Many people want to understand what happens to our loved ones when they pass. Are they OK, and will we see them again? How do we know they are near us and are watching out for us? To help people best understand, I ask them, “If a person passes away in a TV show, are they dead in real life?” This question is similar to one where the person thinks someone else is “bad.” “If a person plays a villain role in a movie, are they necessarily bad in real life or on the soul level?” The answer to both is “no.” So what happens to a person after the TV show? They are not gone. They just are not allowed to partake in that show anymore, but they are still hanging out on set even following the show because they feel a special connection with the show and its characters. Eventually, that person decides to take on another role where they will play with the same actors from before. This situation is similar to what is happening now. We act with same people we did before, only the roles are changed—sometimes on Earth and sometimes not, sometimes in physical form and sometimes not. Sometimes people ask why God allows people to die. My response is, “Why do we write stories and movies that allow people to die?”
Now from what I recall, when a person passes most people see a black tunnel, which has a black hole at this end and a white hole at the other end where one then takes on a new identity. (See my poem Holes.) The person feels this peace and comfort, and we guides come to help them fully understand what has happened by helping them become fully aware of their oneness with source and the roles they agreed to play. Now even though they feel and understand, they may still have sadness when they think about their loved ones on Earth who do not understand what is going on and how they will be able to cope. There is also sadness to an attachment to their role to the person they thought they were, even though they feel liberated from the physical body. They now understand that being in flesh is not meant to be a hell.
If people had a hard life or traumatizing exit from their holy physical temple, they go on vacation to a peaceful planet for about 1,000 years, but in our time that can only be a few years to a few seconds. It is really up to them. We go and talk to souls yet to incarnate about the adventure on Earth to regale everyone with what we went through and what we learned, which further entices the souls and inspires them about what they will do when they get to Earth. This makes souls so anxious to get to Earth that they budge in line like the young artist Akiane confessed she did in order to get to Earth so quickly.
The personality part may say, “I am never coming back to Earth” but the souls say, “I want some more.” We are not forced or trapped on Earth. It is a choice that we eagerly take every time. Why? It is because of the fall of the gods, of course. The gods fell in love with being in the physical form while the physical form, the people, fell in love with spirit. They were always lovers under covers, but do not tell anyone, shhh. I refer you to the poems I wrote called God and A Love Story, which are up on my web site. These poems will give you a better idea of what I am saying here.
Getting back to when the soul relaxes after transitioning, they also take time to contemplate what they have experienced and what they want to experience next. This is where they choose their parents and all the other cast of characters like actors who have a lot of rank can do. The soul takes into account the collective process and what others have experienced as well as what understanding and progress has been collected. It then plans its life on what will complement this tapestry, weaving the patterns of sacred geometry life paths etched in light. For example, if you are going in circles and all the people surrounding you are going in circles overlapping your circle and everyone else’s as well, then it would look like the flower of life.
The next part is kind of like a poem I wrote in my head that I have not written down yet. It is like an auction of souls where instead of making bids with how much money they will pay to come to Earth, their value is their story or experiences they have come up with and how these experiences will benefit the collective. The one that inspires everyone the most gets an RSVP to Earth. Making the story is one thing, and living it and being successful with it is another, but there is great patience. You can always go again and again like that brilliant movie Ground Hog Day.
The next step is to be greeted by a flesh fashion designer whom I imagine is very flamboyant saying, “Oh, I was doing drawings of faces and body types that I think will just be ideal for your mission.” And various designs are shown to the soul, but the soul has the final say. You both create your character like in that game I used to play with my bother called Soulcalibur, but I never really played the actual game. I would just make new characters.
Then there are these other souls who act like publicists to help you determine your personality and gifts. This pertains to the yellow chakra, my favorite chakra, which deals with the three aspects of self: who we think we are, how we want others to see us, and who we actually are.
Then there is the hall of talents and gifts that we select with the creator, and after that, we have fun with mother love Venus. As you know, she has a child named Cupid. These are the young souls firing arrows at their pre-selected parents due to their soul matrix synergy that was felt to be ideal for this particular incarnation. Again, the Illuminati have a crude version of this too—choosing the parents not for soul matrix synergy reasons so that the child may be a bright light of inspiration but for inbred bloodline reasons.
The last thing we are given is something of a love container. This is what we are, but it is ours and up to us to how little or how much we give of this in every moment. It is not only ours but others, too, but they do not remember, so if you contribute your love this helps them rediscover their inner treasure. There is nothing we need to say or do and that love is still there. It is not earned, though such a thing is by far much better when shared. This world is starving with people eating white bread and beer instead of giving handshakes or hugs as we spill the pills and sweep them under the rug. (This is from a Jewel song, Little Sister.)
After that, we travel via a star—a falling star—falling in love with physical form. From there, we can hitch a ride with either a moonbeam or sunbeam, which I remember doing and which many children have remembered. This is the route they took as well.
I always thought that this little journey I just shared is one that we all go through whether we remember or not or if the details are the same or not. It would be fun to make a little cartoon out of it. I have not seen anything done like that yet.
In one of my videos, I talk about the long line of souls waiting to incarnate on Earth in the physical form. The souls who have already made it to Earth no longer need to wait in that line—they just get recycled. It is just like when an actor finally gets a gig. Most of the time, they get more gigs after that. It is trying to break in, and getting the first gig is where the waiting in lines mostly occurs. They will consider playing in any movie genre. Like I said, souls want to be here so badly that it does not matter what form they take on, even if they are disabled. They want to be here. The main goal is to inspire others to a deeper understanding of the human spirit and potential, like Helen Keller for example.
Next we go shopping at the challenge grocery store with our shopping cart in hand. We are just so cocky! If you guys could only hear yourselves saying, “Oh, I will take this challenge and this challenge. And how about that one? It comes with a side order of depression.” And we tend to overdo it, sometimes overfilling our shopping cart. Then the angels say, “Uh, are you sure you can handle that much? Do you want someone to help you carry all this?”
“Oh no,” we say. “I can handle it, and I am sure I will wake up and remember it is not that hard. I will show you.” It is just like when we watch a show and think about the problems a person is having. We always say, “If that were me, I would do this,” and God says, “OK, then go do it.” The problems are always easier on the other person’s plate it seems. We would much rather solve their problems than our own, but this is backwards thinking. Then when they get to Earth they say, “Oh spork! What the heck did I agree to? Damn, I hate when I forget to remember. Hey you! You look like you might be wise. What do you suggest I do? Oh sure, I can do penance and tithe 30% of my income.” Yes, that makes sense. It is like that until their memory comes back. You are not ever forgotten about. The angels have your back. The angels and nature spirits are like the people who set up the stage for a theater show. The lights go out, and they are cloaked in black and do their thing, but with these beings, rather than donning black they choose to walk the catwalk in transparency so you can’t even see them—just the odd flicker from time to time.
OK, now backtracking here. Yes, the souls on the other side are able to interact with loved ones’ personalities and stories via the dream, which is like two actors hanging out when the cameras are not rolling. “So are you doing all right? We miss not having you on the show. My character is still pretty choked up about it.”
“Yes, I am doing great. I got offered so much work since starring in that show. I guess they want to see more of me and what other roles I can do.”
“I got this one job while my new script is being prepared of assisting people in NDE and sending them back to Earth. I also have been doing some interviews. I will do this in between my schedules like having to make an appearance at certain events. You know, that old dinner role.”
When a person passes, most people see a black tunnel that is a black hole, and at the end of this is a white light that is the white hole where one dons a new identity, and the next thing you know you’re exiting the womb.
The time in the womb is also where we get ourselves prepared with the frequency on Earth and get a good amount of education through the energy of the food that the mother eats. Now if this food is toxic or went through trauma and disrespect to life, like what is done to animals, then the child may adopt this trauma through the foods. This start to affect the connection the baby has with its own personal body fairy that watches over the growth and development of all people. If this gets weakened, then the baby’s connection also starts to weaken. This is the starting of the conditioned programming that makes it easier for the baby to accept, which is why the Illuminati are so keen on starting the torture and programming when the soul first enters the womb. The body fairy stays with us our whole life, but the Illuminati’s subtle poisons aim to weaken the connection and ability for it to help the bodies’ full healthy development. So when we are focusing on our health, we are working on healing and rejuvenating our body fairy.
Remember, the Illuminati are really just our self-destructive elements self-manifested into reality. When we awaken and do our soul archaeology, healing ourselves and each other by addressing the root cause and not the symptoms, then we have made one small step for man one giant leap for mankind. We have freed them from their own self-inflicted bondage. (Just so you know, I am not pointing fingers because you I know you guys will call me on it.)
Chapter 7. How It All Came About and Lives on Other Worlds
I can share an experience I had in other worlds. Some I have even shared in my blogs. I try to not to repeat and let them overlap with what I share, so there is always something new to share because I do not like a reputation. I try to avoid it when I can. My blogs are mainly for people who want to get to know the person behind the message and how the message came about. My videos are mainly for the people who just want the information. Eventually, I would like to combine the two because it really helps give people a better picture. I always strive to give the clearest picture I can I find and the best and most fun way to do this. This way we retain more, and it helps jog our memory.
One experience that stands out for me is that it seems I have majored in shifts for worlds where beings are getting ready for an upgrade on their whole planet or even star cluster. Most beings in the universe are very much into competition—not with each other but with themselves and their self-growth. This is most important to them. This particular world was a small one and did not have extreme diversity like what we have here. This planet was a precursor to Earth. It was designed to explore diversity on a much smaller level. This is also where the concept of amnesia started to become an appealing idea, but why? I am going to have to go further back here.
What I am about to share some people may not agree with. It might not be their cup of tea—they may prefer coffee—but that is fine. I am not asking you to agree with it. I am just contributing to your information and memory cups. I was thinking, “Hmm, what is the best way I can explain to people or give them an idea of how this started?” I want to find the best tools to help people expand and provide them with reliable stepping stones that will help them access deep memories stored inside their atoms, their star dust accumulation of dreams of generations on this worlds and others. This is what I am going to call soul celestial archaeology. Try saying that one ten times fast!
I also wrote some poems to help explain, but this came from a dream I had back when I was a young grasshopper. Just imagine for a minute that you are God and you know everything and can do everything. Think what that might be like. How does one grow beyond that? Like any master artist, they wish to challenge themselves to top themselves. An idea is like birth. It can split itself into two and bring something out new. (Oh, I am in a rhym-ee mood, I see.)
I saw as they played around that the universe is playing a very distinct game of hide-and-seek and peek-a-boo. When they found each other, they merged back with each other. Then this is where the excitement of this idea creator kept splitting itself into more bits—this time four parts—and then merged back into one, even though this was an illusion. We are always one, though kids will tell you it sure is fun and highly educational to play pretend. In Matthew 18:3 it says, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” As it says in my poem You Decide:
You are God.
You are given your own world.
Anything goes.
How will it be to live there?
You make all the rules.
If you choose to have peace,
How will you create that?
Or what would it look like to you?
Would you be by yourself?
Or would you choose
To break yourself into millions of pieces
So you can have someone to play with,
Friends to laugh with,
Enemies to keep it interesting,
And you ever growing?
The creator is a romantic who loves the romance genre laced with adventure marinated in humor.
Here is where I discuss the birth of the universe, also known as the heavens. In Genesis 1:1 it says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Heavens came first. What was that like?
I seem to remember that there was a planet that had just one kind of being, one kind of animal, plant, etc. There was no diversity at this time and beings were not growing. Well, actually they were stagnated. Sure, some were advanced technology-wise, but they were lacking in other areas, so they could not move forward. So the idea was proposed that the beings on these worlds should be introduced to see how they would interact with one another.
This plan did not work. This was their first encounter with different races, and it was hard for them to relate or understand each other. This was tried on various other worlds over and over like Venus, Mars, and the former planet Muldeck, which is now just an asteroid belt. Each world also represented a specific characteristic that tried to dominate over another. The Illuminati can be thought of as a big brother who does not want to share his room with his siblings, so he makes life miserable for them until either he gets his own room or his parents find another place for his siblings to go.
Here is another example: Greek myth gods are said to be immortal. Each one represents a certain archetype characteristic such as wisdom, war, etc. These gods are alive today in each one of us. We possess these characteristics and are learning to balance them so as not to have one dominate the other. This is how all the beliefs can complement each other rather than dominate over the others. The problem might be because the word God is used. It gets people in a huff. But this word can be used as an actual being or an archetype expression of a branch of creation. Anastasia also adds a new dimension to the hologram puzzle with her books.
So anyway, with this dilemma the idea of Earth came about a place where the creator would have everything it has ever created in one place. Noah’s Ark comes to mind here, but not as boat with two of each physical animal but as a beamship with DNA samples of each animal, plant, and even humans being brought to Earth. Something similar to this is an animated movie called Titan A.E. This is why there are certain plants or animals that only grow or live in a certain part of the world. This was so it could best emulate their home world. As for the plan to help people get along, well, you know when people fight. We get the idea to lock them in a room and say, “You’re not coming out until you learn to get along.” This is very similar to what was done on Earth. This was to help us find ourselves in each other. Earth seemed so small, like a hologram cut up into tiny pieces, and the smallest piece still contains the whole universe of universes in it. This was a great way to experience the many and the one. This is the first time that such a thing had been done before. This is why Earth is such a celebrity planet as some stayed to watch the unfolding of this concept for God’s children by God’s children. It is like a play kids come up with at their own at school so their parents can come and watch.
Many could not fathom living like that, to leave their peaceful heavenly but dull homes to experience duality and diversity without memory. They said to their friends, “OK, you can go, but I will just stay back and watch and see how it goes for you, and then maybe I will consider it.” When they saw the difficulties many souls were having on Earth, there were specialists called from all over the universe to come in and help—a call for volunteers to hold a certain frequency within them that would help with the shift. This brings me back to that other world that I was talking about earlier, the precursor to Earth where I was called to help. I remember the sky being green with purple-like clouds and three moons.
I worked with a team to help the beings who lived there who were not fully 3D physical but only partially. We wanted them to remember and co-create in the universe. There was not so much diversity, so it was pretty easy. We just gave everyone on the planet the same dream, and the next day they all realized that they all had the same dream. They all came together in total realization, and their world shifted right then and there. Their quarantine was lifted.
The beings here were also being trained for the work that would be done on Earth. God is like parents whose greatest wish is that their kids will surpass them and accomplish their dreams; but if wealthy parents that have everything bring up a kid and it is all given to them, then how does one appreciate it or understand and respect creation? Yes, it was all given to us and we can go back to this way like some have chosen to be and live a life in “full knowing”—even though they may still be learning like Anastasia. For example, she knows a lot but not everything, and she has some things she is still learning about, like being in a loving relationship with a man who is not so awake but doing his best for a quick study.
We can have this and we will, but there will always be growth. It seems that many of the souls choose to not have a memory and start from the very beginning at the bottom of the barrel. Though his father is president of a company, the kid could easily take a high level job like that, but instead the father says, “No, you will start at the bottom to learn the basics and remove politics so you know what it is like to have everyone’s job and where they are coming from. Then when you get to the top, you will be a very good, fair, and just boss. You will be humbled even though you have so much. You will not need others to sing your praises or worship you. This is an ego thing. You will only want the best for your employees and your own children. So when they inherit their father’s empire, they will also be able to create their own and co-create with God their father and Nurture their mother. There is the creator and the nurturer fused inside us. Make life and maintain life.
I know there are many people who do not like the idea of people claiming to be God, but they are fine with saying that we are God’s children. But wait a second, when a king and queen get together and make whoopee and have a child, what does that make the child? A little prince and princess, which means they will one day become king or queen. So if we are God’s children, then that makes us future Gods or creators in training. “No,” it is said. “To say you’re God is evil and of the devil.” Come on. Just think about it for a second. Everyone is a prince or princess with amnesia about their divinity and destiny, and I mean everyone here on Earth, even the cleaning lady as she scrubs the toilet and gets emotionally abused. She has no idea of how much she is loved and appreciated, how her family waits for her to be kissed by her awakening and claim her crown. Can you see how this is so exciting for the watchers? How familiar these stories are, like Snow White, Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland and Anastasia by 20th Century Fox? These classics have more divine relevance than the dark relevance we are sometimes aware of, but I will save this for another video. Perhaps you may now get an idea why you are all such a celebrity, admired and loved so much beyond fathoming. As I mentioned before, we are in training, but in training for what?
Chapter 8. My Own Personal Experience
Let me backtrack here to when I was younger and these books started coming to me. I did not share which books they were in my Project Camelot interview because again I knew I did not have time to explain it all.
I remember a time when I did not like the name Jessica. It was such a common name, and I wondered why I was not given a cool name like Forrest, so I decided to change my name to Zaileya Lee. Dad said, “No, do not change your name. It is important that you keep your first name and your last name too. I was told to give you that name.” I asked my dad what he meant about my name and he said, “When you were in your mom’s stomach, I was visited by Billy Meier’s Semjase, and she said it was extremely important that I name you after her.” My dad had some serious abilities. My mom told me how he knew the sex of every child and their purpose to incarnating. My dad had no spiritual training and never attended anything like a mystery school. I know that by sharing this people can say Satan gives people abilities too, and yes, that is true, but the people who are gifted from that source are not happy people, and they seek to cause some serious pain and discord in their life and for all who are near them. My dad never got angry. He was also the most honest man anyone had ever met. He always helped people for free and shared everything with others about his life.
After my Project Camelot interview, I had people claim that I was an Illuminati drone because I shared that my dad had contact with star beings and was given a chip. Not all chips are bad. The ones that are bad are the ones that cause pain and confusion. I have worked with people who have had good chips and bad chips, and I can tell the difference. It is wise to not make judgments and allegations unless you really know your stuff. I will share more on this topic in another video where I will help people find out if they have been used as an Illuminati drone or not and what they can do about it if they are.
My father desired to uplift and inspire others, and he sure did. He was a fantastic husband and a really good father despite him not being present in mind with us as often as I would have liked. He was very creative and resourceful, always inventing things and finding solutions. Mom said that he would go to sleep with a problem and wake up with a solution. He told me his higher self’s name is Arule. I do not know what that name means yet. He even knew my mom’s higher self-name. His intent was always pure. I do not recall much of an ego from him, just this strong knowing, and he was always right somehow. I asked my dad if he could speak with this Semjase.
It was said that no one could speak to her but Billy, unless a person could travel to her world. This makes me think that my dad could travel to the DAL universe. He said to me, “Every message I have for you is from her. She talks to me about you all the time.” My dad was not a typical channel like the ones we are so familiar with, the ones who have to meditate first, leave their body, and then have this being come through them where their voice changes. It really can seem freaky! My dad did not do any of this. It was like he had this psychic phone where he could just repeat what came to him and it would come lightening fast as if it were being downloaded to him. Our whole family is known to talk fast, as if there is so much coming to us at once. I can also have information downloaded to me, but I do not think I am as good as my dad was.
OK, now it started to make sense why the books handed to me out of nowhere were Pleiadian books, and the name Semjase came to me more than once. Who was she, and what did she want with me? Who are the Pleiadians? What do they want with me? Are you sure they did not make a mistake? I asked Dad to ask her how she knew me.
My dad just gave this knowing smile and said, “She says we are something like family.” As I got older, I got that guides were our future selves. “Was she me in the future?” I wondered. I looked up pictures of her. She did look like me a little. I liked how like me she did not pluck her eyebrows. Her eyes are blue and mine are hazel green, and she is slightly smaller than me, so if she is me how can that be? Maybe she is another dimensional self? Who knows? But what really floored me in reading about this Semjase was this bit here from the Steelmark web site.
Due to her exceptional knowledge, which far exceeds the average of her home population, she has assumed the rank of half-jschrjsch, which means a half-queen of wisdom or a half-goddess, as they were called earlier on Earth, something like a demi-god (which can be read about, for example, in Greek legends). Having occupied herself with various matters on our planet years before taking up contact with Billy Meier on January 28, 1975, she is by far the best-oriented extraterrestrial concerning our situation on Earth.
Her jschrjsch rank is interesting to me. The “J” is the first letter in my first name, and “SCH” are the first three letters in my last name. The “R” I have no idea about. Also, I do feel really close to her somehow, even before I was aware of her interest in me. I also have memories of being in the Pleiades and occupying myself in the Akashic records library before coming to the virtual reality program being conducted on Earth, learning about various matters on Earth. Oh, how I studied and prepared to come here! I was working on other planets specifically so I could be of great help for Earth. I also remember visiting and living on the humanoid cat planet, which I wrote about in one of my blogs.
I also visited a winged dolphin and whale planet, which is a water planet with light violet color water and glass-crystal-like cities in the water but rising up out of the water. When I mention this place, people remember. Apparently, many people have had lives here. Children love to talk about their life there. They remember them as well as they remember their past lives. It is an easy one to access. This is where our whales and dolphins come from. They work very closely with people as guardians. In speaking with them, they will tell you of a time when they were human in Atlantis and took on this form when Atlantis went under the water. They will also tell you that they have taken on a form in a large size because they are like submarine full of many souls experiencing life in one body. Their sound frequency is not only healing but also a vocal version of sacred geometry crop circles that echoes into people’s soul matrixes.
In my blogs, I speak more about meeting animals and talking with them about their home world and what they do there and how it ties with their purpose here. It is just fascinating stuff. I like to call them “the perfect spies for the divine.” See my poem Spies for more information on this.
I would collect data that these worlds had on Earth and the experiences they had. I was like the little mermaid dreaming that I could one day be part of their world, wanting so badly to go there but determined to set up a good awakening for me that would hold me in focus and dedication to my work here.
There has been lots of talk that the whole Billy Meier story is a hoax. I do not agree with that. I think it was real in the beginning, but as time went on the ill-intent ones worked hard to pollute the teachings and discredit Billy because they were afraid. Billy is still alive, and I have been asked by a friend who lives in Switzerland to see if I can meet him, if he would see me, even though he does not see anyone right now. Maybe that will change, who knows?
I asked Dad how he could speak with Semjase. The only way to do it is to travel to the DAL universe. I was excited here because I was sure I had caught him in a lie, to which he responded casually, “I can.” He went on, “My link connection allows me to go and speak to anyone anywhere in the universe. My astral cord is not like the tape measure most people have that can only go as far as the moon and then snap back into the body.”
My dad seemed to really be able to travel anywhere. That was his mission: to be able to go there and bring information back here. I would ask him many questions but then detach myself from it all. I still did not believe it, so I asked him and viewed it as a fantasy science fiction story he was telling me. This information had no relevance to me, but it was interesting nonetheless. Then one day my dad’s stories and messages collided with my existence. My dad said, “Jessica, do not keep asking me questions that you already know the answers to. You must learn to access this information on your own to find it all within because it is all there.” He is right about this. People ask me, “Where do you get your information from?” I never went to school for this stuff, and schools don’t teach some of these subjects. I am not a school kind of person. I have come to understand that it really is all within, and rather than seeking the answers, let them come to you. While lost to joy, so many wonderful things can come to us.
Today I am not sure if I am Semjase or not. I am open to the idea. I am open-minded, but I’m not one to purchase everything and say my belief is cast in stone. I am flexible. I share this because many think open-minded means open and believing in everything, but really it means to be flexible. There are many lovely blond girls claiming to be Semjase. That is fine. They can. I am not sure if this is a David Wilcock/Edgar Cayce thing. I am just sharing my thought process. I cannot even say I am Pleiadian at this time, but I do know that I have a strong affiliation with Semjase and the Pleiadians/Plejarens for reasons I do not fully know yet. Perhaps they were appointed to get me started in all this. I have affiliations and connections with various other races as well. I work with each one representing a school of thought or a degree I can learn about to add to the bigger picture. Many people want to know who they are. I personally do not care about this because what I can do is more important to me. What does it really mean? So you’re Pleiadian. So you’re the Queen of Sheeba. So what? How does this help me help others? We tend to get lost in our name and are too shocked by it to do anything. I have seen this often. Do not let who you think you are stagnate you.
Getting back to Semjase, it is interesting her father is Ptaah. Isn’t that some Egyptian God or perhaps another representative of an archetype? Is he the same Ptaah of the overlapping of the time loop spiral? Or was Ptaah just a common name like Steve? Or has their reputation been poisoned? Or are they the Pleiadians trying to be redeemed for the mess-up they did in Atlantis? Perhaps they are us in another name and form? My dad once said to me that we are from the 11th dimension but went back to the 3rd dimension to right a terrible wrong in order for us to get our creator diplomas. If I thought I spoke in coded riddles, it is nothing compared to my dad. I am only now beginning to understand what my dad was hinting at.
What I want to clarify here is that just like I do not subscribe to any one faith. I like to see them all as tools to get to a greater truth that pushes me to explore more and more within me of what one person holds in them. I also do not subscribe to one star race. For example, many people today saying, “I am from Andromeda” or “I am from the Pleiades” or “I am from Arcturus” etc. Wherever people say they feel they came from is cool and all, but it can also be a form of stagnation. Just because you may have that feeling and even memories in my understanding, how can you be from these places when they are also schools? They are places that we study at before coming to Earth, which is called the Harvard University for creators in training. Now in order to get to such a school in the first place, many need to have a good pre-education and quite the background, perhaps even some whom you know. Their school is the real deal, not like our paltry schools we have today.
These are schools we go to, not necessarily where we are from. We need to understand to hold thoughts of one specific place, when you are not just one star, one planet, one universe, one dimension, but also all of them. It is all a part of our body and in our body. We need to watch out for what I like to call “stagnation thoughts” that do not push us to go beyond the beyond so that we can recall more of our atoms’ starry memories.
Chapter 9. Life from a Future Life
Some of you might have heard me say that I am from the future or that I recall some future lives. What did I mean by this? How can one remember something that has not yet happened or is not yet set in stone? Could I be recalling a probability? In the DVD of life, can some people jump far along in the DVD series? For me, life has always felt like an old movie I saw 20 years ago. Some things I recall, and some things are a bit foggy. There are some things I do not recall but had a tiny idea that lay in the back on my heart that has been confirmed to me, as I know it has been confirmed to all of you—the master timeline that all people will get back onto. What happened was that people began forgetting their responsibility of their thoughts creating reality, and they started to think more and more about separation, fear, and primitive thoughts on time and space.
We got lost in a butterfly effect like in the movie where we started to create these lower frequency timeline probabilities of the fears being played out in our heads. This was done for such a long time that we as a co-collective created and allowed the Illuminati to come into our timeline and in other dimension pockets of thoughts and emotions. The idea of thinking about such beings existing in space of ill-intent made it so but only in our virtual reality holodec program—not so outside of it. That’s where there exists no duality, period. Any of the information out there of this fear that we are being pulled into slavery timelines is not true. What Andrew Basiago spoke about with Project Pegasus attempting to manipulate our future and past can only be done in this hologram and is therefore not real. But they can do a good job of making people think it is. When we step out of the hologram and finish this shift, we will see this first hand.
The whole purpose of this life is to teach people to take responsibility for the kind of experience they create, not just only for themselves but for others. We are to make all conceivable mistakes as we learn about cause and effect and how it affects everyone—not just ourselves—here in the holodec. Thus, when we get out of the hologram and experience the real world, we will be armed with our experiences so as not to make the same mistakes again. We have been there and done that over and over. It is now out of our system, so let’s play another game. So you see, this is why the Illuminati’s and our own negative forced visuals of the future will not be so because when the game ends, the jig is up. The illusion cannot hold people in bondage anymore when they step out of the hologram, which will happen to everyone this time.
There have been other trial-and-error attempts in the hologram where some made it and others did not, but that was not considered a victory. It was more of a to-be-continued thing for the game creators to work on, improving the game so that there would be an ideal result of success in which everyone wins. This is the master goal of oneness with creator. We are to merge back into one. If one gets left behind, then we all get left behind because we are them and they are us. I think this might be why we got to the 11th dimension and then dropped back down to the 3rd. So being there and helping everyone is our business. If we ignore this, then life tends to collectively boot us in the butt.
There are parts of us that already exist and are anchored into this future, and I can tell you what it is like. It is so similar to what Anastasia describes in her books, like when we get rid of our all weapons and why this is done. I was aware of this before I even stumbled across these books. The world does look like a pristine Garden of Eden. There is no money or anything like that—not even a barter system. On my web site, I talk about why I do not charge for any of my services. My aspiration is to be like a tree that gives fruit, flowers, leafy shade, comfort, and beauty regardless of who we are, what we believe, and what we have done. Never once does the tree say, “You owe me $30 per hour for my services.” The tree exists in a pay-it-forward type of being, only wanting love and appreciation in return to inspire us and nurture us so that we can continue to create beauty in harmony.
All animals are peaceful and friendly to us. They no longer hurt us or each other. The air is very clean, and I think we are breatharians and enjoy the occasional fruits and vegetables. We are also able to travel to other worlds, teleport, etc.
This is how it is in the future. There is no more discord, war, and pain because we have grown beyond that and have fully explored every dark room. There is nothing else to explore there, but if need be, we can recall or look into it for a research reference point that prevents us from needing to actually live it. We still are learning and growing, but this is done in a more loving, gentle, and playful way. The children are the teachers, and we learn through their innocence and imagination about what works best with the collective helping. There comes a time in the future when time travel is well understood and practiced. We say, “Hey, let’s take what we know and send it to where we are ‘now’ in that time when we were plagued with fear and uncertainty about our world. Let us comfort them and remind them that a dream is a future memory for the seed that will one day become a mighty cedar tree. And not even countless years in dark, lonely silence will change this destiny. Not even years of someone telling them they are something they are not will change this fact. When they do merge out of the darkness, they will experience what they really are and feel how loved they are. They will become what is the highest good, which is the intention of the creator.”
Ideas and inspirations come from this future timeline that we send back to our past selves to help out. We might have taken one mighty detour, but we will get to our highest good destination.
I spoke about ETs being not only our future selves but also our past selves that are fragmented facets of us scattered throughout space and time. The communication line has been severed, so it is hard to understand what they want us to know, but in this life it is starting to be evident what they are mirroring and representing to us. As they crash collide into our existence, we must remember to face this help in order to heal, and then it will merge back into us.
Chapter 10. The Time Loop
Here is a trippy thing about time: it is a loop. The past is the future, and the future is the past. We live in the now but in that now is the past and the future. As it says in my poem Time Loop:
It is funny how our past holds the keys to our future,
And the future holds the keys to the past.
The further I move into my so-seeming future
The more it feels like my past to me.
And when I think of my past
And experience my future,
How come it all feels like déjà vu?
How many times have we done this? The evidence of how advanced people were in the past seems to surpass our own understanding at this time. The wonders of their architectural signatures have left us wondering what they knew that we do not. For more on this theme, see my poem Pyramids.
What I understand about them was that they were the “set decorating department” to set the stage for our earthly play. They set these structures up to help remind us of something we knew long ago. This set is to stay up until we start to remember how they were built, which is interesting. After being in existence for so many thousands of years, why are the pyramids only starting to crumble now? Why not a couple hundred years ago? They are set to crumble when our memory comes back, and we will build them on our own. The people before hitched a ride with the loop of time. They “ascended” as some like to call it. UFOs are also there to help push our thinking out of tiny comfortable box, and yet it is all déjà vu. Everything seems to exist in a circle within a circle like a spiral. Are we heading to the center of the spiral of the galaxy or are we merging with another spiral galaxy? Or perhaps it’s a figure eight, the dance of infinity.
Circles also remind us of wheels. In Ezekiel 1:16, it says, “and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.” As I hinted at before, perhaps all time is located on a single cosmic DVD. Call it the wheel of time, and all of our lives—past, present, and future—are located there in one gloriously divine pattern. As gods in training, we experience many lives, and someday when we realize our own divinity, we will get off the wheel of time. So does that make it the training wheel of time—or in the case of an omniverse, the training wheels of time?
Chapter 11. Hypnosis
Hypnosis is really just the ability to adjust the settings of the hologram for a people. Such settings were played around with, which sent everyone into a mass hypnosis of the perceived world virtual reality program. A spell of enchantment was cast on all of humanity to disconnect them from their divinity and their power. This was a pathetic attempt to lock people into an alternate perceived reality. The key word here is perceived. People can only be manipulated for a certain amount of time and that’s it. As you meet others who are awakened, they are aware of how people are taught to perceive the world, but they now know “Hey, that’s an illusion.”
Chapter 12. Ghosts
The really angry ghosts result from people who were severely abused, tortured, and mind-controlled, so that when they were killed via ritual they would cause havoc in certain areas where the hyenas’ act occurred. These rituals trap them to Earth in a limbo plane. There are also rituals conducted in these same areas to bring about a possession. Sometimes they use possession on innocent souls whom they are threatened by, not the actual person they chose as their host but someone close to them. This possession was also part of that soul’s programming that they would do in Earth life unless healed properly. These ghosts have a circular memory, reliving events over and over like someone who needs help. They do this because they have been hurt so badly, and they express it through their anger and cruelty. They are told over and over that they are no good, and then they are visited by priests saying, “Demons, be gone!” This only confirms to them that they are no good, which makes them even more like demons. They do not really go. Yes, they leave that person, but they just go off into the night to find another victim. So this is a classic example of addressing the symptom and not the root cause.
They have fun scaring people. It is important to not let them scare you no matter what hologram tricks they try to play. They are drones for the Illuminati, collecting fear for their masters. They obey their masters by becoming a self-fulfilling prophesy. Just look at ghosts as kids on Halloween wearing macabre costumes and acting the part of a being in pain or just seriously disturbed. Then you will know that beyond this show is a cute little innocent child who is lost to their role. To help them, all you have to do is remind them of who they really are and then call your archangel friends from beyond the hologram to assist them with the crossover.
Child ghosts are sometimes just a bit stubborn and afraid of change. Because of what they have learned about the afterlife when they were in physical, they want to stay in Earth plane and are trapped in limbo.
Then there are some who stay on a little bit just to say their good-byes. To help them cross, tell them that their loved ones know that they will be OK and assure them about any undone work. An assisting angel helps them with this process.
Then there are some “entities” who we think are ghosts but actually are not. They are just a bleed-through of our telekinesis abilities. When objects around the house start moving or appliances mysteriously turn on or off, this scares people, and they immediately think of a ghost or demon. When a person believes that, then that is what it is. Then something of a hologram of that image appears before them. Sometimes it can be a being outside the hologram. I know some angels can do this and so can nature spirits and ETs, but they usually let their presence essence be known to you. Now if they were told it was an angel or nature spirit, then that is what will appear. Call it what you think it is, but it is really the person who is unconsciously playing with their telekinesis abilities and is not aware of it. For more on this topic, see my poem Poltergeist or Telekinetic? This is another good reason to take responsibility: the sooner we do this the more we can do.
Chapter 13. The Shift Gift
Hologram shift Earth changes to mirror the inner paradigm shift on a mass collective scale. These changes affect the body and mind, and because the world is a macro of a micro, then the world emulates this as well. There will be lots of new land surfacing after being under water for a long time. Some of this land will have pyramids on it. I see this like mother Earth, a lovely woman in a bathtub who has one leg up out of the water and the other submerged after what seems like a long while but not really. She submerges the other leg and raises her other one out of the water thinking “Well this leg is washed. It’s time to focus on the other one.”
From what I gather, this big shift does not have to be so intense for people. Various major shifts that could have caused some serious damage have been averted and been broken up from a large shift in a specific area to smaller shifts in various areas. We can continue to do this or be informed like animals are, feeling a change in the Earth that lets us know weeks in advance about what is about to go down in a certain area. Then people can move to safer places just like the animals do. Animals do not think “Well, a good chunk of us animals need to go because there is not enough room on Earth for all of us.” Animals know there is enough room for everyone. Particularly as we draw closer to the shift and our abilities to understand and reclaim our birthright of time travel and teleportation, we can choose to move ourselves to another location. There is a reason why this planet has so many people, and it goes beyond our merely wanting to be here to experience this life. In the Ringing Cedars books Anastasia talks a little about this. I will get to this soon.
Speaking of moving to another location, physicist Nassim Haramein gave a talk claiming that a comet twice the size of Jupiter (Comet NEAT) was pushed off course by an enormous solar flare in February of 2003. A comet of this size could possibly be Nibiru. Nassim presented official NASA video from a SOHO satellite showing the solar flare actually moving the comet, so he is not making this up! The YouTube video is called “Video Proof that Nibiru Has Come and Gone.” (This video has numerous detractors in the comments section, but read between the lines, guys.) So we do have help on the other side of the hologram that steps up to the plate when they see we are taking responsibility for our actions.
What is cool about this is that I shared this same thing in my radio interview with Zany Mystic. After I said it I remember thinking, “Now where did that come from?” Some people ask, “Where is your proof?” I am not a scientist, and that is evident. I come across very naïve and whimsical, but scientists, native elders, kids, and many other people as well are backing up what I am sharing. If you want proof and you need that logical fix, then listen to the people who are all about the proof. That can be their job. This is mine. But when you’re wanting to understand your not-so-common common sense, then I invite you to step into my realm of understanding where you will not need to see an Alien space ship to know they are there, so that you may be allowed to believe. You will simply just remember and feel it in your bones right down to your core. It is amazing how much can be expressed without words but packaged into a feeling message, projected through the eyes, and marinated in a specific vibe.
The more we explore our soul archaeology, the more we will find we can do things like communicate with elementals, storms, quakes, water nature spirits, star beings, and much more. We can even tame certain weather conditions. This is what the shamans do if there is too much rain or not enough rain. I have also been introduced to a man who has invented a machine that lets him know a week in advance when an earthquake will happen. Technology will always mirror what humans can do on their own, but since they do not believe in themselves, technology sometimes has to be used as training wheels. In sharing this with a woman, she told me about a big tornado outside her door. She went outside and spoke to it, sending it love, appreciation, and respect, and then she merged with it. The tornado dissipated right then and there, leaving zero damage in its wake. The news man reported that day he was not sure where the tornado went.
Now if it comes to be that the creator calls upon your soul to exit your beautiful physical form, be it from illness, accident, or Earth changes, take great joy that you got to be here in this time and contribute by just you being you. Pull up a seat on the other side and enjoy the rest of the show. If you’re like me, you might see death like a little kid saying, “No I do not want to go to bed. I want to stay up and be a part of the action.”
To all who dream of the world’s destruction, you must understand that you come from a probable future in the hologram where that did happen, and you have been sent back to avert it from happening. When I was at the NEXUS conference in Australia, Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot played this recording of a famous prophet saying some really bad event would happen in the fall of 2008. I was very bothered by this because there were so many sensitive psychics in the audience. They were visualizing this so strongly that I felt I had to speak to them and tell them this had to stop. We have a serious responsibility here. I was in tears because I could not believe I was doing this and was so overwhelmed by feeling everybody in the audience. The whole story of this is on my web site. Look for the Project Camelot link at the top of the home page.
Earth will straighten her axis, which is her spine, and thus we will no longer be living in a crooked world, excuse the pun. (Right now, the axis is tilted by 23 degrees.) The rotation will also change from one direction to the other. Because this world is very backwards, the only way to understand it right now is to stand on your head. Well, that will no longer be necessary because the world will be flipped back to right side up. As it is right now, the North Pole is actually the South Pole and the South Pole is actually the North Pole. I have also had many children speak with me about this occurring. This is also what is meant when Alice in Wonderland falls down the rabbit hole. It represents humanity’s decent into backwards land when it first started with the last shift.
The moon we have now, which is not our real moon, will be removed, and the real moon will be returned. The moon is often depicted as a mother or a goddess, but you will note in most Disney stories that the mother is missing and the father or the stepmother or false mother raises the main character. The moon right now is where we are being controlled from with the water and waves on our planet and in our body, which governs our emotions right now. It can sometimes represent lunacy or changing to a monster on the full moon. The father can be considered to be the sun or sky or even both.
In my poem Playing Favorites, these two parents—the sun and the moon—had a divorce due to irreconcilable differences, and the father got custody of the child by day and the mother by night. The child is the Earth. Those with moon-based faiths like Islam and Wicca tend to favor and choose the mother over the father, and those with sun-based faiths like Christianity favor the father over the mother. This is a recipe for discord because we have been tricked out of balance.
Also, the Earth is referred to as Mother Earth, and with our current lifestyles we are disrespecting our mother and choosing instead to be raised by a cold concrete jungle of a system that is like an evil step mother. I mentioned in 2012 Part 4 about Hologram ETs trying to entice us to leave Earth, leave our mother. Why would they want that? Because the real moon will be returned, but then they will attempt to take us from our Mother Earth and have some deranged step mom artificial base as an inorganic substitute. The best way to describe their game and how they mind control people and mess with perceived realities is a grim movie called Dark City.
OK, what else? We have the photon belt coming in, which I mentioned earlier. There is also something else really neat: the universe is a holographic fabric that has bends and folds and wrinkles. The familiar planets and stars we normally see in our skies will no longer be there as they will be folded up in the holographic fabric. They will be like stories or influences on us that will no longer have merit. In their place will be new planets and stars, so it will look like someone teleported the whole planet to another universe. What will it look like then? Now not all this will happen exactly in 2012, but it will start around that time.
The creator is in us and we are in the creator. When I was listening to a Stephen Hawkings audiobook about the universe, he was saying how scientists were arguing about whether the universe is expanding or contracting. I then thought that what they are viewing are the lungs of the universe, which is a living and breathing being. Think of cells in our body living on a planet within the universe. It is a micro of a macro, a world within a world, a life within a life within a life. Funny enough, as I was telling a friend about this, he sent me a 2006 New York Times article showing that the neurons in a mouse brain look exactly like a simulated image of the universe. This was more confirmation that I might not be so crazy after all. It is not so hard to understand when you look at things as parts of a body. Planets can be seen as organs, a collective of energy of life that all works towards one goal: to help the whole of the universal body in functioning. But with the physical cells and body and even the Earth changing, then this must be so for the universe as well. Astrology says that other planets influence our life, but we also influence the planets that influence life, whether we are conscious of this or not.
The quarantine will also be lifted on Earth. I am reminded of a South Park episode called Pinewood Derby where whenever people discover warp speed, an alien is sent down to test the integrity and honesty of the people on Earth to see if they are worthy of intergalactic travel. In this episode the humans fail miserably, and because of it they are forever quarantined on Earth with a box force field set up around the planet. For a kook crude cartoon, this was a very accurate and intelligent depiction of what star family does when people reach a certain point in their evolution. They are tested, and in South Park’s case, it was criminal that they agreed to harbor and sell their divinity for space cash, which does not even exist in the first place. This is just like our money being yet again another illusion. This South Park episode depicts them and us trading our divinity in for cash. What a lousy deal! Oh, would you like my wings and freedom too? (See my poem Wings for a Flashy Necklace.) Oh baby, I am going to rich! Oh goody! Ain’t life a blast? The Illuminati can be seen as the criminals who came here testing our integrity and honesty and seeing if we will sell out each other for a fool’s short-lived victory. It is like Natasha Bedingfield says in her song Pirate Bones:
I could carry on telling you wanna hear
'til my voice is gone
But if I finally get to the place that I think is home
And I don't belong
What's the point in it?
Where's the benefit?
When I'm gaining all but I'm losing it
It's not worth having
If it's too much to hold
You can dig so deep
That you're left with a hole
Thirsty in a desert with a bag full of gold
Don't wanna end up like pirate bones
What I thought was precious was just a pile o' stones
I might have the treasure but I'd be lying alone
Just a pile of pirate bones
If I forfeit my soul it ain't worth having
If it's something I stole it ain't worth having
What if I stake everything I am on a dream
And it's counterfeit?
If I reach the end that justifies the means
Could I live with it?
And if it's true that having too much of any good thing
Could only make me sick
What's the point in it
Where's the benefit
When I'm gaining all but I'm losing it
It's not worth that much to me
If losing out is what it means
To swim in shallow victory
Is empty, empty
It's just not worth the price
It's only a fool’s paradise
If it's draining every drop of life 'til I'm dry like pirate bones
We must be in honor and awareness at all times. We need to show that we can take care of ourselves, each other, and this planet so that when they do lift the quarantine, we will not do the same thing on other worlds. It is called responsibility. I write my blogs to let people not only know of my journey but also for me to share my innermost thoughts. I also want to be held accountable at all times because I have many witnessing who will hold me to the things I say and do. Where we are heading or awakening to, it is important to have the right intent. If we think about tricking or exploiting people at all, then we are really only tricking and exploiting ourselves. It is time to break the pattern of insanity of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
When the quarantine is lifted, you will not need to just go and take off on ETs as most of you already have your own beamships—if that is a way you choose to travel. But this way is not really necessary as you can just take your body and go. (It is possible to travel to other worlds in consciousness, as we do in dreams every night. A few can even do this while consciously awake, as remote viewers and astral travelers have shown.) In the Ringing Cedars books, Anastasia shares why many of the planets and stars are vacant. It is because they are being reserved for us to have our own world to create with our loved one and our children. Like Jewel says in one of her songs called Father’s Daughter, “Soon I’d be another star in the sky’s constellation.” You are now ready to expand your parents’ empire in co-creation. Feel free to paint with the canvas of stars and worlds. We will be able to go out to the other worlds and help other races with our degree in “problemsolveology.” We are familiar with the term of hundredth monkey effect on Earth, but let’s expand that out to the universe as well as in the Avatar way of doing things. There is a watcher watching out of us, and when we learn something that can help life, we step away from our telescopes and tell the others of our new discovery. Then all the other watchers can experience life through other forms.
Maybe this gives you a better idea why I like to say every life we have ever lived has prepared us for this one. This life is where we live and become aware of every other life. Now that is some serious multitasking. And now you know why I am totally and utterly in love with humanity. Now you know how beautiful and awesome you actually are and why I dedicate my life to you in service.
I have often said, “If you only could see what I see when I look at you.” Then people have often come back and asked, “Well, what do you see?” Well, now you know.
I am grateful for all your letters and warmth. Thank-you so very much for being you. In a love that transcends the illusion of time and space, I remain–
We are the answer to our prayers.
All mystical things aside, what is most important to me and what I value most is kindness and equality. That is the most important thing and what matters most.
Written by Jessica Schab | 14 June 2010
I consider this piece to be the mother lode in my work. Whenever I speak about these matters, I am often asked to do a recording. I always planned to talk about these things. The problem was that when I did, it was hard for others to understand such things without fully grasping or understanding “boggle” or kaleidoscopic eyes. It was easy for me but not so easy for others, and this was frustrating. So my previous videos, blogs, interviews, and poems have been specifically created to help teach people not what to see but how to see. My work is like a coded puzzle to show how everything fits and what it means to take something very complex and make it simple. I feel that by sharing this information, people’s growth and sight will accelerate, and they will be able to see beyond 2012 and beyond the hologram. This is a memory jogger.
Now we come to 2012 Part 5. I’m sorry that it has taken me so long. As some of you know who have been reading my blogs, I have had an interesting series of adventures after returning from Europe. I had to go on sabbatical and was not allowed to work or focus on my normal projects. So now I have a window of time before I head back out to Europe, and I want to get as many videos out to you as I can. You have asked me about and waited patiently for more videos. Now I have many wonderful video treats for you that I will release all at once.
It is important to finish up my 2012 series because at the rate I am going I will still be putting them out by 2014. That sounds really funny! Can you imagine? How many more videos are there for my 2012 series? I would say maybe three, but I am not sure yet. I write so much. I have so much to share, and I just have to get it all out of me.
Now I know that many of you prefer my Project Camelot interview format over me reading my stuff simply because it is more organic. For quite some time this has been a quandary for me, but here is how I now see the issue. I read because I do not want to waste your time with my trying to recall everything I want to say in the right order. I am dyslexic and can be all over the place, so I was trying to spare you that. You also know that this is my writing because I share all my articles and poems on my web site. Perhaps I will just leave my camera on when I am having a conversation and capture myself in the way I really want you to see. I cannot do it when it is just me talking, nor can I do it in an interview. It always comes when I am in a casual conversation and I am not aware that I am on the spot.
I like doing these videos more than interviews because I have no time limit, and I can actually finish what I want to say. I did the same thing with Andrew Basiago’s video interview, though I am very blond in that interview because he is not an easy one to follow. When it came time to ask questions, I forgot my questions! At least you guys had the advantage of listening to it more than once. I did not. But that’s OK. Blondness happens, especially in very important interviews.
Also, I can share more when I am able to do it in my own way. I am looking for more natural ways where I am not so much on the spot, where I can fully be in my videos and not be so shy. Perhaps I will record a conversation from a friend or something. I do not know. I will play and tinker around with this a bit more. All I do know is that I feel like the Warner Brothers singing frog when it comes to videos and interviews, but this is because I know myself, and I know how much I can bring out of myself. I am just not sure yet how to do that.
These videos were always meant as a build up for others to understand the way I think so that when I started to talk about some really out-there and complex stuff, people could see how it makes sense.
This particular video is no exception. It is really out-there, the most out-of-the-box one yet. It is written in a way not to lock down anything I say as solid truths but as tools or stepping-stones to a greater truth. Please keep that in mind as you listen to this video. I feel that if people can learn how to think and do the soul archaeology of the universe in their minds and hearts without borders, then they will come to clarity. I am not here to give you my own answers because I want you all to find your own answers. Your answers are your truth. Your experiences have not been in vain, and your truth is just as valid as Deepak Chopra’s or Eckhart Tolle’s truth. Just because they make money and receive acclaim, we tend to think their truth is more valid than ours, and so we adopt their truth. It is not all on one person to change the world or for one person to have all the answers to make it better as we wait for them. The world needs everyone, and each of you has a piece of the puzzle. We have to do this together. No books, no dogmas, no cults—just people coming together through kindness, passion, and unconditional or mystical love. Love indeed is very mystical.
Before I start this one, I just want to say that I shared this information with native elders who gave me more confirmation in what I am about to share. I have been so excited about sharing this one with you since my Project Camelot video. I was sad that I did not get to share this information in that interview, but it is done now. Here we are, and here it is.
Chapter 1. Hologram World: How Do We Know What the Universe Really Looks Like?
There is a theory that the Universe is a giant hologram projecting what we call reality from the stream of Universal Consciousness, which contains all the encoded information. This leaves us wondering how physical reality comes into being. The idea that reality as we perceive it to be is an illusion of the mind, has brought some branches of modern science closer to the view of ancient eastern philosophies.
If you've ever watched Star Trek, you may remember seeing the crew of the Starship Enterprise live out their fantasies in a room called the holodeck. The holodeck was a giant, holographic projection room that allowed the crew to touch and interact with projections as if they were in a big video game. Scientists today are developing a new communications technology that will allow you and your friends to interact inside a simulated environment even if you are thousands of miles apart. Most of the basic components for this network are already in place to allow the development of tele-immersion. Tele-immersion is the scientific community's answer to the holodeck. What is so neat about this is that our technology is starting to merge and understand the loop of science and the spirituality of creation. Let’s say someone was born in a virtual reality program and that is all they know. How would you explain to them about the world outside the program? Though you might say you cannot see us or hear us (because all you can do is see and hear is the hologram), you could feel us near you watching your adventure. We are here, and some of us have already played this game while others helped create it and have what gamers know as cheats. This also reminds me of the Truman Show existing in this place where everything is fake and set up with everyone watching. When Truman starts to suspect this, he desires to escape his artificial illusion world and greatly desires to know of the real world, the world beyond everything he has ever known.
So if this place is a hologram, then do we really know what the universe looks like? Do we really know what Earth looks like? This can be seen as a kind of a matrix thing where Neo gets shown the real world, which is pretty dank and depressing, where sentinels threaten their lives, so they rush in the matrix before it is too late. I do not jive with this future vision of the world. I see it as just the opposite. But if that is true, why are we experiencing the world this way, in a so-seeming bleak and dire existence? Yet we are learning that this hologram we exist in, this world we live in, is not what it seems. Our senses are being manipulated to think and experience the world a certain way, which perhaps is just the opposite of how it might actually be.
Let me give you an example. In one of my blogs I wrote about going to Sedona and doing an exercise called seeing through the hologram. If you look at a person in dim light and defocus your eyes like what people do in order to see auras, then they will see a black or a white wall appear over the person’s face. They will then see every form that person has ever been—human and nonhuman—very much like kaleidoscopic vision of the people you think you know. There is another neat thing you can do as well. It is the same exercise, only this time you are looking at the night sky, not at the stars but in-between the stars to the edge of the universe. As you defocus your eyes, you will find that the stars will drop down lower and lower until they fall onto your roof or even to the ground. After I did this, I went to sleep on a bed of stars, which was pretty incredible.
This experience made me think that I was seeing beyond the hologram. I began to realize that perhaps the outer light has been tampered with and perhaps the stars are not as high up in the sky or as far away as we think. I began to think about people who have had mind-bending experiences—young children, people with near death experiences, meditators, and people who have had hallucinogenic drug experiences—and they are all claiming to see the same things beyond the hologram. All this has me wondering: what do our world and universe really look like? Are we viewing the world through an artificial simulator or virtual reality?
Beyond the holograms, sight is always there. It is just out of our focus because we have been taught not how to see but what to see. But now that is changing too. If we now believe that beyond the hologram lies a multidimensional world, how do you think we will be able to exist or even function in such a world? How would we understand it? Now bear all this in mind as I take you through this video.
We will better understand it by what we are experiencing here. Every life we have ever lived has prepared us for this one, and we are living all the lifetimes in this one, the many and the one, the one in the many. It seems right now we are living so much in a short amount of time. Could this have to do with the photon belt?
A photon band (or belt) was discovered in outer space in 1961 by means of satellite-borne instruments. Earth is now gradually moving into the Pleiades—the Seven Sisters—an estimated 440 light-years from here. This grouping of stars is the basis of mythology in many countries.
There is a theory that the Universe is a giant hologram projecting what we call reality from the stream of Universal Consciousness, which contains all the encoded information. This leaves us wondering how physical reality comes into being. The idea that reality as we perceive it to be is an illusion of the mind, has brought some branches of modern science closer to the view of ancient eastern philosophies.
If you've ever watched Star Trek, you may remember seeing the crew of the Starship Enterprise live out their fantasies in a room called the holodeck. The holodeck was a giant, holographic projection room that allowed the crew to touch and interact with projections as if they were in a big video game. Scientists today are developing a new communications technology that will allow you and your friends to interact inside a simulated environment even if you are thousands of miles apart. Most of the basic components for this network are already in place to allow the development of tele-immersion. Tele-immersion is the scientific community's answer to the holodeck. What is so neat about this is that our technology is starting to merge and understand the loop of science and the spirituality of creation. Let’s say someone was born in a virtual reality program and that is all they know. How would you explain to them about the world outside the program? Though you might say you cannot see us or hear us (because all you can do is see and hear is the hologram), you could feel us near you watching your adventure. We are here, and some of us have already played this game while others helped create it and have what gamers know as cheats. This also reminds me of the Truman Show existing in this place where everything is fake and set up with everyone watching. When Truman starts to suspect this, he desires to escape his artificial illusion world and greatly desires to know of the real world, the world beyond everything he has ever known.
So if this place is a hologram, then do we really know what the universe looks like? Do we really know what Earth looks like? This can be seen as a kind of a matrix thing where Neo gets shown the real world, which is pretty dank and depressing, where sentinels threaten their lives, so they rush in the matrix before it is too late. I do not jive with this future vision of the world. I see it as just the opposite. But if that is true, why are we experiencing the world this way, in a so-seeming bleak and dire existence? Yet we are learning that this hologram we exist in, this world we live in, is not what it seems. Our senses are being manipulated to think and experience the world a certain way, which perhaps is just the opposite of how it might actually be.
Let me give you an example. In one of my blogs I wrote about going to Sedona and doing an exercise called seeing through the hologram. If you look at a person in dim light and defocus your eyes like what people do in order to see auras, then they will see a black or a white wall appear over the person’s face. They will then see every form that person has ever been—human and nonhuman—very much like kaleidoscopic vision of the people you think you know. There is another neat thing you can do as well. It is the same exercise, only this time you are looking at the night sky, not at the stars but in-between the stars to the edge of the universe. As you defocus your eyes, you will find that the stars will drop down lower and lower until they fall onto your roof or even to the ground. After I did this, I went to sleep on a bed of stars, which was pretty incredible.
This experience made me think that I was seeing beyond the hologram. I began to realize that perhaps the outer light has been tampered with and perhaps the stars are not as high up in the sky or as far away as we think. I began to think about people who have had mind-bending experiences—young children, people with near death experiences, meditators, and people who have had hallucinogenic drug experiences—and they are all claiming to see the same things beyond the hologram. All this has me wondering: what do our world and universe really look like? Are we viewing the world through an artificial simulator or virtual reality?
Beyond the holograms, sight is always there. It is just out of our focus because we have been taught not how to see but what to see. But now that is changing too. If we now believe that beyond the hologram lies a multidimensional world, how do you think we will be able to exist or even function in such a world? How would we understand it? Now bear all this in mind as I take you through this video.
We will better understand it by what we are experiencing here. Every life we have ever lived has prepared us for this one, and we are living all the lifetimes in this one, the many and the one, the one in the many. It seems right now we are living so much in a short amount of time. Could this have to do with the photon belt?
A photon band (or belt) was discovered in outer space in 1961 by means of satellite-borne instruments. Earth is now gradually moving into the Pleiades—the Seven Sisters—an estimated 440 light-years from here. This grouping of stars is the basis of mythology in many countries.
What is this golden electromagnetic cloud, sometimes referred to as the “Radiant Nebula” or “Golden Nebula” by our star family? Its more universal designation is the "photon belt," consisting of many bands, and our star family recognizes any encounter with this belt as having great spiritual significance.
Yes, we are moving into a zone in space that is a band of photon energy (hence the term photon “belt”). A photon is a particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation. A photon carries energy proportional to the radiation frequency but has zero resting mass. Our star moves into that band for about 2,000 years, and this event happens about every 11,000 years. This last happened during Atlantean times. The 11,000th year out of the photon belt is often referred to as the “Galactic Night.” Our star system is the 8th star in the Pleiadian star group. Our star circles the star Alcyone, as do the other Pleiadian stars. Alcyone is in the photon belt all the time. Others are in and out for varying periods of time depending on their orbit. The experience we have on Earth at this time is extremely valuable for the range of moving between dimensions that happens as we move into and out of the photon belt. Billions of souls are trying to get into a body for this ride.
We are moving into the photon belt now and will be entirely in it by 2012. In the photon belt, the walls between the different dimensions will become increasingly thin or even nonexistent.
My father spoke about this event all the time. Think about this: We are now poised to enter the photon belt between now and the end of this century. We have completed the full circle and are back at the beginning. It is described in detail in the Bible, by books on mythology, by Nostradamus, and by modern day scientists. If the Earth enters first into the photon belt, the sky will appear to be on fire, but be assured that this is cold light, so there will be no heat. If the sun enters first, there will be immediate darkness, which, computed by our speed through space, will last 110 hours. The interaction between the solar radiation and the photon belt will make the sky look as if it is full of falling stars, and people will be seeing beyond the hologram. As the Earth enters this radiation belt, all molecules will become excited, all atoms will change, and things will become luminescent. There will be constant light. There can be no darkness, not within the deepest cave, not within the human body.
Notice what the Bible says. In Mark 13:25 it says: "And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.” In Isaiah 34:4 it says: “And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll.” So the sky will be no more, or is it that the hologram will be no more?
It is expected that the rotation of the Earth may diminish a little. Because of the reduced solar radiation, the temperature is expected to become cooler, and the ice caps are expected to extend to about latitude 40 in both hemispheres. Your history books will tell you that at least five ice ages have been recorded, and they seem to last about 2,000 years. Here is an interesting note: the world communication centers, fixed satellites, U.S.-bases and experimental sites are within the “safe zone.” Is this by design or by accident? The photon belt to me feels like God’s aura, the great central sun light at the center of all the universes. It is interesting to me that the great central sun/son has 12 lights by it, which could be interpreted as stars or planets, or they can be seen as the 12 apostles.
In my Project Camelot video, I shared about us being lights in dark places mirroring the night’s sky—as above, so below. When we shine our light as brightly as we can, it emanates off of us like ripples acupuncturing the Earth. With our light we send a message to our friends in the hollow Earth and a message to our heart’s core while we also project our light out into the universe. People start to be drawn to us because of our light. They are soul family who are also beaming their like-light language code. When all these lights get together, we will look like one giant light like a sun, like the return of the God’s sun/son mirrored right back at us in the night’s sky. See my poem Shine Bright Lights Unite. Could this be the photon belt light of the great central sun/son? My, what timing!
It is interesting how the Bible states numerous times that the stars are falling from the sky. It is basically referring to the lifting of the veils and seeing beyond the hologram. There are beings one might call “aliens” who live between the folds and cracks of other realms. This is a rudimentary way for us to explain to ourselves something that is so very vast and deep about ourselves.
When my father would speak about the photon belt (and I am not sure if I have this right, but I will take a crack at it), he would say that the sun is not really as hot as we are told. It actually gets cooler when you get closer to it if you are operating beyond the hologram. There are something like cooling pockets in the sun that actually hold the hologram in place and provide the necessary light. When the sun is enveloped in the photon belt, this will shift the hologram and how we view it. Perhaps we will even gain a new perspective on the world and universe. There are certain people who have incarnated at this time to prepare others and help them understand so they can ease through the shock of the world changing into something else. We will find ourselves like Dorothy saying, “There is no place like home” or Alice begging herself to wake up only to find herself already at home, her real home in bed as a creator dreaming about separation and duality? Will we say we had the strangest dream or will we understand this dream and purpose behind it?
Chapter 2. If Our Thoughts Create Reality, Why Are We Still Thinking That It Needs to Get Bad Before It Gets Better?
So many who are awakened know their thoughts create reality but still they say, “Oh, it will get worse before it gets better” and they visualize just that. We have said it helps wake people up, yes, but I think it does not need to be like this. I find a better motivation will be inspirational people who are living a much better way and in harmony or perhaps even the new children. Or the inspiration could come from people just doing good deeds without wanting anything in return. I will give my energy and focus to seeing that the worst is over. There are some who say that about 90% of the people feel that nothing will happen on 2012. The motivation for most of the people in this world is fear, and whether they are aware of this information or not, they still are aware of media or are living in very harsh environments. So this is not such helpful thinking either, but who can blame them?
People tend to think that there are not enough awakened people to make a difference, and this is despite the fact that there are more awakening everyday all over the world. Heck, someone even wrote to me from the Arctic! So despite this, it is not enough for people to believe. Maybe this is because the people around them every day are not so awakened. But I can tell you that our small numbers are having a growing effect. If we only look to see what the awakened people are doing, it is mighty inspiring. Sooner or later, every flower bud will bloom. Some just need to have the right environment, and that is where we come in.
Chapter 3. 2012 Time or No Time
I have come across many statements regarding the Vatican changing the calendar for different reasons at different times. One reason I came across was that they may have changed it by either 2, 4, or 7 years to throw off Nostradamus's prediction of the fall of the Vatican. Another one was the conversion of the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar where people lost half a month's pay yet had to pay their usual monthly fees and taxes.
If this is true, then I feel that when 2012 comes and passes and we suffer yet another "great disappointment," our guard will be let down for the true cycle beginning. Will the real Y2K please stand up? But with all the various different calendars and ways of measuring time, we may well be thrown off track and be unable to know what the real year is.
Many people are feeling like they are running out of time (“Oh my God! 2012 is almost here!”) even as they struggle to understand what is going on. People are feeling the pressure and motivation to change, but they are still thinking that their lives and other people’s lives will soon be over. I do not understand how people can think that about a time because we already know that the past, present, and future are all existing at the same time. So technically, 2012 is happening right now! Our future is determined by what we do now. Also, it is very important that we take into account that we are basing our marker on 2012 from the Gregorian calendar, even though we know that it has been changed and tampered with. Now if we look at the Mayan calendar, it could be 2011 or even 2012. What if this is another test of awareness and our responsibility of what we do with our now? Or perhaps it is like this Mayan cartoon about the “big misunderstanding.” A guy goes up to a Mayan calendar maker and says, “Hey, how come your calendar only goes up 2012?” The Mayan replies, “Oh, I ran out of space.” I am sharing my views about the 2012 time just because it is something I feel I need to do or is a gift I can give to the world.
You might be familiar with one of my signature quotes: “We are the answer to our prayers.” What do I mean by that? I am not saying that there is no God or anything like that. I am saying that God does not always answer our prayers in the way we would like because God has more faith in us than we have in ourselves. Our very existence is the answer to most of our prayers as we are the cause and solution to all of life’s problems. I got this thought from a Homer Simpson saying, “Let’s make a toast to alcohol, the cause and the solution to all of life’s problems.” Then I thought, “Actually it is us.” We are given one brain, one heart, and two hands. It is up to us what we do with these gifts. We can choose to create beauty or pain, and thus we can become the answer to our prayers or the problem that motivated us to pray in the first place. The beauty we desire to create must not be something we try to do because as Homer Simpson says, “You tried hard and failed miserably. The lesson is to never try.” He is right. Doing something with the intent to try is a recipe for failure because the word try is laced with doubt. As Mr. Yoda will tell you, “There is no try. There is only do or do not do.”
We do not need to feel that we are running out of time. A better motivation is to let go of the mundane not serving you and grasp hold of what you want to do and are passionate about. Start doing those things that will result in the most good for the world. This is a time to take back your life and live in your truth. When you are doing something you love with someone you love, there is no time. It speeds by and you ask, “Where did the time go?” If we are doing something we do not like, time moves so slowly. Einstein says to compare how fast the clock goes when you’re with your sweetie, and then turn on the stove, sit on it, and see how slowly time goes by. So this can help you understand how we have been locked in a time trap by being manipulated into doing things we do not like to do, thinking we have to do it. Then more and more, we are held down and the denser our weight becomes. We even become denser in the head, especially if we really miserable. The concept of time was sold to us in a way that fractured and birthed separation of our dimensional selves, but that is all changing now.
When a professional remote viewer shared that he could not see beyond the year 2011, it created confusion and even fear that the Earth's destiny is also coming to its end, coinciding with the predicted ending date of August 12th, 2012, of the Mayan Calendar. I wonder if this was guy a happy person. Was he doing what he loved when he did this viewing or did he see it as a chore? I joyfully tell you, it isn’t so! I will tell you what is coming to end a life of fear and pain. Yes, a shift in consciousness is about to take place, a shift and joy that no longer separates. We are heading for one big implosion, not an explosion. Everything will merge back together in grace like a warm embrace.
May I refer you back to the Bible? In Revelations 1:20 it speaks of the seven candlesticks of the churches. The seven candlesticks are the seven chakra energy wheels aligned with your own endocrine gland system, the wheels-within-the-wheels that regenerate the energies that service specific organisms with your physical embodiment’s life-light forces. There are also seven seals and seven lampshades in The Keys of Enoch. The seven lampshades are also the seven sisters the Pleiades.
Each candle emits its own spectral identity. These are the arcs of light covenanted within your physical temple. Each arc is a containment vessel for the quotient of energies spaced and timed to its alignment with the messaging intent of continuum for its co-creation. Does this not remind you of an identifiable radio-wave frequency?
As above, so below. When pyramids join together, these become the crystalline diamonds that align your chakras’ spectral frequency generators to the messaging intent of the alternating currents of energies being transmitted to and from the Universal Consciousness. You are the physical body for that crystal radio's broadcasting terminal receiver. Each one of these arcs has an angle aligned to the space-sizing required of its resonant spectral harmony. Each dimension has its own bandwidth of spectrally coded arc-angles (Archangels) to re-harmonize the verse it is orchestrated to for the continuum of the co-creations. These are the primary rungs for Jacob's third dimensional ladder.
Are you beginning to visualize the greater messaging intent of the pyramids that are the sound stages upon the Giza Plateau? Are you not aware that other pyramids are placed upon each of the acupuncture meridians within the body of Mother Earth?
When you see the attached calendar of light, note that every 999.99 years the Universal clock shifts its spectral arc by 15 degrees counterclockwise. The years 2011 and 2012 A.D. will bring forth its new calendar with its space-timed upgrading colorful designs for the Greater Light's continuum with its co-creations. The old thought-controlling issues would be forced to give way to each individual’s own receptive reality perception to bring forth the creative remembrance of origin. This shifting of consciousness will take place with a new chakra alignment within the organisms servicing the cellular and molecular levels. The five over self-bodies of the higher chakra energy wheels will merge into their alignment for the 5th dimensional body. It has already begun!
This allowed the merger of the 8th, 9th, and 10th dimensional higher energies to begin their harmonic and preparatory modulations to awaken our dormant DNA blueprint. The 11th and 12th chakras are silver and gold.
Where is this "new thought" coming from? It is coming from our Sun. Our universe's computerized relaying brain center is the Sun. The magnetic carpet of the Sun displays a minimum of 144,000 north and south pole electromagnetic looping ley lines extending outwards to its unified field, displaying the Sun’s auric emissions to its solar corona.
The north and south pole loops provide the alternating currents of electromagnetic energies to the antennas arrayed for the re-transmissions of its programming message via the 72,000 pulsations of ethereal radio-waves. This is the broadcasting methodology connecting the looping ley lines to the meridians aligned to all universal planetary satellite stations.
These ethereal ley lines re-connect to the non-mechanical computer chips implanted in all biological and non-biological software designed upon the DNA for all of the universal thought co-creations. The electromagnetic radiations of the co-creative spectral energies transmit their frequency modulations via radio waves, x-rays, and gamma rays.
Chapter 4. Are There Bad ETs?
I wanted to talk a bit about there not being any bad ETs even as others are saying yes there are. It depends where one is operating at. In my previous 2012 Part 3 video, I mentioned how everything was a reflection of us and how in that sense it does not exist. We make it into existence with the hologram, but nonetheless it is still an illusion. So if you’re looking at it that way and beyond duality where even the dark plays a divine role, like what a villain does in a movie to the main character, then in the end the hero comes out wiser and better because of the experience.
The Illuminati are often disguising themselves as ETs to get away with their sick addictions of molestation, stealing innocence, tainting fairytales, tainting God’s name, creating fear, etc. They also try to intervene in our connection with soul family and replace it with pain and humiliation. Some people think that if you are more evolved, then you have a more positive ET experience. This is not true. There is no “more evolved than” or “better than.” This is just another separation tactic that is perhaps even racist. They masquerade as all-powerful aliens playing with time and space in a way that will not work. They are desperately trying to keep their illusion maintained, but soon they are done here. They take beautiful things and demonize them.
However, the people who have gone through their horrible torture are starting to even wake up and be free from the programming. They are speaking up and realizing that what they were taught to believe about God and the aliens is not so. The Illuminati’s reign of perversion is being usurped. Even with all the things they have done to people’s bodies, minds, and even souls, their plans still have not worked. This is because they have no real power over us, and they know it is so, even though they make us think otherwise.
Once the victims realize this fact they are free. Souls have incarnated into these life experiences to teach others this truth. So try as they might, the Illuminati can never take our light and our power. They are jealous and scared of us. This is the core of their messages for anyone who really researches this stuff. The Illuminati’s fear and jealousy is an illusion and a lie they bought and sold to themselves and dammed themselves because of it. It is like when we lie to ourselves. We tell it so many times to ourselves that we make it true. Despite all the ugly things they do, there is still so much more beauty in this world. It trumps it all. Nature is so beautiful, so loving, and so interesting. Do not ever think this world deserves to be destroyed or is an ugly place. What are really ugly are our lies and insecurities about a grand being that enables us to hide from ourselves and avoid responsibility. We are not afraid of our failures or darkness but of our light and what we are capable of. What can this world and this life actually be? We are reaching the apex of everything right now, so how will you do when you face and heal the nightmare to make it all right again?
What we claim to be ETs seem to very much understand the hologram and take on any form they wish, so how do you really know what you’re looking at? In another YouTube video I did called 2012 Part 1: Angels, Aliens, and Nature Spirits, Oh My, I share the similarities of these beings. I’m not saying they are the same but that they all understand the hologram and do their specific tasks through this as some are operating in the rules of duality and beyond.
There are lots of starry beings that people experience who are not painful, scary, or humiliating at all. Some say, “Oh, that is a trick. Give the people a nice experience, and they will not suspect. And then they will be used for the ET agenda.” What agenda? To tell people it is OK and that life will be changing for the better? I tell you this: it is only using the person if they are told that the aliens are coming here to save them and make everything better. But the starry beings are actually telling you to be the best person you can be, act with integrity, know who they really are, and take care of your planet. This will give you a better idea of their agenda.
If a person is a living example and not a hypocrite—like our politicians saying, “Oh yes, we will help the environment” and then going and doing the opposite—then they truly know right from wrong. Let people’s actions speak louder than their words and you will know the truth. If you tell the truth, then you will not need to have such a perfect memory. As Walter Scott once said, “Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.” Liars always get exposed.
Someone who exists in duality will only say, “Yes, there are good and bad ETs.” It is not that one is wrong or right. People are just at different levels of perspective based of belief experiences and reference points. Such things happen all the time and arguments ensue.
Chapter 5. My Life as a Guide
In my Project Camelot interview I was asked about past lives, and I spoke about the short life I lived in France and also Atlantis. Now when we hear things like this, it tends to sound so cliché, almost like “Well, who has not had a past life in Atlantis?” There was so much more I wanted to add in this interview, but I knew I only had so much time, and I had to pick and say the things that were most important. I was also so very nervous in that interview, so much so that if you watch that video on max volume, you will hear my little heart beating intensely. Maybe it is beating some special message in Morris code. I was surprised to hear everyone say that I seemed so calm. I was sure everyone could see how nervous I was as I recall thinking, “OK, here I go. I am about to bear my soul to the world.”
Anyway, getting back to the subject, here is another tangent that adds a new dimension to my eventual point. Do you ever wonder how it can be that more than one person can claim to be the same person, say for example Cleopatra in a past life? How is that possible? Are these people delusional, or are they experiencing being her from perhaps her cells—the many and the one—maybe even her hair as that, too, has consciousness. Like I said in that interview with Project Camelot, I mentioned how motion itself can be an illusion, just as a video is just a bunch of still frames sped up to make it look like it is moving. So with that understanding, yes, it is possible to jump into different time stills like a DVD. We can jump to any part of the DVD, the beginning, middle, end, or even behind the scenes. When we watch movies, we can identify with certain characters so much so as we lose ourselves to the character for a time. We are them experiencing what they are experiencing. Now as each person watches this movie, they see it differently, or we can say it is a different parallel of them from another dimension. What I am trying to say here is that with past lives it is a very basic stepping stone understanding to grasp something much more complex in that it is not just thousands of lifetimes, but we are everyone and everything. I am you and you are me. We are the animals and the plants. We can even be a fridge. I bring that up because I have a memory of being a fridge in the 70s. Needless to say, it was a pretty boring and buzzy existence, but it did teach me to keep my cool, especially when everyone else’s temperatures are rising.
When I get letters from people, they often share how similar our lives are. They will say, “I cannot believe how similar our stories are. The experiences you have had I have also had. It seems like I know you somehow or that we are just parallels of each other.” This also ties into an understanding of oneness, of recognizing ourselves in each other. I am them and they are me. It’s like that quote from the Silver Bird book I read on YouTube: “I once dreamed I was a butterfly. To all intents and purposes I was a butterfly and was unconscious of my individuality as a man. Now as I lay awake in my bed, I do not know if I was a man dreaming I was a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming I was a man.”
This quote struck to the core because I know that in the sleep, daydream, and even meditation states time is very different. We can easily tap into our consciousness in other forms in different time and space, but I wonder if the butterfly pays attention to such things?
There are accounts of people being aware that their soul has more than one body they are occupying Earth at this time. They can have a memory of being another living person in this lifetime. It is like a flash, and then they go back to being themselves. Now this is one way to explain it, but some could say, “Oh, these are just mind-controlled split personalities.” To counter that thought, I will state that these people are also able to contact and locate these people whose consciousness they had tapped into, like looking out of one telescope and then another. Was this something of a glitch in the matrix hologram that we were able to catch and then keep some memory of it? This is a little step towards being ready for grasping multidimensional existence. Now the more we go through the shift, the more I feel we will recall such things, but our concepts of time will start to all just blur and fuse together. This will happen until we cannot recall which experience we had first and where one starts and another ends, but we will be able to keep track of them at the same time as we are activating more and more consciousness RAM.
What about lives in between lives? The lives I spoke about in the Project Camelot interview were not actual lives that I recall living in the physical. I do not remember being in a body but in another dimension as a being, watcher, and guide to other human beings. I was experiencing life through them and can now recall the life and the life of the watcher, knowing both sides, which is pretty neat. It sure helps me see with boggle eyes.
Some souls who come to Earth are not used to being in a physical 3D form with its extreme duality. They have a very hard time being on this planet. We find that these souls go into shock, so most are brought to mountains where the energy is not so intense, but it still gives them a better idea of what they will be in for. It is like testing the water by dipping your toe before immersing yourself.
This might explain why ancient documents told of the Gods and even ETs favoring living on mountains. It helps them get used to the frequency here. After that they try out being a guide or watcher, very much like the movie Avatar where they experience life as a Navi and what it means to be in that form in their world and learning their customs. Even when they sleep and wake up back in their other form, they can report all the things they learned in that life, that form, that world. The reptilians do this as well in order for them to be in human form, or they will use hologram sight manipulation.
People who have had a UFO sighting do not know that a majority of the time that they have been on the ship. Everyone on Earth has had contact with ETs and just cannot remember. These memories either come about later on or people find this out through hypnotherapists. I recommend you just sitting back and remembering the experience on your own. The memories will come back if you let them and really want to recall them. Often a couple will see a craft and then a light in the sky. Then they come to and wonder what happened. Shortly after, the woman finds she is pregnant and—surprise, surprise—it is a star child. This act is not done through force or cold lab tables or anything like that.
The Illuminati have a crude knockoff twisted version of this done to confuse and demonize real experiences. Real star children can attest to this as some of them have very developed astral travel abilities. They can travel to their secret bases like Area 51 and so forth, and they go there to usurp the Illuminati’s plans. They can read documents and let other people know on the other side of the world or inspire people to leave certain areas. They are one of the reasons that programs and chips the Illuminati give people are not working. These kids will also take jobs in the military and hide their abilities on the tests and use their telepathy to get information on certain officials. It is like a game of psychic chess. The star kids are winning and the Illuminati know it. They know the kids are their downfall, and so they take it out on them while they can, all the while hoping to find a loophole. They know that fear is their ace card because if people are in fear, then they can be controlled. People who have mastered their fear cannot be controlled. I am not referring to military people who have been messed with so badly that they “have no emotion.” They have plenty of fear. They just blocked it out in order to cope.
Tesla once said, “They can have the past. They can have the present. But the future is mine.” What does this mean? First off, this man was able to get information from the future. He was something of a psychic time traveler with some serious connections to other worlds. He knew the corruption he was dealing with, and so he knew that in the future they would have no merit.
Getting back to the beamships, the person’s soul recognizes the ship even if the person’s personality does not, and they go onto the ship as a guest friend or even a commander. There is no force or invasion of privacy. There is a part on the ship where there is a nursery with babies of women who were pregnant but sometimes ended up having a “miscarriage,” or so it would seem. This is not done by the star family as cruelty by any means, just that the womb has set up within it a special connection. It has a portal. The human baby chooses to stay on the ship and work with people, particularly with the new star baby that is now in the womb. These two babies are like siblings, and they help each other maintain memory and access their abilities. A strong connection to their ship is most important to their mission. This is just one of the ways these beings work.
A star child usually has at least one parent who has mystical abilities as well in that they have this connection. Some parents will admit it freely and some will deny it and pretend they do not know what you’re talking about. This connection will run far back in the family with a history of grandparents who had a connection. I know some starseeds feel alone with being who they are and no one in their family understands. Some parents hide it very well as they are in denial or have successfully managed to convince themselves it never happened. There is the odd rare one who really has parents with no connection to these beings, and so the kid really feels like they have been dropped off and abandoned on Earth.
One case I had come across was this woman who told me she remembers being dropped off from a ship on the doorstep of an orphanage as a baby. By the age of six she was so very angry but did not know why. Well, one day she wandered around the corner of her orphanage and there sitting in a ball against the building was an old woman. This old woman told the young girl all about her life and all the good things and hardships she would endure. When the little girl heard all this, she had more of the hardships in her memory and she said, “But I do not want to go through all those things.” The old woman said it was very important for her mission. It would equip her with her ability to help many people when the time came. “Who are you,” asked the young girl, “that you would know such things?”
“I am you,” said the old woman at age 60.
This young girl is now 47, and she is starting to see how things are coming full circle and why she went through things as she did. She also sees how she is starting to look just like that 60 year old woman she saw long ago. The memory is tattooed to her brain.
What we can do with information like this is to send our comfort and insight to ourselves when we were younger. We can project ourselves with wings or whatever form we wish to send this love and warmth when you were going through a hard time. This way, you will not feel so alone during that time. This will substantially decrease the anger. If you can talk to your parents about yourself, what you were like as a kid, and if they recall you having an imaginary friend or speaking about angel friends, that can help with present and past stagnation. When you ask your parents or anyone who knew you as a kid, you might be very surprised with the answer. I saw that a movie that addressed this in a very clear way, Disney’s The Kid.
This was one of the reasons why I was just tickled by the idea of recording a conversation with Andrew Basiago, who was just a waterfall on the subject of time travel and teleportation. I was sure that the secret government was playing around with this technology without any public awareness, and I thought that the interview would be a good idea to help people have better awareness of and understanding about this quantum hologram existence we find ourselves in. Also, I thought it would help others not feel so alone. I know this lady felt alone with this experience as did Andrew.
To me, it did not matter if Andrew’s story had all the right information because I knew that such experiments have been and are being done. Even if it were brainwashing or whatever people say, which I don’t buy, still time travel and teleportation exist. Later on in this video, I will share more on what Project Pegasus was trying to accomplish and why it will not work. What impressed me the most about Andrew was his ethics, his integrity, and his willingness to talk to anyone who would listen. Up to that point, no one would interview him. (Since my interview, Coast to Coast AM, Red Ice Creations, and perhaps others have interviewed him.) There will be more on Andrew Basiago in another video to come.
Anyways, UFOs—let’s call them beamships—help us go beyond the dream veil to speak with the race we are working with, not always as family but as alliances. We tell them about our experience of being a human, what we have learned, and what would be good for them to experience as well. So we have the free will destiny and co-creation with guides and personality that must learn how to bridge to the soul and anchor to something solid on Earth. This will help the collective with the shift. This is the goal.
When I was in physical form as a watcher in Atlantis, I recall that I was not a man of high standings. He was just a good, trustworthy man. I recall that the water looked like liquefied crystal. He was selected to help take knowledge articles and documents to the four corners of the world to the truth preservers, who are the natives. The truth was not lost but rather scattered. It will only to be fully understood when the natives all come together with the major pieces of the puzzle. When I met them and shared with them my memories of these other lives in other dimensions, they confirmed this. They preserved the knowledge through songs and tales. I recall people having access to UFOs at that time as well.
Another thing I recall about being a guide was the trouble guides were having in helping people understand universal truths. See, we were also learning to guide people through trial-and-error. Well, this one time in the early 60s another guide and I gave this person too much information too quickly, and the person could not handle it and was committed to a mental institution. His acceleration of thought and feelings was so great he made no sense to others and could not function on the 3D plane. People need to understand that the guides were learning how to best help people to their awakening. It was a partnership with one part on Earth like an astronaut connected to mission control. Mission control had to know its stuff, but it was a learning process for them too. So it was decided to give a little at a time stretched out through long periods of time. But 3D time is not our time. Since they chose to perceive time this way, we had to learn and get used to it. But still to this day, if you ask a being to do something or ask if something will happen at a certain time, it rarely is able to pinpoint this.
The problem with this was how the person would respond to such insights. They would create things like cults or filter it through their ego and shape it into something it was not intended to be. So with this result, we had to figure out how find a way to share such insight without it getting to people’s heads or creating more separation. We wanted to help people understand their oneness. A guide is like a GPS unit. It looks for the best route for a person to go and also has to be ready to navigate if the person wants to take an alternative route. They need to help people avoid road blocks or help them find their way if they choose to go left rather than right. They have a satellite view of the various life paths you can take to get to your destination. There is more to share about guides, but I decided to do a video just on that topic due to high volume of e-mails I receive asking about guides.
After these experiences, I brought up the proposal of allowing me memory of my life as a guide and the behind scenes when I got into physical form. This would help me to share with people, but also I could help the guides by being an “inside man,” someone who really understands what guides are going through and what it is like on their side. I am not the only one, though. There are others who came to Earth for this purpose, but most of us come with more than one purpose and can add on more if we so choose. There will be more on this in another video.
Chapter 6. Our Life in Between Lives and the Process of Getting to Earth
Many people want to understand what happens to our loved ones when they pass. Are they OK, and will we see them again? How do we know they are near us and are watching out for us? To help people best understand, I ask them, “If a person passes away in a TV show, are they dead in real life?” This question is similar to one where the person thinks someone else is “bad.” “If a person plays a villain role in a movie, are they necessarily bad in real life or on the soul level?” The answer to both is “no.” So what happens to a person after the TV show? They are not gone. They just are not allowed to partake in that show anymore, but they are still hanging out on set even following the show because they feel a special connection with the show and its characters. Eventually, that person decides to take on another role where they will play with the same actors from before. This situation is similar to what is happening now. We act with same people we did before, only the roles are changed—sometimes on Earth and sometimes not, sometimes in physical form and sometimes not. Sometimes people ask why God allows people to die. My response is, “Why do we write stories and movies that allow people to die?”
Now from what I recall, when a person passes most people see a black tunnel, which has a black hole at this end and a white hole at the other end where one then takes on a new identity. (See my poem Holes.) The person feels this peace and comfort, and we guides come to help them fully understand what has happened by helping them become fully aware of their oneness with source and the roles they agreed to play. Now even though they feel and understand, they may still have sadness when they think about their loved ones on Earth who do not understand what is going on and how they will be able to cope. There is also sadness to an attachment to their role to the person they thought they were, even though they feel liberated from the physical body. They now understand that being in flesh is not meant to be a hell.
If people had a hard life or traumatizing exit from their holy physical temple, they go on vacation to a peaceful planet for about 1,000 years, but in our time that can only be a few years to a few seconds. It is really up to them. We go and talk to souls yet to incarnate about the adventure on Earth to regale everyone with what we went through and what we learned, which further entices the souls and inspires them about what they will do when they get to Earth. This makes souls so anxious to get to Earth that they budge in line like the young artist Akiane confessed she did in order to get to Earth so quickly.
The personality part may say, “I am never coming back to Earth” but the souls say, “I want some more.” We are not forced or trapped on Earth. It is a choice that we eagerly take every time. Why? It is because of the fall of the gods, of course. The gods fell in love with being in the physical form while the physical form, the people, fell in love with spirit. They were always lovers under covers, but do not tell anyone, shhh. I refer you to the poems I wrote called God and A Love Story, which are up on my web site. These poems will give you a better idea of what I am saying here.
Getting back to when the soul relaxes after transitioning, they also take time to contemplate what they have experienced and what they want to experience next. This is where they choose their parents and all the other cast of characters like actors who have a lot of rank can do. The soul takes into account the collective process and what others have experienced as well as what understanding and progress has been collected. It then plans its life on what will complement this tapestry, weaving the patterns of sacred geometry life paths etched in light. For example, if you are going in circles and all the people surrounding you are going in circles overlapping your circle and everyone else’s as well, then it would look like the flower of life.
The next part is kind of like a poem I wrote in my head that I have not written down yet. It is like an auction of souls where instead of making bids with how much money they will pay to come to Earth, their value is their story or experiences they have come up with and how these experiences will benefit the collective. The one that inspires everyone the most gets an RSVP to Earth. Making the story is one thing, and living it and being successful with it is another, but there is great patience. You can always go again and again like that brilliant movie Ground Hog Day.
The next step is to be greeted by a flesh fashion designer whom I imagine is very flamboyant saying, “Oh, I was doing drawings of faces and body types that I think will just be ideal for your mission.” And various designs are shown to the soul, but the soul has the final say. You both create your character like in that game I used to play with my bother called Soulcalibur, but I never really played the actual game. I would just make new characters.
Then there are these other souls who act like publicists to help you determine your personality and gifts. This pertains to the yellow chakra, my favorite chakra, which deals with the three aspects of self: who we think we are, how we want others to see us, and who we actually are.
Then there is the hall of talents and gifts that we select with the creator, and after that, we have fun with mother love Venus. As you know, she has a child named Cupid. These are the young souls firing arrows at their pre-selected parents due to their soul matrix synergy that was felt to be ideal for this particular incarnation. Again, the Illuminati have a crude version of this too—choosing the parents not for soul matrix synergy reasons so that the child may be a bright light of inspiration but for inbred bloodline reasons.
The last thing we are given is something of a love container. This is what we are, but it is ours and up to us to how little or how much we give of this in every moment. It is not only ours but others, too, but they do not remember, so if you contribute your love this helps them rediscover their inner treasure. There is nothing we need to say or do and that love is still there. It is not earned, though such a thing is by far much better when shared. This world is starving with people eating white bread and beer instead of giving handshakes or hugs as we spill the pills and sweep them under the rug. (This is from a Jewel song, Little Sister.)
After that, we travel via a star—a falling star—falling in love with physical form. From there, we can hitch a ride with either a moonbeam or sunbeam, which I remember doing and which many children have remembered. This is the route they took as well.
I always thought that this little journey I just shared is one that we all go through whether we remember or not or if the details are the same or not. It would be fun to make a little cartoon out of it. I have not seen anything done like that yet.
In one of my videos, I talk about the long line of souls waiting to incarnate on Earth in the physical form. The souls who have already made it to Earth no longer need to wait in that line—they just get recycled. It is just like when an actor finally gets a gig. Most of the time, they get more gigs after that. It is trying to break in, and getting the first gig is where the waiting in lines mostly occurs. They will consider playing in any movie genre. Like I said, souls want to be here so badly that it does not matter what form they take on, even if they are disabled. They want to be here. The main goal is to inspire others to a deeper understanding of the human spirit and potential, like Helen Keller for example.
Next we go shopping at the challenge grocery store with our shopping cart in hand. We are just so cocky! If you guys could only hear yourselves saying, “Oh, I will take this challenge and this challenge. And how about that one? It comes with a side order of depression.” And we tend to overdo it, sometimes overfilling our shopping cart. Then the angels say, “Uh, are you sure you can handle that much? Do you want someone to help you carry all this?”
“Oh no,” we say. “I can handle it, and I am sure I will wake up and remember it is not that hard. I will show you.” It is just like when we watch a show and think about the problems a person is having. We always say, “If that were me, I would do this,” and God says, “OK, then go do it.” The problems are always easier on the other person’s plate it seems. We would much rather solve their problems than our own, but this is backwards thinking. Then when they get to Earth they say, “Oh spork! What the heck did I agree to? Damn, I hate when I forget to remember. Hey you! You look like you might be wise. What do you suggest I do? Oh sure, I can do penance and tithe 30% of my income.” Yes, that makes sense. It is like that until their memory comes back. You are not ever forgotten about. The angels have your back. The angels and nature spirits are like the people who set up the stage for a theater show. The lights go out, and they are cloaked in black and do their thing, but with these beings, rather than donning black they choose to walk the catwalk in transparency so you can’t even see them—just the odd flicker from time to time.
OK, now backtracking here. Yes, the souls on the other side are able to interact with loved ones’ personalities and stories via the dream, which is like two actors hanging out when the cameras are not rolling. “So are you doing all right? We miss not having you on the show. My character is still pretty choked up about it.”
“Yes, I am doing great. I got offered so much work since starring in that show. I guess they want to see more of me and what other roles I can do.”
“I got this one job while my new script is being prepared of assisting people in NDE and sending them back to Earth. I also have been doing some interviews. I will do this in between my schedules like having to make an appearance at certain events. You know, that old dinner role.”
When a person passes, most people see a black tunnel that is a black hole, and at the end of this is a white light that is the white hole where one dons a new identity, and the next thing you know you’re exiting the womb.
The time in the womb is also where we get ourselves prepared with the frequency on Earth and get a good amount of education through the energy of the food that the mother eats. Now if this food is toxic or went through trauma and disrespect to life, like what is done to animals, then the child may adopt this trauma through the foods. This start to affect the connection the baby has with its own personal body fairy that watches over the growth and development of all people. If this gets weakened, then the baby’s connection also starts to weaken. This is the starting of the conditioned programming that makes it easier for the baby to accept, which is why the Illuminati are so keen on starting the torture and programming when the soul first enters the womb. The body fairy stays with us our whole life, but the Illuminati’s subtle poisons aim to weaken the connection and ability for it to help the bodies’ full healthy development. So when we are focusing on our health, we are working on healing and rejuvenating our body fairy.
Remember, the Illuminati are really just our self-destructive elements self-manifested into reality. When we awaken and do our soul archaeology, healing ourselves and each other by addressing the root cause and not the symptoms, then we have made one small step for man one giant leap for mankind. We have freed them from their own self-inflicted bondage. (Just so you know, I am not pointing fingers because you I know you guys will call me on it.)
Chapter 7. How It All Came About and Lives on Other Worlds
I can share an experience I had in other worlds. Some I have even shared in my blogs. I try to not to repeat and let them overlap with what I share, so there is always something new to share because I do not like a reputation. I try to avoid it when I can. My blogs are mainly for people who want to get to know the person behind the message and how the message came about. My videos are mainly for the people who just want the information. Eventually, I would like to combine the two because it really helps give people a better picture. I always strive to give the clearest picture I can I find and the best and most fun way to do this. This way we retain more, and it helps jog our memory.
One experience that stands out for me is that it seems I have majored in shifts for worlds where beings are getting ready for an upgrade on their whole planet or even star cluster. Most beings in the universe are very much into competition—not with each other but with themselves and their self-growth. This is most important to them. This particular world was a small one and did not have extreme diversity like what we have here. This planet was a precursor to Earth. It was designed to explore diversity on a much smaller level. This is also where the concept of amnesia started to become an appealing idea, but why? I am going to have to go further back here.
What I am about to share some people may not agree with. It might not be their cup of tea—they may prefer coffee—but that is fine. I am not asking you to agree with it. I am just contributing to your information and memory cups. I was thinking, “Hmm, what is the best way I can explain to people or give them an idea of how this started?” I want to find the best tools to help people expand and provide them with reliable stepping stones that will help them access deep memories stored inside their atoms, their star dust accumulation of dreams of generations on this worlds and others. This is what I am going to call soul celestial archaeology. Try saying that one ten times fast!
I also wrote some poems to help explain, but this came from a dream I had back when I was a young grasshopper. Just imagine for a minute that you are God and you know everything and can do everything. Think what that might be like. How does one grow beyond that? Like any master artist, they wish to challenge themselves to top themselves. An idea is like birth. It can split itself into two and bring something out new. (Oh, I am in a rhym-ee mood, I see.)
I saw as they played around that the universe is playing a very distinct game of hide-and-seek and peek-a-boo. When they found each other, they merged back with each other. Then this is where the excitement of this idea creator kept splitting itself into more bits—this time four parts—and then merged back into one, even though this was an illusion. We are always one, though kids will tell you it sure is fun and highly educational to play pretend. In Matthew 18:3 it says, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” As it says in my poem You Decide:
You are God.
You are given your own world.
Anything goes.
How will it be to live there?
You make all the rules.
If you choose to have peace,
How will you create that?
Or what would it look like to you?
Would you be by yourself?
Or would you choose
To break yourself into millions of pieces
So you can have someone to play with,
Friends to laugh with,
Enemies to keep it interesting,
And you ever growing?
The creator is a romantic who loves the romance genre laced with adventure marinated in humor.
Here is where I discuss the birth of the universe, also known as the heavens. In Genesis 1:1 it says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Heavens came first. What was that like?
I seem to remember that there was a planet that had just one kind of being, one kind of animal, plant, etc. There was no diversity at this time and beings were not growing. Well, actually they were stagnated. Sure, some were advanced technology-wise, but they were lacking in other areas, so they could not move forward. So the idea was proposed that the beings on these worlds should be introduced to see how they would interact with one another.
This plan did not work. This was their first encounter with different races, and it was hard for them to relate or understand each other. This was tried on various other worlds over and over like Venus, Mars, and the former planet Muldeck, which is now just an asteroid belt. Each world also represented a specific characteristic that tried to dominate over another. The Illuminati can be thought of as a big brother who does not want to share his room with his siblings, so he makes life miserable for them until either he gets his own room or his parents find another place for his siblings to go.
Here is another example: Greek myth gods are said to be immortal. Each one represents a certain archetype characteristic such as wisdom, war, etc. These gods are alive today in each one of us. We possess these characteristics and are learning to balance them so as not to have one dominate the other. This is how all the beliefs can complement each other rather than dominate over the others. The problem might be because the word God is used. It gets people in a huff. But this word can be used as an actual being or an archetype expression of a branch of creation. Anastasia also adds a new dimension to the hologram puzzle with her books.
So anyway, with this dilemma the idea of Earth came about a place where the creator would have everything it has ever created in one place. Noah’s Ark comes to mind here, but not as boat with two of each physical animal but as a beamship with DNA samples of each animal, plant, and even humans being brought to Earth. Something similar to this is an animated movie called Titan A.E. This is why there are certain plants or animals that only grow or live in a certain part of the world. This was so it could best emulate their home world. As for the plan to help people get along, well, you know when people fight. We get the idea to lock them in a room and say, “You’re not coming out until you learn to get along.” This is very similar to what was done on Earth. This was to help us find ourselves in each other. Earth seemed so small, like a hologram cut up into tiny pieces, and the smallest piece still contains the whole universe of universes in it. This was a great way to experience the many and the one. This is the first time that such a thing had been done before. This is why Earth is such a celebrity planet as some stayed to watch the unfolding of this concept for God’s children by God’s children. It is like a play kids come up with at their own at school so their parents can come and watch.
Many could not fathom living like that, to leave their peaceful heavenly but dull homes to experience duality and diversity without memory. They said to their friends, “OK, you can go, but I will just stay back and watch and see how it goes for you, and then maybe I will consider it.” When they saw the difficulties many souls were having on Earth, there were specialists called from all over the universe to come in and help—a call for volunteers to hold a certain frequency within them that would help with the shift. This brings me back to that other world that I was talking about earlier, the precursor to Earth where I was called to help. I remember the sky being green with purple-like clouds and three moons.
I worked with a team to help the beings who lived there who were not fully 3D physical but only partially. We wanted them to remember and co-create in the universe. There was not so much diversity, so it was pretty easy. We just gave everyone on the planet the same dream, and the next day they all realized that they all had the same dream. They all came together in total realization, and their world shifted right then and there. Their quarantine was lifted.
The beings here were also being trained for the work that would be done on Earth. God is like parents whose greatest wish is that their kids will surpass them and accomplish their dreams; but if wealthy parents that have everything bring up a kid and it is all given to them, then how does one appreciate it or understand and respect creation? Yes, it was all given to us and we can go back to this way like some have chosen to be and live a life in “full knowing”—even though they may still be learning like Anastasia. For example, she knows a lot but not everything, and she has some things she is still learning about, like being in a loving relationship with a man who is not so awake but doing his best for a quick study.
We can have this and we will, but there will always be growth. It seems that many of the souls choose to not have a memory and start from the very beginning at the bottom of the barrel. Though his father is president of a company, the kid could easily take a high level job like that, but instead the father says, “No, you will start at the bottom to learn the basics and remove politics so you know what it is like to have everyone’s job and where they are coming from. Then when you get to the top, you will be a very good, fair, and just boss. You will be humbled even though you have so much. You will not need others to sing your praises or worship you. This is an ego thing. You will only want the best for your employees and your own children. So when they inherit their father’s empire, they will also be able to create their own and co-create with God their father and Nurture their mother. There is the creator and the nurturer fused inside us. Make life and maintain life.
I know there are many people who do not like the idea of people claiming to be God, but they are fine with saying that we are God’s children. But wait a second, when a king and queen get together and make whoopee and have a child, what does that make the child? A little prince and princess, which means they will one day become king or queen. So if we are God’s children, then that makes us future Gods or creators in training. “No,” it is said. “To say you’re God is evil and of the devil.” Come on. Just think about it for a second. Everyone is a prince or princess with amnesia about their divinity and destiny, and I mean everyone here on Earth, even the cleaning lady as she scrubs the toilet and gets emotionally abused. She has no idea of how much she is loved and appreciated, how her family waits for her to be kissed by her awakening and claim her crown. Can you see how this is so exciting for the watchers? How familiar these stories are, like Snow White, Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland and Anastasia by 20th Century Fox? These classics have more divine relevance than the dark relevance we are sometimes aware of, but I will save this for another video. Perhaps you may now get an idea why you are all such a celebrity, admired and loved so much beyond fathoming. As I mentioned before, we are in training, but in training for what?
Chapter 8. My Own Personal Experience
Let me backtrack here to when I was younger and these books started coming to me. I did not share which books they were in my Project Camelot interview because again I knew I did not have time to explain it all.
I remember a time when I did not like the name Jessica. It was such a common name, and I wondered why I was not given a cool name like Forrest, so I decided to change my name to Zaileya Lee. Dad said, “No, do not change your name. It is important that you keep your first name and your last name too. I was told to give you that name.” I asked my dad what he meant about my name and he said, “When you were in your mom’s stomach, I was visited by Billy Meier’s Semjase, and she said it was extremely important that I name you after her.” My dad had some serious abilities. My mom told me how he knew the sex of every child and their purpose to incarnating. My dad had no spiritual training and never attended anything like a mystery school. I know that by sharing this people can say Satan gives people abilities too, and yes, that is true, but the people who are gifted from that source are not happy people, and they seek to cause some serious pain and discord in their life and for all who are near them. My dad never got angry. He was also the most honest man anyone had ever met. He always helped people for free and shared everything with others about his life.
After my Project Camelot interview, I had people claim that I was an Illuminati drone because I shared that my dad had contact with star beings and was given a chip. Not all chips are bad. The ones that are bad are the ones that cause pain and confusion. I have worked with people who have had good chips and bad chips, and I can tell the difference. It is wise to not make judgments and allegations unless you really know your stuff. I will share more on this topic in another video where I will help people find out if they have been used as an Illuminati drone or not and what they can do about it if they are.
My father desired to uplift and inspire others, and he sure did. He was a fantastic husband and a really good father despite him not being present in mind with us as often as I would have liked. He was very creative and resourceful, always inventing things and finding solutions. Mom said that he would go to sleep with a problem and wake up with a solution. He told me his higher self’s name is Arule. I do not know what that name means yet. He even knew my mom’s higher self-name. His intent was always pure. I do not recall much of an ego from him, just this strong knowing, and he was always right somehow. I asked my dad if he could speak with this Semjase.
It was said that no one could speak to her but Billy, unless a person could travel to her world. This makes me think that my dad could travel to the DAL universe. He said to me, “Every message I have for you is from her. She talks to me about you all the time.” My dad was not a typical channel like the ones we are so familiar with, the ones who have to meditate first, leave their body, and then have this being come through them where their voice changes. It really can seem freaky! My dad did not do any of this. It was like he had this psychic phone where he could just repeat what came to him and it would come lightening fast as if it were being downloaded to him. Our whole family is known to talk fast, as if there is so much coming to us at once. I can also have information downloaded to me, but I do not think I am as good as my dad was.
OK, now it started to make sense why the books handed to me out of nowhere were Pleiadian books, and the name Semjase came to me more than once. Who was she, and what did she want with me? Who are the Pleiadians? What do they want with me? Are you sure they did not make a mistake? I asked Dad to ask her how she knew me.
My dad just gave this knowing smile and said, “She says we are something like family.” As I got older, I got that guides were our future selves. “Was she me in the future?” I wondered. I looked up pictures of her. She did look like me a little. I liked how like me she did not pluck her eyebrows. Her eyes are blue and mine are hazel green, and she is slightly smaller than me, so if she is me how can that be? Maybe she is another dimensional self? Who knows? But what really floored me in reading about this Semjase was this bit here from the Steelmark web site.
Due to her exceptional knowledge, which far exceeds the average of her home population, she has assumed the rank of half-jschrjsch, which means a half-queen of wisdom or a half-goddess, as they were called earlier on Earth, something like a demi-god (which can be read about, for example, in Greek legends). Having occupied herself with various matters on our planet years before taking up contact with Billy Meier on January 28, 1975, she is by far the best-oriented extraterrestrial concerning our situation on Earth.
Her jschrjsch rank is interesting to me. The “J” is the first letter in my first name, and “SCH” are the first three letters in my last name. The “R” I have no idea about. Also, I do feel really close to her somehow, even before I was aware of her interest in me. I also have memories of being in the Pleiades and occupying myself in the Akashic records library before coming to the virtual reality program being conducted on Earth, learning about various matters on Earth. Oh, how I studied and prepared to come here! I was working on other planets specifically so I could be of great help for Earth. I also remember visiting and living on the humanoid cat planet, which I wrote about in one of my blogs.
I also visited a winged dolphin and whale planet, which is a water planet with light violet color water and glass-crystal-like cities in the water but rising up out of the water. When I mention this place, people remember. Apparently, many people have had lives here. Children love to talk about their life there. They remember them as well as they remember their past lives. It is an easy one to access. This is where our whales and dolphins come from. They work very closely with people as guardians. In speaking with them, they will tell you of a time when they were human in Atlantis and took on this form when Atlantis went under the water. They will also tell you that they have taken on a form in a large size because they are like submarine full of many souls experiencing life in one body. Their sound frequency is not only healing but also a vocal version of sacred geometry crop circles that echoes into people’s soul matrixes.
In my blogs, I speak more about meeting animals and talking with them about their home world and what they do there and how it ties with their purpose here. It is just fascinating stuff. I like to call them “the perfect spies for the divine.” See my poem Spies for more information on this.
I would collect data that these worlds had on Earth and the experiences they had. I was like the little mermaid dreaming that I could one day be part of their world, wanting so badly to go there but determined to set up a good awakening for me that would hold me in focus and dedication to my work here.
There has been lots of talk that the whole Billy Meier story is a hoax. I do not agree with that. I think it was real in the beginning, but as time went on the ill-intent ones worked hard to pollute the teachings and discredit Billy because they were afraid. Billy is still alive, and I have been asked by a friend who lives in Switzerland to see if I can meet him, if he would see me, even though he does not see anyone right now. Maybe that will change, who knows?
I asked Dad how he could speak with Semjase. The only way to do it is to travel to the DAL universe. I was excited here because I was sure I had caught him in a lie, to which he responded casually, “I can.” He went on, “My link connection allows me to go and speak to anyone anywhere in the universe. My astral cord is not like the tape measure most people have that can only go as far as the moon and then snap back into the body.”
My dad seemed to really be able to travel anywhere. That was his mission: to be able to go there and bring information back here. I would ask him many questions but then detach myself from it all. I still did not believe it, so I asked him and viewed it as a fantasy science fiction story he was telling me. This information had no relevance to me, but it was interesting nonetheless. Then one day my dad’s stories and messages collided with my existence. My dad said, “Jessica, do not keep asking me questions that you already know the answers to. You must learn to access this information on your own to find it all within because it is all there.” He is right about this. People ask me, “Where do you get your information from?” I never went to school for this stuff, and schools don’t teach some of these subjects. I am not a school kind of person. I have come to understand that it really is all within, and rather than seeking the answers, let them come to you. While lost to joy, so many wonderful things can come to us.
Today I am not sure if I am Semjase or not. I am open to the idea. I am open-minded, but I’m not one to purchase everything and say my belief is cast in stone. I am flexible. I share this because many think open-minded means open and believing in everything, but really it means to be flexible. There are many lovely blond girls claiming to be Semjase. That is fine. They can. I am not sure if this is a David Wilcock/Edgar Cayce thing. I am just sharing my thought process. I cannot even say I am Pleiadian at this time, but I do know that I have a strong affiliation with Semjase and the Pleiadians/Plejarens for reasons I do not fully know yet. Perhaps they were appointed to get me started in all this. I have affiliations and connections with various other races as well. I work with each one representing a school of thought or a degree I can learn about to add to the bigger picture. Many people want to know who they are. I personally do not care about this because what I can do is more important to me. What does it really mean? So you’re Pleiadian. So you’re the Queen of Sheeba. So what? How does this help me help others? We tend to get lost in our name and are too shocked by it to do anything. I have seen this often. Do not let who you think you are stagnate you.
Getting back to Semjase, it is interesting her father is Ptaah. Isn’t that some Egyptian God or perhaps another representative of an archetype? Is he the same Ptaah of the overlapping of the time loop spiral? Or was Ptaah just a common name like Steve? Or has their reputation been poisoned? Or are they the Pleiadians trying to be redeemed for the mess-up they did in Atlantis? Perhaps they are us in another name and form? My dad once said to me that we are from the 11th dimension but went back to the 3rd dimension to right a terrible wrong in order for us to get our creator diplomas. If I thought I spoke in coded riddles, it is nothing compared to my dad. I am only now beginning to understand what my dad was hinting at.
What I want to clarify here is that just like I do not subscribe to any one faith. I like to see them all as tools to get to a greater truth that pushes me to explore more and more within me of what one person holds in them. I also do not subscribe to one star race. For example, many people today saying, “I am from Andromeda” or “I am from the Pleiades” or “I am from Arcturus” etc. Wherever people say they feel they came from is cool and all, but it can also be a form of stagnation. Just because you may have that feeling and even memories in my understanding, how can you be from these places when they are also schools? They are places that we study at before coming to Earth, which is called the Harvard University for creators in training. Now in order to get to such a school in the first place, many need to have a good pre-education and quite the background, perhaps even some whom you know. Their school is the real deal, not like our paltry schools we have today.
These are schools we go to, not necessarily where we are from. We need to understand to hold thoughts of one specific place, when you are not just one star, one planet, one universe, one dimension, but also all of them. It is all a part of our body and in our body. We need to watch out for what I like to call “stagnation thoughts” that do not push us to go beyond the beyond so that we can recall more of our atoms’ starry memories.
Chapter 9. Life from a Future Life
Some of you might have heard me say that I am from the future or that I recall some future lives. What did I mean by this? How can one remember something that has not yet happened or is not yet set in stone? Could I be recalling a probability? In the DVD of life, can some people jump far along in the DVD series? For me, life has always felt like an old movie I saw 20 years ago. Some things I recall, and some things are a bit foggy. There are some things I do not recall but had a tiny idea that lay in the back on my heart that has been confirmed to me, as I know it has been confirmed to all of you—the master timeline that all people will get back onto. What happened was that people began forgetting their responsibility of their thoughts creating reality, and they started to think more and more about separation, fear, and primitive thoughts on time and space.
We got lost in a butterfly effect like in the movie where we started to create these lower frequency timeline probabilities of the fears being played out in our heads. This was done for such a long time that we as a co-collective created and allowed the Illuminati to come into our timeline and in other dimension pockets of thoughts and emotions. The idea of thinking about such beings existing in space of ill-intent made it so but only in our virtual reality holodec program—not so outside of it. That’s where there exists no duality, period. Any of the information out there of this fear that we are being pulled into slavery timelines is not true. What Andrew Basiago spoke about with Project Pegasus attempting to manipulate our future and past can only be done in this hologram and is therefore not real. But they can do a good job of making people think it is. When we step out of the hologram and finish this shift, we will see this first hand.
The whole purpose of this life is to teach people to take responsibility for the kind of experience they create, not just only for themselves but for others. We are to make all conceivable mistakes as we learn about cause and effect and how it affects everyone—not just ourselves—here in the holodec. Thus, when we get out of the hologram and experience the real world, we will be armed with our experiences so as not to make the same mistakes again. We have been there and done that over and over. It is now out of our system, so let’s play another game. So you see, this is why the Illuminati’s and our own negative forced visuals of the future will not be so because when the game ends, the jig is up. The illusion cannot hold people in bondage anymore when they step out of the hologram, which will happen to everyone this time.
There have been other trial-and-error attempts in the hologram where some made it and others did not, but that was not considered a victory. It was more of a to-be-continued thing for the game creators to work on, improving the game so that there would be an ideal result of success in which everyone wins. This is the master goal of oneness with creator. We are to merge back into one. If one gets left behind, then we all get left behind because we are them and they are us. I think this might be why we got to the 11th dimension and then dropped back down to the 3rd. So being there and helping everyone is our business. If we ignore this, then life tends to collectively boot us in the butt.
There are parts of us that already exist and are anchored into this future, and I can tell you what it is like. It is so similar to what Anastasia describes in her books, like when we get rid of our all weapons and why this is done. I was aware of this before I even stumbled across these books. The world does look like a pristine Garden of Eden. There is no money or anything like that—not even a barter system. On my web site, I talk about why I do not charge for any of my services. My aspiration is to be like a tree that gives fruit, flowers, leafy shade, comfort, and beauty regardless of who we are, what we believe, and what we have done. Never once does the tree say, “You owe me $30 per hour for my services.” The tree exists in a pay-it-forward type of being, only wanting love and appreciation in return to inspire us and nurture us so that we can continue to create beauty in harmony.
All animals are peaceful and friendly to us. They no longer hurt us or each other. The air is very clean, and I think we are breatharians and enjoy the occasional fruits and vegetables. We are also able to travel to other worlds, teleport, etc.
This is how it is in the future. There is no more discord, war, and pain because we have grown beyond that and have fully explored every dark room. There is nothing else to explore there, but if need be, we can recall or look into it for a research reference point that prevents us from needing to actually live it. We still are learning and growing, but this is done in a more loving, gentle, and playful way. The children are the teachers, and we learn through their innocence and imagination about what works best with the collective helping. There comes a time in the future when time travel is well understood and practiced. We say, “Hey, let’s take what we know and send it to where we are ‘now’ in that time when we were plagued with fear and uncertainty about our world. Let us comfort them and remind them that a dream is a future memory for the seed that will one day become a mighty cedar tree. And not even countless years in dark, lonely silence will change this destiny. Not even years of someone telling them they are something they are not will change this fact. When they do merge out of the darkness, they will experience what they really are and feel how loved they are. They will become what is the highest good, which is the intention of the creator.”
Ideas and inspirations come from this future timeline that we send back to our past selves to help out. We might have taken one mighty detour, but we will get to our highest good destination.
I spoke about ETs being not only our future selves but also our past selves that are fragmented facets of us scattered throughout space and time. The communication line has been severed, so it is hard to understand what they want us to know, but in this life it is starting to be evident what they are mirroring and representing to us. As they crash collide into our existence, we must remember to face this help in order to heal, and then it will merge back into us.
Chapter 10. The Time Loop
Here is a trippy thing about time: it is a loop. The past is the future, and the future is the past. We live in the now but in that now is the past and the future. As it says in my poem Time Loop:
It is funny how our past holds the keys to our future,
And the future holds the keys to the past.
The further I move into my so-seeming future
The more it feels like my past to me.
And when I think of my past
And experience my future,
How come it all feels like déjà vu?
How many times have we done this? The evidence of how advanced people were in the past seems to surpass our own understanding at this time. The wonders of their architectural signatures have left us wondering what they knew that we do not. For more on this theme, see my poem Pyramids.
What I understand about them was that they were the “set decorating department” to set the stage for our earthly play. They set these structures up to help remind us of something we knew long ago. This set is to stay up until we start to remember how they were built, which is interesting. After being in existence for so many thousands of years, why are the pyramids only starting to crumble now? Why not a couple hundred years ago? They are set to crumble when our memory comes back, and we will build them on our own. The people before hitched a ride with the loop of time. They “ascended” as some like to call it. UFOs are also there to help push our thinking out of tiny comfortable box, and yet it is all déjà vu. Everything seems to exist in a circle within a circle like a spiral. Are we heading to the center of the spiral of the galaxy or are we merging with another spiral galaxy? Or perhaps it’s a figure eight, the dance of infinity.
Circles also remind us of wheels. In Ezekiel 1:16, it says, “and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.” As I hinted at before, perhaps all time is located on a single cosmic DVD. Call it the wheel of time, and all of our lives—past, present, and future—are located there in one gloriously divine pattern. As gods in training, we experience many lives, and someday when we realize our own divinity, we will get off the wheel of time. So does that make it the training wheel of time—or in the case of an omniverse, the training wheels of time?
Chapter 11. Hypnosis
Hypnosis is really just the ability to adjust the settings of the hologram for a people. Such settings were played around with, which sent everyone into a mass hypnosis of the perceived world virtual reality program. A spell of enchantment was cast on all of humanity to disconnect them from their divinity and their power. This was a pathetic attempt to lock people into an alternate perceived reality. The key word here is perceived. People can only be manipulated for a certain amount of time and that’s it. As you meet others who are awakened, they are aware of how people are taught to perceive the world, but they now know “Hey, that’s an illusion.”
Chapter 12. Ghosts
The really angry ghosts result from people who were severely abused, tortured, and mind-controlled, so that when they were killed via ritual they would cause havoc in certain areas where the hyenas’ act occurred. These rituals trap them to Earth in a limbo plane. There are also rituals conducted in these same areas to bring about a possession. Sometimes they use possession on innocent souls whom they are threatened by, not the actual person they chose as their host but someone close to them. This possession was also part of that soul’s programming that they would do in Earth life unless healed properly. These ghosts have a circular memory, reliving events over and over like someone who needs help. They do this because they have been hurt so badly, and they express it through their anger and cruelty. They are told over and over that they are no good, and then they are visited by priests saying, “Demons, be gone!” This only confirms to them that they are no good, which makes them even more like demons. They do not really go. Yes, they leave that person, but they just go off into the night to find another victim. So this is a classic example of addressing the symptom and not the root cause.
They have fun scaring people. It is important to not let them scare you no matter what hologram tricks they try to play. They are drones for the Illuminati, collecting fear for their masters. They obey their masters by becoming a self-fulfilling prophesy. Just look at ghosts as kids on Halloween wearing macabre costumes and acting the part of a being in pain or just seriously disturbed. Then you will know that beyond this show is a cute little innocent child who is lost to their role. To help them, all you have to do is remind them of who they really are and then call your archangel friends from beyond the hologram to assist them with the crossover.
Child ghosts are sometimes just a bit stubborn and afraid of change. Because of what they have learned about the afterlife when they were in physical, they want to stay in Earth plane and are trapped in limbo.
Then there are some who stay on a little bit just to say their good-byes. To help them cross, tell them that their loved ones know that they will be OK and assure them about any undone work. An assisting angel helps them with this process.
Then there are some “entities” who we think are ghosts but actually are not. They are just a bleed-through of our telekinesis abilities. When objects around the house start moving or appliances mysteriously turn on or off, this scares people, and they immediately think of a ghost or demon. When a person believes that, then that is what it is. Then something of a hologram of that image appears before them. Sometimes it can be a being outside the hologram. I know some angels can do this and so can nature spirits and ETs, but they usually let their presence essence be known to you. Now if they were told it was an angel or nature spirit, then that is what will appear. Call it what you think it is, but it is really the person who is unconsciously playing with their telekinesis abilities and is not aware of it. For more on this topic, see my poem Poltergeist or Telekinetic? This is another good reason to take responsibility: the sooner we do this the more we can do.
Chapter 13. The Shift Gift
Hologram shift Earth changes to mirror the inner paradigm shift on a mass collective scale. These changes affect the body and mind, and because the world is a macro of a micro, then the world emulates this as well. There will be lots of new land surfacing after being under water for a long time. Some of this land will have pyramids on it. I see this like mother Earth, a lovely woman in a bathtub who has one leg up out of the water and the other submerged after what seems like a long while but not really. She submerges the other leg and raises her other one out of the water thinking “Well this leg is washed. It’s time to focus on the other one.”
From what I gather, this big shift does not have to be so intense for people. Various major shifts that could have caused some serious damage have been averted and been broken up from a large shift in a specific area to smaller shifts in various areas. We can continue to do this or be informed like animals are, feeling a change in the Earth that lets us know weeks in advance about what is about to go down in a certain area. Then people can move to safer places just like the animals do. Animals do not think “Well, a good chunk of us animals need to go because there is not enough room on Earth for all of us.” Animals know there is enough room for everyone. Particularly as we draw closer to the shift and our abilities to understand and reclaim our birthright of time travel and teleportation, we can choose to move ourselves to another location. There is a reason why this planet has so many people, and it goes beyond our merely wanting to be here to experience this life. In the Ringing Cedars books Anastasia talks a little about this. I will get to this soon.
Speaking of moving to another location, physicist Nassim Haramein gave a talk claiming that a comet twice the size of Jupiter (Comet NEAT) was pushed off course by an enormous solar flare in February of 2003. A comet of this size could possibly be Nibiru. Nassim presented official NASA video from a SOHO satellite showing the solar flare actually moving the comet, so he is not making this up! The YouTube video is called “Video Proof that Nibiru Has Come and Gone.” (This video has numerous detractors in the comments section, but read between the lines, guys.) So we do have help on the other side of the hologram that steps up to the plate when they see we are taking responsibility for our actions.
What is cool about this is that I shared this same thing in my radio interview with Zany Mystic. After I said it I remember thinking, “Now where did that come from?” Some people ask, “Where is your proof?” I am not a scientist, and that is evident. I come across very naïve and whimsical, but scientists, native elders, kids, and many other people as well are backing up what I am sharing. If you want proof and you need that logical fix, then listen to the people who are all about the proof. That can be their job. This is mine. But when you’re wanting to understand your not-so-common common sense, then I invite you to step into my realm of understanding where you will not need to see an Alien space ship to know they are there, so that you may be allowed to believe. You will simply just remember and feel it in your bones right down to your core. It is amazing how much can be expressed without words but packaged into a feeling message, projected through the eyes, and marinated in a specific vibe.
The more we explore our soul archaeology, the more we will find we can do things like communicate with elementals, storms, quakes, water nature spirits, star beings, and much more. We can even tame certain weather conditions. This is what the shamans do if there is too much rain or not enough rain. I have also been introduced to a man who has invented a machine that lets him know a week in advance when an earthquake will happen. Technology will always mirror what humans can do on their own, but since they do not believe in themselves, technology sometimes has to be used as training wheels. In sharing this with a woman, she told me about a big tornado outside her door. She went outside and spoke to it, sending it love, appreciation, and respect, and then she merged with it. The tornado dissipated right then and there, leaving zero damage in its wake. The news man reported that day he was not sure where the tornado went.
Now if it comes to be that the creator calls upon your soul to exit your beautiful physical form, be it from illness, accident, or Earth changes, take great joy that you got to be here in this time and contribute by just you being you. Pull up a seat on the other side and enjoy the rest of the show. If you’re like me, you might see death like a little kid saying, “No I do not want to go to bed. I want to stay up and be a part of the action.”
To all who dream of the world’s destruction, you must understand that you come from a probable future in the hologram where that did happen, and you have been sent back to avert it from happening. When I was at the NEXUS conference in Australia, Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot played this recording of a famous prophet saying some really bad event would happen in the fall of 2008. I was very bothered by this because there were so many sensitive psychics in the audience. They were visualizing this so strongly that I felt I had to speak to them and tell them this had to stop. We have a serious responsibility here. I was in tears because I could not believe I was doing this and was so overwhelmed by feeling everybody in the audience. The whole story of this is on my web site. Look for the Project Camelot link at the top of the home page.
Earth will straighten her axis, which is her spine, and thus we will no longer be living in a crooked world, excuse the pun. (Right now, the axis is tilted by 23 degrees.) The rotation will also change from one direction to the other. Because this world is very backwards, the only way to understand it right now is to stand on your head. Well, that will no longer be necessary because the world will be flipped back to right side up. As it is right now, the North Pole is actually the South Pole and the South Pole is actually the North Pole. I have also had many children speak with me about this occurring. This is also what is meant when Alice in Wonderland falls down the rabbit hole. It represents humanity’s decent into backwards land when it first started with the last shift.
The moon we have now, which is not our real moon, will be removed, and the real moon will be returned. The moon is often depicted as a mother or a goddess, but you will note in most Disney stories that the mother is missing and the father or the stepmother or false mother raises the main character. The moon right now is where we are being controlled from with the water and waves on our planet and in our body, which governs our emotions right now. It can sometimes represent lunacy or changing to a monster on the full moon. The father can be considered to be the sun or sky or even both.
In my poem Playing Favorites, these two parents—the sun and the moon—had a divorce due to irreconcilable differences, and the father got custody of the child by day and the mother by night. The child is the Earth. Those with moon-based faiths like Islam and Wicca tend to favor and choose the mother over the father, and those with sun-based faiths like Christianity favor the father over the mother. This is a recipe for discord because we have been tricked out of balance.
Also, the Earth is referred to as Mother Earth, and with our current lifestyles we are disrespecting our mother and choosing instead to be raised by a cold concrete jungle of a system that is like an evil step mother. I mentioned in 2012 Part 4 about Hologram ETs trying to entice us to leave Earth, leave our mother. Why would they want that? Because the real moon will be returned, but then they will attempt to take us from our Mother Earth and have some deranged step mom artificial base as an inorganic substitute. The best way to describe their game and how they mind control people and mess with perceived realities is a grim movie called Dark City.
OK, what else? We have the photon belt coming in, which I mentioned earlier. There is also something else really neat: the universe is a holographic fabric that has bends and folds and wrinkles. The familiar planets and stars we normally see in our skies will no longer be there as they will be folded up in the holographic fabric. They will be like stories or influences on us that will no longer have merit. In their place will be new planets and stars, so it will look like someone teleported the whole planet to another universe. What will it look like then? Now not all this will happen exactly in 2012, but it will start around that time.
The creator is in us and we are in the creator. When I was listening to a Stephen Hawkings audiobook about the universe, he was saying how scientists were arguing about whether the universe is expanding or contracting. I then thought that what they are viewing are the lungs of the universe, which is a living and breathing being. Think of cells in our body living on a planet within the universe. It is a micro of a macro, a world within a world, a life within a life within a life. Funny enough, as I was telling a friend about this, he sent me a 2006 New York Times article showing that the neurons in a mouse brain look exactly like a simulated image of the universe. This was more confirmation that I might not be so crazy after all. It is not so hard to understand when you look at things as parts of a body. Planets can be seen as organs, a collective of energy of life that all works towards one goal: to help the whole of the universal body in functioning. But with the physical cells and body and even the Earth changing, then this must be so for the universe as well. Astrology says that other planets influence our life, but we also influence the planets that influence life, whether we are conscious of this or not.
The quarantine will also be lifted on Earth. I am reminded of a South Park episode called Pinewood Derby where whenever people discover warp speed, an alien is sent down to test the integrity and honesty of the people on Earth to see if they are worthy of intergalactic travel. In this episode the humans fail miserably, and because of it they are forever quarantined on Earth with a box force field set up around the planet. For a kook crude cartoon, this was a very accurate and intelligent depiction of what star family does when people reach a certain point in their evolution. They are tested, and in South Park’s case, it was criminal that they agreed to harbor and sell their divinity for space cash, which does not even exist in the first place. This is just like our money being yet again another illusion. This South Park episode depicts them and us trading our divinity in for cash. What a lousy deal! Oh, would you like my wings and freedom too? (See my poem Wings for a Flashy Necklace.) Oh baby, I am going to rich! Oh goody! Ain’t life a blast? The Illuminati can be seen as the criminals who came here testing our integrity and honesty and seeing if we will sell out each other for a fool’s short-lived victory. It is like Natasha Bedingfield says in her song Pirate Bones:
I could carry on telling you wanna hear
'til my voice is gone
But if I finally get to the place that I think is home
And I don't belong
What's the point in it?
Where's the benefit?
When I'm gaining all but I'm losing it
It's not worth having
If it's too much to hold
You can dig so deep
That you're left with a hole
Thirsty in a desert with a bag full of gold
Don't wanna end up like pirate bones
What I thought was precious was just a pile o' stones
I might have the treasure but I'd be lying alone
Just a pile of pirate bones
If I forfeit my soul it ain't worth having
If it's something I stole it ain't worth having
What if I stake everything I am on a dream
And it's counterfeit?
If I reach the end that justifies the means
Could I live with it?
And if it's true that having too much of any good thing
Could only make me sick
What's the point in it
Where's the benefit
When I'm gaining all but I'm losing it
It's not worth that much to me
If losing out is what it means
To swim in shallow victory
Is empty, empty
It's just not worth the price
It's only a fool’s paradise
If it's draining every drop of life 'til I'm dry like pirate bones
We must be in honor and awareness at all times. We need to show that we can take care of ourselves, each other, and this planet so that when they do lift the quarantine, we will not do the same thing on other worlds. It is called responsibility. I write my blogs to let people not only know of my journey but also for me to share my innermost thoughts. I also want to be held accountable at all times because I have many witnessing who will hold me to the things I say and do. Where we are heading or awakening to, it is important to have the right intent. If we think about tricking or exploiting people at all, then we are really only tricking and exploiting ourselves. It is time to break the pattern of insanity of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
When the quarantine is lifted, you will not need to just go and take off on ETs as most of you already have your own beamships—if that is a way you choose to travel. But this way is not really necessary as you can just take your body and go. (It is possible to travel to other worlds in consciousness, as we do in dreams every night. A few can even do this while consciously awake, as remote viewers and astral travelers have shown.) In the Ringing Cedars books, Anastasia shares why many of the planets and stars are vacant. It is because they are being reserved for us to have our own world to create with our loved one and our children. Like Jewel says in one of her songs called Father’s Daughter, “Soon I’d be another star in the sky’s constellation.” You are now ready to expand your parents’ empire in co-creation. Feel free to paint with the canvas of stars and worlds. We will be able to go out to the other worlds and help other races with our degree in “problemsolveology.” We are familiar with the term of hundredth monkey effect on Earth, but let’s expand that out to the universe as well as in the Avatar way of doing things. There is a watcher watching out of us, and when we learn something that can help life, we step away from our telescopes and tell the others of our new discovery. Then all the other watchers can experience life through other forms.
Maybe this gives you a better idea why I like to say every life we have ever lived has prepared us for this one. This life is where we live and become aware of every other life. Now that is some serious multitasking. And now you know why I am totally and utterly in love with humanity. Now you know how beautiful and awesome you actually are and why I dedicate my life to you in service.
I have often said, “If you only could see what I see when I look at you.” Then people have often come back and asked, “Well, what do you see?” Well, now you know.
I am grateful for all your letters and warmth. Thank-you so very much for being you. In a love that transcends the illusion of time and space, I remain–
We are the answer to our prayers.
All mystical things aside, what is most important to me and what I value most is kindness and equality. That is the most important thing and what matters most.